Default Radio option sselected - radio-button

I need set a default Radio button selected on opencart 2.3 using javascript
<div class="radio" style="margin-top: -5px;"><!--EOF Related Options-->
<!--BOF Related Options--><label for="option-value-2492"><!--EOF Related Options-->
<!--BOF Related Options-->
<input type="radio" name="option[590]" value="2492" id="option-value-2492" master-option-value="0" option-value="115">
<!--EOF Related Options-->
Comprar par </label>

Add checked="checked"
<input type="radio" name="option[590]" value="2492" id="option-value-2492" master-option-value="0" option-value="115" checked="checked">


Inputs and its attributes are constantly changing in Dynamic x-path in Selenium

I tried to find the x-path of a text field username and password, but it keeps on changing dynamically.I won't be able to use starts-with or contains in a findelement using x-path. Here's the HTML DOM-
<div id="contents">
<h1 style="white-space:pre; width:80px; float:left;line-height:35px;">Login</h1>
<span style="float:left; padding-top:13px; COLOR:#990033; font-weight:bold;"> Student | Parent | Faculty</span>
<div class="form-elements">
<div class="form-elements">
<div class="form-elements">
<div class="label-txt">Password</div>
<input id="rcnr2uew1m0rkikeaaniwk" type="password" style="display:none;" name="rcnr2uew1m0rkikeaaniwk"/>
<input id="ko2xs123ebqyoluh15bulu" type="password" style="display:none;" name="ko2xs123ebqyoluh15bulu"/>
<input id="cuouek4bfz41etm4hroj0r" type="password" style="display:none;" name="cuouek4bfz41etm4hroj0r"/>
<input id="u2ta3gv2o2ce0azx5plpuh" type="password" name="u2ta3gv2o2ce0azx5plpuh"/>
<input id="g03nwjuzhqnkuwgsl4q2mu" type="password" style="display:none;" name="g03nwjuzhqnkuwgsl4q2mu"/>
<input id="gddwv4z3amojk0yvoxi2v4" type="password" style="display:none;" name="gddwv4z3amojk0yvoxi2v4"/>
<input id="kxecmkho2vf1vcfb42icjr" type="password" style="display:none;" name="kxecmkho2vf1vcfb42icjr"/>
<span id="ctl04" style="color:Red;visibility:hidden;">*</span>
I tried to find the input[4] with no style.
Absolute x-path- html/body/form/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/input[4]
Next time how it changes-
Absolute x-path- html/body/form/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/input[17]
id and name of the input also keeps on changing without any common trait
You can do it by locating sibling of the User name label that is displayed, i.e. without attribute style="display:none;"
User Name
"//div[contains(text(), 'User Name')]/following-sibling::input[not(#style='display:none;')]"
"//div[contains(text(), 'Password')]/following-sibling::input[not(#style='display:none;')]"
Or something similar using type attribute:

Attach-focus not working in aurelia-dialog

I have the following:
<ai-dialog-header style="display:flex;justify-content:space-between">
<span>New Person</span>
<i class="fa fa-close" style="cursor:pointer" click.delegate="controller.cancel()"></i>
<div style="display:flex;flex-grow: 1">
<div class="field">
<div class="field-title">First Name</div>
<div class="field-value">
<input style="flex-grow:1" type="text" attach-focus="true" value.bind="criteria.firstName & validate" />
When the dialog is displayed, I'm expecting first name input box to have focus but nothing has focus -- I manually have to click in the box to set focus.
Any thoughts?
Try the following: focus.bind="true"
<input style="flex-grow:1" type="text" focus.bind="true"...
You could also make the focus depending on the model what you didn't need here.
Here are more details:

