VB.net get bitlocker Password ID from Active Directory - vb.net

I have a VB.net program that I am trying to add a bitlocker lookup tool that will search active directory for the machine name, and display the "Password ID" as well as the "Recovery Password"
So far my script/code works flawlessly for the lookup and displaying the Recovery Password, but I cannot get it to display the Password ID.
I've tried:
Which returns the error "System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'Byte()' to type 'String' is not valid."
Which returns "System.Byte[]"
Which returns "System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection"
So far in my searching I've only seen C# examples, and I haven't been able to translate.
The same for Recovery Password works however:
Here is the larger snippet of what I have for context:
Dim RootDSE As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE")
Dim DomainDN As String = RootDSE.Properties("DefaultNamingContext").Value
Dim ADsearch As New DirectorySearcher("LDAP://" & DomainDN)
ADsearch.Filter = ("(&(objectClass=computer)(name=" & MachineName & "))")
Dim ADresult As SearchResult = ADsearch.FindOne
Dim ADpath As String = ADresult.Path
Dim BTsearch As New DirectorySearcher()
BTsearch.SearchRoot = New DirectoryEntry(ADpath)
BTsearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=msFVE-RecoveryInformation))"
Dim BitLockers As SearchResultCollection = BTsearch.FindAll()
Dim Item As SearchResult
Dim longTempstring As String = ""
For Each Item In BitLockers
If Item.Properties.Contains("msFVE-RecoveryGuid") Then
Dim tempstring As String = Item.Properties("msFVE-RecoveryGuid")(0).ToString
longTempstring = longTempstring & tempstring & vbNewLine
End If
If Item.Properties.Contains("msFVE-RecoveryPassword") Then
End If

So I figured out that I needed to convert the bytes to hex in order to get them to match what is viewed in the Microsoft Management Console. Once I began doing that the only problem I ran into is that I discovered the indexing of the byte arrays are not in the same order as they are in Active Directory. -- so instead of looping I had to list out each index of the Byte array and sort them to their proper positions so that they match how they show up in AD.
My end function is:
Function bitread(ByVal GUID As Byte())
Dim tempVar As String
tempVar = GUID(3).ToString("X02") & GUID(2).ToString("X02") _
& GUID(1).ToString("X02") & GUID(0).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(5).ToString("X02") & GUID(4).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(7).ToString("X02") & GUID(6).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(8).ToString("X02") & GUID(9).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(10).ToString("X02") & GUID(11).ToString("X02") _
& GUID(12).ToString("X02") & GUID(13).ToString("X02") _
& GUID(14).ToString("X02") & GUID(15).ToString("X02")
Return tempVar
End Function
Called with:


vb.net WPF application combobox not waiting for user to choose

I have a wpf vb.net application (written in VS 2019 community) containing two website searches. The first search is a string search and that either produces one result, which I then load into the second search, or it produces more than one result, which I load into a combobox to let the user choose. My problem is getting the application to stop and allow the user to choose from the combobox. I have implemented a workaround that uses a modal form containing a combobox and this allows the user to choose from the combobox and supply the value to the second search. I have been advised to use the 'change' event for the combobox but there isn't one available, I have also been advised to use the selectedindexchanged but the control doesn't let the dropdown list occur to select anything. I have also tried using various forms of addhandler (commented out in the code below).
' Build the 'Search API' URL.
Dim uri = New Uri("https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?" _
& "api_key=" & TMDBAPIKey _
& "&language=en-US" _
& "&query=" & sLvl1NodeName _
& "&page=1" _
& "&first_air_date_year=" & sFirstXmitYear)
' Retrieve the IMDB ID with an API Search function using the series title
Dim Site = New WebClient()
Answer = Site.DownloadString(uri)
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
Dim messagetext As String = "The 'Search API' from GetDetails popup failed with : " _
& ex.Message & " for: Title=" & sLvl1NodeName
Me.txtErrorMessageBox.Text = messagetext
Exit Sub
End Try
' Deserialise the answer
Dim JsonElem As TMDBtitle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of TMDBtitle)(Answer)
' If the websearch finds only one result this is the TV series we want, if more than
' one result is found load the results into a combobox and get the user to choose.
If JsonElem.results.Length = 1 Then
TVSeriesID = JsonElem.results(0).id
Me.lblChooseSeries.Text = Me.lblChooseSeries.Text & "( " & JsonElem.results.Length & " )"
For Each titleresult In JsonElem.results
ComboSeriesChoice = titleresult.name & " | " &
titleresult.id & " | " &
titleresult.first_air_date & " | " &
cmbChooseSeries.DroppedDown = True
If cmbChooseSeries.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
Dim var1 = cmbChooseSeries.SelectedText
End If
'AddHandler cmbChooseSeries.MouseDoubleClick,
'End Sub
TVSeriesID = cmbChooseSeries.SelectedItem
End If
' Build the 'TV Search API' call URL.
Dim urix = New Uri("https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/" _
& TVSeriesID & "?" _
& "api_key=" & TMDBAPIKey _
& "&language=en-US")
Dim site = New WebClient()
Answer = site.DownloadString(urix) ' download the JSON from the server.
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
Dim MessageText As String = "The 'TV Search API' from GetDetails popup failed with : " _
& ex.Message & " for: Title=" & sLvl1NodeName & " ID=" & popupid
Me.txtErrorMessageBox.Text = MessageText
Exit Sub
End Try
Dim jsonelemx = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of TVResult)(Answer)
lstDetailItems(0) = "Name"
lstDetailItems(1) = jsonelemx.name
lstDetailItems(2) = (String.Empty)
Dim DelItems = New ListViewItem(lstDetailItems)
lstDetailItems(0) = "Status"
lstDetailItems(1) = jsonelemx.status
lstDetailItems(2) = (String.Empty)
DelItems = New ListViewItem(lstDetailItems)
lstDetailItems(0) = "Episode run time"
lstDetailItems(1) = Convert.ToString(jsonelemx.episode_run_time(0))
lstDetailItems(2) = (String.Empty)
DelItems = New ListViewItem(lstDetailItems)

