Blender images rendering w/out color - blender

When I render an image in blender it just comes out black even when I color it.
This stool is supposed to be different materials but instead this.
Please help I have tried things from at least ten different sites and none have worked.
Also using Cycles Render.

You need to add light to the scene. If this doesn't work, you can link the file here so I can help you. Good luck!


White Border on Photoshop Text

I am trying to match the "teletext holidays" in the image below (with the white bits connecting all the letters:
I have achieved the following by going to the layers section, right-clicking the text layer, and select “Blending Options.” Then marking the checkbox next to “Stroke.”
Any hints or tips to point me in the correct direction would be appreciated. I appreciate moving the letters within the font closer together will help so will work on that now.
Any help appreciated.
Made the letters appear closer together. However, using stroke is making the black letters "shrink" in size so think a different solution is required. Thoughts?
With regard to that final image and the black letters appearing smaller. When applying the stroke, tick to indicate that it should be outside and not center or inside
And with helping to ensure that the white parts do meet.... Hmm... Well. Difficult to do the horiztonal stroke without it also applying vertically.
I would agree with others that Illustrator would be better but in Photoshop I might try to duplicate the text, make it all white, put it on the layer behind your main text and manually create a horizontal white pattern.
^ I really hope somebody has a better idea for that last bit though.
I would like to help you with this issue. First of all your reference design is designed in adobe illustrator not in photoshop because there is some limitation in photoshop for the stroke feature.
So I would like to suggest you design it in adobe illustrator and not waste your valuable time in photoshop for your desired output.
If you need more help regarding it feel free to contact me at
Thank you,
Nirav Mistry

React Native Circular Slider?

I've tried to look through several libraries of React Native circular sliders, however none of them work as intended. All of them suffer the same bug where they randomly change values as you slide. A example would be:
What I am looking for, is a circular slider with it's value in the middle of the slider, very much so like this:
Thank you in advance
Edit: I've added a test repo if you want to play around with it. I've tried my best, but this is the best I could do
The code was taken from here:
I haven't worked with circle slider yet. But I tried to search and there are 2 repos. Maybe that is what you need.
Good luck!

Why objects render black even when a texture is applied in blender?

I created several objects ,applied its material with texture .But still when I render the scene all render nicely except one.It renders black both in cycles and BI.I have tried everything .I don't know whether I have missed something or not But I'm not getting the result properly.What is the solution to this 'rendering black' problem ?
Please help
Thanks in advance!

AVFoundation adjusting white balance while focus is close up and background (out-of-focus) is dark

Can anyone please point me in the correct direction or tell me if what I am trying to do is simply not possible?
I'm trying to take a picture of something close up. I am able to lock the focus. That works well. We have found that keeping the torch on while trying to focus and take the picture works best. The issue I cannot seem to resolve is the white balance. If the background is dark, the object I'm trying to focus on is too light. Is there a trick to adjusting the white balance when the item in focus is close up and the background (out of focus) is dark?
I can't provide the code, it's too much. I suppose if necessary I could create a sample project, but my question is probably more conceptual.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
The answer to this question, for those who run across the same issue, is to use a CALayer for an exposeBox and another CALayer for a focusBox. That appeared to do the trick. Of course, I would still like to hear of solutions from others and I'm still curious about controlling the aperture.
Thank you.

OpenCV cvFindContours questions

I'm following this guide:
and modifying to iOS 5.0.
I managed to find the largest contour (the sudoku "board"), however, it only locates the surrounding square, without the lines inside, as in the tutorial. can this be easily solved?
I'll try and find a way around it, but still would like to know. thanks!
I assume that you are using the camera right now. Try to load the image what is used in the tutorial and check if your implementation works on that image. Then you can continue with nice sudoku images from the web. You may also change the camera angle and distance from the sudoku when taking pictures to get a better, clearer view.