sql-to fetch reciprocal data - sql

I have a table in Oracle db, which contains data like this, a+b, b+a, c+d, d+c.
My question is, when a+b = b+a, how to fetch distinct records.
1000 87DIA4+BAJI204
1001 87DIA4+BIJI939
1002 87DIA4+C3IDI02
1003 87DIA4+C3IZI419
1004 BAJI204+87DIA4
1005 BIJI939+87DIA4
1006 C3IDI02+87DIA4
1007 C3IZI419+87DIA4

Write a sub-query which splits out the two elements from the CODE column. Then use a self-join to find the reciprocal pairs:
SQL> with cte as ( select pk
2 , substr(code, 1, instr(code, '+')-1) as str1
3 , substr(code, instr(code, '+')+1) as str2
4 from your_table)
5 select a.pk as a_pk
6 , b.pk as b_pk
7 , a.str1
8 , a.str2
9 from cte a
10 join cte b
11 on a.str1 = b.str2
12 and a.str2 = b.str1
13 where a.pk < b.pk
14 order by a_pk;
---------- ---------- ------------ ------------
1000 1004 87DIA4 BAJI204
1001 1005 87DIA4 BIJI939
1002 1006 87DIA4 C3IDI02
1003 1007 87DIA4 C3IZI419
4 rows selected.
The WHERE clause ensures the result set contains only one instance of each reciprocal pair.

If I understand your question, you may need something like this:
with yourTable(PK, CODE) as (
select '1000', '87DIA4+BAJI204' from dual union all
select '1001', '87DIA4+BIJI939' from dual union all
select '1002', '87DIA4+C3IDI02' from dual union all
select '1003', '87DIA4+C3IZI419' from dual union all
select '1004', 'BAJI204+87DIA4' from dual union all
select '1005', 'BIJI939+87DIA4' from dual union all
select '1006', 'C3IDI02+87DIA4' from dual union all
select '1007', 'C3IZI419+87DIA4' from dual
select least( substr(code, 1, instr(code, '+') -1), substr(code, instr(code, '+') +1)) as A,
greatest( substr(code, 1, instr(code, '+') -1), substr(code, instr(code, '+') +1)) as B
from yourTable
group by least( substr(code, 1, instr(code, '+') -1), substr(code, instr(code, '+') +1)),
greatest( substr(code, 1, instr(code, '+') -1), substr(code, instr(code, '+') +1))
that gives:
--------------- ---------------
87DIA4 BAJI204
87DIA4 BIJI939
87DIA4 C3IDI02
87DIA4 C3IZI419
The idea is to separate the values in each row and, for each row, evaluate the "smallest" and the "greatest" value. This way, you can use these results to group and get only one row A+B if you have A+B and B+A.

As Aleksej and APC both pointed out, you need to split the code into components. And I am pleased to see they both offered the "right" solution (rather than the "lazy" solution) - to split code, use standard string functions substr() and instr(), not regular expressions.
The solution below also splits the code, in the same way. I use that for a GROUP BY clause, to group together the rows you consider "duplicates". Then from each group I just pick the one with the lowest PK value. NOTE: your problem statement is incomplete, you didn't state WHICH row should be kept from each pair. (Or, more generally, what to do with them... if the requirement is different, the solution below can be adapted.)
In each group I select MIN(PK) - that is self-explanatory. Then, to pick up the CODE value that belongs to that PK, I use the FIRST function; see the documentation if you are not familiar with it. (Some developers aren't.)
This solution reads the base data just once, and there are no joins.
test_data ( pk, code ) as (
select 1000, '87DIA4+BAJI204' from dual
union all select 1001, '87DIA4+BIJI939' from dual
union all select 1002, '87DIA4+C3IDI02' from dual
union all select 1003, '87DIA4+C3IZI419' from dual
union all select 1004, 'BAJI204+87DIA4' from dual
union all select 1005, 'BIJI939+87DIA4' from dual
union all select 1006, 'C3IDI02+87DIA4' from dual
union all select 1007, 'C3IZI419+87DIA4' from dual
-- End of test data (not part of the solution!) SQL query begins BELOW THIS LINE.
select min(pk) as pk, min(code) keep (dense_rank first order by pk) as code
from test_data
group by least(substr(code, 1, instr(code, '+')-1), substr(code, instr(code, '+')+1)),
greatest(substr(code, 1, instr(code, '+')-1), substr(code, instr(code, '+')+1))
---- ---------------
1000 87DIA4+BAJI204
1001 87DIA4+BIJI939
1002 87DIA4+C3IDI02
1003 87DIA4+C3IZI419


How to query data which is not unique up to a certain point?