Element not being disabled

I have previously successfully implement this behaviour but for some reason it's not working. I am fairly new to Vue.js and I might be missing something.
I have two radio buttons as such:
<div class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="loginRadio" id="frmLoginRadio" value="true" v-model="loginRadio" checked>
No, I am new to this site
<div class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="loginRadio" id="frmRegisterRadio" value="false" v-model="loginRadio">
Yes, my password is:
They both have a v-model of loginRadio which is initially set to false. When the second radio button is clicked, the disabled input button below should be enabled again.
<input type="password" class="form-control" name="password" :disabled="loginRadio">
However, for some reason, the only thing that is happening is this (when I used Chrome Debug)
<input type="password" class="form-control" name="password" disabled="false">
and the element stays disabled. What am I doing wrong?
You did not use v-bind:for the value attribute of the input buttons
Therefore, loginRadio does not contain boolean values true or false (depending on selection), but strings: "true" and "false"
it should be enough to properly bind the value attribute on both input buttons:

How to Select Radio button inside Fieldset using behat

Can any one please help me out how to select a radio button if it is inside a fieldset??
I can access individual radio button using foreach but when i try to select it or click it its giving some Ajax error.
HTML code is given below
I have tried to select it with radio button's label as well as given in above comment but not able to select it.
<fieldset id="edit-cvs-options" class="form-wrapper">
<div class="fieldset-wrapper">
<div class="ios-content" style="display: none;">test</div>
<div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-use-stored">
<label for="edit-use-stored">
<input id="edit-use-stored" class="form-radio" type="radio" name="use_stored" checked="TRUE" value="on" display-title-fix="1"/>
<fieldset id="edit-cvs-1" class="form-wrapper" style="display: inline-block;">
<div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-use-uploaded">
<label for="edit-use-uploaded">
<input id="edit-use-uploaded" class="form-radio" type="radio" name="use_uploaded" display-title-fix="1" value="off"/>
This is my Behat step definition:
$session = $this->getSession(); // get the mink session
$escapedValue = $session->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral('use_uploaded');
$radioButton = $session->getPage()->find('named', array('radio', $escapedValue));
$radioButton ->click();

Styling Data Validation Errors with Bootstrap

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC 4 Project. I want to style data validation errors on my login page with Bootstrap 3.0. When I debug the page and it gives data validation errors, this codes are disappeared in source of my login form:
<form action="/Account/Login" class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 form-horizontal well" method="post"><input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="Zbg4kEVwyQf87IWj_L4alhiHBIpoWRCJ9mRWXF6syGH4ehg9idjJCqRrQTMGjONnywMGJhMFmGCQWWvBbMdmGFSUPqXpx6XaS4YfpnbFm8U1" /><div class="validation-summary-errors"><ul><li>The user name or password provided is incorrect.</li>
</ul></div> <div class="form-group control-group">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<input class="input-validation-error form-control" data-val="true" data-val-required="User name alanı gereklidir." id="UserName" name="UserName" placeholder="Kullanıcı Adı" type="text" value="" />
<span class="field-validation-error" data-valmsg-for="UserName" data-valmsg-replace="true">User name alanı gereklidir.</span>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<input class="input-validation-error form-control" data-val="true" data-val-required="Password alanı gereklidir." id="Password" name="Password" placeholder="Şifre" type="password" />
<span class="field-validation-error" data-valmsg-for="Password" data-valmsg-replace="true">Password alanı gereklidir.</span>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Giriş Yap</button>
How can I style these errors like "for=inputError" property of label with Bootstrap 3?
As it's shown in Bootstrap's docs, you need to apply class has-error to the div that contains the input and has class form-group:
<div class="form-group has-error">
It's a quite ugly to write a condition for each property you want to check and apply class has-error depending on the results of that condition, though you can do it like so:
<div class="form-group #(Html.ViewData.ModelState.IsValidField(Html.IdFor(x => x.UserName)) ? null : "has-error" )">
This takes care of the server side validation. However, there is also client side validation you need to think about. For that you'd need to write some jQuery that would check for existence of class field-validation-error and apply class has-error depending on the result.
You may do it all your self, though I suggest checking out TwitterBootstrapMVC which does all of that automatically for you. All you'd have to write is:
#Html.Bootstrap().FormGroup().TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName)
Disclaimer: I'm the author of TwitterBootstrapMVC. Using it in Bootstrap 2 is free. For Bootstrap 3 it requires a paid license.