use WorksheetFunction with ctrl shift enter in VBA excel - vba

I want to write a VBA code to find matching cell based on given value without considering Text and Number.
We can do it in Excel like this: =match("*207*", C:C & "",0) with pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
But in VBA the code pos = WorksheetFunction.Match(lookup_value, lookup_range & "", 0) doesn't work.
Is there any solution?

lookup_range & "" wont work in VBA, because you cannot concatenate a String to a Range object nor to an Array. Use Evaluate instead:
pos=Sheet1.Evaluate("match(""*207*"", C:C & """",0)")
To use the variables in the evaluation, this:
pos = Application.Evaluate("MATCH(""*" & lookup_value & "*""," & _
lookup_range.Address(External:=True) & "& """",0)")


Formatting a Formula in a String VBA

I have a script that needs to place a formula into a cell but I'm getting a 1004 error from the first part I am sure I formatted something wrong. I had difficulty with the " marks in the string but got those worked out so I'm figuring I'm missing something else. The cells are also unprotected.
Worksheets(CurSheet + 1).Range("D" & Y).Value = "=IF(D52=1,0,IF(C52=" & """Saturday""" & ",0,'" & CurSheet & "!C" & Y & "))"
This is the section that gives the error. If it is removed code works.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong with this part.
It looks like you're using CurSheet as a sheet index number and as a sheet name.
The index number just returns the relative position of the sheet in the workbook while the name is what you see on the sheet tab (there's also the CodeName but I won't go into that here).
Although I don't fully understand what you're after this code will place a formula on the sheet identified with the sheet index number, so if CurSheet= 1(+1) it will place the formula on the second sheet.
The formula itself will reference the name of the sheet that is before the sheet that the formula appears on (so if the formula is on the second sheet, the formula will reference the first sheet).
Sub Test()
Dim Y As Long
Dim CurSheet As Long
Y = 1
CurSheet = 1
Worksheets(CurSheet + 1).Range("D" & Y).Formula = _
"=IF(D52=1,0,IF(C52=" & """Saturday""" & ",0,'" & Worksheets(CurSheet).Name & "'!C" & Y & "))"
End Sub
Hope I made that clear enough. :)
You need to declare that you are inputting a formula, not a value:
Worksheets(CurSheet + 1).Range("D" & Y).Value
Worksheets(CurSheet + 1).Range("D" & Y).Formula

insert formula with vba into excel

I need to add this formula into a range of rows via VBA
=WENN(ISTNV(VERWEIS(2;1/(Januar!A1:A99&"*"&Januar!B1:B99=A16&"*"&B16);Januar!D:D));" ";VERWEIS(2;1/(Januar!A1:A99&"*"&Januar!B1:B99=A16&"*"&B16);Januar!D:D))
its german, but the only thing that matters, is that i need to replace the 16 with the loop variable i
For i = 17 To Rows.Count
Cells(14, i).FormulaLocal = "=WENN(ISTNV(VERWEIS(2;1/(Januar!A1:A99&"*"&Januar!B1:B99=A"&i"&""*""&B""&i"");Januar!D:D));"" "";VERWEIS(2;1/(Januar!A1:A99&""*""&Januar!B1:B99=A""i""&""*""&B""i"");Januar!D:D))"
I read some articles but i doesnt seem to work :/
The formula string is a string literal enclosed in double quotes ". We can concatenate variables into that string using &. We can have double quotes within the string if we do escaping them by duplicating.
Dim s as String
Dim i as Integer
i = 123
s = "Test " & i & " Test"
s = "Test """ & i & """ Test"
In your special case the additional difficulty is that you have not only & as the concatenating operator in VBA but also within the formula string. This leads to confusion. I recommend to create the formula string first within a string variable. So you can Debug.print this string and check.
For i = 17 To Rows.Count
sFormula = "=WENN(ISTNV(VERWEIS(2;1/(Januar!A1:A99&""*""&Januar!B1:B99=A" & i & "&""*""&B" & i & ");Januar!D:D));"" "";VERWEIS(2;1/(Januar!A1:A99&""*""&Januar!B1:B99=A" & i & "&""*""&B" & i & ");Januar!D:D))"
Debug.Print sFormula
Cells(i, 14).FormulaLocal = sFormula
Btw.: Within Cells the first parameter is the row index and the second parameter is the column index. So according to your code (i is the row number) it should be Cells(i, 14).
Btw.: I recommend not to use FormulaLocal but Formula and the English function names and English formula notation (comma as the parameter delimiter instead of semicolon). This will be more locale independent.
Axel gave you the solution
building on it you may want to adopt FomulaLocalR1C1 property to simplify your formula:
for instance:
=A" & i & "&""*""&B" & i
would become:
"=RC1 & ""*"" & RC2"
in such a scenario you'd have to turn all range references to R1C1 notation so that:

