I'm trying to access cmswebservices with curl with
curl -u admin:nimda https://localhost:902/cmswebservices/v1/sites -k
I'm getting out put
"errors" : [ { "message" : "Access is denied", "type" : "AccessDeniedError" } ] }
Hope any hybris developer can help me to resolve this
i'm a new influxdb user and i want to deploy influxdb2 on a linux server without root authority
so i use influxd from influxdb2-2.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz as influxdb and influx from influxdb2-client-2.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz as influx-cli.
my influxdb use command
to start with config.yaml in the same path, the yaml config is
bolt-path: mypath/.influxdbv2/influxd.bolt
engine-path: mypath/.influxdbv2/engine
http-bind-address: ":18088"
instance-id: ":18088"
sqlite-path: mypath/.influxdbv2/influxd.sqlite
log-level: debug
after start influxdb I connect it by influx with command
./influx config create --active -n test_config -u http://localhost:18088 -t test1234 -o test-org --config-path "mypath/.influxdbv2/config"
(becasue i dont have root authority so i have to save my cli config into another path instead of default)
but after I create config and try to view auth list with command
./influx auth list --config-path "mypath/.influxdbv2/config
I got an Error "Error: could not find authorization with given parameters: 401 Unauthorized: unauthorized access"
and see the text below in the influxdb log
2022-09-30T09:02:51.147998Z info Unauthorized {"log_id": "0dFLgdmW000", "error": "authorization not found"}
2022-09-30T09:02:51.148198Z debug Request {"log_id": "0dFLgdmW000", "service": "http", "method": "GET", "host": "localhost:18088", "path": "/api/v2/authorizations", "query": "", "proto": "HTTP/1.1", "status_code": 401, "response_size": 55, "content_length": 0, "referrer": "", "remote": "[::1]:18370", "user_agent": "influx", "took": "0.263ms", "error": "unauthorized", "error_code": "unauthorized", "body": ""}
I tried ./influx with flag -t "test1234" bug get same return and I wonder how can I handle this problem
Could anyone help me :)
I upload many files to Nuxeo server using rest API. Now I need to add permission to users. I use http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/id/file-id/#acl endpoint with payload:
"username": "username",
"permission": "ReadWrite"
But it is not working. The error is:
"entity-type": "exception",
"status": 405,
"message": "javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException"
How can I do it? Is there any endpoint for that?
Permission can be added by the Document.AddPermission operation available on the http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/automation/Document.AddPermission endpoint.
Here is a curl example call used to add ReadWrite permission for editor user to the document with ID 2d28e87f-0753-4cfc-9f9b-b17d424aa6a7:
curl -X POST -u Administrator:Administrator \
http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/automation/Document.AddPermission \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"params":{"users":["editor"],"permission":"ReadWrite"},"input":"2d28e87f-0753-4cfc-9f9b-b17d424aa6a7"}'
And here is an example payload when you want to add permission for external user:
"params": {
"email": "some-external#user.com",
"permission": "Read",
"begin": "2020-06-01T00:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2020-06-30T00:00:00+02:00",
"notify": true,
"comment": "notify#me.com"},
"context": {},
"input": "2d28e87f-0753-4cfc-9f9b-b17d424aa6a7"
I am trying to get started with a monitoring server solution. I got the Sensu Clients, RabbitMQ and Uchiwa configured but then I tried using Graphite but there were so many parts to configure I tried InfluxDB instead. I am stuck configuring Sensu to InfluxDB.
Is there a part missing in the below configuration?
