Using try except block in Odoo server action - odoo

I'm defining a server action in Odoo 10. Within this action I am trying to use the following code:
for data in datas:
inventory_level = int(data[context['inventory_level_column']].strip())
except TypeError:
However, I receive an error:
ValueError: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>: "name 'TypeError' is not defined"
Is it not possible to catch errors within the context of an Odoo server action? Why is TypeError not defined?

The code written on a server action is passed through to safe_eval method. There the __builtins__ are stripped and replaced (thus the exceptions.NameError class is removed.
You can check this behaviour on odoo/tools/ on the definition of safe_eval method. See globals_dict['__builtins__'] = _BUILTINS where _BUILTINS does not contain this exception.

Exception is the parent class of all exception classes, so if you want to catch exception then just specify top most parent class in except and in e you will get error message.
for data in datas:
inventory_level = int(data[context['inventory_level_column']].strip())
except Exception ,e:
print e


Is there a way I can access the attribute in an Attribute Error without parsing the string?

My python version is 3.6
I am trying to give a more helpful message on attribute errors in a CLI framework that I am building. I have the following code
Which produces the error AttributeError: 'CLIConfig' object has no attribute 'test_exension_config'
Perfect, however now I want to give a recommendation on the closest attribute match as the attributes are dynamically created from a yaml file.
input_menu: # "InputMenuConfig_instantiation_test"
So the closest attribute match would be test_extension_config.
Below is me catching the error and about to give a recommendation.
def __getattribute__(self, name) -> Any:
return super().__getattribute__(name)
except AttributeError as ae:
# chance to handle the attribute differently
attr = get_erroring_attr(ae)
closest_match = next(get_close_matches(attr, list(vars(self).keys())))
if closest_match: # probably will have some threshold based on 'edit distance'
return closest_match
# if not, re-raise the exception
raise ae
I am wanting to just receive the attribute
I can parse the args of AttributeError but I wanted to know if there was another way to access the actual attribute name that is erroring without parsing the message.
In other words, in the last code block I have a method get_erroring_attr(ae) that takes in the AttributeError.
What would be the cleanest definition of def get_erroring_attr(ae) that will return the erroring attribute?
So I did this and it works. I would just like to remove parsing as much as possible.
def __getattribute__(self, name) -> Any:
return super().__getattribute__(name)
except AttributeError as ae:
# chance to handle the attribute differently
attr = self.get_erroring_attr(ae)
closest_match = next(match for match in get_close_matches(attr, list(vars(self).keys())))
if closest_match: # probably will have some threshold based on 'edit distance'
print(CLIColors.build_error_string(f"ERROR: Did you mean {CLIColors.build_value_string(closest_match)}?"))
# if not, re-raise the exception
raise ae
def get_erroring_attr(self, attr_error: AttributeError):
message = attr_error.args[0]
_, error_attr_name = self.parse_attr_error_message(message)
return error_attr_name
def parse_attr_error_message(self, attr_err_msg: str):
parsed_msg = re.findall("'([^']*)'", attr_err_msg)
return parsed_msg
Which produces

Should i print error message in logs or inside exception or both?

I have this code in Scala:
logger.error("Repository does not exists or does not contains 'definitions' directory")
throw new FileNotFoundException("Repository does not exists or does not contains 'definitions' directory")
Should i write message twice? Or should i only log the error and throw empty exception?
It depends, use cases to use cases.
If your log statement is within dev-scope then there is no need to throw exception to the source/caller. you can log exception and silent it and return back useful message/code to source/caller.

How do you throw Lua error up?