Basically the current conditions of the query are
WHERE data_payload_uri BETWEEN
And this gets all data for the year of 2021.
A sample of the data_payload_uri data looks like this:
What I would like to do is only query the rows where up until the last forward-slash, the row is NOT unique.
What this means, is I want to NOT query the rows which ONLY have one orig
but I DO want to query all the other rows
What is the best way to do this? Pls let me know if anything is unclear and thank you for any help
You can use the analytic COUNT function:
COUNT(DISTINCT data_payload_uri) OVER (
PARTITION BY SUBSTR(data_payload_uri, 1, INSTR(data_payload_uri, '/', -1))
) AS cnt
FROM table_name t
WHERE data_payload_uri >= '/organization/team/folder/2021'
AND data_payload_uri < '/organization/team/folder/2022'
WHERE cnt > 1
Which, for the sample data:
CREATE TABLE table_name (id, data_payload_uri) AS
SELECT 1, '/organization/team/folder/20210101/orig' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '/organization/team/folder/20210102/orig' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 3, '/organization/team/folder/20210102/orig_v1' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 4, '/organization/team/folder/20210103/orig' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 5, '/organization/team/folder/20210104/orig' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 6, '/organization/team/folder/20210105/orig' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 7, '/organization/team/folder/20210105/orig_v1' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 8, '/organization/team/folder/20210105/orig_v2' FROM DUAL;
db<>fiddle here

how to get the number after '-' in Oracle

I have some strings in my table. They are like 1101-1, 1101-2, 1101-10, 1101-11 pulse, shock, abc, 1104-2, 1104-11, 2201-1, 2202-4. I tried to sort them like below:
But I can't get the sort correctly. Below is my codes:
select column from table
order by regexp_substr(column, '^\D*') nulls first,
to_number(substr(regexp_substr(column, '\d+'),1,4)) asc
Sort numbers as numbers:
first the ones in front of the hyphen (line #16)
then the ones after it (line #17),
then the rest (line #18)
Mind the to_number function! Without it, you'll be sorting strings! and get the wrong result.
SQL> with test (col) as
2 ( select '1101-1' from dual union all
3 select '1101-2' from dual union all
4 select '1101-10' from dual union all
5 select '1101-11' from dual union all
6 select 'pulse' from dual union all
7 select 'shock' from dual union all
8 select 'abc' from dual union all
9 select '1104-2' from dual union all
10 select '1104-11' from dual union all
11 select '2201-1' from dual union all
12 select '2202-4' from dual
13 )
14 select col
15 from test
16 order by to_number(regexp_substr(col, '^\d+')),
17 to_number(regexp_substr(col, '\d+$')),
18 col;
11 rows selected.
For your examples, this should do:
order by regexp_substr(column, '^[^-]+'), -- everything before the hyphen
To get the number after '-' specifically:
with ttt (col) as (
select cast(column_value as varchar2(10)) as second_str
from table(sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll
( '1101-1'
, '1101-2'
, '1101-10'
, '1101-11'
, '1104-2'
, '1104-11'
, '2201-1'
, '2202-4'
, 'abc'
, 'pulse'
, 'shock'
select col
, regexp_substr(col, '(^\d+-)(\d+)', 1, 1, '', 2)
from ttt;
---------- ----------
1101-1 1
2201-1 1
1101-10 10
1101-11 11
1104-11 11
1101-2 2
1104-2 2
2202-4 4
11 rows selected
This treats the text string as two values, (^\d+-) followed by (\d+), and takes the second substring (the final '2' parameter). As only positional parameters are allowed for built-in SQL functions, you also have to specify occurrence (1) and match param (null, as we don't care about case etc).

