Edit 2 rows into 2 columns in a single result SQL - sql

I have the following table:
WorkID WorkDesc
then I've the following table as the detail of table one:
WorkDetailID WorkID WorkDetailDesc
1 1 001
2 1 002
3 2 006
4 2 007
5 3 015
Each WorkID is always have maximum 2 records and minimum is 1.
I want to have the following result:
WorkID WorkDesc WorkDetailID1 WorkDetailID2
1 ABCD 1 2
2 DEFG 3 4
3 HIJK 5 null
Does anyone have an idea how to do that?
Thank you.

You can use pivot. I prefer conditional aggregation. In either case, you need a column for the pivoting. row_number() to the rescue:
select t1.workid, t1.workdesc,
max(case when t2.seqnum = 1 then t2.workdetailid end) as workdetailid1,
max(case when t2.seqnum = 2 then t2.workdetailid end) as workdetailid2
from t1 join
(select t2.*,
row_number() over (partition by t2.workid order by t2.workdetailid) as seqnum
from t2
) t2
on t1.workid = t2.workid
group by t1.workid, t1.workdesc


Getting unique Ids but not loose any data using SQL

Given a table sale where id is not unique:
id name item quantity
1 Darsh shoes 5
2 Liyah oil 1
2 Eiliyah watch 1
3 Zakaria notebook 2
3 Elliot shirt 3
4 Reese bag 1
I need to select all unique ids for a row and not loose any data(like for id in (2,3) where both name,item and quantity should be displayed in same row).Also there are maximum of 2 same id in sale table.
I tried using row_number() to get some unique pattern(s).
From this query :
Select a.id,a.name,a.item,a.quantity,b.name as name2,b.item as item2,b.quantity as quantity2
,row_number() over(partition by a.id order by a.id) as f1
,row_number() over(partition by a.name order by a.id) as f2
from sale a inner join sale b on a.id = b.id
I got this
id name item quantity name2 item2 quantity2 f1 f2
1 Darsh shoes 5 Darsh shoes 5 1 1
2 Eiliyah watch 1 Liyah oil 1 2 1
2 Eiliyah watch 1 Eiliyah watch 1 4 2
3 Elliot shirt 3 Zakaria notebook 2 2 1
3 Elliot shirt 3 Elliot shirt 3 4 2
2 Liyah oil 1 Eiliyah watch 1 3 1
2 Liyah oil 1 Liyah oil 1 1 2
4 Reese bag 1 Reese bag 1 1 1
3 Zakaria notebook 2 Elliot shirt 3 3 1
3 Zakaria notebook 2 Zakaria notebook 2 1 2
Now here the problem,If I filter f1,f2 and use IIF for remove repetitive data using this query :
Select id,name,item,quantity
,iif(name = name2,NULL,name2) as name2
,iif(item = item2,NULL,item2) as item2
,iif(quantity = quantity2,NULL,quantity2) as quantity2
from (
Select a.id,a.name,a.item,a.quantity,b.name as name2,b.item as item2,b.quantity as quantity2
,row_number() over(partition by a.id order by a.id) as f1
,row_number() over(partition by a.name order by a.id) as f2
from sale a inner join sale b on a.id = b.id
where (f1=1 and f2=1) or(f1=3 and f2=1)
order by id
then quantity2 is (null) in 2nd row as shown below.
id name item quantity name2 item2 quantity2
1 Darsh shoes 5 NULL NULL NULL
2 Liyah oil 1 Eiliyah watch NULL
3 Zakaria notebook 2 Elliot shirt 3
4 Reese bag 1 NULL NULL NULL
So, there can be same quantity for different item and name.
Expected result:
id name item quantity name2 item2 quantity2
1 Darsh shoes 5 NULL NULL NULL
2 Liyah oil 1 Eiliyah watch 1
3 Zakaria notebook 2 Elliot shirt 3
4 Reese bag 1 NULL NULL NULL
Please help me.
One method is conditional aggregation . . . if you know that there are at most two duplicates per id:
select id,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then name end) as name_1,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then item end) as item_1,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then quantity end) as quantity_1,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then name end) as name_2,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then item end) as item_2,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then quantity end) as quantity_2
from (select s.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by id) as seqnum
from sale s
) s
group by id;
As per your expected result .You can create temp(or Intermediate table) and as there are maximum of same two id ,then this can be your answer:
select *,row_number() over (partition by id order by id) as u_id into #test from sale
select * from (select * from #test where u_id=1) a
left join (select * from #test where u_id=2)b
on a.id = b.id

