How far can I take this database design? - sql

I am interested in knowing the pros and cons of creating a custom system supported by a database like the one described below:
It has 6 tables that support it.
Entity: Lets say, anything "physical" that can exist and have detail stored against it
(Hilton Hotel, Tony Taxi, One Bar)
Entity Type: A grouping/type of entity
(Bar, Hotel, Restaurant)
Metadata: Any detail describing or belonging to an entity item
(IR232PH,, 555-555-555)
Metadata Type: A grouping/type of metadata
(Post Code, Telephone, Email, address)
Entity Relationship: The ability to group any entity item to another
(Entity1-Entity2, Entity3)
Entity Relationship Type: The grouping/type of entity relationship.
I can see how this model is good for Entities that are similar but don't always have the same amount of attributes.
What are the pro/cons of using it as it is for entities as described?
An artist can be performing (relationship type) at a venue.
An artist can be supporting (relationship type) another artist
What would be the pro/cons of using it also to store more standard entities like users of the system?
A user can have a favourite (relationship type) venue/artist/bar etc
A user can have a attending (relationship type) event
Would you take it as far as having the news and blog posts in it?

This is highly subjective, but before I went up the abstraction ladder to where you are suggesting, I'd rather code my application to use DDL to modify the database schema to match the concrete aspects of the actual entities it was using, rather than having a static schema abstracted so far as to be able to store data about any potential entities.
In a way, to be a bit facetious, IMHO, what you are suggesting has already been done.... It is called a Relational Database. Every RDBMS is a software tool designed to be able to model any possible set of entities, and their attributes, in a way that accurately models those entities and the relationships between them.

Although you can certainly store the data in such a data model, there are a couple of problems (at least) with it.
The first problem is controlling the data. When an 'hotel' is described, what is the set of attributes and metadata that must be defined? Which metadata types can legitimately be entered for an hotel? Related to that is 'when I delete an hotel from the list, what else do I have to delete'? When I delete all hotels from the list (and I never want to store information about hotels again), what else do I have to delete? It is terrifically (terrifyingly?) easy to get all sorts of stray extraneous, unreferenced data into the database.
The second problem is retrieving the data. Suppose I want to know all the information about a specific hotel? How do I write a query for that? Actually, even inserting the data is hard, but selecting it is, if anything, harder. If I only want three attributes, it is easy - if the hotel actually has them all. It is harder if the hotel only has two of the three specified. But suppose the hotel has 30 atttributes, which is not a lot. Then it is terrifically difficult.
What you are describing is a souped-up version of a model known as the EAV or Entity-Attribute-Value model of data. It is generally accepted to be a 'bad idea', for all it is a common idea.

What you described is also known as a triplestore. A triple is a subject-object-predicate (Hotel HAS Rooms, Joe Likes HotelX, etc.). There are mechanisms for running these things (triplestore implementations), controlling the data (eg with ontologies) and for querying them, too (eg the SPARQL language). However, this is all fairly bleeding edge stuff and is known to have scalability problems. Nevertheless, combined with NoSQL approaches (index all your hotels in a big document store, etc.), it's an interesting area to keep an eye on.


Is it better to use entity-arrtibute-value model over storing various different product in single description text column? [duplicate]

