How to get notified with any new issue created in YouTrack? - youtrack

We have like 10 projects in our YouTrack installation. I want a new team colleague to get notified everytime a new issue is created for one specific project.
Is there something like project manager role? Or do I have to make a custom search and subscribe to it?

Actually, the both options are possible.
You can make your college a project lead. To do this you should go to this particular project settings (/editProject/) and choose this person in Project lead dropdown. In this case a special saved search Unassigned in <Project> is created and the person is subscribed to notifications about created issues in this search.
However, the disadvantage of this solution is that you can have only one project lead per project. So, if you want several people to get such notifications, you can make a similar saved search (with a search line like project: <id> #Unassigned) and subscribe each user for this search - go to their profiles, select Filters and Notifications tab, find this saved search in saved searches list and check corresponding on issue created checkbox.


How to let only certain people test interal itunes connect testing

So this seems rather dumb I have to ask seeing as it's all over the itunes connect page. But my question is rather simple. I want to release a test flight version out but only allow certain people access to it. We need to test things on our dev server but don't want ALL of our testers using the dev server (they would get confused). When I go to Test Flight --> iOS --> (click on version) --> There's a Groups tab. And it lists the groups for this build to test on... okay. That's fine. Except there's no way to delete a group. I just want to submit a built to test flight and just allow certain people access to it. Is this possible?
Screenshot of what im talking about
Create a group for those specific users, and add their emails to the group. Make sure the group is selected in the left sidebar, by default it will show the list of users you just added...
But above the list you can choose the builds tab. Tap that and you will see this...
Tap the + sign and choose the build that you want to share with this group of users. If this is the first time you have shared this version of the app it may have to be approved for Beta testing by Apple.

Request for Existing Source Code on Defect Trend App

I started modifying/developing Rally apps about a week ago using the existing Rally apps provided on the Github repository so far. However, for one of my final tasks I've been asked to recreate a tailored Defect Trend Report App and unfortunately, the source code is not available for the App. I tried to start from scratch but I've ran into numerous errors and am a bit overwhelmed.
I was wondering if anyone had the src code for the app or knew of a way to extract the src code from the existing app. Of course if there is custom code that an individual has worked on that could also help me progress in this process and wouldn't mind sharing it, that'd also help a ton.
I saw that there were a few snippets that could be used from the Hackathon repo, but they're not quite on the mark of what I want to do with the app. I'm just trying to have the existing app filtered by delivery versions (currently filtered by iteration/release).
All help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks fellas!
There is an example of a 'bare metal' chart app in the App SDK 2.0 docs. It should give you the basics on how to do a chart.To get to it, go to the help pages (click on avatar in top right corner) and search for "Rally App SDK"
After that, you need to work out how to select defects from the various releases and do a count of each. There are two ways to do this:
Get all defects in the project you are in (don't forget whether you need to scope down to child projects too) and then do something like _.uniq() on the release field to find the list of releases (or do another request to get all the releases into a different store and use that for names and a count).
Get the releases and then for each release request the related defects.
If you do ask for child projects, you will need to handle all the scenarios of different releases for different projects - can get complicated!
#1 is effectively one big fetch, #2 may be many smaller ones.
You may want to decide whether to count all defects, sum the estimates, ignore those not finished, etc., etc.

