What is the purpose of ApplicationBuilder.Properties? - asp.net-core

What is the purpose of the ApplicationBuilder.Properties collection? Why not simply use HttpContext.Items?
About the only thing I can come up with is if you want to pass objects from one piece of middleware to another, but again, you could just as easily use HttpContext.Items for that.
I suppose there is an argument for reducing scope.. if an object is only of use for middleware, why pollute HttpContext.Items?
Back in the Owin days, we would use Owin properties, and you could get these properties in your app by using GetOwinContext(), but there doesn't seem to be any equivalent of that in the asp.net middleware. So that doesn't seem like it holds the answer.
I did some searching through the framework and couldn't find anything using it within the framework itself. I might have missed something though.
Any ideas?

What is the purpose of ApplicationBuilder.Properties?
According to source code on Github
/// <summary>
/// Gets a key/value collection that can be used to share data between middleware.
/// </summary>
IDictionary<string, object> Properties { get; }
to speculate about anything else would be primarily opinion-based.


In AspNetCore, what is this currently called and can I encapsulate it?

I'm currently making a library that interacts with a particular API that requires an oAuth OIDC connection/token and I'd like to make something that makes that particular part easier for users of this library so they don't need all this custom code.
What is this currently called and is there an example of code?
I ask because from trying to get this work, the documentation is ALL OVER THE PLACE. It looks like this particular process has undergone significant changes multiple times as things went on from before netcore to netcore2 and now netcore31.
Both AddAuthentication and AddOpenIdConnect are extension methods.
An extension method allows you to "add" methods to a type without having to modify the type directly - the methods aren't actually added to the type, but we can call them as if they had been. This is useful in situations where you'd like to extend the behaviour of a class created by a third party but don't have access to the source code.
As for what the particular pattern in question is, whilst there is no canonical name, it's merely a way of encapsulating the configuration of services and dependencies for your application.
AddAuthentication is an extension method of IServiceCollection, which is services type. AddAuthentication has a return type of AuthenticationBuilder, and AddOpenIdConnect is an extension method for AuthenticationBuilder. This is the implementation of AddOpenIdConnect, but as you're looking to encapsulate the configuration, you could probably do something like this:
public static class OpenIdConnectExtensions
public static AuthenticationBuilder ConfigureOpendIdConnect(
this AuthenticationBuilder builder)
return builder.AddOpenIdConnect(options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityConstants.ExternalScheme;
// Do whatever else you need.
And call it as follows:
Middleware, on the other hand, is code that executes as part of a pipeline in order to process requests and responses. The middleware sits in the middle of receiving requests and sending responses, hence the name. This allows you do things such as always adding certain headers to responses without that logic being split across your application. As you correctly mentioned, you see these being applied via calls such as app.UseXyz().

Autofac Multitenant Database Configuration

I have a base abstract context which has a couple hundred shared objects, and then 2 "implementation" contexts which both inherit from the base and are designed to be used by different tenants in a .net core application. A tenant object is injected into the constructor for OnConfiguring to pick up which connection string to use.
public abstract class BaseContext : DbContext
protected readonly AppTenant Tenant;
protected BaseContext (AppTenant tenant)
Tenant = tenant;
public TenantOneContext : BaseContext
public TenantOneContext(AppTenant tenant)
: base(tenant)
In startup.cs, I register the DbContexts like this:
Then using the autofac container and th Multitenant package, I register tenant specific contexts like this:
IContainer container = builder.Build();
MultitenantContainer mtc = new MultitenantContainer(container.Resolve<ITenantIdentificationStrategy>(), container);
mtc.ConfigureTenant("1", config =>
mtc.ConfigureTenant("2", config =>
Startup.ApplicationContainer = mtc;
return new AutofacServiceProvider(mtc);
My service layers are designed around the BaseContext being injected for reuse where possible, and then services which require specific functionality use the TenantContexts.
public BusinessService
private readonly BaseContext _baseContext;
public BusinessService(BaseContext context)
_baseContext = context;
In the above service at runtime, I get an exception "No constructors on type 'BaseContext' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'". I'm not sure why this is broken....the AppTenant is definitely created as I can inject it other places successfully. I can make it work if I add an extra registration:
I don't understand why the above registration is required for the tenant container registrations to work. This seems broken to me; in structuremap (Saaskit) I was able to do this without adding an extra registration, and I assumed using the built in AddDbContext registrations would take care of creating a default registration for the containers to overwrite. Am I missing something here or is this possibly a bug in the multitenat functionality of autofac?
Here is fully runable repo of the question: https://github.com/danjohnso/testapp
Why is line 66 of Startup.cs needed if I have lines 53/54 and lines 82-90?
As I expected your problem has nothing to do with multitenancy as such. You've implemented it almost entirely correctly, and you're right, you do not need that additional registration, and, btw, these two (below) too because you register them in tenant's scopes a bit later:
So, you've made only one very small but very important mistake in TenantIdentitifcationStrategy implementation. Let's walk through how you create container - this is mainly for other people who may run into this problem as well. I'll mention only relevant parts.
First, TenantIdentitifcationStrategy gets registered in a container along with other stuff. Since there's no explicit specification of lifetime scope it is registered as InstancePerDependency() by default - but that does not really matter as you'll see. Next, "standard" IContainer gets created by autofac's buider.Build(). Next step in this process is to create MultitenantContainer, which takes an instance of ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy. This means that MultitenantContainer and its captive dependency - ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy - will be singletons regardless of how ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy is registered in container. In your case it gets resolved from that standard "root" container in order to manage its dependencies - well, this is what autofac is for anyways. Everything is fine with this approach in general, but this is where your problem actually begins. When autofac resolves this instance it does exactly what it is expected to do - injects all the dependencies into TenantIdentitifcationStrategy's constructor including IHttpContextAccessor. So, right there in the constructor you grab an instance of IHttpContext from that context accessor and store it for using in tenant resolution process - and this is a fatal mistake: there's no http request at this time, and since TenantIdentitifcationStrategy is a singleton it means that there will not ever be one for it! So, it gets null request context for the whole application lifespan. This effectively means that TenantIdentitifcationStrategy will not be able to resolve tenant identifier based on http requests - because it does not actually analyze them. Consequently, MultitenantContainer will not be able to resolve any tenant-specific services.
Now when the problem is clear, its solution is obvious and trivial - just move fetching of request context context = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext to TryIdentifyTenant() method. It gets called in the proper context and will be able to access request context and analyze it.
PS. This digging has been highly educational for me since I had absolutely no idea about autofac's multi-tenant concept, so thank you very much for such an interesting question! :)
PPS. And one more thing: this question is just a perfect example of how important well prepared example is. You provided very good example. Without it no one would be able to figure out what the problem is since the most important part of it was not presented in the question - and sometimes you just don't know where this part actually is...