It is safe to say that the EAV/CR database model is bad. That said,
Question: What database model, technique, or pattern should be used to deal with "classes" of attributes describing e-commerce products which can be changed at run time?
In a good E-commerce database, you will store classes of options (like TV resolution then have a resolution for each TV, but the next product may not be a TV and not have "TV resolution"). How do you store them, search efficiently, and allow your users to setup product types with variable fields describing their products? If the search engine finds that customers typically search for TVs based on console depth, you could add console depth to your fields, then add a single depth for each tv product type at run time.
There is a nice common feature among good e-commerce apps where they show a set of products, then have "drill down" side menus where you can see "TV Resolution" as a header, and the top five most common TV Resolutions for the found set. You click one and it only shows TVs of that resolution, allowing you to further drill down by selecting other categories on the side menu. These options would be the dynamic product attributes added at run time.
Further discussion:
So long story short, are there any links out on the Internet or model descriptions that could "academically" fix the following setup? I thank Noel Kennedy for suggesting a category table, but the need may be greater than that. I describe it a different way below, trying to highlight the significance. I may need a viewpoint correction to solve the problem, or I may need to go deeper in to the EAV/CR.
Love the positive response to the EAV/CR model. My fellow developers all say what Jeffrey Kemp touched on below: "new entities must be modeled and designed by a professional" (taken out of context, read his response below). The problem is:
entities add and remove attributes weekly (search keywords dictate future attributes)
new entities arrive weekly (products are assembled from parts)
old entities go away weekly (archived, less popular, seasonal)
The customer wants to add attributes to the products for two reasons:
department / keyword search / comparison chart between like products
consumer product configuration before checkout
The attributes must have significance, not just a keyword search. If they want to compare all cakes that have a "whipped cream frosting", they can click cakes, click birthday theme, click whipped cream frosting, then check all cakes that are interesting knowing they all have whipped cream frosting. This is not specific to cakes, just an example.
There's a few general pros and cons I can think of, there are situations where one is better than the other:
Option 1, EAV Model:
Pro: less time to design and develop a simple application
Pro: new entities easy to add (might even
be added by users?)
Pro: "generic" interface components
Con: complex code required to validate simple data types
Con: much more complex SQL for simple
Con: complex reports can become almost
Con: poor performance for large data sets
Option 2, Modelling each entity separately:
Con: more time required to gather
requirements and design
Con: new entities must be modelled and
designed by a professional
Con: custom interface components for each
Pro: data type constraints and validation simple to implement
Pro: SQL is easy to write, easy to
understand and debug
Pro: even the most complex reports are relatively simple
Pro: best performance for large data sets
Option 3, Combination (model entities "properly", but add "extensions" for custom attributes for some/all entities)
Pro/Con: more time required to gather requirements and design than option 1 but perhaps not as much as option 2 *
Con: new entities must be modelled and designed by a professional
Pro: new attributes might be easily added later on
Con: complex code required to validate simple data types (for the custom attributes)
Con: custom interface components still required, but generic interface components may be possible for the custom attributes
Con: SQL becomes complex as soon as any custom attribute is included in a report
Con: good performance generally, unless you start need to search by or report by the custom attributes
* I'm not sure if Option 3 would necessarily save any time in the design phase.
Personally I would lean toward option 2, and avoid EAV wherever possible. However, for some scenarios the users need the flexibility that comes with EAV; but this comes with a great cost.
It is safe to say that the EAV/CR database model is bad.
No, it's not. It's just that they're an inefficient usage of relational databases. A purely key/value store works great with this model.
Now, to your real question: How to store various attributes and keep them searchable?
Just use EAV. In your case it would be a single extra table. index it on both attribute name and value, most RDBMs would use prefix-compression to on the attribute name repetitions, making it really fast and compact.
EAV/CR gets ugly when you use it to replace 'real' fields. As with every tool, overusing it is 'bad', and gives it a bad image.
// At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the Magento/Adobe PSD format.
// Magento/PSD is not a good ecommerce platform/format. Magento/PSD is not even a bad ecommerce platform/format. Calling it such would be an
// insult to other bad ecommerce platform/formats, such as Zencart or OsCommerce. No, Magento/PSD is an abysmal ecommerce platform/format. Having
// worked on this code for several weeks now, my hate for Magento/PSD has grown to a raging fire
// that burns with the fierce passion of a million suns.