Add position column based on order by - Oracle

I have this table with the following records:
id ele_id_1 ele_val ele_id_2
1 2 123 1
1 1 abc 1
1 4 xyz 2
1 4 456 1
2 5 22 1
2 4 344 1
2 3 6 1
2 2 Test Name 1
2 1 Hello 1
I am trying to add position for each id when ele_id_1 and ele_id_2 is order by ASC.
Here is the output:
id ele_id_1 ele_val ele_id_2 position
1 2 123 1 2
1 1 abc 1 1
1 4 xyz 2 4
1 4 456 1 3
2 5 22 1 5
2 4 344 1 4
2 3 6 1 3
2 2 Test Name 1 2
2 1 Hello 1 1
I have 34 million rows in table1, so would like to use an efficient way of doing this.
Any idea on how I can add position with values?
I think you want row_number() used like this:
select row_number() over (partition by id
order by ele_id_1, ele_id_2
) as position
Oracle can use an index for this, on (id, ele_id_1, ele_id_2).
I should note that for your example data order by ele_id_1, ele_id_2 and order by ele_id_2, ele_id_1 produce the same result. Your question suggests that you want the first.
So, you would get
id ele_id_1 ele_val ele_id_2 position
1 1 123 2 2
1 1 abc 1 1
1 4 xyz 2 4
1 4 456 1 3
Rather than:
id ele_id_1 ele_val ele_id_2 position
1 1 123 2 3
1 1 abc 1 1
1 4 xyz 2 4
1 4 456 1 2
If you want to update the data, then merge is probably the best approach.
MERGE INTO <yourtable> dest
USING (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id
order by ele_id_1, ele_id_2
) as new_position
from <yourtable> t
) src
ON dest.id = src.id AND
dest.ele_id_1 = src.ele_id_1 AND
dest.ele_id_2 = src.ele_id_2
SET desc.postition = src.new_position;
Note that updating all the rows in a table is an expensive operation. Truncating the table and recreating it might be easier:
create table temp_t as
select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id
order by ele_id_1, ele_id_2
) as new_position
from t;
truncate table t;
insert into t ( . . . )
select . . . -- all columns but position
from temp_t;
However, be very careful if you truncate the table. Be sure to back it up first!

SQL Server: SELECT value with multiple criteria

Looking for a SQL solution to the following problem
Return USER and NUMBER combination WHERE PRIORITY = MIN(PRIORITY) [NULL is equivalent to MAX(PRIORITY + 1)] ... in the case of ties in PRIORITY, break using lowest LINEITEM
VALUES: ('X' signifies desired combination)
1 1 12345 NULL
1 2 23456 2
1 3 34567 1 X
2 1 9876 3
2 2 98765 1 X
2 3 12345 2
2 4 23456 1
3 1 23456 NULL X
3 2 12345 NULL
4 1 34567 NULL
4 2 45678 NULL
4 3 12345 1 X
4 4 12345 2
4 5 23456 1
Thanks in advance.
In response to PM 77-1,
My current method:
SELECT table1.user,table1.number
FROM table1
SELECT user,
CAST(MIN((COALESCE(priority,999) *
(10 ^ (5 - LEN(COALESCE(CAST(priority AS VARCHAR),'999'))))) +
lineitem) AS VARCHAR) AS selector
FROM table1 GROUP BY user
) AS table2
ON table1.user = table2.user
AND table1.lineitem = CAST(RIGHT(table2.selector, 1) AS int)
ORDER BY table1.user;
SQL Fiddle
) AS rn
FROM tbl
[User], LineItem, Number, Priority
WHERE rn = 1