Client [Sensu] > RabbitMQ <> Sensu Server <> InfluxDB <> Grafana
Any suggestions?
cat influx.json
"influxdb": {
"hosts" : [""],
"host" : "",
"port" : "8086",
"database" : "sensumetrics",
"time_precision": "s",
"use_ssl" : false,
"verify_ssl" : false,
"initial_delay" : 0.01,
"max_delay" : 30,
"open_timeout" : 5,
"read_timeout" : 300,
"retry" : null,
"prefix" : "",
"denormalize" : true,
"status" : true
cat handler.json
"handlers": {
"influxdb": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/metrics-influxdb.rb"
"checks": {
"check_memory_linux": {
"handlers": ["influxdb","default"],
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/check-memory-percent.rb -w 90 -c 95",
"interval": 60,
"occurrences": 5,
"subscribers": [ "TEST" ]
"checks": {
"check_cpu_linux-elkctrl-pipe": {
"type": "metric",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/check-cpu.rb -w 80 -c 90",
"subscribers": ["TEST"],
"interval": 10,
"handlers": ["debug","influxdb"]
To use InfluxDB to persist your data, you must have:
InfluxDB plugin installed (also, installation and usage instructions here)
Definitions for the plugin (an influxdb.json containin at least the host, port, user, password and database to be used by Sensu)
The definition, as other config files, must be in /etc/sensu/conf.d/
Handler configuration set properly (also in conf.d)
Mutator for InfluxDB (extensions)
Your checks must send results to the handler, so their definition must contain:
"handlers": [
Or whatever name you gave your handler.
Case, if the influxdb config you provided above is the full extent of your configuration, it would seem to be missing the username/password attributes required by the influxdb configuration. If they're present, but not provided in the post, no big deal. However, I'd recommend doing the following for your Sensu logs:
grep -i influxdb /var/logs/sensu/sensu-server.log
And seeing if the check result is getting sent to your influxdb instance. If they are, you should be receiving an error that might be pointing a bit more to what's going on.
You can also check your influxdb logs to see if they're getting a post from your Sensu server:
journalctl -u influxdb.service -f
But yeah, if the username/password is missing from the configuration, that'd be the first place that I start.
I pulled and started apache nutch docker
started it with
docker run --name my_nutch -d -p 8899:8899 -e SOLRURL= -t meabed/nutch
any action I try to consume (according to their rest api) - I get 404
for example
tried also
I get in postman (for all GET REST requests, POST I get 404)
"Service admin actions"
"Configuration manager"
"DB data streaming"
"Job manager"
I am attempting to update a file in one of my repos via the API.
Here is my get of that file (works nicely):
curl -XGET 'https://git.fake.local/api/v3/repos/jsmith/repo_version/contents/version.html?ref=gh-pages'
"name": "version.html",
"path": "version.html",
"sha": "b1b716105590454bfc4c0247f193a04088f39c7f",
"size": 5,
"url": "https://git.fake.local/api/v3/repos/jsmith/post_version/contents/version.html?ref=gh-pages",
"html_url": "https://git.fake.local/jsmith/post_version/blob/gh-pages/version.html",
"git_url": "https://git.fake.local/api/v3/repos/jsmith/post_version/git/blobs/b1b716105590454bfc4c0247f193a04088f39c7f",
"type": "file",
"content": "aW5pdAo=\n",
"encoding": "base64",
"_links": {
Here is my attempt to update that file via PUT:
curl -XPUT 'https://git.fake.local/api/v3/repos/jsmith/repo_version/contents/version.html?ref=gh-pages' -d '{
"message": "update from api",
"committer": {
"name": "Joe Smith",
"email": "jsmith#fake.com"
"content": "bXkgdXBkYXRlZCBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnRz",
"sha": "b1b716105590454bfc4c0247f193a04088f39c7f"
"message": "Not Found"
Okay... I think I got it.
From the github doco:
There are three ways to authenticate through GitHub API v3. Requests
that require authentication will return 404 Not Found, instead
of 403 Forbidden, in some places. This is to prevent the
accidental leakage of private repositories to unauthorized users.
I was expecting a 403 if Auth was a problem but they are throwing a 404, so basically I probably need to make sure I am auth'd correctly and all will be well.
I created a personal oauth token (under settings/applications) and add to curl request in header and it all works great.
curl -XPUT -H "Authorization: token MYSECRETTOKEN"