The internal models are wacky at best, like someone put the schema into a boggle game, sealed that and put it in a paint shacker...
Real world: I'm working on a midware fulfilment app and here are one the queries to get address information.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sales_flat_addresses AS
SELECT sales_order_entity.parent_id AS order_id,
CONCAT(CONCAT(UCASE(MID(sales_order_entity_varchar.value,1,1)),MID(sales_order_entity_varchar.value,2)), "Address") as type,
CONCAT( eav_attribute.attribute_code," ::::: ", sales_order_entity_varchar.value )
ORDER BY sales_order_entity_varchar.value DESC
) as data
FROM sales_order_entity
INNER JOIN sales_order_entity_varchar ON sales_order_entity_varchar.entity_id = sales_order_entity.entity_id
INNER JOIN eav_attribute ON eav_attribute.attribute_id = sales_order_entity_varchar.attribute_id
AND sales_order_entity.entity_type_id =12
GROUP BY sales_order_entity.entity_id
ORDER BY eav_attribute.attribute_code = 'address_type'
Exacts address information for an order, lazily
Summary: Only use Magento if:
You are being given large sacks of money
You must
Enjoy pain
I'm surprised nobody mentioned NoSQL databases.
I've never practiced NoSQL in a production context (just tested MongoDB and was impressed) but the whole point of NoSQL is being able to save items with varying attributes in the same "document".
Where performance is not a major requirement, as in an ETL type of application, EAV has another distinct advantage: differential saves.
I've implemented a number of applications where an over-arching requirement was the ability to see the history of a domain object from its first "version" to it's current state. If that domain object has a large number of attributes, that means each change requires a new row be inserted into it's corresponding table (not an update because the history would be lost, but an insert). Let's say this domain object is a Person, and I have 500k Persons to track with an average of 100+ changes over the Persons life-cycle to various attributes. Couple that with the fact that rare is the application that has only 1 major domain object and you'll quickly surmize that the size of the database would quickly grow out of control.
An easy solution is to save only the differential changes to the major domain objects rather than repeatedly saving redundant information.
All models change over time to reflect new business needs. Period. Using EAV is but one of the tools in our box to use; but it should never be automatically classified as "bad".
I'm struggling with the same issue. It may be interesting for you to check out the following discussion on two existing ecommerce solutions: Magento (EAV) and Joomla (regular relational structure):
It seems, that Magento's EAV performance is a real showstopper.
That's why I'm leaning towards a normalized structure. To overcome the lack of flexibility I'm thinking about adding some separate data dictionary in the future (XML or separate DB tables) that could be edited, and based on that, application code for displaying and comparing product categories with new attributes set would be generated, together with SQL scripts.
Such architecture seems to be the sweetspot in this case - flexible and performant at the same time.
The problem could be frequent use of ALTER TABLE in live environment. I'm using Postgres, so its MVCC and transactional DDL will hopefully ease the pain.
I still vote for modeling at the lowest-meaningful atomic-level for EAV. Let standards, technologies and applications that gear toward certain user community to decide content models, repetition needs of attributes, grains, etc.
If it's just about the product catalog attributes and hence validation requirements for those attributes are rather limited, the only real downside to EAV is query performance and even that is only a problem when your query deals with multiple "things" (products) with attributes, the performance for the query "give me all attributes for the product with id 234" while not optimal is still plenty fast.
One solution is to use the SQL database / EAV model only for the admin / edit side of the product catalog and have some process that denormalizes the products into something that makes it searchable. Since you already have attributes and hence it's rather likely that you want faceting, this something could be Solr or ElasticSearch. This approach avoids basically all downsides to the EAV model and the added complexity is limited to serializing a complete product to JSON on update.
EAV has many drawbacks:
Performance degradation over time
Once the amount of data in the application grows beyond a certain size, the retrieval and manipulation of that data is likely to become less and less efficient.
The SQL queries are very complex and difficult to write.
Data Integrity problems.
You can't define foreign keys for all the fields needed.
You have to define and maintain your own metadata.
I have a slightly different problem: instead of many attributes with sparse values (which is possibly a good reason to use EAV), I want to store something more like a spreadsheet. The columns in the sheet can change, but within a sheet all cells will contain data (not sparse).
I made a small set of tests to benchmark two designs: one using EAV, and the other using a Postgres ARRAY to store cell data.
Both schemas have indexes on appropriate columns, and the indexes are used by the planner.
It turned out the array-based schema was an order of magnitude faster for both inserts and queries. From quick tests, it seemed that both scaled linearly. The tests aren't very thorough, though. Suggestions and forks welcome - they're under an MIT licence.