Convert a series of Number values in Text in Oracle SQL Query

In the Oracle database, I have string values (VARCHAR2) like 1,4,7,8. The number represents as 1=car, 2= bus, 3=BB, 4=SB, 5=Ba, 6=PA, 7=HB, and 8 =G
and want to convert the above-said example to "car,SB,HB,G" in my query results
I tried to use "Decode" but it does not work. Please advise how to make it works. Would appreciate.
Initially, I have used the following query:
Select Clientid as C#, vehicletypeExclusions as vehicle from
The sample of outcomes are:
C# Vehicle
20 1,19,20,23,24,7,5
22 1,19,20,23,24,7,5
I also tried the following that gives me the null value of vehicles:
Select Clientid as C#, Decode (VEHICLETYPEEXCLUSIONS, '1', 'car',
'3','bus', '5','ba' ,'7','HB', '8','G'
, '9','LED1102', '10','LED1104', '13','LED8-2',
'14','Flip4-12', '17','StAT1003', '19','Taxi-Min', '20','Tax_Sed',
'21','Sup-veh' , '22','T-DATS', '23','T-Mini',
'24','T-WAM') as vehicle_Ex from clients >
Here's one option. Read comments within code. Sample data in lines #1 - 13; query begins at line #14.
SQL> with
2 expl (id, name) as
3 (select 1, 'car' from dual union all
4 select 2, 'bus' from dual union all
5 select 3, 'BB' from dual union all
6 select 4, 'SB' from dual union all
7 select 5, 'Ba' from dual union all
8 select 6, 'PA' from dual union all
9 select 7, 'HB' from dual union all
10 select 8, 'G' from dual
11 ),
12 temp (col) as
13 (select '1,4,7,8' from dual),
14 -- split COL to rows
15 spl as
16 (select regexp_substr(col, '[^,]+', 1, level) val,
17 level lvl
18 from temp
19 connect by level <= regexp_count(col, ',') + 1
20 )
21 -- join SPL with EXPL; aggregate the result
22 select listagg(e.name, ',') within group (order by s.lvl) result
23 from expl e join spl s on s.val = e.id;
Using the function f_subst from https://stackoverflow.com/a/68537479/429100 :
create or replace
function f_subst(str varchar2, template varchar2, subst sys.odcivarchar2list) return varchar2
res varchar2(32767):=str;
for i in 1..subst.count loop
res:=replace(res, replace(template,'%d',i), subst(i));
end loop;
return res;
I've replaced ora_name_list_t (nested table) with sys.odcivarchar2list (varray) to make this example easier, but I would suggest to create your own collection for example create type varchar2_table as table of varchar2(4000);
) s
from dual;
Assume you have a lookup table (associating the numeric codes with descriptions) and a table of input strings, which I called sample_inputs in my tests, as shown below:
create table lookup (code, descr) as
select 1, 'car' from dual union all
select 2, 'bus' from dual union all
select 3, 'BB' from dual union all
select 4, 'SB' from dual union all
select 5, 'Ba' from dual union all
select 6, 'PA' from dual union all
select 7, 'HB' from dual union all
select 8, 'G' from dual
create table sample_inputs (str) as
select '1,4,7,8' from dual union all
select null from dual union all
select '3' from dual union all
select '5,5,5' from dual union all
select '6,2,8' from dual
One strategy for solving your problem is to split the input - slightly modified to make it a JSON array, so that we can use json_table to split it - then join to the lookup table and re-aggregate.
select s.str, l.descr_list
from sample_inputs s cross join lateral
( select listagg(descr, ',') within group (order by ord) as descr_list
from json_table( '[' || str || ']', '$[*]'
columns code number path '$', ord for ordinality)
join lookup l using (code)
) l
------- ------------------------------
1,4,7,8 car,SB,HB,G
3 BB
5,5,5 Ba,Ba,Ba
6,2,8 PA,bus,G

Oracle : replace string of options based on data set - is this possible?

