Embeddable vs one to many - sql

I have seen an article in Dzone regarding Post and Post Details (two different entities) and the relations between them. There the post and its details are in different tables. But as I see it, Post Detail is an embeddable part because it cannot be used without the "parent" Post. So what is the logic to separate it in another table?
Please give me a more clear explanation when to use which one?

Embeddable classes represent the state of their parent classes. So to take your example, a StackOverflow POST has an ID which is invariant and used in an unbreakable URL for sharing e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/q/44017535/146325. There are a series of other attributes (state, votes, etc) which are scalar properties. When the post gets edited we have various versions of the text (which are kept and visible to people with sufficient rep). Those are your POST DETAILS.
"what is the logic to separate it in another table?"
Because keeping different things in separate tables is what relational databases do. The standard way of representing this data model is a parent table POST and child table POST_DETAIL with a defined relationship enforced through a foreign key.
Embeddable is a concept from object-oriented programming. Oracle does support object-relational constructs in the database. So it would be possible to define a POST_DETAIL Type and create a POST Table which has a column declared as a nested table of that Type. However, that would be a bad design for two reasons:
The SQL for working with nested tables is clunky. For instance, to get the POST and the latest version of its text would require unnesting the collection of details every time we need to display it. Computationally not much different from joining to a child table and filtering on latest version flag, but harder to optimise.
Children can have children themselves. In the case of Posts, Tags are details because they can vary due to editing. But if you embed TAG in POST_DETAIL embedded in POST how easy would it be to find all the Posts with an [oracle] tag?
This is the difference between Object-Oriented design and relational design.
OO is strongly hierarchical: everything is belongs to something and the way to get the detail is through the parent. This approach works well when dealing with single instances of things, and so is appropriate for UI design.
Relational prioritises commonality: everything of the same type is grouped together with links to other things. This approach is suited for dealing with sets of things, and so is appropriate for data management tasks (do you want to find all the employees who work in BERLIN or whose job is ENGINEER or who are managed by ELLIOTT?)
"give me a more clear explanation when to use which one"
Always store the data relationally in separate tables. Build APIs using OO patterns when it makes sense to do so.


Object oriented model for tables in MS Access

I have an MS Access database with several tables. Almost all tables contain inventory information about different classes of items (there are some utility tables which store extra information, such as a list of classes and lists of commonly used lookup values). Some classes of items have particular data specific to them - for instance, volume is relevant for liquids but not solid objects, but all objects have a location. The logical structure of my database is a textbook example of a case where an object oriented model provides clarity and maintainability benefits:
There is one basic table which is a catch-all table for all items that don't fit into other categories. It contains a few columns, like item name, date, location and notes that is applicable to any item. This would be the top superclass, e.g. class InventoryTable.
There are tables for specific classes, such as a table for printer cartridges. This table will have all the columns that InventoryTable has, but also include some specialized information that is only relevant for printer cartridges, such as printer model, ink color and brand. This table would be a subclass, e.g. class PrinterCartridgeTable : InventoryTable.
Sometimes there is a deeper inheritance structure. For example, there may be a table for all documents (class DocumentTable : InventoryTable, includes extra field for how many pages a document has) and then another table for letters (class LetterTable : DocumentTable which also has columns for sender and recipient of the letter). The assumption is that one would look for letters in the LetterTable, and if not found there, could try looking in the DocumentTable and the top level InventoryTable.
Let's say my dates are currently displayed as MM/DD/YYYY. I want to change them to ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). Currently, I have to open every single table I have (about 20) and change the format in each one of them one by one. If there was some kind of inheritance mechanism, I could instead change the format only in my top-level InventoryTable, and all my other tables would inherit the change.
Or, suppose I decide to store a new piece of data, called "Owner", for all items. This would describe who entered the item into the inventory. I could simply add this column to InventoryTable, and it would appear in all the child tables automatically.
Lastly, let's say I make cosmetic changes such as rearranging the order of columns. Let's say in my document-related tables, the page number appeared at the end. I instead move the page number to the very beginning of the table - this would propagate to both DocumentTable as well as LetterTable but not unrelated tables.
