How to let only certain people test interal itunes connect testing - app-store-connect

So this seems rather dumb I have to ask seeing as it's all over the itunes connect page. But my question is rather simple. I want to release a test flight version out but only allow certain people access to it. We need to test things on our dev server but don't want ALL of our testers using the dev server (they would get confused). When I go to Test Flight --> iOS --> (click on version) --> There's a Groups tab. And it lists the groups for this build to test on... okay. That's fine. Except there's no way to delete a group. I just want to submit a built to test flight and just allow certain people access to it. Is this possible?
Screenshot of what im talking about

Create a group for those specific users, and add their emails to the group. Make sure the group is selected in the left sidebar, by default it will show the list of users you just added...
But above the list you can choose the builds tab. Tap that and you will see this...
Tap the + sign and choose the build that you want to share with this group of users. If this is the first time you have shared this version of the app it may have to be approved for Beta testing by Apple.


How do I extract user details for Bloomberg Desktop API connection?

If you type IAM <GO> in the terminal you'll be shown the UserID, UUID, CLID etc.
Is it possible to extract this information through blpapi when using the Desktop API to connect via BBComm? I've seen references to Identity and populating that by sending an AuthorizationRequest but it appears that's only relevant for SAPI/B-PIPE.
To the best of my knowledge and after asking a couple of Bloomberg reps - this isn't possible. The best work around which I've found is: each user creates an EQS screen called their UUID. Add some filtering which causes this screening to return nothing. Then the application, upon start up, requests all possible UUIDs as EQS screens and stops when it doesn't get back an error - that's the UUID.
This is a dirty, dirty hack and, granted, this only works if you have few distinct users using your system. You don't want to ask may users to create such a screen and probably don't want to iterate over thousands of EQS screen names.
There is a "SID report" which is provide together with monthly invoices from Bloomberg which contains the UUIDs for users - this can be used to look up existing users but when setting up a brand new account you have to manually copy this information out of the terminal.

How do I access Shopify data without advanced account?

All I'm wanting to do is track sales of certain products from a certain date. My company is wanting to add a banner to track sales goals for raising money for charities. So basically, we'd tag a few products as being part of that goal, set a goal, and then need to update the goal progress by a certain amount every time a sale is made on one of those products. As far as I can tell, without access to Shopify's analytics API, this is not possible. How can I do this?
What you want to build is perfectly possible. However, you need to generate Private App Credentials, so you can use Shopify API. It doesn't matter if you have an account by yourself, someone else can follow these steps and send you the credentials your way.
If you don't actually need to modify anything through the API, you could have them set a webhook (Settings -> Notifications -> Webhook) on Order Creation (or similar) that posts to your server and you can check what product got sold and see if it has got the tag.
The "easy" way to do this is to create an app that receives order webhooks and can check on tagged products and keep a sum of target items sold.
Then the app should have use a script tag to insert a simple script with the current value into the web page at a configured place by css selector
OR the app could update one or more snippet files that you could include until the promo is done.
I'd tend to go with the script tag option since that's a bit more flexible and you should be able to change your theme when the promo is over to report results without having to touch the app again.

if it possible send build via beta-crashlytics for testers in different time

I use beta-crashlytics for deliver app to testers.I have few group of users and i want to deliver build in different time for them: to tester group asap, to customers group after testing. But can't find this settings in beta . Does anybody knows if it possible use different settings of delivering build for different groups?

How to delete all companies or contacts?

I'm using the free HubSpot CRM for now. I wrote some scraping code and through the API added over 17k companies and 4k contacts.
There were some errors due to an incomplete understanding of some of the API calls and now I'd like to wipe everything out and start over.
I realize I could run the "Get Recently Created Companies" and for each of the 20 it returns run the delete company API call, then loop it until no companies exist, however this seems like something I shouldn't have to write code to accomplish.
I checked the Academy but the examples showed an interface that didn't match what I see, so it's either outdated or meant for a different version of HubSpot than I have. Didn't find much on Google either.
Anyone else know of an easy solution for this?
HubSpot developer here. I just checked with the folks who run the Contacts and Companies APIs – the best option you have right now is to contact support.
I know that's not the answer you're looking for. We're working on improving things, but it's not there yet.
Ran into this issue myself, needing to delete 8k test the marketing team had generated when we were still playing around with features. Had to reach out to customer support a few times to get the answer as it's not at all intuitive.
On this help page they say that you can mass delete contacts by adding them to a list, using Select All, and then Delete. This doesn't work in cases such as mine though as the pagination only allows you to see up to 100 contacts at a time.
The secret step for now is that you have to go down to the bottom right corner and click on "View the old list manager" (black square button with two arrows that's just to the side of the Help button). In this view Select All really does select every contact in the list so that you can perform a batch delete (or other action) on them all at once.
Create new list with rules to add the Contacts you want to delete
Switch to the old list manager view (button on bottom right)
Select All
Tell the confirmation box that yes, you really know what you're doing
Hopefully HubSpot will update their help docs soon and re-add the ability to really select all list items in the new view before they completely remove the option to switch back the old view.

How to get notified with any new issue created in YouTrack?

We have like 10 projects in our YouTrack installation. I want a new team colleague to get notified everytime a new issue is created for one specific project.
Is there something like project manager role? Or do I have to make a custom search and subscribe to it?
Actually, the both options are possible.
You can make your college a project lead. To do this you should go to this particular project settings (/editProject/) and choose this person in Project lead dropdown. In this case a special saved search Unassigned in <Project> is created and the person is subscribed to notifications about created issues in this search.
However, the disadvantage of this solution is that you can have only one project lead per project. So, if you want several people to get such notifications, you can make a similar saved search (with a search line like project: <id> #Unassigned) and subscribe each user for this search - go to their profiles, select Filters and Notifications tab, find this saved search in saved searches list and check corresponding on issue created checkbox.