I have column in table looking like this:
Every option has a number of value.
There is a table - let's call it option_set and records look like
option1 3653265
option2 26452
option3 73552
option3 100
option4 1235
option5 42565
option6 2330
option7 544
option9 2150
I want to replace option name to number in 1st table, if exists of course, if not exists then =0.
I have done this in PLSQL (get the pattern, go through every option, and if exists - regexp_replace),
but I am wondering if this could be done in SQL??
My goal is to replace values for all patterns for current OPTION_SET and get only records, where all equations would be greater than 0. Of course - I couldn't run this equation in SQL, so I think of something like
for rec in
execute immediate '...';
if above_equation > 0 then ..
end loop;
Any ideas would be appreciated
You can do a loop-like query in SQL with the recursive CTE, replacing new token on each iteration, so this will let you to replace all the tokens.
The only way I know to execute a dynamic query inside SQL statement in Oracle is DBMS_XMLGEN package, so you can evaluate the expression and filter by the result value without PL/SQL. But all this is viable for low cardinality tables with patterns and options.
Here's the code:
with a as (
select 1 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])}' as pattern from dual union all
select 2 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])*([option6]+[option7])}' as pattern from dual union all
select 3 as id, '{[option1]+[option6]}' as pattern from dual union all
select 4 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option8]+[option9])}' as pattern from dual union all
select 5 as id, '{([option1]+[option2])*[option4]}' as pattern from dual union all
select 6 as id, '{[option10]}]' as pattern from dual
, opt as (
select 'option1' as opt, 3653265 as val from dual union all
select 'option2' as opt, 26452 as val from dual union all
select 'option3' as opt, 73552 as val from dual union all
select 'option3' as opt, 100 as val from dual union all
select 'option4' as opt, 1235 as val from dual union all
select 'option5' as opt, 42565 as val from dual union all
select 'option6' as opt, 2330 as val from dual union all
select 'option7' as opt, 544 as val from dual union all
select 'option9' as opt, 2150 as val from dual
, opt_ordered as (
/*Order options to iterate over*/
select opt.*, row_number() over(order by 1) as rn
from opt
, rec (id, pattern, repl_pattern, lvl) as (
pattern as repl_pattern,
0 as lvl
from a
union all
/*Replace each part at new step*/
replace(r.repl_pattern, '[' || o.opt || ']', o.val),
r.lvl + 1
from rec r
join opt_ordered o
on r.lvl + 1 = o.rn
, out_prepared as (
when instr(repl_pattern, '[') = 0
/*When there's no more not parsed expressions, then we can try to evaluate them*/
then dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype(
'select ' || replace(replace(repl_pattern, '{', ''), '}', '')
|| ' as v from dual'
/*Otherwise SQL statement will fail*/
end as parsed_expr
from rec
/*Retrieve the last step*/
where lvl = (select max(rn) from opt_ordered)
extractvalue(parsed_expr, '/ROWSET/ROW/V') as calculated_value
from out_prepared o
where extractvalue(parsed_expr, '/ROWSET/ROW/V') > 0
-: | :------------------------------------------------------------------ | :---------------------------------------- | :---------------
1 | {([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])} | {(3653265+26452)*(73552+1235)} | 275194995279
2 | {([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])*([option6]+[option7])} | {(3653265+26452)*(73552+1235)*(2330+544)} | 790910416431846
3 | {[option1]+[option6]} | {3653265+2330} | 3655595
5 | {([option1]+[option2])*[option4]} | {(3653265+26452)*1235} | 4544450495
db<>fiddle here
Here is one way to do this. There's a lot to unpack, so hang on tight.
I include the test data in the with clause. Of course, you won't need that; simply remove the two "tables" and use your actual table and column names in the query.
From Oracle 12.1 on, we can define PL/SQL functions directly in the with clause, right at the top; if we do so, the query must be terminated with a slash (/) instead of the usual semicolon (;). If your version is earlier than 12.1, you can define the function separately. The function I use takes an "arithmetic expression" (a string representing a compound arithmetic operation) and returns its value as a number. It uses native dynamic SQL (the "execute immediate" statement), which will cause the query to be relatively slow, as a different cursor is parsed for each row. If speed becomes an issue, this can be changed, to use a bind variable (so that the cursor is parsed only once).
The recursive query in the with clause replaces each placeholder with the corresponding value for the "options" table. I use 0 either if a "placeholder" doesn't have a corresponding option in the table, or if it does but the corresponding value is null. (Note that your sample data shows option3 twice; that makes no sense, and I removed one occurrence from my sample data.)
Instead of replacing one placeholder at a time, I took the opposite approach; assuming the patterns may be long, but the number of "options" is small, this should be more efficient. Namely: at each step, I replace ALL occurrences of '[optionN]' (for a given N) in a single pass. Outside the recursive query, I replace all the placeholders for "non-existent" options with 0.
Note that recursive with clause requires Oracle 11.2. If your version is even earlier than that (although it shouldn't be), there are other ways; you would likely need to do that in PL/SQL also.
So, here it is - a single SELECT query for the whole thing:
function expr_eval(pattern varchar2) return number as
x number;
execute immediate 'select ' || pattern || ' from dual' into x;
return x;
p (id, pattern) as (
select 1, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])}' from dual union all
select 2, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option3]+[option4])*([option6]+[option7])}' from dual union all
select 3, '{[option1]+[option6]}' from dual union all
select 4, '{([option1]+[option2])*([option8]+[option9])}' from dual union all
select 5, '{([option1]+[option2])*[option4]}' from dual union all
select 6, '{[option10]}' from dual union all
select 7, '{[option2]/([option3]+[option8])-(300-[option2])/(0.1 *[option3])}' from dual
, o (opt, val) as (
select 'option1', 3653265 from dual union all
select 'option2', 26452 from dual union all
select 'option3', 100 from dual union all
select 'option4', 1235 from dual union all
select 'option5', 42565 from dual union all
select 'option6', 2330 from dual union all
select 'option7', 544 from dual union all
select 'option9', 2150 from dual
, n (opt, val, rn, ct) as (
select opt, val, rownum, count(*) over ()
from o
, r (id, pattern, rn, ct) as (
select id, substr(pattern, 2, length(pattern) - 2), 1, null
from p
union all
select r.id, replace(r.pattern, '[' || n.opt || ']', nvl(to_char(n.val), 0)),
r.rn + 1, n.ct
from r join n on r.rn = n.rn
, ae (id, pattern) as (
select id, regexp_replace(pattern, '\[[^]]*]', '0')
from r
where rn = ct + 1
select id, expr_eval(pattern) as result
from ae
order by id
---- ---------------
1 4912422195
2 14118301388430
3 3655595
4 7911391550
5 4544450495
6 0
7 2879.72

