Downloading WS02 Developer Studio - wso2-esb

Sorry for the basic question here but how do I download WS02 Developer Studio - I'd like to try out the ESB and compare it with Mulesoft's ESB product which I use on a regular basis. So far I haven't been able to even download it either directly or from Eclipse Market place - hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

You can download from [1] or [2].


3.9.5 patch download for Mule Runtime on their forums but link says invalid, can someone help me to get that patch to my mule?
Only MuleSoft customers that paid for the enterprise edition have access to patches. If you are a customer you can to login to and download available files from there.

Integration QlikView and python

How can I perform python Integration in QlikView or can anyone suggest me any blog for this or link?
The basic help page about Analytics Connections (which is how you integrate Python) is here. You may also find the page on writing Server Side Exentions helpful, including getting started in python page.
Hope that helps.

Creating plugin for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

I am very new to Microsoft CRM , (working first time) and have requirement to call one custom webservice whenever new Account is created in Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2013.
Response returned from webservice needs to be stored as csv file in Files section of new account. Can anyone provide basic guideline how we can achieve this?
Here is a good link for getting started with writing a plug-in: (The link points to CRM 2011, but this is compatible with 2013 and is a good place to get started.)
You'll also want to download the SDK. Provided with the SDK are tools for deploying the plugin, examples of plugins and much, much more.
The CSV file will also be stored as an annotation. Here's an example:
Really, I'd start with the SDK and then look to the specific links.

What is the Bugzilla REST API URL?

I have a Mozilla Bugzilla installed in a server in my office, I want to access the REST API so that I can query Bugzilla bugs from a little project management tool I have made. The problem is I cannot for the life of me work out what the API url should be.
Say I have bugzilla installed on and I want to query for bug 35 information, I thought the url should look something like this.
Can explain to me what the URL should look like?
Do I need to tell the admin to config bugzilla differently so I can access the API?
Any help/hints will be greatly appreciated.
Using Bugzilla Version 4.0.1
The "latest" is just part of the way the REST_API team is choosing to deploy the various versions.
You have to install the REST_API at it's own endpoint e.g. and configure it to use your Bugzilla. See the INSTALL file that comes with REST_API.

SFTP using VB.NET 1.1

one of the task assigned to me is convert the FTP Application to SFTP using VB.NET 1.1.
I am looking the on the internet but I am not getting any free/open source API which support this. Is anybody know about this? if yes could you please share the code?
You might check this link:
I don't know if they've updated for sFTP support, but it could get you started.