Does a 3D engine needs to analyse all the map objects before rendering - game-engine

Does a 3D engine needs to analyse every single object on the map to see if it's gonna be rendered or not. My understanding is that a line from the center of projection to a pixel in the view plan, the engine will find the closest plan that intersect with it, but wouldn't that mean that for each pixel the engine needs to analyse all objects in the map, is there a way to limits the objects analysed.
Thanks for your help.

Such procedure are called frustum-culling algorithm.
You can also find more information about it here :- (wiki) (better but hard to read)
IMHO, this last link is similar as what Nico Schertler mentioned in comment.
Beware, what you seek for is not the same as "occlusion culling" (another related link "Most efficient algorithm for mesh-level, optimal occlusion culling? ) ", which is another optimization when an object is totally hidden behind another one.
Note that most game-engine render by object (a pack of many triangles - via draw calls, roughly speaking ), not by tracing each pixel (ray-tracing) as you might understand.
Ray-tracing is too expensive in most real-time application.


Custom rendering with GPU, Direct3D or OpenGL

I have a Windows application that currently renders graphics largely using MFC that I'd like to change to get better use out of the GPU. Most of the graphics are straightforward and could easily be built up into a scene graph, but some of the graphics could prove very difficult. Specifically, in addition to the normal mesh type objects, I'm also dealing with point clouds which are liable to contain billions of Cartesian stored in a very compact manner that use quite a lot of custom culling techniques to be displayed in real time (Example). What I'm looking for is a mechanism that does the bulk of the scene rendering to a buffer and then gives me access to that buffer, a z buffer, and camera parameters such that I can modify them before putting them out to the display. I'm wondering whether this is possible with Direct3D, OpenGL or possibly use a higher level framework like OpenSceneGraph, and what would be the best starting point? Given the software is Windows based, I'd probably prefer to use Direct3D as this is likely to lead to fewest driver issues which I'm eager to avoid. OpenSceneGraph seems to provide custom culling via octrees, which are close but not identical to what I'm using.
Edit: To clarify a bit more, currently I have the following;
A display list / scene in memory which will typically contain up to a few million triangles, lines, and pieces of text, which I cull in software and output to a bitmap using low performing drawing primitives
A point cloud in memory which may contain billions of points in a highly compressed format (~4.5 bytes per 3d point) which I cull and output to the same bitmap
Cursor information that gets added to the bitmap prior to output
A camera, z-buffer and attribute buffers for navigation and picking purposes
The slow bit is the highlighted part of section 1 which I'd like to replace with GPU rendering of some kind. The solution I envisage is to build a scene for the GPU, render it to a bitmap (with matching z-buffer) based on my current camera parameters and then add my point cloud prior to output.
Alternatively, I could move to a scene based framework that managed the cameras and navigation for me and provide points in view as spheres or splats based on volume and level of detail during the rendering loop. In this scenario I'd also need to be able add cursor information to the view.
In either scenario, the hosting application will be MFC C++ based on VS2017 which would require too much work to change for the purposes of this exercise.
It's hard to say exactly based on your description of a complex problem.
OSG can probably do what you're looking for.
Depending on your timeframe, I'd consider eschewing both OpenGL (OSG) and DirectX in favor of the newer Vulkan 3D API. It's a successor to both D3D and OGL, and is designed by the GPU manufacturers themselves to provide optimal performance exceeding both of its predecessors.
The OSG project is currently developing a Vulkan scenegraph known as VSG, which already demonstrates superior performance to OSG and will have more generalized culling ability.
I've worked a bunch with point clouds and am pretty experienced with them, but I'm not exactly clear on what you're proposing to do.
If you want to actually have a verbal discussion about the matter, I'm pretty easy to find (my company is AlphaPixel -- and you could call us. I'm in the European time zone right now, it's not clear from your question where you are but you sound US-based.

D3D12 Use backbuffer surface as unordered access view (UAV)

Im making a simple raytracer for a schoolproject were a compute shader is supposed to be used to shade a triangle or some other primitive.
For this I'd like to write to a backbuffer-surface directly in the compute shader, to then present the results imideatly. I know for certain that this is possible in DX11 though i can't seem to get it to work in DX12.
I couldn't gather that much information about this, but i found this gamedev thread discussing the exact same problem I try to figure out and they seem to come to the conclusion which was my go to workaround: writing to an intermediate texture and then sampling in a pipeline.
I can't fully accept that this would be impossible to achieve in dx12. Why would that feature be removed? Could it be that the queuing-systems removes some overhead that makes it unnecessary to have this feature?
Is there any way to achieve a raytracer without writing to a separate texture and then sampling in a pipeline or copy it onto the back-buffer? What are my best alternatives for achieving performance?
You will have to access the answer. They removed the capability to create an UAV the same way they removed the capability to use multisample surface in the swapchain.
The problem with authorizing UAV on the swapchain surface is that they would have to forfeit tracking of what is happening to it. DX12 rely on descriptor heaps that are 100% volatile at runtime for UAVs ( render targets are CPU side only and can be tracked ).
Microsoft need to track the swapchain surface status strongly in order to guarantee behavior with the desktop presentation and for that reason, they choose to deny the UAV binding.