VB.NET not copying a folder to new destination

So I want to copy the folder at the end, But, for some reason, it doesn't copy it. I do not get an error message, so the code doesn't have errors, it's just incorrect.
Dim Log As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss"))
Process.Start("CMD", "/c robocopy.exe " & Source & " " & Destination & " /log:C:\Backup\log_" & Log & ".txt ")
Dim Copy2 As String = ("Backup_" & DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss"))
Dim Destination2 As String
Destination2 = Destination
Dim copy4 As String = Destination2.Substring(0, Destination2.LastIndexOf("\"))
Dim Copy3 As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(copy4, Copy2)
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveDirectory(Destination, Copy3, True)
MsgBox("Backup ist vollendet!")
did you try to end the Process, befor accessing the just copied data ?
Try :

Cannot get inner content error

I'm in the process of migrating a website from one of my clients staging servers to a hosted server for one of their clients.
Everything else is working fine except the media gallery section of the website. When trying to open a gallery page I'm getting the error:
Cannot get inner content of ulGallerySlides because the contents are not literal.
I'm more of a techie than a programmer so I'm a bit stumped as to what is causing this and how to fix it. It works perfectly on the staging server.
The staging server is an IIS 7 server which I have full control over and the new server is hosted at an ISP on IIS 8 and I have very little control of it (just through WebSitePanel)
The code behind it is:
Public Sub BuildGalleryView()
Dim objDA As New clsDataAccess
Dim dtResults As New DataTable
Dim iCounter As Integer = 0
Dim intGalleryID As Integer = CInt(Request.QueryString("g"))
Dim strGalleryTitle As String = ""
Dim strGalleryDescription As String = "Test Gallery Description"
Dim strMediaTitle As String = "Test Media Title"
Dim strMediaDescription As String = "Test Media Description"
Dim strMediaURL As String = "./assets/images/placeholder.jpg"
dtResults = objDA.ODSGetGalleryMedia(intGalleryID).Tables(0)
'Set the gallery info first
strGalleryTitle = dtResults(0)("Gallery_Title").ToString
strGalleryDescription = dtResults(0)("Gallery_Description").ToString
lblGalleryTitle.InnerText = strGalleryTitle.ToString
lblGalleryDescription.InnerText = strGalleryDescription.ToString
lblGalleryMainTitle.InnerText = strGalleryTitle.ToString
If Not dtResults Is Nothing Then
'Loop through all the images and build the slider"
For i As Integer = 1 To dtResults.Rows.Count
strMediaTitle = dtResults(iCounter)("Media_Title").ToString
strMediaDescription = dtResults(iCounter)("Media_Description").ToString
strMediaURL = "./assets/" & dtResults(iCounter)("Media_URL").ToString
ulGallerySlides.InnerHtml = ulGallerySlides.InnerHtml & _
"<li>" & _
"<img src='" & strMediaURL & "' align='Slider'/>" & _
"<div class='flex-caption'>" & _
"<h2>" & strMediaTitle & "</h2>" & _
"<p>" & strMediaDescription & "</p>" & _
"</div>" & _
iCounter = iCounter + 1
End If
End Sub
What do I need to change to fix this?

