Glassfish doctype description files missing - glassfish

In the glassfish-web.xml you have the doctype description file linked, like
This is downloaded and parsed by glassfish, when our application is deployed. is not available anymore so we changed to, but even that is not available anymore. Does anybody know, where to find the dtd's?
Maybe we could embed the dtd's as a permanent solution?

Your question is a little bit confusing because these files are actually NOT downloaded from the internet, this would mean that nobody could deploy anything without a connection to the internet.
The files are located in <YOUR_GLASSFISH_FOLDER>/glassfish/lib/dtds/
If you get an error message which says it can't locate the DTD to validate, you may have a formatting error in your XML file. Have a look at this question for more details.


Official bzip2 site is offline

Recently, I found out, that the official bzip page has changed ( I had a script, which took the source code from and compiled it. Now, the source code and all other stuff are not anymore on this site.
I found, that there is a possible copy of that code at
But I am unsure, if this is the real bzip2 code without any harmful changes. Is there another official site or another site, where I can download the official source code?
You may still access the source from web archives

Apache ignite download website is broken

I tried to go to the download location and download the binaries (or even the src)
I can see the link pointing to the following:[preferred]/[distdir]/1.6.0/
but I get 404 response
poking around the directory structure, I managed to find the real link :
still I suspect the official download links should be fixed.
In case this happens, choose a mirror using the 'Selected mirror' dropdown. The page should choose the closest mirror automatically and it works in most cases, but it's a bit buggy and sometimes you have to do this manually.

404 in RESPONSIVE FileManager's Java Large File Uploader

With SocialEngine's RESPONSIVE FileManager-based file uploader, itself a plugin component for the rich text editor, we are having a problem whereby when a user clicks "JAVA Upload (big size files)" the uploader frame loads a 404 error.
In the error log, the following line is the only indication I have for this problem:
So it's not immediately obvious what framework or plugin Responsive FileManager expects to encounter which it can't actually find, or for that matter, where it's looking to find it. (I have RTFM but there is nothing about configuring the Java uploader in the manual. I have also tried reading the dialog.php source code but I couldn't find anything particularly useful when I did so.)
It may perhaps be looking for the file wjhk.jupload.jar in the
directory. But I'm not sure why it can't find that file, or why it gets an error when it attempts to do so.
Surely I am not the only person to have this problem?
SocialEngine doesn't come with a Java uploader at all, and its largely advised against using java for file uploading on the web.
It sounds like work of a 3rd party plugin (that might be misconfigured?). Check all your plugin files and make sure they were all uploaded to your server. Its also possible that your host disallows .jar files as they tend to be vectors for abuse. So it is worth contacting them.
Finally, contact the original developer of the plugin with your issue.

where is's OpenRideServer.ear file located or generated?

I have downloaded the opensource code at in order to set up a rideshare server and associated services.
I am trying to find the ".ear" file that they talk about in the install manual.
does it have to be generated somehow from the downloaded source code?
It has to be generated either manually or through NetBeans. I haven't found out how to do it manually yet, but if you follow the NetBeans instructions you should be able to build it and run it. You might run into an error with the yui compressor where you just need to remove the ../ from the path to it in the configuration file. If you still have problems I may still be able to help.

symfony1.4-like symfony2 installation

symfony1.x followed a good standart that the whole framework lies somewhere outside and is available to any project. Today I started to read symfony2 documentation and actually downloaded the 'with vendors' 2.0.1 package which is presented on download page. After opening the package I was a bit surprised of what I've seen. But after looking around the package I found that the only folder I need is 'vendors' one - so I copied its content to my '...\lib\vendor\symfony2' folder (near '...\lib\vendor\symfony' and '...\lib\vendor\ext'). I added it to include path and proceed reading documentation. And then I found a problem - a command listed 'php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/HelloBundle --format=yml' produced simple questions. Did they miss to explain how to generate a project (structure, preconfiguration, command-line files, etc)? And what about '.bat' and '.sh' files?
Symfony2 is very, very different than symfony 1 - especially when it comes to the directory structure. You can't simply drop in the vendors dir and expect it to work. This page explains how to setup a new Symfony2 project.
I recommend you to forget Symfony... and to think with Symfony2 about another think completely different than S1.
Installation is really simple and you will need some advanced PHP knowledge just to understand how it works... But if you have worked with S1, I expect you will have not much problems :)