Insert skeleton in 3D model programmatically

I'm working on a project where a user gets scanned by a Kinect (v2). The result will be a generated 3D model which is suitable for use in games.
The scanning aspect is going quite well, and I've generated some good user models.
Note: This is just an early test model. It still needs to be cleaned up, and the stance needs to change to properly read skeletal data.
The problem I'm currently facing is that I'm unsure how to place skeletal data inside the generated 3D model. I can't seem to find a program that will let me insert the skeleton in the 3D model programmatically. I'd like to do this either via a program that I can control programmatically, or adjust the 3D model file in such a way that skeletal data gets included within the file.
What have I tried
I've been looking around for similar questions on Google and StackOverflow, but they usually refer to either motion capture or skeletal animation. I know Maya has the option to insert skeletons in 3D models, but as far as I could find that is always done by hand. Maybe there is a more technical term for the problem I'm trying to solve, but I don't know it.
I do have a train of thought on how to achieve the skeleton insertion. I imagine it to go like this:
Scan the user and generate a 3D model with Kinect;
1.2. Clean user model, getting rid of any deformations or unnecessary information. Close holes that are left in the clean up process.
Scan user skeletal data using the Kinect.
2.2. Extract the skeleton data.
2.3. Get joint locations and store as xyz-coordinates for 3D space. Store bone length and directions.
Read 3D skeleton data in a program that can create skeletons.
Save the new model with inserted skeleton.
Can anyone recommend (I know, this is perhaps "opinion based") a program to read the skeletal data and insert it in to a 3D model? Is it possible to utilize Maya for this purpose?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I opted to post the question here and not on Graphics Design Stack Exchange (or other Stack Exchange sites) because I feel it's more coding related, and perhaps more useful for people who will search here in the future. Apologies if it's posted on the wrong site.
A tricky part of your question is what you mean by "inserting the skeleton". Typically bone data is very separate from your geometry, and stored in different places in your scene graph (with the bone data being hierarchical in nature).
There are file formats you can export to where you might establish some association between your geometry and skeleton, but that's very format-specific as to how you associate the two together (ex: FBX vs. Collada).
Probably the closest thing to "inserting" or, more appropriately, "attaching" a skeleton to a mesh is skinning. There you compute weight assignments, basically determining how much each bone influences a given vertex in your mesh.
This is a tough part to get right (both programmatically and artistically), and depending on your quality needs, is often a semi-automatic solution at best for the highest quality needs (commercial games, films, etc.) with artists laboring over tweaking the resulting weight assignments and/or skeleton.
There are algorithms that get pretty sophisticated in determining these weight assignments ranging from simple heuristics like just assigning weights based on nearest line distance (very crude, and will often fall apart near tricky areas like the pelvis or shoulder) or ones that actually consider the mesh as a solid volume (using voxels or tetrahedral representations) to try to assign weights. Example:
However, you might be able to get decent results using an algorithm like delta mush which allows you to get a bit sloppy with weight assignments but still get reasonably smooth deformations.
Now if you want to do this externally, pretty much any 3D animation software will do, including free ones like Blender. However, skinning and character animation in general is something that tends to take quite a bit of artistic skill and a lot of patience, so it's worth noting that it's not quite as easy as it might seem to make characters leap and dance and crouch and run and still look good even when you have a skeleton in advance. That weight association from skeleton to geometry is the toughest part. It's often the result of many hours of artists laboring over the deformations to get them to look right in a wide range of poses.