Bear in mind that I am editing these tables manually using the GUI of MS Access 2013. When editing information pertaining to a single class of items, I would not like to switch back and forth between tables or queries to edit different parts of the same record - I want to be able to see and edit all of the information for any given record in one place. Therefore, some complicated solutions based on chaining queries may be impractical.
Is it possible for me to accomplish what I want (the inheritance structure) in Access using some kind of object oriented scheme? Is there an alternative way of obtaining the same benefits? Do I have no choice except to give up and manually propagate every change to all tables?
The relational data model does not have inheritance built in. There are several design patterns that allow the database designer to mimic the behavior of inheritance in a system of relational tables. Two common designs are known as "Single Table Inheritance" and "Class Table Inheritance". There are two tags in this area with questions that relate to these two techniques, and a brief description in the info under the tag. With one of these two techniques, you will be able to model a superclass/subclass situation.
For a more complete description, you could search for Martin Fowler's treatment of the two techniques on the web. There is a third technique, called "Shared Primary Key" which allows you to enforce the one-to-one nature of the IS-A relationship between members of the subclasses and members of the superclass.
Your big problem in MS Access is going to be implementing the code that these techniques leave to the application programmer. Get ready to do plenty of coding in VBA, and tying this code to the user's dashboard.
It is not possible to make tables in Access object-oriented because it is not possible to directly associate methods with tables. An object is defined to be both properties and methods. Access is not designed to do that.
Also note that Access is not the best that Microsoft has to offer. You will get more power and capabilities with SQL Server.

Normalisation and multi-valued fields

I'm having a problem with my students using multi-valued fields in access and getting confused about normalisation as a result.
Here is what I can make out. Given a 1-to-many relationship, e.g.
Articles Comments
-------- --------
artID{PK} commID{PK}
text text
Access makes it possible to store this information into what appears to be one table, something like
+ value
"value" referring to multiple comment values for the comment "column", which access actually stores as a separate table. The specifics of how the values are stored - table, its PK and FK - is completely hidden, but it is possible to query the multi-valued field, e.g. in the example above with the query
INSERT INTO article( [comment].Value )
VALUES ('thank you')
WHERE artID = 1;
But the query doesn't quite reveal the underlying structure of the hidden table implementing the multi-valued field.
Given this (disaster, in my view) - my problem is how to help newcomers to database design and normalisation understand what Access is offering them, why it may not be helpful, and that it is not a reason to ignore the basics of the relational model. More specifically:
Are there better ways, besides queries as above, to reveal the structure behind multi-valued fields?
Are there good examples of where the multi-valued field is not good enough, and shows the advantage of normalising explicitly?
Are there straightforward ways to obtain the multi-select visual output of Access multi-values, but based on separate, explicit tables?
I cannot give you advice in using this feature, because I never used it; however, I can give you reasons not to use it.
I want to have full control on what I'm doing. This is not the case for multi-valued fields, therefore I don't use them.
This feature is not expandable. What if you want to add a date field to your comments, for instance?
It is sometimes necessary to upsize an Access (backend) database to a "big" database (SQL Server, Oracle). These Databases don't offer such a feature. It is often the customer who decides which database has to be used. Recently I had to migrate an Access application (frontend) using an Oracle backend to a SQL-Server backend because my client decided to drop his Oracle server. Therefore it is a good idea to restrict yourself to use only common features.
For common tasks like editing lookup tables I created generic forms. My existing solutions will not work with multi-valued fields.
I have a (self-made) tool that synchronizes changes in the structure of the database on my developer’s site with the database on the client’s site. This tool cannot deal with multi-valued fields.
I have tools for the security management that can grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE rights on tables or revoke them. Again, the management tool does not work with multi-valued fields.
Having a separate table for the comments allows you to quickly inspect all the comments (by opening the table). You cannot do this with multi-valued fields.
You will not see the 1 to n relation between the articles and the comments in a database diagram.
With a separate table you can choose whether you want to cascade deletes to the details table or not. If you don't, you will not be able to delete an article as long as there are comments attached to it. This can be desirable, if you want to protect the comments from being deleted inadvertently.
It is important to realize the difference between physical and logical relationships. Today the whole internet and web services (SOAP) quite much realizes on a data format that is multi-value in nature.