Add data persistence to WCF Service

I'm in charge of a WCF service. Our client has requested an override feature: If a call is resubmitted, allow the operation to proceed despite warnings. I need a way to persist data from recent calls so I can detect a resubmission. I thought making the service durable, part of WF3, would resolve the problem; however, my service uses .NET 4.5 which marks WF3 as obsolete. I've been trying to find the WF4 equivalent, but nothing's clicked for me. All the examples presume a workflow which I lack.
What is the best solution for my needs?
According to this question, a static variable should meet my needs, but I haven't been able to get one to persist between calls.
A static variable did meet my needs.
I used a property to interact with my static variable, and in the getter I would remove some of the old data. For some reason, having that call in the getter prevented the static variable from persisting. I relocated the clean up code (incidentally I didn't need the property anymore), and the static variable persisted.

Using SharpArch Nhibernate with different types of SessionStorage

I have a server application where I have 3 scenarios in which I seem to need different kind of nhibernate sessions:
Calls to the repository directly from the server itself (while bootstrapping)
Calls to the repository coming from a Ria Service (default ASP.NET Memberschip Service)
Calls to the repository coming from a WCF Service
Currently I have set up my nhibernate config with sharparch like this
/// <summary>
/// Due to issues on IIS7, the NHibernate initialization cannot reside in Init() but
/// must only be called once. Consequently, we invoke a thread-safe singleton class to
/// ensure it's only initialized once.
/// </summary>
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
() => InitializeNHibernateSession());
private void InitializeNHibernateSession()
new string[] { Server.MapPath("~/bin/bla.Interfaces.dll") },
This works for the third scenario, but not for the first two.
It seems to need some wcf-session-specific context.
The SharpArch Init method seems to have protection from re-initializing it with another type of sessionstorage;
What is the best way to create a different session for three different kinds of contexts?
To me it looks like this post seems related to this one which has helped me looking in the right direction, but I have not found a solution so far.
I'm not sure you are going to be able to do what you are wanting with S#. The reason being is that you are really wanting to have 3 separate Nhibernate sessions, each with it's own storage mechanism. The current implementation only allows for one storage mechanism, regardless of the number of sessions.
I can easily get you #'s 1 and 3, but not two since I've never used RIA services. In the case of 1 and 3, you would need to take the WCF service out of the site and have it in it's own site. No way of really getting around that as their session lifecycles are different.
Your other option would be to come up with your own Session Management for NHibernate and not use the default S# one. You could look at the code for the S# version and create your own based on that.

Adding REST methods to WCF Data Services?

I need to extend my WCF Data Service to include additional methods, not only the database tables..
But it doesn't seem to be working correctly.
Firstly i want to ask if this is legal? or frowned upon?
The reason i need to do it is i need add additional REST methods that will make a call to ASP.NET Membership services (the tables are in the db) to validate a login i.e.
public bool IsValidLogin(string username, string password)
return System.Web.Security.Membership.ValidateUser(username, password);
Here is what i have (i have simplied the IsValidLogin for testing).
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "TestMe")]
public bool IsValidLogin()
return true;
// This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
// TODO: set rules to indicate which entity sets and service operations are visible, updatable, etc.
// Examples:
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("IsValidLogin", ServiceOperationRights.All);
Now when i go to
It seems to work i get an true back in the form of XML. But i have set a URI so i thought i could do this
But it fails? I am really confused, any ideas?
Also for it to work I needed to add this line, but a little but confused here
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("IsValidLogin", ServiceOperationRights.All);
Any help really appreciated
Not commenting on the REST dicsussion above, just posting a link on documentation on how to do so called "service operations": http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc668788.aspx
The ServiceOperation notion is a tacked on capability to provide exactly the escape you needed when you wanted to do something other than read data from a table.
Unfortunately, the default path in WCF REST has lead you to misunderstand how RESTful systems are supposed to work. REST is not just about exposing some data at URLs.
You really have two choices, either stick with RPC style of distributed computing that WS-*/SOAP based WCF provides or spend some time learning what REST is really all about. There are some links here to get you started.
I can't tell you what is the right approach for your scenario. What I can tell you is that you are not going to learn how to do REST from using the current WCF REST implementation. I'm not saying it is impossible to do, you just will be doing a lot of swimming upstream.