convert numeric to alphanumeric excel cell reference

How can I convert from numeric to alphanumeric cell references? For example, I have the numeric row,col(0,1) and I want to convert to a standard MS Excel alphanumeric col,row(B,1)? I'm sorry, but I don't know the proper terminology to describe different cell references.
I want to write VB.NET code with numeric cell references so my code can iterate but convert to alphanumeric so I can insert formulas into my spreadsheet.
To convert from a numerical column designator to a alphabetic designator, consider:
Sub qwerty()
n = 134
s = Cells(1, n).Address(0, 0)
MsgBox Left(s, Len(s) - 1)
End Sub
For a function to perform the conversion:
Public Function ColumnId(N As Long) As String
s = Cells(1, N).Address(0, 0)
ColumnId = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)
End Function
If you want to get the full address. Then you can just use the .Address property of a range.
If you want to separate the row and column then you can split the address into the individual parts using Split on the $.
Sub RangeAddressTest()
Dim cell As Range
Dim fullAddress As String
Dim rowAddress As String, columnAddress As String
Dim detailsArray As Variant
'select your cell
Set cell = ActiveSheet.Cells(30, 25)
fullAddress = cell.Address
detailsArray = Split(fullAddress, "$")
columnAddress = detailsArray(1)
rowAddress = detailsArray(2)
MsgBox "Full Address: " & fullAddress _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Column Address: " & columnAddress _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Row Address: " & rowAddress
End Sub
Thanks for your answers to my question, both seem like they should work but while looking around I found a very simple answer from the Aspose forum that gets the job done with two lines of code. Thanks for your ideas - I learn more by seeing different ways of getting to the same solution.
Aspose Forum:
As per my understanding, you wish to get the cells reference in the syntax of "A1" (Cell Name). You may consider using the following code snippet that returns the alphanumeric cell reference for cell[0,0].
Dim r As Integer = 0, c As Integer = 0
Dim Cell As String = CellsHelper.ColumnIndexToName(c) + (r + 1)

macro: if radio button on then copy formula down a range

My prob is this:
I want to be able to use a macro to copy & calculate formula down a range of cells if radio button is on.
But I don't know how to set the variable inside the formula. The macro below should copy the formula to ranges shown (I12:I252, K12:K252, M12:M252).
The formula itself includes a subtraction of two cells in the range of C12:C252 & B12:B252. I cannot seem to reference those cells. I thinks that's the problem...
Anyway, it doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dim shp1 As Shape
Dim shp2 As Shape
Dim i As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set shp1 = Worksheets("Worksheet").Shapes("Button 1")
Set shp2 = Worksheets("Worksheet").Shapes("Button 2")
If shp1.ControlFormat.Value = xlOn Then
MsgBox "Auto Calculating"
For i = 12 To 252
Range("I" & i).Formula = "=IFERROR(((C & i)-(B & i))*I6/(E7-E6);"")"
Range("K" & i).Formula = "=IFERROR(((C & i)-(B & i))*J6/(E7-E6);"")"
Range("M" & i).Formula = "=IFERROR(((C & i)-(B & i))*K6/(E7-E6);"")"
Next i
If shp2.ControlFormat.Value = xlOn Then
MsgBox "Manually insert calculation"
End If
End If
Few improvements:
Replace the ; in your formulas with ,. ; is your local
setting, but .Formula uses the English setting!
If you want to refer to each column, you need place the i outside the quoatation marks, i.e. instead of =IFERROR(((C & i)... write =IFERROR(((C" & i & ")...
No need to loop each cell and set the formula. If you use $ in your formula properly, you can replace all with one formula: =IFERROR(($C12-$B12)*I$6/($E$7-$E$6),"")
Better use .FormulaR1C1 - this way, your formula will also work, when you would applied it to some other range. To easily convert a formula, type it normally into a cell and the run ? Selection.FormulaR1C1in the VBA Immediate Window. The above formula translates to =IFERROR((RC3-RC2)*R6C/(R7C5-R6C5),"")
Don't hard code cell references (in your case I12:K252). Better assign this range to a named range and use this as a reference. This way, your code will also work if you later add/remove rows or columns.
Don't use On Error Resume Next! This is a invitation to oversee an error that should be fixed
Optional: Alternatively to accessing the controls directly in VBA, you can also assign each one to a cell, name this cell as in step 4 and refer to in by this name. Makes your code more flexible/less complex!
So all in all, I end up with:
Public Sub YourSub()
If Range("SwitchOne") Then
Range("YourRange").FormulaR1C1 = _
If Range("SwitchTwo") Then
MsgBox "Manually insert calculation"
End If
End If
End Sub