When you represent multi-value data with a relational database (such as Access), then behind the scenes you are using a traditional (and legitimate) relation. I cannot stress that as such, then the use of multi-value columns in Access is in fact a LEGITIMATE relational model.
The fact that table is not exposed does not negate this issue. In fact, if you represent an invoice (master record, and repeating details) as a XML data cube, then we see two things:
1) you can build and represent that invoice with a relational database like Access
2) such a relational data model that is normalized can ALSO be represented as a SINGLE xml string.
3) deleting the XML record (or string) means that cascade delete of the child rows (invoice details) MUST occur.
So while it is true that Multi-Value fields been added to Access to deal with SharePoint, it is MOST important to realize that such data can be mapped to a relational database (if you could not do this, then Access could not consume that XML data using relational database tables as ACCESS CURRENTLY DOES RIGHT NOW).
And with the web such as XML, and SharePoint then the need to consume and manage and utilize such data is not only widespread, but is in fact a basic staple of the internet.
As more and more data becomes of a complex nature, we find the requirement for multi-value data exploding in use. Anyone who used that so called "fad" the internet is thus relying and using data that is in fact VERY OFTEN XML and is multi-value (complex) in nature.
As long as the logical (not physical) relational data model is kept, then use of multi-value columns to represent such data is possible and this is exactly what Access is doing (it is mapping the relational data model to a complex model). Note that the complex (xml) data model does NOT necessary have to be relational in nature. However, if you ARE going to map such data to Access then the complex multi-value model MUST CONFORM TO A RELATIONAL data model.
This is EXACTLY what is occurring in Access.
The fact that such a correct and legitimate math relational model is not exposed is of little issue here. Are we to suggest that because Excel does not expose the binary codes used then users will never learn about computers? Or perhaps we all must program in assembler so we all correctly learn how computers works.
At the end of the day, who cares and why does this matter? The fact that people drive automatic cars today does not toss out the concept that they are using different gears to operate that car. The idea that we shut down all of society because someone is going to drive an automatic car or in this case use complex data would be galactic stupid on our part.
So keep in mind that extensions to SQL do exist in Access to query the multi-value data, but as well pointed out here those underlying tables are not exposed. However, as noted, exposing such tables would STILL REQUIRE one to not change or mess with cascade delete since that feature is required TO MAINTAIN A INTERSECTION OF FEATURES and a CORRECT MATH relational model between the complex data model (xml) and that of using two related tables to represent such data.
In other words, you can use related tables to represent the complex data model IF YOU REMOVE the ability of users to play with the referential integrity options. The RI options MUST remain as set in those hidden tables else such data will not be able to make the trip BACK to the XML or complex data model of which it was consumed from.
As noted, in regards to users being taught how gasoline reacts with oxygen for that of learning to drive a car, or using a word processor and being forced to learn a relational model and expose the underlying tables makes little sense here.
However, the points made here in regards to such tables being exposed are legitimate concerns.
The REAL problem is SQL server and Oracle etc. cannot consume or represent that complex data WHILE ACCESS CAN CONSUME such data.
As noted, the complex data ship has LONG ago sailed! XML, soap, and the basic technologies of the internet are based on this complex data model.
In effect, SQL server, Oracle and most databases cannot that consume this multi-value data represent it without users having to create and model such data in a relational fashion is a BIG shortcoming of SQL server etc.
Access stands alone in this ability to consume this data.
So, for anyone who used a smartphone, iPad or the web, you are using basic technologies that are built around using complex data, something that Access now allows.
It is likely that the rest of the industry will have to follow suit given that more and more data is complex in nature. If the database industry does not change, then the mainstream traditional relational database system will NOT be the resting place of such data.
A trend away from storing data in related tables is occurring at a rapid pace right now and products like SharePoint, or even Google docs is proof of this concept. So Access is only reacting to market pressures and it is likely that other database vendors will have to follow suit or simply give up on being part of the "fad" called the internet.
XML and complex data structures are STAPLE and fact of our industry right now – this is not an issue we all should run away from, but in fact embrace.
Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
The technical discussion is interesting. I think the real problem lies in student understanding. Because it is available in Access students will use it, and initially it will probably provide a simple solution to some design problems. The negatives will occur later when they try and use the data. Maybe a simple example demonstrating the problems would persuade some students to avoid using multi-valued fields ? Maybe an example of storing the data in another, more usable format would help ?
Good luck !
Peter Bullard
MS Access does a great job of simplifying database management and abstracting out a lot of complexity. This however makes the learning of dbms concepts a bit difficult. Have you tried using other 'standard' dbms tools like MySQL (or even sqlite). From a learning perspective they may be better.
I know this post is old. But, it's not quite the same as every other post I've seen on this topic. This one has someone making a good case for using Multi Valued Fields...
As someone who is trying who is still trying very hard to get their head around Access, I find the discussion for and against using the Multi Valued Fields incredibly frustrating.
I'm trying to sort through it all, but if everyone is so against them, what is an alternative method? It seems that in every search result I find everyone is either telling you how to use Multi Valued Fields and Controls or telling you how horrible and what a mistake they are. Many people refer to an alternative to them, but nobody says "Here's an example". I'm here to learn about these things. And while I know that this is a simpler concept for a lot of people in these forums, I could really use some examples to take a look at.
I'm at a point where I have to decide which way to go. It would be wonderful to compare examples of using Multi Valued Fields and alternatives and using a control to select multiple values.
Or am I wrong and the functionality of a combobox where you can select multiple items is only available through Access?
I want to address the last of your questions first. There is a way of providing a visual presentation of a parent child relationship. It's called subforms. If you get help about subforms in Access, it will explain the concept.
I have used subforms in a project where I wanted to display the transaction header in a form and the transaction details in a subform. There is nothing to hinder this construct even when the data is stored in two normalized tables.
Of course, this affects the screen, not the database. That's the whole point. Normalization is relevant to storage and retrieval, not to other uses of data.

SQLite structure advice

I have a book structure with Chapter, Subchapter, Section, Subsection, Article and unknown number of subarticles, sub-subarticles, sub-sub-subarticles etc.
What's the best way to structure this?
One table with child-parent relationships, multiple tables?
Thank you.
To determine whether there are seperate tables or one-big-table involved, you should take a close look at each item - chapter, subchapter, etc. - and decide if they carry different attributes from the others. Does a chapter carry something different from a sub-chapter?
If so, then you're looking at seperate tables for Chapter, SubChapter, Section, SubSection, Article. Article still feels hierarchical to me with your sub- sub-sub- sub-sub-sub- etc.
If not, then maybe it is one big table with parent/child, but it looks like you may be talking about 'names' for the depth of the hierarchy which leans me toward seperate tables again.
Also consider how you'll query and what you'll be searching for.
There are a couple of methods to save a tree structure in a relational database. The most commonly used are using parent pointers and nested sets.
The first has a very easy data structure, namely a pointer to the respective parent element on each object), and is thus easy to implement. On the downside it is not easy to make some queries on it as the tree can not be fully traversed. You would need a self-join per layer.
The nested set is easier to query (when you have understood how it works) but is harder to update. Many writes require additional updates to other objects ion the tree which might make it harder to be transitionally save.
A third variant is that of the materialized path which I personally consider a good compromise between the former two.
That said, if you want to store arbitrary size trees (e.g,. for sections, sub-sections, sub-sub-sections, ...) you should use one of the mentioned tree implementations. If you have a very limited maximum depth (e.g max 3 layers) you could get away with creating an explicit data structure. But as things always get more complex than initially though, I'd advise you to use a real tree implementation.

How far can I take this database design?

I am interested in knowing the pros and cons of creating a custom system supported by a database like the one described below:
It has 6 tables that support it.
Entity: Lets say, anything "physical" that can exist and have detail stored against it
(Hilton Hotel, Tony Taxi, One Bar)
Entity Type: A grouping/type of entity
(Bar, Hotel, Restaurant)
Metadata: Any detail describing or belonging to an entity item
(IR232PH, foo#bar.com, 555-555-555)
Metadata Type: A grouping/type of metadata
(Post Code, Telephone, Email, address)
Entity Relationship: The ability to group any entity item to another
(Entity1-Entity2, Entity3)
Entity Relationship Type: The grouping/type of entity relationship.
