Why does .NET Core not add the reference Dlls from the nuget packages to the bin folder - asp.net-core

.Net Core projects do not put the reference DLLs from the nuget packages in the bin folder. Is there a way of any properties that helps in doing that?
It's needed for some third party tools to understand the reference DLLs.

.NET Core, unlike .NET Framework, can resolve assemblies from half a dozen locations. This includes the NuGet cache, servicing cache, runtime store, local app directory, and shared framework folder. During development, these are typically found in the NuGet cache (%USERPROFILE%.NuGet\packages) This makes it unnecessary to copy referenced assemblies to the build output folder (bin) until you publish your application. For more details on how that works, see https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/corehost.md
You can force the SDK to copy assemblies to your build folder by setting the proper below, but it increase disk use and build time.
Or you can use the deps.json and runtimeconfig.json file to locate required assemblies.


.NET Core 2.1 How to provide nuget packages to a heavily modularized deployment with shared runtime

single offline (blocked from inet) server
multiple applications
apps load .net core assemblies (plugins with their own assembly or nuget deps) at runtime through reflection
Problem: What is the most efficient way to deploy the application set?
Currently I publish application per application, so that all required nuget packages and assemblies are available. However, this means the complete .net core and asp.net assembly set is copied over multiple times.
To have a shared deployment with an installed .net core runtime or sdk, there does not seem to be an easy way to make the required nuget packages available on an offline machine?
Any suggestions on the best-practices setup for these kind of deployments?
Sounds like you could use the global packages folder.
If your projects use PackageReference they consume their dependencies directly out of that folder instead of copying them locally, so if you're worried about disk space that would be a way to avoid duplication if that's what you're really worried about.

How can decompile and see Nuget package dll source code using ILSpy

I have install some asp.net core mvc dlls (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstraction.dll). I want to decompile it and see the source code.
The dll is added to my project>Dependencies>Nuget.
However, I am not sure where exactly the dll in in my system.
Is there a quick way to just launch the added dll in ILSypy and see the codes or at least the object inheritance tree?
ASP.NET Core is open source, so as Hans wrote as a comment to your question, you can look directly at the source, you don't need to decompile.
But for future reference, NuGet dlls are extracted to one of two places. Older projects still using packages.config, the dlls are typically extracted to a folder named packages as a sub-folder of where the .sln file is.
Packages using PackageReference, the packages are extracted to your account's global packages folder, which by default is %userprofile%\.nuget\packages on Windows and ~/.nuget/packages on Linux and Mac. You can also look at your project's obj\project.assets.json file to find the paths to everything referenced.
All paths can be modified with nuget.config settings (or even msbuild properties for projects using PackageReference). But if this is the case, either you, or your team mate would probably know, so the default locations for the folders I listed above should be correct.

Reference third-party class libraries

I am working with .Net Core 1.0 (running under the .Net Framework 4.6.1, non-portable).
I need to include some DLLs that are from a locally-built GitHub project. When I build those projects, and then attempt to "Add Reference" to the resulting DLLs, I get a message saying I can't add them to a Core project directly.
After more research, I found a lot of information regarding "private" NuGet packages. However, those seem overly complex / overly engineered.
Is there any way I can do the following:
Without having to go through the headache of creating a private NuGet repository, can I just "add reference" to the built assemblies that are sitting in the bin folder of the NuGet projects I pulled?
I really don't want to have to build a local-only NuGet package. Mostly because I've already wasted too much time on this issue, and because I read this entire concept is about to be scrapped and turned into something else (sounds familiar by now)... such as the Roslyn-based build system on GitHub.
My current state:
Visual Studio Professional 2015
.Net Core 1.0.1
.Net Core 1.0.1 Tooling Preview 2
No, as for now you have to create a nuget package before and restore it via Nuget. You can use a simple folder as NuGet source, so if you put your compiled NuGet package in C:\packages, you can add this as a source to NuGet (while in the NuGet UI, click the settings Icon and add the folder as new source).
This may change with the next release of ASP.NET Core (1.1), as the .NET/ASP.NET Core team is working to move from *.xproj to *.csproj files.
One of the reasons why you need to use nuget is because it can contain multiple targets and project.json allows you to target multiple platforms (i.e. net452 and netcoreapp1.0).

ASP.NET 5 and Build Action

I have a Web Site and Class Library built with ASP.NET 5. The Class Library depends on an set of external files (XML, EXEs, etc.). Those dependencies are added as part of the project and visible in the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio.
My Web Site has a dependency on the Class Library. When I build the Web Site, I would expect the dependencies of the Class Library to be copied to the Web Site, but they aren't.
The Build Action (Copy always, Copy if changed) appears to be gone with ASP.NET 5. How do I make sure that dependencies other then the DLL of the Class Library itself gets copied to the Web Site project?
First thing first, they won't be in src/yourProject/bin/Debug. Those have been moved to the artifacts folder.
Also, your project by default will not output DLLs. This is mainly due to performance reason but if you need your DLL to publish your application, check your project properties. In the Build section you should have an option called Produce outputs on build. Tick that and bingo.
You have your dlls. Most of the time (aka: while coding), you won't need them since they will always be recompiled in memory.
You need to manually add a pre/post build step in project.json

Forcing project to load DLL's from the current directory

I am trying to make a program that works on every operating system by forcing it to load and use the DLL's in the current directory, not the windows directory, but it don't works. I tried to enable "copy local" and change the refference path, but without any success, the program tries to load the DLL's from the windows directory.
My question is: how can I fix this?
The Search Order for DLL's is documented here on MSDN. It also includes instructions on how you can modify the search order so that the local bin directory is searched first, instead of the GAC.
The directory %windir%\assembly is called the GAC. Assemblies are not copied there, but installed typically using gacutil /i or by installation packages.
GAC is a suitable folder for libraries referenced by lots of other libraries and applications in build versions that are not centrally coordinated. Using GAC allows you to have multiple versions of the same library, all of which might be indirectly required even by a single application, installed side by side on the system. Case in point is the .NET framework itself.
The assemblies that you build are probably not that kind. Application assemblies and libraries that are basically part of a single application should never make it to the GAC or you can get into trouble. There is a variety of possible trouble:
one accidentally or intentionally creates different (incompatible) builds of the same library with the same version number.
assembly in GAC references an assembly not in GAC
one app installs the same assembly into GAC, but another app wants to load it from its local folder (where application binaries reside).
Code in the GAC gets a preference when assemblies are loaded. To remove an assembly from the GAC, use gacutil /u.