How do I get a range's address including the worksheet name, but not the workbook name, in Excel VBA?

If I have a Range object--for example, let's say it refers to cell A1 on a worksheet called Book1. So I know that calling Address() will get me a simple local reference: $A$1. I know it can also be called as Address(External:=True) to get a reference including the workbook name and worksheet name: [Book1]Sheet1!$A$1.
What I want is to get an address including the sheet name, but not the book name. I really don't want to call Address(External:=True) and try to strip out the workbook name myself with string functions. Is there any call I can make on the range to get Sheet1!$A$1?
Only way I can think of is to concatenate the worksheet name with the cell reference, as follows:
Dim cell As Range
Dim cellAddress As String
Set cell = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1)
cellAddress = cell.Parent.Name & "!" & cell.Address(External:=False)
Modify last line to :
cellAddress = "'" & cell.Parent.Name & "'!" & cell.Address(External:=False)
if you want it to work even if there are spaces or other funny characters in the sheet name.
Split(cell.address(External:=True), "]")(1)
Ben is right. I also can't think of any way to do this. I'd suggest either the method Ben recommends, or the following to strip the Workbook name off.
Dim cell As Range
Dim address As String
Set cell = Worksheets(1).Cells.Range("A1")
address = cell.address(External:=True)
address = Right(address, Len(address) - InStr(1, address, "]"))
The Address() worksheet function does exactly that. As it's not available through Application.WorksheetFunction, I came up with a solution using the Evaluate() method.
This solution let Excel deals with spaces and other funny characters in the sheet name, which is a nice advantage over the previous answers.
Evaluate("ADDRESS(" & rng.Row & "," & rng.Column & ",1,1,""" & _
rng.Worksheet.Name & """)")
returns exactly "Sheet1!$A$1", with a Range object named rng referring the A1 cell in the Sheet1 worksheet.
This solution returns only the address of the first cell of a range, not the address of the whole range ("Sheet1!$A$1" vs "Sheet1!$A$1:$B$2"). So I use it in a custom function:
Public Function AddressEx(rng As Range) As String
Dim strTmp As String
strTmp = Evaluate("ADDRESS(" & rng.Row & "," & _
rng.Column & ",1,1,""" & rng.Worksheet.Name & """)")
If (rng.Count > 1) Then
strTmp = strTmp & ":" & rng.Cells(rng.Count) _
.Address(RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=True)
End If
AddressEx = strTmp
End Function
The full documentation of the Address() worksheet function is available on the Office website:
I found the following worked for me in a user defined function I created. I concatenated the cell range reference and worksheet name as a string and then used in an Evaluate statement (I was using Evaluate on Sumproduct).
For example:
Function SumRange(RangeName as range)
Dim strCellRef, strSheetName, strRngName As String
strCellRef = RangeName.Address
strSheetName = RangeName.Worksheet.Name & "!"
strRngName = strSheetName & strCellRef
Then refer to strRngName in the rest of your code.
You may need to write code that handles a range with multiple areas, which this does:
Public Function GetAddressWithSheetname(Range As Range, Optional blnBuildAddressForNamedRangeValue As Boolean = False) As String
Const Seperator As String = ","
Dim WorksheetName As String
Dim TheAddress As String
Dim Areas As Areas
Dim Area As Range
WorksheetName = "'" & Range.Worksheet.Name & "'"
For Each Area In Range.Areas
' ='Sheet 1'!$H$8:$H$15,'Sheet 1'!$C$12:$J$12
TheAddress = TheAddress & WorksheetName & "!" & Area.Address(External:=False) & Seperator