Embeddable vs one to many

I have seen an article in Dzone regarding Post and Post Details (two different entities) and the relations between them. There the post and its details are in different tables. But as I see it, Post Detail is an embeddable part because it cannot be used without the "parent" Post. So what is the logic to separate it in another table?
Please give me a more clear explanation when to use which one?
Embeddable classes represent the state of their parent classes. So to take your example, a StackOverflow POST has an ID which is invariant and used in an unbreakable URL for sharing e.g. There are a series of other attributes (state, votes, etc) which are scalar properties. When the post gets edited we have various versions of the text (which are kept and visible to people with sufficient rep). Those are your POST DETAILS.
"what is the logic to separate it in another table?"
Because keeping different things in separate tables is what relational databases do. The standard way of representing this data model is a parent table POST and child table POST_DETAIL with a defined relationship enforced through a foreign key.
Embeddable is a concept from object-oriented programming. Oracle does support object-relational constructs in the database. So it would be possible to define a POST_DETAIL Type and create a POST Table which has a column declared as a nested table of that Type. However, that would be a bad design for two reasons:
The SQL for working with nested tables is clunky. For instance, to get the POST and the latest version of its text would require unnesting the collection of details every time we need to display it. Computationally not much different from joining to a child table and filtering on latest version flag, but harder to optimise.
Children can have children themselves. In the case of Posts, Tags are details because they can vary due to editing. But if you embed TAG in POST_DETAIL embedded in POST how easy would it be to find all the Posts with an [oracle] tag?
This is the difference between Object-Oriented design and relational design.
OO is strongly hierarchical: everything is belongs to something and the way to get the detail is through the parent. This approach works well when dealing with single instances of things, and so is appropriate for UI design.
Relational prioritises commonality: everything of the same type is grouped together with links to other things. This approach is suited for dealing with sets of things, and so is appropriate for data management tasks (do you want to find all the employees who work in BERLIN or whose job is ENGINEER or who are managed by ELLIOTT?)
"give me a more clear explanation when to use which one"
Always store the data relationally in separate tables. Build APIs using OO patterns when it makes sense to do so.

