React native face detection library - react-native

Are there any face detection libraries out there? Specifically for a RN environment. Would be better if it's just pure javascript not depending on native modules.

Have you tried this, This turoial uses api and react native to accomplish : the results Link


Use GeckoView in react native

I'm working on a react native project that requires GeckoView as the browser for the WebView. However, since it's a native android library I'm not sure if I can use it in react native.
Is there any way to integrate Geckoview to a react native project or is there any possible alternative for this situation?
Any help is much appreciated!
Yes, you can integrate it. Take a look at sunnylqm/react-native-geckoview.
Be sure to look and run the Example provided in the ./example directory. (Saved me lots of time)
This is a very basic implementation that I only used as a model.
It was done in Java. If you need the Kotlin version I can provide that too.
Good Luck!

Is there a React Native framework for basic CRUD tasks?

I'm looking for a framework/tool which allows me to create a React Native app quickly. My porpouse is to map a data source (usually we work with oData source) and then the framework should be able to create a basic UI which allows me to perform basic CRUD tasks.
If you are familiar with DevExpress XAF you know what I'm talking about more specifically.
Can anyone help me?
What I'm loolking for is not a IDE or similar that help with React Native development, but any suggestion is accepted.
Thank you in advance.
The whole point of React Native is to give developers the flexibility to build native apps with the absolute basic components. As far as I am aware there is no such tool. The closest you have is React Native Expo. Invest some time and try to understand what React Native is and how it works and what was the idea behind it in the first place.

How do I access NFC capabilities using Flutter or React Native?

I'm trying to decide which language to learn so I can program an mobile app that revolves around NFC and your location. I heard Flutter and Reactive Native are two relatively new languages that allows you to write code for both iOS and Android and there's courses for them on Udemy. However when I Google searched "NFC Flutter" there wasn't any relevant articles on how to incorporate NFC. Is it worth learning either of the two languages or should I write my app separately in Swift and Java?
You can use either React Native or Flutter and still have NFC capabilities.
For Flutter there is this plugin you could try (haven't tested it myself)
For React Native you could use this plugin which is tested and works great
At the time of writing this answer there is no full solution for NFC in flutter.
That said, you can implement NFC functionality using PlatformChannels. Or, better, encapsulate in in a plugin.
That way, you can write a code for your app in dart for both platforms, but NFC functionality will call Native Swift or Java code to handle platform specifics.
Here is one plugin that is still Work in progress, that does the exact same thing for Android only. You could, for example, fork the plugin and add iOS code and there you would have full solution.

Is it possible to use tenserflow.js with react native?

I am trying to add offline support to an AI-based app I am building on React Native, The app is similar to Not Hotdog of Silicon Valley. I recently found out Tenserflow.js and tried to implement it with React native and even outputted my python model to the one that is supported by Tenserflow.js but when I try to import Tenserflow.js inside one of the React Native components using import * as tf from '#tensorflow/tfjs'; this syntax but React Native throws the error, the error screenshot is attached with the question.
Thank You !!!
The short answer is no as stated in the description of the project.
A WebGL accelerated, browser based JavaScript library
The error you are getting shows that it's trying to use window which is part of the DOM API in browsers. React Native has no such API as it's not a browser. You can see that they use window in multiple places in their Core API.
The long answer is a maybe but is out of scope for a StackOverflow answer as it would be akin to asking for a tutorial. To elaborate, I can see two approaches to possibly getting TensorFlow.js to work:
Polyfill everything that is missing:
This might be possible but it probably won't work as you'd expect because it leverages WebGL. I'm not familiar with TensorFlow.js, but I would believe that WebGL is used because it would allow access to GPU acceleration making the workload feasible in the browser. You would need to do something similar in order for it to work well on a mobile device.
Leverage a WebView. However, you may again run into WebGL/performance issues as indicated in older questions such as this.
Since you didn't post any code whatsoever, there is no other guidance that I can give you on this question. One suggestion would be to look at maybe a native module such as react-native-tensorflow and the discussions people had around it.
#tensorflow/tfjs-react-native has been available on npm (in alpha) since late August 2019.

Speech-to-text in react native [duplicate]

I am making a language app that records any new vocabulary a user is trying to learn. It would be great if users can add their words via a speech to text program, instead of having to enter it manually. I am having trouble achieving this task. I am aware that there is an API for apple but not android. Is there anyway possible of doing this, using an API? Like for instance, google speech to text API? But I guess I would first have to be able to access the device's microphone. I am a beginner and this would be very easy using the web. Is React Native still too young for this task?
You might wanna look at react-native-android-voice, a React Native module that supports speech-to-text for Android.
As #delkant mentioned, there's now also react-native-voice that supports both Android and iOS.
Alternatively, you can always write your custom native module using Android's SpeechRecognizer API. Here's a summary of all the classes and interfaces you might need for this task. If you are familiar with developing native Android apps, it's pretty easy to create a native module and bind it to your React Native project. Here's the official documentation of how to achieve this.
You also have react-native-voice
A speech-to-text library for React Native.
It supports android and iOS
The react-native-bluemix module provides both SpeechToText and TextToSpeech for React Native:
It wraps the Watson tools for both ios and android:
React Native uses SFSpeechRecognizer under the hood for iOS which have various limitations :
Be prepared to handle failures caused by speech recognition limits. Because speech recognition is a network-based service, limits are enforced so that the service can remain freely available to all apps. Individual devices may be limited in the number of recognitions that can be performed per day, and each app may be throttled globally based on the number of requests it makes per day. If a recognition request fails quickly (within a second or two of starting), check to see if the recognition service became unavailable. If it is, you may want to ask users to try again later.