Next Area
GetAddressWithSheetname = Left(TheAddress, Len(TheAddress) - Len(Seperator))
If blnBuildAddressForNamedRangeValue Then
GetAddressWithSheetname = "=" & GetAddressWithSheetname
End If
End Function
Shows External Address, Full Address
The best way I found to do this is to use the following code:
Dim SelectedCell As String
'This message Box allows you to select any cell on any sheet and it will return it in the format of =worksheetname!$A$X" where X is any number.
SelectedCell = Application.InputBox("Select a Cell on ANY sheet in your workbook", "Bookmark", Type:=8).Address(External:=True)
SelectedCell = "=" & "'" & Right(SelectedCell, Len(SelectedCell) - Len("[" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "]") - 1)
'Be sure to modify Sheet1.Cells(1,1) with the Sheet and cell you want to use as the destination. I'd recommend using the Sheets VBA name.
Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Value = SelectedCell
How it works;
By Clicking on the desired cell when the message box appears. The string from "Address(External:=True)" (i.e ['[Code Sheet.xlsb]Settings'!$A$1) is then modified to remove the full name of the worksheet([Code Sheet.xlsb]).
Using the previous example it does this by taking the "Len" of the full length of;
[Code Sheet.xlsb]Settings'!$A$1 and subtracts it with the Len of ([Code Sheet.xlsb] -1). leaving you with Settings'!$A$1.
SelectedCell = "=" & "'" & Right(SelectedCell, Len(SelectedCell) - Len("[" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "]") - 1)
The Code then its and "='" to insure that it will be seen as a Formula (='Settings'!$A$1).
Im not sure if it is only on Excel on IOS but for some reason you will get an Error Code if you add the "='" in any other way than "=" & "'" as seen bellow.
SelectedCell = "=" & "'" & Right....
From here all you need is to make the program in the Sheet and cell you want your new formula in.
Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Value = SelectedCell
By Opening a new Workbook the full Code above will work as is.
This Code is Especially useful as changing the name of the workbook or the name of the sheet that you are selecting from in the message box will not result in bugs later on.
Thanks Everyone in the Forum before today I was not aware that External=True was a thing, it will make my coding a lot easier. Hope this can also help someone some day.
Why not just return the worksheet name with
address = cell.Worksheet.Name
then you can concatenate the address back on like this
address = cell.Worksheet.Name & "!" & cell.Address
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Range("A1:E10")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To rg.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rg.Columns.Count
rg.Cells(i, j).Value = rg.Cells(i, j).Address(False, False)
For confused old me a range
.Address(False, False, , True)
seems to give in format TheSheet!B4:K9
If it does not why the criteria .. avoid Str functons
will probably only take less a millisecond and use 153 already used electrons
about 0.3 Microsec
RaAdd=mid(RaAdd,instr(raadd,"]") +1)
'about 1.7 microsec
RaAdd= split(radd,"]")(1)
[edit on 2009-04-21]
As Micah pointed out, this only works when you have named that
particular range (hence .Name anyone?) Yeah, oops!
A little late to the party, I know, but in case anyone else catches this in a google search (as I just did), you could also try the following:
Dim cell as Range
Dim address as String
Set cell = Sheet1.Range("A1")
address = cell.Name
This should return the full address, something like "=Sheet1!$A$1".
Assuming you don't want the equal sign, you can strip it off with a Replace function:
address = Replace(address, "=", "")