How to remove business process flow

Accordint to this blog one can hide the business process flows. I'm trying to follow it but there's no flows defined for my opportunity (according to the list).
I'd like to "delete" the flow for Opportunity entity (or at least affect it somehow to display different steps/different number of steps). The reason is that we'll be migrating from an older version and they've got a picklist with percentages of the deal being done. Not sure how to map it onto the Opportunity in 2013 and even if, I'm not sure the client'd like it.
Is it at all possible to remove business process flow from Opportunity in CRM 2013?
When I do follow the guide and fool around with all flows, I get to remove the one for Opportunity but then I'm shown the error message as in the image below. So I'm assuming that it's not the correct approach. Or did the blogger referred to in the first paragraph cheat and took his screenshot after closing the warning? :)
The blogger in the blog is using the earlier version of Dynamics CRM than yours. Newer versions of Dynamics CRM will show the above warning.
Beside one way in the blog, there are a couple of way to show/hide Business Process Flow:
use Javascript to set the display attribute of process bar element:
function hideBusinessProcessFlow()
document.getElementById('header_process_d').style.display = "none";
function showBusinessProcessFlow()
document.getElementById('header_process_d').style.display = "block";
Please note that this is unsupported customization.
Update processid and stageid fields of the record. Use update these fields with Javascript or writing a plugin/workflow to do this.
Have a look at this solution:
In your case, you just need to update processid and stageid fields to null, then the annoying warning will disappear.
Good luck!
Are you looking at the complete list of Processes under Customisations? If you're looking at an unmanaged solution it won't appear unless it's been added to that solution. It's in there OOB and called Opportunity Sales Process, I just deactivated it on a clean org. No need to delete it, just deactivate it or edit as required.
There are two things that can be done for any business process flow in MS CRM:
Deactivate BPF
Delete BPF
In order to remove Business Process Flow (BPF) from existing records, it is not enough to just deactivate BPF. Even when we deactivate BPF, records that are associated with it will still show BPF with warning message that it is deactivated.
It is true, if you delete BPF from Processes in MS Dynamics CRM, they will be removed (not showed) from the records that were associated with that BPF. However, what if you do not want to delete default BPFs, like those related to sales process on system entities (Leads, Opportunities and Accounts)? What if you want to hide these default system BPF from default system entity (i.e. Opportunity)?
In this case you need to write plugin/workflow activity to remove association of the entity record from BPF.
See my GitHub example how to do this
This MS CRM community post is also useful:
Remove business Process Flow from Account

Retrieving related content between two sitefinity modules

Before I ask my question, i like to make clear what I am trying to achieve.
I have two modules i created in Sitefinity "Jobs" and "CareHomes". The CareHomes module contains fields such as "Address" , "Location" and several other information that identifies the CareHome while the Jobs module is meant to allow the client post jobs for CareHomes.
I also have a classification field/taxonomy which is also called carehomes this taxonomy is just a list of all the CareHomes operated by the client. This taxonomy field is available in both the CareHomes module and Jobs module
Now this is my problem: I want the to display information from the CareHomes module such as "Address" "Location" in the Jobs widget. That is I want a situation where when the client fills the Jobs module form and selects for example "Carehome1" in the carehomes taxonomy,I want to be able to retrieve the "address" information from the CareHomes that also has the same "Carehome1" taxonomy selected.
I know this is a forum with many professionals and my question may come across to some as silly, however I would appreciate if you are nice in answering my question or pointing me to a helpful resource because I am a newbie to Sitefinity and have only just started using it for about a few weeks.
You have a couple options, if you're stuck on 6.3 you might want to look at a dynamic items field control for the Jobs module that allows you to associate a Job to a CareHome. You can create the field using Sitefinity's Visual Studio plugin called Thunder and add it to your Jobs module. More info here. You would then have to use the api to find the associated CareHome information in your Jobs widget. There is boilerplate code to look this stuff up in module builder under Administration -> Module Builder -> {You Module} -> Code Reference, but it can be a pain.
The other option that I haven't used yet but saw in Sitefinity's last webinar is only available in Sitefintiy 7 and its the new Related Data field that is available to all custom content items and most built in content types. So you'd have to do an upgrade but the the api for getting related items appears to be much easier to work with, information on that is here and the webinar that shows the new features of Sitefinity 7 is here

YouTrack: How to set user's email notification for any activity in any project

How can I set up a saved search on which I can make a user receive notifications for any type of status change on items in any project, or if that's not possible, in any project in which he's simply a member (doesn't need to have reported the item, or have had it assigned to him)?
The 'for:' and 'by:' filters don't seem to give me the capability to set up something like this. Is this possible, to have a sort of 'Super-Watcher' that gets email updates on everything?
I'm self-hosting the free version of YouTrack (4.2.4, build #6055 [24-Jun-2013 20:37]).
Create a saved search with a query like
State:Open or State:-Open
This query will match any issue in any project that's visible to the user.