Run Groovy Scripts in IntelliJ fails - intellij-idea

I can't run or debug Groovy scripts in IntelliJ. I'm getting the error: Error: Could not find or load main class Running scripts from cmd works propertly (I'm using groovyc and groovy command).
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument
import org.w3c.dom.Document
// load the PDF file using PDFBox
PDDocument pdf = PDDocument.load(new"file.pdf"))
// create the DOM parser
PDFDomTree parser = new PDFDomTree()
// parse the file and get the DOM Document
Document dom = parser.createDOM(pdf)

I missed depedency in my pom.xml file. Bug is resolved. Thanks All for your hints :)

Create Run Configuration (⌘N), and set the Module to the Module that contains all of your dependencies.

I had had the same problem until I did the next:
deleted the groovy from "Global Libraries" (Don't forget to click the 'Apply' button
screenshot how to delete groovy
Opened any groovy file, and click on "Configure Groovy SDK"
screenshot how to select groovy
Selected the folder with groovy installation (see on the screenshot above)
After all, I can run/debug my scripts from IDEA

Try to create you script not as Groovy class.
Use this way:
Ctrl + Shift + A -> Groovy Script -> Set script name


Is there any selenium/python script for the Screen Recording?

I want to record the screen by using selenium in python, I searched for these, but I only get results for java, and for the screenshots. Please let me know if there is any script by which I can record the screen.
you need record the whone screenshot? try this library
and try this code:
from clicknium import clicknium as cc, locator, ui
Try this, very popular framework for eg. java or python etc.
in cmd line : pip install allure-pytest
go here:
section 2.1. Installing a commandline
download the newest version for eg. windows
copy path of bin folder eg: D:\Drivers\allure-2.18.1\bin
and paste it to Environment Variables > find 'Path' and edit it> add new path with bin path.
to Your file:
import allure
from allure_commons.types import AttachmentType
and add it at the end of Your test in eg.: assertion statement
method_name = self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "xxx").text
if method_name == 'some text':
assert True
allure.attach(self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), name="test_name",
assert False
In IDE terminal or cmd do this:
pytest -v -s --alluredir="D:\projectPath\raport" Path/to/your/tests
then tests will be executed
in terminal do this to read raport wfrom test:
allure serve "D:\raport\Path"
with this allure framework You will have reports of tests with screenshots:

Geb/Spock Error- No reports dir has been configured, you need to set in the config file or via the build adapter

I have trouble running my functional test from IntelliJ IDE. When I run the functional test, I got the following error message:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No reports dir has been configured, you need to set in the config file or via the build adapter.
at geb.Browser.getReportGroupDir(Browser.groovy:899)
at geb.Browser.cleanReportGroupDir(Browser.groovy:932)
at geb.spock.GebSpec.methodMissing(GebSpec.groovy:56)
at geb.spock.GebReportingSpec.setupSpec(GebReportingSpec.groovy:37)
Based on my research, all I need to do is to add the following code in GebConfig.groovy:
reportsDir = new File("target/runtime_reports_dir")
I added the line to GebConfig.groovy and rebuild the project, but still running into the same issue. Is there any other fix to this error?
Adding reportsDir = 'target/geb-reports' to your GebConfig shoud fix this, can you show me your GebConfig file?
There is also another fix for it, your test class extends GebReportingSpec, you can chage it to GebSpec and it should also work.
I had this same issue, while having the reportsDir correctly configured in the GebConfig
Adding the resources folder (where my GebConfig is located) as "Test Sources Root" did the trick for me
To mark the folder as "Test Sources Root":
Right click in the folder
Mark Directory as
Test Sources Root
Happy testing!

Kotlin - Error: Could not find or load main class _DefaultPackage

I followed the Kotlin tutorial for eclipse here : Getting Started With Eclipse Luna
However, I'm running into this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class _DefaultPackage
Anyone who knows to get around this?
This was a severe bug (KT-10221) in automatic generation of Launch Configuration in plugin version 0.4.0. It was fixed in 0.5.0 so the recommendend way to workaround is to update plugin.
The source of the problem was that the plugin used an old pattern for generating name of the class for main function that had been abandoned by Kotlin compiler.
It's possible to workaround it by editing launch configuration (Eclipse Menu -> Run -> Run Configurations...) by hand and changing Main class field in Java Application group. If the file is named hello.kt with no package directive, as it is described in tutorial, than corrected string should be HelloKt.
If file has name other.kt with package my.tutorial than the Main Class should contain my.tutorial.HelloKt. You can read more about it in the section Package-Level Functions of Calling Kotlin From Java page.
I have been getting the same issue. And after putting the right compiler output path, it got resolved.
Go to Project -> Project Compiler output :
In the text box, fill this:
[Absolute Path]/{Project Name}/out
In my case I was having this problem while trying to run the program using the Application Gradle plugin. The problem was in the mainClassName property using single quotes instead of double ones
This didn't work:
mainClassName = 'demo.HelloWorldKt'
With double quotes, it works:
mainClassName = "demo.HelloWorldKt"
For me it worked after I installed the correct JDK. I first had JDK 11 but the tutorial I did was with JDK 8 so after I installed this and set it in the "installed JREs" options it found the main class without having any "mainClassName" or any other option in the build.gradle file.
For me, it worked in a fresh eclipse workspace. Possibly, the Kotlin eclipse plugin is not playing well with other plugins (in my case, PyDev).
I'm creating a Kotlin Application with JavaFX and I had this issue until I went to:
Run > Run Configurations > Java Application > Common
I unticked "Allocate console" and it fixed the issue.