Entity Attribute Value Database vs. strict Relational Model Ecommerce

It is safe to say that the EAV/CR database model is bad. That said,
Question: What database model, technique, or pattern should be used to deal with "classes" of attributes describing e-commerce products which can be changed at run time?
In a good E-commerce database, you will store classes of options (like TV resolution then have a resolution for each TV, but the next product may not be a TV and not have "TV resolution"). How do you store them, search efficiently, and allow your users to setup product types with variable fields describing their products? If the search engine finds that customers typically search for TVs based on console depth, you could add console depth to your fields, then add a single depth for each tv product type at run time.
There is a nice common feature among good e-commerce apps where they show a set of products, then have "drill down" side menus where you can see "TV Resolution" as a header, and the top five most common TV Resolutions for the found set. You click one and it only shows TVs of that resolution, allowing you to further drill down by selecting other categories on the side menu. These options would be the dynamic product attributes added at run time.
Further discussion:
So long story short, are there any links out on the Internet or model descriptions that could "academically" fix the following setup? I thank Noel Kennedy for suggesting a category table, but the need may be greater than that. I describe it a different way below, trying to highlight the significance. I may need a viewpoint correction to solve the problem, or I may need to go deeper in to the EAV/CR.
Love the positive response to the EAV/CR model. My fellow developers all say what Jeffrey Kemp touched on below: "new entities must be modeled and designed by a professional" (taken out of context, read his response below). The problem is:
entities add and remove attributes weekly (search keywords dictate future attributes)
new entities arrive weekly (products are assembled from parts)
old entities go away weekly (archived, less popular, seasonal)
The customer wants to add attributes to the products for two reasons:
department / keyword search / comparison chart between like products
consumer product configuration before checkout
The attributes must have significance, not just a keyword search. If they want to compare all cakes that have a "whipped cream frosting", they can click cakes, click birthday theme, click whipped cream frosting, then check all cakes that are interesting knowing they all have whipped cream frosting. This is not specific to cakes, just an example.
There's a few general pros and cons I can think of, there are situations where one is better than the other:
Option 1, EAV Model:
Pro: less time to design and develop a simple application
Pro: new entities easy to add (might even
be added by users?)
Pro: "generic" interface components
Con: complex code required to validate simple data types
Con: much more complex SQL for simple
Con: complex reports can become almost
Con: poor performance for large data sets
Option 2, Modelling each entity separately:
Con: more time required to gather
requirements and design
Con: new entities must be modelled and
designed by a professional
Con: custom interface components for each
Pro: data type constraints and validation simple to implement
Pro: SQL is easy to write, easy to
understand and debug
Pro: even the most complex reports are relatively simple
Pro: best performance for large data sets
Option 3, Combination (model entities "properly", but add "extensions" for custom attributes for some/all entities)
Pro/Con: more time required to gather requirements and design than option 1 but perhaps not as much as option 2 *
Con: new entities must be modelled and designed by a professional
Pro: new attributes might be easily added later on
Con: complex code required to validate simple data types (for the custom attributes)
Con: custom interface components still required, but generic interface components may be possible for the custom attributes
Con: SQL becomes complex as soon as any custom attribute is included in a report
Con: good performance generally, unless you start need to search by or report by the custom attributes
* I'm not sure if Option 3 would necessarily save any time in the design phase.
Personally I would lean toward option 2, and avoid EAV wherever possible. However, for some scenarios the users need the flexibility that comes with EAV; but this comes with a great cost.
It is safe to say that the EAV/CR database model is bad.
No, it's not. It's just that they're an inefficient usage of relational databases. A purely key/value store works great with this model.
Now, to your real question: How to store various attributes and keep them searchable?
Just use EAV. In your case it would be a single extra table. index it on both attribute name and value, most RDBMs would use prefix-compression to on the attribute name repetitions, making it really fast and compact.
EAV/CR gets ugly when you use it to replace 'real' fields. As with every tool, overusing it is 'bad', and gives it a bad image.
// At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the Magento/Adobe PSD format.
// Magento/PSD is not a good ecommerce platform/format. Magento/PSD is not even a bad ecommerce platform/format. Calling it such would be an
// insult to other bad ecommerce platform/formats, such as Zencart or OsCommerce. No, Magento/PSD is an abysmal ecommerce platform/format. Having
// worked on this code for several weeks now, my hate for Magento/PSD has grown to a raging fire
// that burns with the fierce passion of a million suns.