Is it possible to throw a Lua error from a function to be handled by the script calling the function?
For example the following will throw an error at indicated comment
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
string.format(...) -- Error is indicated to be here
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil)
But what I would rather do is catch the error and throw out a custom error by the function caller
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
if pcall(function(...)
end) == false then
-- I want to throw a custom error to whatever is making the call to this function
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil) -- Want the error to start unwinding here
The intention being that in my actual use cases my functions would be more complicated and I would like to provide more meaningful error messages
The stack level of an error can be specified when throwing a new error
error("Error Message") -- Throws at the current stack
error("Error Message",2) -- Throws to the caller
error("Error Message",3) -- Throws to the caller after that
Usually, error adds some information about the error position at the beginning of the message. The level argument specifies how to get the error position. With level 1 (the default), the error position is where the error function was called. Level 2 points the error to where the function that called error was called; and so on. Passing a level 0 avoids the addition of error position information to the message.
Using the example given in the question
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
if pcall(function(...)
end) == false then
error("Function cannot format text",2)
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil) --Error appears here
Use the error function.
error("something went wrong!")
Catching an error is as simple as using pcall
--Error Somehow
local success,err = pcall(My_Error)
if not success then
Undoubtedly you're asking how this works. Well pcall runs a function in a protected thread (protected-call) and returns a bool, if it ran successfully, and a value (what it returned/the error).
Also don't think this means arguments to the function are impossible, simply pass them to pcall as well:
--Error Somehow
local success,err = pcall(My_Error, "hi")
if not success then
For more error handling control, see and

F#: UnitTest case failled

Consider i have a function like newConvert. I am sopposed to recieve an error for newCovertor("IL") . To generate this erorr: I used failwith "Invalid Input"
The erorr is :
System.Exception: Invalid Input
> at FSI_0160.inputChecker(FSharpList`1 numberList) in C:\Users\Salman\Desktop\coursework6input\itt8060-master\coursework6input\BrokenRomanNumbers\Library1.fs:line 140
at FSI_0160.newCovertor(String romanNumber) in C:\Users\Salman\Desktop\coursework6input\itt8060-master\coursework6input\BrokenRomanNumbers\Library1.fs:line 147
at <StartupCode$FSI_0165>.$FSI_0165.main#() in C:\Users\Salman\Desktop\coursework6input\itt8060-master\coursework6input\BrokenRomanNumbers\newtest.fs:line 32
Stopped due to error
I used FsUnit and Nunit, they are loaded and installed and working rightly.
Then I made a tes for it using
type ``Given a Roman number15 ``()=
member this.
``Whether the right convert for this number must be exist``()=
newCovertor("IL") |> should equal System.Exception
I cannot understand!! The function fails rightly, but the test does not accept it, so why??????
newCovertor does not produce a System.Execption - it throws it - so you never get to the should equal ... part
to catch the exception with FsUnit you have to wrap it as an action:
(fun () -> newCovertor("IL") |> ignore) |> should throw typeof<System.Exception>
also see the really good docs - there are quite a few ways to achieve this
The reason your version is not working is that NUnit will normaly mark a test as failed exactly when a exception is thrown inside the test-methods body - which you do.
If you wrap it in an action than the should throw can choose to execute this delayed action inside try ... match block to catch the expected exception and filter it out (or in this case throw an exception if there where none)
btw: just like in C#/ you can also use the ExpectedExceptionAttribute from NUnit on the method level if you like - this way the test-framework will handle it for you.

What is the standard code to check for valid/existing id in database-backed view in web2py?

In web2py, suppose I have the following url:
Which is backed by a view() function in the customer controller and displays the customer with id of 1 from a database.
In the view function I want to handle the following error cases:
No argument is passed (/customer/view/) -> raise 404
A non-integer argument is passed (/customer/view/apple) -> raise 404
An integer argument is passed but does not exist in database (/customer/view/999999) -> raise 404
An application error occurs such as cannot connect to database -> raise 500 exception
What is the standard/canonical/correct way to handle these cases in the controller function in way that returns the proper HTTP error? It's such a common scenario that I'd like to do it in a correct and succinct way every time.
This almost works except it doesn't distinguish between id not valid/existing errors and any other errors:
def view():
customer = db(, cast=int)).select()[0]
raise HTTP(404, 'Cannot find that customer')
return dict(customer=customer)
def view():
id = request.args(0, cast=int, otherwise=lambda: None)
customer = db( == id).select().first()
if not customer:
raise HTTP(404, 'Cannot find that customer' if id
else 'Missing/invalid customer ID')
return dict(customer=customer)
If the cast fails in request.args(), by default it will raise its own HTTP(404), but you won't have control over the message. So, you can instead use the otherwise argument to return None in that case. The database query will then return None if the arg is missing or a non-integer, or if the customer is not found in the database.