Selecting Last change value per group

I am trying to select the last change value per group.
I have a table
MMID column is incremental
MMID GID MID Value Bundle DateEntered
1 1 1 1 2 17/8/15 05:05:04
2 1 2 2 3 16/8/15 05:05:06
3 1 3 3 2 15/8/15 05:05:07
4 1 1 0 2 18/8/15 05:05:08
5 2 2 1 1 18/8/15 05:05:05
6 2 2 2 2 18/8/15 06:06:06
7 2 4 3 1 17/8/15 06:06:06
8 2 4 3 2 18/8/15 06:06:07
Here, I want the last change 'Value' in the last 24 hour(Having Date 18th August).
From the below query, I can get that. But even if the bundle value is changed, then I get that row.
But I want only rows when 'Value' is changed, or 'Value and Bundle' are changed. But not only when Bundle is changed
Desired output
MMID GID MID Value Bundle DateEntered
4 1 1 0 2 18/8/15 05:05:08
6 2 2 2 2 18/8/15 06:06:06
The query I tried is :
select yt1.*
from Table1 yt1
left outer join Table1 yt2
on (yt1.GID = yt2.GID and yt1.MID = yt2.MID
and yt1.MMID < yt2.MMID)
where yt2.MMID is null and yt2.GID is null and yt2.MID is null and yt1.DateEntered > '2015-08-18 00:00:00' ;
The output i get from here is:
MMID GID MID Value Bundle DateEntered
4 1 1 0 2 18/8/15 05:05:08
6 2 2 2 2 18/8/15 06:06:06
8 2 4 3 2 18/8/15 06:06:07
I should not be getting the last row here.
Can anyone tell me what should I change here.
Not really following the logic of your attempt, but here is how I would get the desired results:
WITH cte AS (
FROM Table
, cte2 AS (
SELECT t1.* FROM cte t1
ON t1.GID=t2.GID
AND t1.value<>t2.value
AND t1.rn=t2.rn+1
FROM cte2
FROM cte2 c2
AND cte2.MID=c2.MID
NB: If you don't want to include the rn column in the final results, use a column list instead of SELECT *.

SQL: Select criteria for two tables, compare 1 field, return using condition

These are the tables in the query. Want to compare the ID_Skills in the following 2 tables. And in the returning table from the select query, display ID_Skills with condition saying whether or not TrainingRequired (Yes/No)
ID_EmployeeCurrentSkills ID_Employee ID_Skills
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 1
ID_SkillsRequired ID_Employee ID_Skills ID_Position
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 1
4 2 3 2
ID_Skills Skill
1 Reading
2 Wiring
3 Stapling
ID_Position Position
1 Tech1
2 Stapler
ID_Employee EmployeeName
1 Hannah
2 Bob
SQL for qrySkillsGap table - determines whether training is necessary
SELECT tblEmployee.[Employee Name],
Like [tblSkillsRequired].[ID_Skills],"No","Yes") AS TrainingRequired
FROM (tblSkills
INNER JOIN tblSkillsRequired
ON tblSkills.ID_Skills = tblSkillsRequired.ID_Skills)
INNER JOIN (tblEmployee INNER JOIN tblEmployeeCurrentSkills
ON tblEmployee.ID_Employee = tblEmployeeCurrentSkills.ID_Employee)
ON tblSkills.ID_Skills = tblEmployeeCurrentSkills.ID_Skills;
This is the current output:
EmployeeName ID_Skill TrainingRequired
Hannah 1 No
Hannah 1 No
Hannah 2 No
Bob 1 No
Bob 1 No
I want it to display this:
EmployeeName ID_Skill TrainingRequired
Hannah 1 No
Hannah 2 No
Hannah 3 Yes
Bob 1 No
Bob 3 Yes
Thanks for any help!
I was able to create the tables you provided and used a union to bring together the employee skills and required skills.
SELECT te.EmployeeName
, emp.ID_Skills
, CASE WHEN MIN(emp.TrainingRequired) = 0 THEN 'No'
ELSE 'Yes'
END AS TrainingRequired
FROM dbo.tblEmployee AS te
JOIN (SELECT tecs.ID_Employee
, tecs.ID_Skills
, 0 AS TrainingRequired
FROM dbo.tblEmployeeCurrentSkills AS tecs
SELECT tsr.ID_Employee
, tsr.ID_Skills
, 1 AS TrainingRequired
FROM dbo.tblSkillsRequired AS tsr
) emp
ON te.ID_Employee = emp.ID_Employee
GROUP BY te.ID_Employee
, te.EmployeeName
, emp.ID_Skills
ORDER BY te.ID_Employee
, emp.ID_Skills