The internal models are wacky at best, like someone put the schema into a boggle game, sealed that and put it in a paint shacker...
Real world: I'm working on a midware fulfilment app and here are one the queries to get address information.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sales_flat_addresses AS
SELECT sales_order_entity.parent_id AS order_id,
CONCAT(CONCAT(UCASE(MID(sales_order_entity_varchar.value,1,1)),MID(sales_order_entity_varchar.value,2)), "Address") as type,
CONCAT( eav_attribute.attribute_code," ::::: ", sales_order_entity_varchar.value )
ORDER BY sales_order_entity_varchar.value DESC
) as data
FROM sales_order_entity
INNER JOIN sales_order_entity_varchar ON sales_order_entity_varchar.entity_id = sales_order_entity.entity_id
INNER JOIN eav_attribute ON eav_attribute.attribute_id = sales_order_entity_varchar.attribute_id
AND sales_order_entity.entity_type_id =12
GROUP BY sales_order_entity.entity_id
ORDER BY eav_attribute.attribute_code = 'address_type'
Exacts address information for an order, lazily
Summary: Only use Magento if:
You are being given large sacks of money
You must
Enjoy pain
I'm surprised nobody mentioned NoSQL databases.
I've never practiced NoSQL in a production context (just tested MongoDB and was impressed) but the whole point of NoSQL is being able to save items with varying attributes in the same "document".
Where performance is not a major requirement, as in an ETL type of application, EAV has another distinct advantage: differential saves.
I've implemented a number of applications where an over-arching requirement was the ability to see the history of a domain object from its first "version" to it's current state. If that domain object has a large number of attributes, that means each change requires a new row be inserted into it's corresponding table (not an update because the history would be lost, but an insert). Let's say this domain object is a Person, and I have 500k Persons to track with an average of 100+ changes over the Persons life-cycle to various attributes. Couple that with the fact that rare is the application that has only 1 major domain object and you'll quickly surmize that the size of the database would quickly grow out of control.
An easy solution is to save only the differential changes to the major domain objects rather than repeatedly saving redundant information.
All models change over time to reflect new business needs. Period. Using EAV is but one of the tools in our box to use; but it should never be automatically classified as "bad".
I'm struggling with the same issue. It may be interesting for you to check out the following discussion on two existing ecommerce solutions: Magento (EAV) and Joomla (regular relational structure):
It seems, that Magento's EAV performance is a real showstopper.
That's why I'm leaning towards a normalized structure. To overcome the lack of flexibility I'm thinking about adding some separate data dictionary in the future (XML or separate DB tables) that could be edited, and based on that, application code for displaying and comparing product categories with new attributes set would be generated, together with SQL scripts.
Such architecture seems to be the sweetspot in this case - flexible and performant at the same time.
The problem could be frequent use of ALTER TABLE in live environment. I'm using Postgres, so its MVCC and transactional DDL will hopefully ease the pain.
I still vote for modeling at the lowest-meaningful atomic-level for EAV. Let standards, technologies and applications that gear toward certain user community to decide content models, repetition needs of attributes, grains, etc.
If it's just about the product catalog attributes and hence validation requirements for those attributes are rather limited, the only real downside to EAV is query performance and even that is only a problem when your query deals with multiple "things" (products) with attributes, the performance for the query "give me all attributes for the product with id 234" while not optimal is still plenty fast.
One solution is to use the SQL database / EAV model only for the admin / edit side of the product catalog and have some process that denormalizes the products into something that makes it searchable. Since you already have attributes and hence it's rather likely that you want faceting, this something could be Solr or ElasticSearch. This approach avoids basically all downsides to the EAV model and the added complexity is limited to serializing a complete product to JSON on update.
EAV has many drawbacks:
Performance degradation over time
Once the amount of data in the application grows beyond a certain size, the retrieval and manipulation of that data is likely to become less and less efficient.
The SQL queries are very complex and difficult to write.
Data Integrity problems.
You can't define foreign keys for all the fields needed.
You have to define and maintain your own metadata.
I have a slightly different problem: instead of many attributes with sparse values (which is possibly a good reason to use EAV), I want to store something more like a spreadsheet. The columns in the sheet can change, but within a sheet all cells will contain data (not sparse).
I made a small set of tests to benchmark two designs: one using EAV, and the other using a Postgres ARRAY to store cell data.
Both schemas have indexes on appropriate columns, and the indexes are used by the planner.
It turned out the array-based schema was an order of magnitude faster for both inserts and queries. From quick tests, it seemed that both scaled linearly. The tests aren't very thorough, though. Suggestions and forks welcome - they're under an MIT licence.