I can see how this model is good for Entities that are similar but don't always have the same amount of attributes.
What are the pro/cons of using it as it is for entities as described?
An artist can be performing (relationship type) at a venue.
An artist can be supporting (relationship type) another artist
What would be the pro/cons of using it also to store more standard entities like users of the system?
A user can have a favourite (relationship type) venue/artist/bar etc
A user can have a attending (relationship type) event
Would you take it as far as having the news and blog posts in it?
This is highly subjective, but before I went up the abstraction ladder to where you are suggesting, I'd rather code my application to use DDL to modify the database schema to match the concrete aspects of the actual entities it was using, rather than having a static schema abstracted so far as to be able to store data about any potential entities.
In a way, to be a bit facetious, IMHO, what you are suggesting has already been done.... It is called a Relational Database. Every RDBMS is a software tool designed to be able to model any possible set of entities, and their attributes, in a way that accurately models those entities and the relationships between them.
Although you can certainly store the data in such a data model, there are a couple of problems (at least) with it.
The first problem is controlling the data. When an 'hotel' is described, what is the set of attributes and metadata that must be defined? Which metadata types can legitimately be entered for an hotel? Related to that is 'when I delete an hotel from the list, what else do I have to delete'? When I delete all hotels from the list (and I never want to store information about hotels again), what else do I have to delete? It is terrifically (terrifyingly?) easy to get all sorts of stray extraneous, unreferenced data into the database.
The second problem is retrieving the data. Suppose I want to know all the information about a specific hotel? How do I write a query for that? Actually, even inserting the data is hard, but selecting it is, if anything, harder. If I only want three attributes, it is easy - if the hotel actually has them all. It is harder if the hotel only has two of the three specified. But suppose the hotel has 30 atttributes, which is not a lot. Then it is terrifically difficult.
What you are describing is a souped-up version of a model known as the EAV or Entity-Attribute-Value model of data. It is generally accepted to be a 'bad idea', for all it is a common idea.
What you described is also known as a triplestore. A triple is a subject-object-predicate (Hotel HAS Rooms, Joe Likes HotelX, etc.). There are mechanisms for running these things (triplestore implementations), controlling the data (eg with ontologies) and for querying them, too (eg the SPARQL language). However, this is all fairly bleeding edge stuff and is known to have scalability problems. Nevertheless, combined with NoSQL approaches (index all your hotels in a big document store, etc.), it's an interesting area to keep an eye on.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triplestore.

How can an object-oriented programmer get his/her head around database-driven programming?

I have been programming in C# and Java for a little over a year and have a decent grasp of object oriented programming, but my new side project requires a database-driven model. I'm using C# and Linq which seems to be a very powerful tool but I'm having trouble with designing a database around my object oriented approach.
My two main question are:
How do I deal with inheritance in my database?
Let's say I'm building a staff rostering application and I have an abstract class, Event. From Event I derive abstract classes ShiftEvent and StaffEvent. I then have concrete classes Shift (derived from ShiftEvent) and StaffTimeOff (derived from StaffEvent). There are other derived classes, but for the sake of argument these are enough.
Should I have a separate table for ShiftEvents and StaffEvents? Maybe I should have separate tables for each concrete class? Both of these approaches seem like they would give me problems when interacting with the database. Another approach could be to have one Event table, and this table would have nullable columns for every type of data in any of my concrete classes. All of these approaches feel like they could impede extensibility down the road. More than likely there is a third approach that I have not considered.
My second question:
How do I deal with collections and one-to-many relationships in an object oriented way?
Let's say I have a Products class and a Categories class. Each instance of Categories would contain one or more products, but the products themselves should have no knowledge of categories. If I want to implement this in a database, then each product would need a category ID which maps to the categories table. But this introduces more coupling than I would prefer from an OO point of view. The products shouldn't even know that the categories exist, much less have a data field containing a category ID! Is there a better way?
Linq to SQL using a table per class solution:
Other solutions (such as my favorite, LLBLGen) allow other models. Personally, I like the single table solution with a discriminator column, but that is probably because we often query across the inheritance hierarchy and thus see it as the normal query, whereas querying a specific type only requires a "where" change.