Email a table using VB.Net

I need to send an email with a table that has variable values in each cell. I can do this using any method (html via email, an excel/word table, etc.). The only hitch is due to the restrictions of the Emailer program and System.Net.Mail import, it has to be a string.
Here's what I have so far:
Imports DelayEmailer.DelayTrackerWs
Imports System.Configuration
Public Class DelayEmailer
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim ws As New DelayTrackerWs.DelayUploader
Dim delays As DelayTrackerWs.Delay()
Dim emailer As New Emailer()
Dim delaystring As String
delays = ws.SearchDelaysDate(DelayTrackerWs.AreaEnum.QT, DelayTrackerWs.UnitEnum.QT, Now.AddDays(-1), Now)
delaystring = "Delays" & vbNewLine
delaystring &= "Facilty Start Time Status Category Reason Comment"
For i = 0 To delays.Length - 1
delaystring &= vbNewLine & delays(i).Facility & " "
delaystring &= FormatDateTime(delays(i).DelayStartDateTime, DateFormat.ShortDate) & " "
delaystring &= FormatDateTime(delays(i).DelayStartDateTime, DateFormat.ShortTime) & " "
'delaystring &= delays(i).DelayDuration & " "
delaystring &= delays(i).Status & " "
delaystring &= delays(i).CategoryCode & " "
delaystring &= delays(i).ReasonCode & " "
delaystring &= delays(i).Comment
emailer.Send(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("EmailList"), "delays", delaystring)
End Sub
As you can see, I currently have just a bunch of concatenated strings that line up if the values of each delays(i) are the same. The other problem is that this needs to be easily viewable via mobile devices and with the strings, it wraps and gets really unreadable. A table here should fix this.
You can send html email from .NET using MailMessage and SmtpClient classes, create an email template as string and set MailMessage's IsBodyHtml property to true:
Dim strHeader As String = "<table><tbody>"
Dim strFooter As String = "</tbody></table>"
Dim sbContent As New StringBuilder()
For i As Integer = 1 To rows
For j As Integer = 1 To cols
sbContent.Append(String.Format("<td>{0}</td>", YOUR_TD_VALUE_STRING))
Next j
Next i
Dim emailTemplate As String = strHeader & sbContent.ToString() & strFooter

Get Text between characters in a string

I have a text file with a list of music that looks like this:
Song Name
There are multiple instances of this.
I'm wanting to get the text between the BeginSong{ and }EndSong and put the song info
into a string array. Then I want to add each instance to a ListBox as Artist - Song Name
(that part I'm sure I can figure out though). I hope that was a clear description.
Use the ReadLine() function of the FileStream
since you already know the order of the information, you should be able to loop all File Lines and store them in their corresponding properties.
WHILE Reader.Read()
Store Line in BeginSongTextVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in SongNameVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in ArtistNameVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in GenreVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in EndSongTextVariable
Add The Above Variables in List
End While
You can use a regular expression with named groups:
Something like this:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Dim s As New Regex("BeginSong{\n(?<song_name>.*)\n(?<artist>.*)\n(?<genre>.*)\n}EndSong")
Dim mc As MatchCollection = s.Matches(inputFile)
For Each m As Match In mc
Dim song_name As String = m.Groups("song_name").Value
Dim artist As String = m.Groups("artist").Value
Dim genre As String = m.Groups("genre").Value
'use or store these values as planned
There is a nice answer from Neolisk that uses Regular Expressions. But since you also included the VB6 tag in addition to VB.NET, I'll take a shot at a VB6 solution.
You can use the string Split function, and split on the "ends", i.e. "BeginSong{" and "}EndSong"
Dim songInfos As String
Dim firstArray() As String
Dim secondArray() As String
Dim thirdArray() As String
Dim songInfoArray() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim songCounter As Integer
' to test:
songInfos = songInfos & "BeginSong{" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Song Name1" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Artist1" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Genre1" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "}EndSong" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "BeginSong{" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Song Name2" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Artist2" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Genre2" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "}EndSong"
firstArray = Split(songInfos, "BeginSong{")
songCounter = 0
ReDim songInfoArray(2, 0)
For i = 1 To UBound(firstArray) Step 1
secondArray = Split(firstArray(i), "}EndSong")
thirdArray = Split(secondArray(0), vbNewLine)
songInfoArray(0, songCounter) = thirdArray(1)
songInfoArray(1, songCounter) = thirdArray(2)
songInfoArray(2, songCounter) = thirdArray(3)
songCounter = songCounter + 1
If i < UBound(firstArray) Then
ReDim Preserve songInfoArray(2, songCounter)
End If
Next i
The watch after the last line. Note the structure of songInfoArray, which was required for it to be ReDimmed