Im using Jface menu manager for creating menu bar for my application window, I am creating font but unable to set it to menu manager. How do I do this?
I have an issue with Syncfusion Gantt chart Filter Menu, whenever I open the filter menu and clicked the scroll bar it's closing. I wanted to resolve to Stop Closing the Gantt chart Filter Menu when clicking the scroll bar.
Sample Syncfusion Gantt Chart Menu Filter
I just hiding some details from the screenshot for security.
Here are the details:
Library Version : ej2-angular-gantt: ^19.4.42,
Filter Menu type: Excel
The solution I tried but had no luck:
#Hostlistener = to detect scroll bar action
#Viewchild = to detect element action
Use custom JS script = to use jQuery for that Filter DOM
Thank you in advance for answering my concern.
Can someone give me insight how can I achieve the form with panel title first and then menu bar below panel (barmanager). Because devexpress always put barmanager on top
Thank you
After I add standalonebardock, the result as picture shown below: the red bar is standalonebardock
After I drag the barmanager menu into standalonedock, now it is already inside the dock. But the menu still on top docking, what I need how to make space above menu so I can write title/image/etc
The StandaloneBarDockControl control allows bars to be displayed at any position within the form, not simply docked to the form’s edge. To do this, create a StandaloneBarDockControl object and add bars to it. Bars can be added to the control at design time or runtime.
I'm using React native popup menu and on click I have a grey background color that appears on the menu.
So i read the docs and it says to change customStyles in Menu Trigger but I tried many different things and it doesn't work.
I just want that when I press the menu I have no background color.
I would like to implement the OneNote app menu in my own UWP app. In the closed state, the menu only shows the 'hamburger' button, but when clicked a menu pane slides in from the left.
I have tried to use the SplitView, but it doesn't allow me to set the width to 0 when collapsed, always showing a narrow line on the left side. I also considered using the 8.1 Flyout control, but that doesn't see to animate the correct way.
So, what's the correct way to implement the OneNote menu behavior?
You need the SplitView, but don't mess with the width of its pane.
Instead, set the DisplayMode to Inline (or Overlay) and toggle the IsPaneOpen property.
How would I make the name of the app appear here ( like with a normal app )…
alt text
… when the app is an LSUIElement.
My Problem is that when the App is LSUIElement the name is not by default displayed in the menu bar like an normal app. Basically all I want LSUIElement to do is to hide the dock icon not the name in the menu bar.
For those who's native language isn't English, when I say 'App' i mean 'Application'.
Don't do this; it's not what users expect. A dock icon and menu bar go together. If you want to get both a dock icon and menu bar icon in your UIElement app, use TransformProcessType.
If you really must, you can draw your own menu bar window (if you use the appropriate window level it'll appear over the top of the existing menu bar).