All said and done, I personally feel that mapping OO into tables is putting the cart before the horse. There have been continual claims that the impedance mismatch between OO and relations has been solved... and there have been plenty of OO specific databases. None of them have unseated the powerful simplicity of the relation.
Instead, I tend to design the database with the application in mind, map those tables to entities and build from there. Some find this as a loss of OO in the design process, but in my mind the data layer shouldn't be talking high enough into your application to be affecting the design of the higher order systems, just because you used a relational model for storage.
I had the opposite problem: how to get my head around OO after years of database design. Come to that, a decade earlier I had the problem of getting my head around SQL after years of "structured" flat-file programming. There are jsut enough similarities betwwen class and data entity decomposition to mislead you into thinking that they're equivalent. They aren't.
I tend to agree with the view that once you're committed to a relational database for storage then you should design a normalised model and compromise your object model where unavoidable. This is because you're more constrained by the DBMS than you are with your own code - building a compromised data model is more likley to cause you pain.
That said, in the examples given, you have choices: if ShiftEvent and StaffEvent are mostly similar in terms of attributes and are often processed together as Events, then I'd be inclined to implement a single Events table with a type column. Single-table views can be an effective way to separate out the sub-classes and on most db platforms are updatable. If the classes are more different in terms of attributes, then a table for each might be more appropriate. I don't think I like the three-table idea:"has one or none" relationships are seldom necessary in relational design. Anyway, you can always create an Event view as the union of the two tables.
As to Product and Category, if one Category can have many Products, but not vice versa, then the normal relational way to represent this is for the product to contain a category id. Yes, it's coupling, but it's only data coupling, and it's not a mortal sin. The column should probably be indexed, so that it's efficient to retrieve all products for a category. If you're really horrified by the notion then pretend it's a many-to-many relationship and use a separate ProductCategorisation table. It's not that big a deal, although it implies a potential relationship that doesn't really exist and might mislead somone coming to the app in future.
In my opinion, these paradigms (the Relational Model and OOP) apply to different domains, making it difficult (and pointless) to try to create a mapping between them.
The Relational Model is about representing facts (such as "A is a person"), i.e. intangible things that have the property of being "unique". It doesn't make sense to talk about several "instances" of the same fact - there is just the fact.
Object Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm detailing a way to construct computer programs to fulfill certain criteria (re-use, polymorphism, information hiding...). An object is typically a metaphor for some tangible thing - a car, an engine, a manager or a person etc. Tangible things are not facts - there may be two distinct objects with identical state without them being the same object (hence the difference between equals and == in Java, for example).
Spring and similar tools provide access to relational data programmatically, so that the facts can be represented by objects in the program. This does not mean that OOP and the Relational Model are the same, or should be confused with eachother. Use the Realational Model to design databases (collections of facts) and OOP to design computer programs.
TL;DR version (Object-Relational impedance mismatch distilled):
Facts = the recipe on your fridge.
Objects = the content of your fridge.
Frameworks such as
Hibernate http://www.hibernate.org/
JPA http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/jpa/
can help you to smoothly solve this problem of inheritance. e.g. http://www.java-tips.org/java-ee-tips/enterprise-java-beans/inheritance-and-the-java-persistenc.html
I also got to understand database design, SQL, and particularly the data centered world view before tackling the object oriented approach. The object-relational-impedance-mismatch still baffles me.
The closest thing I've found to getting a handle on it is this: looking at objects not from an object oriented progamming perspective, or even from an object oriented design perspective but from an object oriented analysis perspective. The best book on OOA that I got was written in the early 90s by Peter Coad.
On the database side, the best model to compare with OOA is not the relational model of data, but the Entity-Relationship (ER) model. An ER model is not really relational, and it doesn't specify the logical design. Many relational apologists think that is ER's weakness, but it is actually its strength. ER is best used not for database design but for requirements analysis of a database, otherwise known as data analysis.
ER data analysis and OOA are surprisingly compatible with each other. ER, in turn is fairly compatible with relational data modeling and hence to SQL database design. OOA is, of course, compatible with OOD and hence to OOP.