Oracle SQL How can I write this Join with less code?

Hello Oracle experts I have a question on how to join two tables correctly.
My first table describes an leave category, the minimum years of service time required for new max vacation leave rollover amount and the max rollover numbers.
C1 0 80
C1 2 88
C1 5 128
P3 0 120
P3 2 128
P3 5 168
The next table details the employee id, hire date, and leave category
1234 01/09/2017 P3
3214 02/01/2014 C1
The join that I have right now relies on a CTE and I'm not sure if it's the easiest solution.
**I've included the tables here as CTEs
with ptrlvac as(
select 'C1' ptrlvac_lcat_code
,0 ptrlvac_year
,80 ptrlvac_roll_max_hrs
from dual union all
select 'C1', 2, 88 from dual union all
select 'C1', 5, 128 from dual union all
select 'P3', 0, 120 from dual union all
select 'P3', 5, 128 from dual union all
select 'P3', 2, 168 from dual
) , pebempl as(
select 1234 pebempl_pidm
,to_date('09-JAN-2017', 'DD-MON-YYYY') pebempl_hire_date
,'P3' pebempl_lcat_code
from dual
select 3214, to_date('01-FEB-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'), 'C1' from dual
) ,leave as(
select a.ptrlvac_lcat_code
over(partition by a.ptrlvac_lcat_code
order by a.ptrlvac_year) rn
from ptrlvac a
,leave_rules as(
select a.ptrlvac_lcat_code
,a.ptrlvac_year year_start
,nvl(b.ptrlvac_year, 100)-1 year_end
from leave a
left join leave b
on a.ptrlvac_lcat_code = b.ptrlvac_lcat_code
and a.rn = b.rn - 1
select distinct pebempl_pidm
,floor(months_between(to_date(:seldate, 'DD-MON-YYYY'), pebempl_hire_date) / 12) as service_years
,pebempl_lcat_code as lcat
from pebempl a
inner join leave_rules b
on a.pebempl_lcat_code = b.ptrlvac_lcat_code
and floor(months_between(to_date(:seldate, 'DD-MON-YYYY'), pebempl_hire_date) / 12) between b.year_start and b.year_end
Any help to save some keystrokes would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if this does what you want:
from test1 t1, test2 t2
(select max(t1s.PTRLVAC_YEAR) from test1 t1s
and (sysdate-PEBEMPL_HIRE_DATE)/365 >= t1s.PTRLVAC_YEAR);
Here are the results I got based on your test data:
------------ --------------------
3214 88
1234 120
Had this thought over lunch, further reducing #BobbyDurret's answer:
from ptrlvac t1, pebempl t2
group by t2.PEBEMPL_PIDM
Assumes the Max_Hrs always increases for more years of service.
Instead of using row_number and filtering in a separate CTE, use lead:
with leave_rules as
select a.ptrlvac_lcat_code
,a.ptrlvac_year as year_start
,lead(ptrlvac_year,1,10000) over (partition by ptrlvac_lcat_code
order by ptrlvac_year)
as year_end
from ptrlvac a
select distinct pebempl_pidm
,floor(months_between(sysdate, pebempl_hire_date) / 12) as service_years
,pebempl_lcat_code as lcat
from pebempl a
inner join leave_rules b
on a.pebempl_lcat_code = b.ptrlvac_lcat_code
and floor(months_between(sysdate, pebempl_hire_date) / 12) between year_start and year_end
Combines your 2 CTE's to compute "leave_rules" into 1. I just put sysdate for the date variable so I could test easily - you probably want to use the bind variables as you originally had.