Crashlytics - I'm getting lots of crash report from ios 9.1-9.2 after releasing new version - crashlytics

I released a new version of my application a couple of hours ago.
I suddenly get a lot of crash (about 50 - until now) reports that I didn't have till now.
The common of all crashes is:
iOS version 9.1-9.2
What changed from the previous version:
iOS minimum target changed from 7 to 8
xCode changed from 7 to 8
fabric updated to the version 2.6.4 (1271)
I didn't find any explanation for that
I'd appreciate your help
Thanks in Advance

I have crash similar in only iOS 9.2.x - 9.1.x, 9.0.x
No crash in 9.3.x, 10.x.x, 11.x.x
Is it error iOS system?
I use Swift 3.x


Slow autocomplete in Xcode 8

I recently got a 2016 nTB MBP. I started Obj-C in Xcode 8 a few days ago.
What I noticed, that autocomplete is really useful but it's incredibly slow. Even inside an extremely simple class (fractions, just for practice), the delay is very annoying when typing.
Is this normal or it should be smooth?
I removed it with AppCleaner and reinstalled it but it's just the same.
Tame the beast with:
Xcode | Preferences | General > Uncheck "Show live issues"
BTW None of the answers in the "Possible duplicate" above fixed this for me.
The new Xcode 9 Beta is immeasurably faster for me and solved the annoying editing delays from having autocomplete and live issues turned on.
Not sure if you can deploy to the App Store with beta Xcode, but I'm going to develop in beta and open the normal Xcode to deploy.

objectForKeyedSubscript: crash on iOS 5.1

I'm running some code that does a [NSDictionary objectForKeyedSubscript:] and it's crashing on iOS 5, but not iOS 6. I am using xcode 4.5.2 and compiling against the iOS 6.0 SDK.
I assumed that this would work on iOS 5 since it's just a compiler feature? Am I wrong about that? I can just write my own versions of those functions, but I'm worried that something else is wrong since I would expect it to work.
NSDictionary reference for IOS in Apple developer
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
OK, I'm going to answer my own questions, although I don't completely understand why it was failing.
Using objectForKeyedSubscript: and the like works fine running in iOS 5 (as long as it was compiled against the iOS 6 SDK).
The problem was I named a function +(void)load and making objectForKeyedSubscript: calls in this function causes an assert due to the method not being found.
This was an naming error on my part because the load method is called before the App is fully running. I have changed the name of my function and all is well.
I assume +load is being called before something with NSDictionary is fully inited. Odd that it works under iOS 6 and just not iOS 5.
Maybe that's not odd.
There is a workaround for pre-iOS6 SDKs
Checkout question here: Is there any way to get the neat Objective-C literal indexing feature in Xcode 4.4?

Mountain Lion and Xcode 4.4 Not Validating App for App Store Distribution

I released version 1.1 of my app onto the App Store last week, and now have had to produce 1.1.1 very quickly. Last week, I was running XCode 4.3(.1, maybe) on Lion. There were no validation issues when uploading version 1.1 using XCode's Organiser. This week, I have upgraded to Mountain Lion, and been forced to upgrade to XCode 4.4 as a result. I have changed about 10 lines of code for version 1.1.1. Now when I try to distribute the app, XCode's Organiser fails, with no helpful error message. I tried using Application Loader, which gives me the error: The app references non-public selectors in Payload/ instance
From what I've seen around the Internet, this is most probably because I'm using (as it suggests) a private API. But that can't be right, the only code I added was a new BOOL and then setting it to YES and NO a few times.
I need this update out ASAP, as it fixes a nice big flaw to do with the app launching. Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: As an aside, I reverted my code back to 1.1, then tried to distribute that, and got the exact same error message. Considering they let it upload last week, it seems strange iTunes Connect is now rejecting it.
This could be a false-positive on Apple's part. Do you have methods named "instance" in your code? Does changing them to something else solve the problem?

Developed an app with ARC and xcode 4.2. How can I submit this to iTunes?

After reading:
iphone: submit app with iOS 5 and XCode 4.2?
I realize that using ARC and expecting to release an app to the app store with this technology might have been a bit short-sighted of me. What is the best course of action for me?
Use Xcode 4 and redo the memory management
Wait for Xcode 4.2 to be released
Some other magical way that will solve all my issues and make my dreams come true
Thanks for the advice.
Update: Just in case anyone wandered on to this, it was while Xcode 4.2 was still in beta. End result: don't use beta features unless you're ok with waiting for the final release.
So, first, there is no Santa Claus. That leaves us with:
How urgently do you want to ship?
Xcode 4.2 is going to ship with iOS 5. iOS 5 is likely to ship around September. It could be later. So can you sit on your app for that long? If so, eh, keep polishing, maybe work on some additional features, do an exhaustive run of QA, then when the GM is ready you'll be all set.
If you want to be the master of your own destiny and ship on your terms, install Xcode 4.1 and run the static analyzer to get the full measure of your missing memory management, spend a few hours fixing things up, then profile and test the hell out of it just to be sure. Read up on the Leaks instrument, along with NSZombieEnabled, should you run into unexpected memory issues (dunno how big your project is, but I'm sure they can build up with the luxury of ARC snatched away).

Problem in the last version of XCode (4) on Mac OSX [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Xcode 4 - The selected run destination is not valid for this action.
Hi everyone,
I'm currently learning Obj-C and I'm dealing with a book that provides a lot of sample xcode projects.
I've a problem when trying to run the code: it appears an alert saying "The selected run destination is not valid for this action".
This happen only in xcode 4+. In the old version all work fine.
Can you help me solving this? Thanks a lot.
I had this problem also.
You need to make sure the Base SDK is set correctly for the debug and release of you Application Target.
If its missing i.e 10.5 then you will get this message.
in my v4 of xcode it does not have a 10.5 sdk. But my Application Target was set to 10.5.
So I needed to change it to 10.6.
I did this by selecting the Targets Build settings of the Project.
and then changing the base SDK's there.