This may seem like the long way around. But if you keep things abstract enough, you won't waste too much time on the analysis models, and you'll find it surprisingly easy to overcome the impedance mismatch.
The biggest thing to get over in terms of learning database design is this: data linkages like the foreign key to primary key linkage you objected to in your question are not horrible at all. They are the essence of tying related data together.
There is a phenomenon in pre database and pre object oriented systems called the ripple effect. The ripple effect is where a seemingly trivial change to a large system ends up causing consequent required changes all over the entire system.
OOP contains the ripple effect primarily through encapsulation and information hiding.
Relational data modeling overcomes the ripple effect primarily through physical data independence and logical data independence.
On the surface, these two seem like fundamentally contradictory modes of thinking. Eventually, you'll learn how to use both of them to good advantage.
My guess off the top of my head:
On the topic of inheritance I would suggest having 3 tables: Event, ShiftEvent and StaffEvent. Event has the common data elements kind of like how it was originally defined.
The last one can go the other way, I think. You could have a table with category ID and product ID with no other columns where for a given category ID this returns the products but the product may not need to get the category as part of how it describes itself.
The big question: how can you get your head around it? It just takes practice. You try implementing a database design, run into problems with your design, you refactor and remember for next time what worked and what didn't.
To answer your specific questions... this is a little bit of opinion thrown in, as in "how I would do it", not taking into account performance needs and such. I always start fully normalized and go from there based on real-world testing:
Table Event
Table ShiftEvent
Table Product
Table Category
Table CategoryProduct
Also reiterating what Pierre said - an ORM tool like Hibernate makes dealing with the friction between relational structures and OO structures much nicer.
There are several possibilities in order to map an inheritance tree to a relational model.
NHibernate for instance supports the 'table per class hierarchy', table per subclass and table per concrete class strategies:
For your second question:
You can create a 1:n relation in your DB, where the Products table has offcourse a foreign key to the Categories table.
However, this does not mean that your Product Class needs to have a reference to the Category instance to which it belongs to.
You can create a Category class, which contains a set or list of products, and you can create a product class, which has no notion of the Category to which it belongs.
Again, you can easy do this using (N)Hibernate;
Sounds like you are discovering the Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch.
The products shouldn't even know that
the categories exist, much less have a
data field containing a category ID!
I disagree here, I would think that instead of supplying a category id you let your orm do it for you. Then in code you would have something like (borrowing from NHib's and Castle's ActiveRecord):
class Category
IList<Product> Products {get;set;}
class Product
Category ParentCategory {get;set;}
Then if you wanted to see what category the product you are in you'd just do something simple like:
I think you can setup the orm's differently, but either way for the inheritence question, I ask...why do you care? Either go about it with objects and forget about the database or do it a different way. Might seem silly, but unless you really really can't have a bunch of tables, or don't want a single table for some reason, why would you care about the database? For instance, I have the same setup with a few inheriting objects, and I just go about my business. I haven't looked at the actual database yet as it doesn't concern me. The underlying SQL is what is concerning me, and the correct data coming back.
If you have to care about the database then you're going to need to either modify your objects or come up with a custom way of doing things.
I guess a bit of pragmatism would be good here. Mappings between objects and tables always have a bit of strangeness here and there. Here's what I do:
I use Ibatis to talk to my database (Java to Oracle). Whenever I have an inheretance structure where I want a subclass to be stored in the database, I use a "discriminator". This is a trick where you have one table for all the Classes (Types), and have all fields which you could possibly want to store. There is one extra column in the table, containing a string which is used by Ibatis to see which type of object it needs to return.
It looks funny in the database, and sometimes can get you into trouble with relations to fields which are not in all Classes, but 80% of the time this is a good solution.
Regarding your relation between category and product, I would add a categoryId column to the product, because that would make life really easy, both SQL wise and Mapping wise. If you're really stuck on doing the "theoretically correct thing", you can consider an extra table which has only 2 colums, connecting the Categories and their products. It will work, but generally this construction is only used when you need many-to-many relations.
Try to keep it as simple as possible. Having a "academic solution" is nice, but generally means a bit of overkill and is harder to refactor because it is too abstract (like hiding the relations between Category and Product).
I hope this helps.