Undefined step definitions in IntelliJ

I'm trying to follow this article to match Cucumber specs with step definitions in IntelliJ.
When I press Alt+Enter, I see Inspection 'Undefined Step' options. However, I should see the intention action Create Step Definition.
I thought I had the Cucumber IntelliJ plugin installed, so that shouldn't be a problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Turns out I had the Gherkin plugin but not the Cucumber for Java plugin.
I wasted around an hour to solve this. My issue was, Idea was able to navigate from feature to step file. But when I wanted to execute one cucumber test from feature file (Right click and Run Scenario), it was giving error as undefined steps.
Solution: In the Edit Configuration -> provide the Glue for the cucumber which should be absolute path till steps folder. Please see below screen shot
This fixed my problem of running feature file from Idea.
Hope this helps others.
Most probably you need to install the cucumber for java plugin, if already installed then you need to enable from File>>Settings>>pugins.
I had to uncheck the "Create separate module per source set" checkbox under the "Build, Execution, Deployment" -> "Build Tools" -> "Gradle" settings, and then rebuild the project.
"Undefined" step error message would appear if you import a new BDD project.
This error could appear due to two reasons.
If you have not installed the "Cucumber for Java" plugin.
If you import any BDD projects then it will not detect step definition file.
1. If the plugin is not found then you need to install from the below location.
File->Settings->Plugins->MarketPlace->Cucumber for Java
2. After Importing the project disable the plugin and enable once again in the Installed section under Installed.
For me there was a collision between Sidesteps plugin and Cucumber plugin in Intellij and as a result *.feature file extension was taken over by the Sidesteps plugin and was expecting Sidesteps step definitions ignoring Cucumber step definitions. No clue what Sidesteps actually is. So went to IntelliJ settings and reassigned the *.feature extension to Cucumber Scenario type and then everything worked fine and Cucumber steps are recognized by Intellij now.
I had the same issue where all of a sudden my feature to step definition glue was missing. All i did was goto Run->Edit Configurations->and removed the cucumber java
configuration and restarted IntelliJ. it worked fine.
I found that even with the Cucumber for Java plugin installed it was still generating only one step. I eventually uninstalled the Cucumber for Java plugin and reinstalled it and all step definitions were generated.
The issue was fixed after updating the Intelij to the latest version and after updating the cucumber and gherkin intelij plugins
Me not help not one of suggestions above.
But i find if you start one test from runner the problem goes on (it is worked if you have runner for some tests( Runner is class that have line #CucumberOptions(
features = "src/test/resources/stability_*****_features/",
glue = "steps"
And may be the next line in config helped you^
in configurations i put line: --plugin
in Programm arguments line - it help me
If still not working, you can add runner class
add -> runner package -> Main Runner class
-runner - Create this package
#CucumberOptions(features = {"classpath:features"}, glue = {"stepDefinition"},
monochrome = false,dryRun = false)
public class MainRunner extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {
That is it. Just run this class first. Right mouse click and Run'MainRunner'
Then it will work if you just go back and run Scenarios as well
I had the same issue and was resolved by going to Run> Edit configuration> Before Launch then click on the add option "+" and add Build Project option.
enter image description here

Sublime Text 2 and ZF2 ... auto complete not works

I installed sublime text 2 with all php dependencies.
And also a package for code complete called sublimecodeintel.
There is not zf2 supported auto code complete.
For example, when I start writing
at each steps CTRL+Space does not give any subclasses of Form
or for example after this:
$testimonial = new \Application\Entity\Testimonial();
when I write this:
CTRL+Space shows a list but there is no methods listed from Testimonial php class.
Please help.
You might need to add the path to the ZF2 folder if they aren't in one of the project folders, or you could add a .codeintel/config file to your project root and add:
"PHP": {
"php": '/usr/bin/php',
"phpExtraPaths": ['path/to/ZF2'],
"phpConfigFile": 'php.ini'
So make sure you have the paths set up correctly, and it should work.
Also SublimeCodeIntels default mappings for autocomple is:
Linux: shift+ctrl+space
Mac: shift+super+space
Windows: shift+ctrl+space
Sublime Text 2 is not an IDE and so does not have autocomplete. You could try installing the SublimeCodeIntel package and see if that works for you.
Alternatively, consider NetBeans, PHPStorm, Zend Studio or Eclipse/PDT which are all IDEs that understand how to do auto complete with PHP.