SFTP using VB.NET 1.1 - vb.net

one of the task assigned to me is convert the FTP Application to SFTP using VB.NET 1.1.
I am looking the on the internet but I am not getting any free/open source API which support this. Is anybody know about this? if yes could you please share the code?

You might check this link: http://vbcity.com/forums/t/70156.aspx
I don't know if they've updated for sFTP support, but it could get you started.


Has anyone managed to connect to s3 using SAS Enterprise guide v6.1?

Wondering can anyone help me with something. I am working for a client who uses SAS EG V6.1 It's old and crap. In newer versions there is an s3 connector built in however this one only has a http proc. I am wondering has anyone managed to connect to s3 using this?
I have tried this but ran into an issue where I need to sign the request using sha256.... However this sad version doesn't even have that.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

jsf 2.1 file upload with Servlet Container 2.5

I'm try to upload Excel files in JSF2.1. I'm using JDK1.5 and tomcat6 server. How to implement the file upload? I have tried so many examples from online. But still i can't get any improvement. Please anyone give me idea or example code to JSF 2.1 file upload on Tomcat6
Thanks in Advance
Did you try with a great solution from BalusC:
http://balusc.blogspot.com/2009/12/uploading-files-with-jsf-20-and-servlet.html ?
I know this solution is related to Servlet 3.0 and you need one for Servlet 2.5, but, did you try it regardless?

Download listener in symbian60

Is it possible to monitor the HTTP download operation in symbian.
I mean is it possible to know the successful download in symbian.
I am a new geek. Please help me.
Provide some suggestion.
I am using Symbian 60.
Check out RConnectionMonitor class.
(P.S. There is no point in starting to learn Symbian - it's dead platform)

Uploading a file with Rails and ExtJS?

I am building RoR project with ExtJS on the client side, but I need uploading a file for process on the server side.
Please anybody can help me?
Thanks in advance
Note: I using ExtJS 4 with the new MVC pattern...
On client side you can use Ext.form.field.File (There is good example illustrating how to use this widget).
This tutorial may help you in organizing server side.

Adobe AIR+AJAX ftp library

I have just started creating an Adobe AIR+AJAX app which will need to upload and download files from the server using ftp functionality. Right now what is happening is I need to use sockets for this which is way to confusing and difficult to maintain. So, I was wondering if anybody has developed a javascript library or functionality for ftp?
I don't want to rely on any serverside script for this. There is an ftp library for flex but it is quite confusing with not much documentation.
Can anybody help? Thanks,
I'm currently looking for the same thing. So far all I've found is IntegralFTP, which looks fairly comprehensive. The catch is it's $399 for a single developer license.