What's the fastest force-directed network graph engine for large data sets? [duplicate]

We currently have a dynamically updated network graph with around 1,500 nodes and 2,000 edges. It's ever-growing. Our current layout engine uses Prefuse - the force directed layout in particular - and it takes about 10 minutes with a hefty server to get a nice, stable layout.
I've looked a little GraphViz's sfpd algorithm, but haven't tested it yet...
Are there faster alternatives I should look at?
I don't care about the visual appearance of the nodes and edges - we process that separately - just putting x, y on the nodes.
We do need to be able to tinker with the layout properties for specific parts of the graph, for instance, applying special tighter or looser springs for certain nodes.
Thanks in advance, and please comment if you need more specific information to answer!
EDIT: I'm particularly looking for speed comparisons between the layout engine options. Benchmarks, specific examples, or just personal experience would suffice!
I wrote a JavaScript-based graph drawing library VivaGraph.js.
It calculates layout and renders graph with 2K+ vertices, 8.5K edges in ~10-15 seconds. If you don't need rendering part it should be even faster.
Here is a video demonstrating it in action: WebGL Graph Rendering With VivaGraphJS.
Online demo is available here. WebGL is required to view the demo but is not needed to calculate graphs layouts. The library also works under node.js, thus could be used as a service.
Example of API usage (layout only):
var graph = Viva.Graph.graph(),
layout = Viva.Graph.Layout.forceDirected(graph);
graph.addLink(1, 2);; // runs 50 iterations of graph layout
// print results:
graph.forEachNode(function(node) { console.log(node.position); })
Hope this helps :)
I would have a look at OGDF, specifically
I have not used OGDF, but I do know that Fast Multipole Multilevel is a good performant algorithm and when you're dealing with the types of runtimes involved with force directed layout with the number of nodes you want, that matters a lot.
Why, among other reasons, that algorithm is awesome: Fast Multipole method. The fast multipole method is a matrix multiplication approximation which reduces the O() runtime of matrix multiplication for approximation to a small degree. Ideally, you'd have code from something like this: but I can't find it anywhere; maybe a CUDA solution isn't up your alley anyways.
Good luck.
The Gephi Toolkit might be what you need: some layouts are very fast yet with a good quality:
30 secondes to 2 minutes are enough to layout such a graph, depending on your machine.
You can use the ForAtlas layout, or the Yifan Hu Multilevel layout.
For very large graphs (+50K nodes and 500K links), the OpenOrd layout wil
In a commercial scenario, you might also want to look at the family of yFiles graph layout and visualization libraries.
Even the JavaScript version of it can perform layouts for thousands of nodes and edges using different arrangement styles. The "organic" layout style is an implementation of a force directed layout algorithm similar in nature to the one used in Neo4j's browser application. But there are a lot more layout algorithms available that can give better visualizations for certain types of graph structures and diagrams. Depending on the settings and structure of the problem, some of the algorithms take only seconds, while more complex implementations can also bring your JavaScript engine to its knees. The Java and .net based variants still perform quite a bit better, as of today, but the JavaScript engines are catching up.
You can play with these algorithms and settings in this online demo.
Disclaimer: I work for yWorks, which is the maker of these libraries, but I do not represent my employer on SO.
I would take a look at its open source which is beneficial in your case so you can customize it to your needs. The github account can be found here.

Per frame optimization for large datasets

New to iPhone programming, I'm having trouble picking the right optimization strategy to filter a set of view components in a scrollview with huge content. In what area would my app gain the most performance?
My current iPad app-in-progress let's users explore fairly large binary tree structures. The trees contain between 30 to 900 nodes, and when drawing inside a scrollview (with limited zoom) it looks like this.
The nodes' contents are stored in a SQLite backed Core Data model. It's a binary tree and if a node has children, there are always exactly two. The x and y positions are part of the model, as are the dimensions of the node connections, shown as dotted lines.
Only about 50 nodes fit the screen at any given time. With the largest trees containing up to 900 nodes, it's not possible to put everything in a scrollview controlled and zooming UIView, that's a recipe for crashes. So I have to do per frame filtering of the nodes.
And that's where my troubles start. I don't have the experience to make a well founded decision between the possible filtering options, and in addition I probably don't know about that really fast special magic buried deep in Objective-C or Cocoa Touch. Because the backing store is close to 200 MB in size (some 90.000 nodes in hundreds of trees), it's very time consuming to test every single tree on the iPad device. Which is why I'd like to ask you guys for advice.
For all my attempts I'm putting a filter method in the scrollViewDidScroll: and scrollViewDidZoom:. I'm also blocking the main thread with the filter, because I can't show the content without the nodes anyway. But maybe someone has an idea in that area?
Because all the positioning is present in the Core Data model, I might use NSFetchRequest to do the filtering. Is that really fast though? I have the idea it's not a very optimized method.
From what I've tried, the faulted managed objects seem to fit in memory at once, but it might be tricky for the larger trees once their contents start firing faults. Is it a good idea to loop over the NSSet of nodes and see what items should be on screen?
Are there other tricks to gain performance? Would you see ways where I could use multi threading to get the display set faster, even though the model's context was created on the main thread?
Thanks for your advice,
Ironically your binary tree could be divided using Binary Space Partitioning done in 2D so rendering will be very fast performant and a number of check close to minimum necessary.