DDD: Modeling M:N relation between two roots where the relation itself carries semantic meaning

Update Edited to reflect clarifications requested by Chris Holmes below. Originally I was referring to a Terminal as a Site but changed it to better reflect my actual domain.
At heart, I think this is a question about modeling a many to many relationship between two root entities where the relationship itself carries some semantic meaning.
In my domain
You can think of a Terminal as a branch location of our company
A Terminal can have a relationship with any number of customers
A customer can have a relationship with any number of terminals (standard many to many)
A customer\terminal relationship means that a customer can potentially store products at the Terminal
This relationship can be enabled\disabled. To be disabled merely means you are temporarily not allowed to store product, so a disabled relationship is different from no relationship at all.
A customer can have many Offices
A Terminal that has a relationship with a customer (enabled or not) must have a default office for that customer that they communicate with
There are some default settings that are applied to all transactions between a Customer and a Terminal, these are set up on a Terminal-Customer Relationship level
I think my objects here are pretty clear, Terminal, Customer, Office, and TerminalCustomerRelationship (since there is information being stored specifically about the relationship such as whether it is enabled, default office, ad default settings). Through multiple refactorings I have determined that both Terminal and Customer should probably be aggregate roots. This leaves me with the question of how to design my TerminalCustomerRelationship object to relate the two.
I suppose I could make the traversal from Terminal to TerminalCustomerRelationship unidirectional toward the relationship but I don't know how to break the relation from the relationship to the customer, especially since it needs to contain a reference to an Office which has a relationship to a Customer.
I'm new to this stuff and while most of DDD makes perfect sense I'm getting confused and need a fresh outlook. Can someone give me their opinion on how to deal with this situation?
Please note that I say Relationship not relation. In my current view it deserves to be an object in the same way that a Marriage would be an object in an application for a wedding chapel. Its most visible purpose is that it relates two objects, but it has other properties that rightfully belong to it as well.
By your description, you definitely need a "TerminalCustomerRelationship" entity to track the associated information. I would also convert the 'IsEnabled' flag into a first class 'Event' entity with a timestamp - this gives you the ability to save a history of the state changes (a more realistic view of what's happening in the domain.)
Here's a sample application (in VS2008) that refects your problem. You can tweak/test the code until the relationships make sense. Run "bin/debug/TerminalSampleApp.exe" and right-click "Terminal->Create Example" to get started.
Let me know if you find it useful.
Names can often clarify an object's responsibilities and bring a domain model into focus.
I am unclear what a Site is and that makes the entire model confusing, which makes it difficult for me to offer better advice. If a Site were a Vendor, for instance, then it would be easy to rename SiteCustomerRelationship as a Contract. In that context it makes perfect sense for Contract to be its own entity, and have the the model look like Vendor-Contract-Customer-Office.
There are other ways to look at this as well. Udi has a decent post on this sort of many-to-many relationship here.
You should not have a object Like SiteCustomerRelationship, its DB specific.
If its truly DDD you should have a Relation like:
Aggregate<Site> Customer.Site
IEnumerable<Aggregate<Office>> Customer.Offices
and perhaps
Aggregate<Office> Customer.DefaultOffice

How can an object-oriented programmer get his/her head around database-driven programming?

I have been programming in C# and Java for a little over a year and have a decent grasp of object oriented programming, but my new side project requires a database-driven model. I'm using C# and Linq which seems to be a very powerful tool but I'm having trouble with designing a database around my object oriented approach.
My two main question are:
How do I deal with inheritance in my database?
Let's say I'm building a staff rostering application and I have an abstract class, Event. From Event I derive abstract classes ShiftEvent and StaffEvent. I then have concrete classes Shift (derived from ShiftEvent) and StaffTimeOff (derived from StaffEvent). There are other derived classes, but for the sake of argument these are enough.
Should I have a separate table for ShiftEvents and StaffEvents? Maybe I should have separate tables for each concrete class? Both of these approaches seem like they would give me problems when interacting with the database. Another approach could be to have one Event table, and this table would have nullable columns for every type of data in any of my concrete classes. All of these approaches feel like they could impede extensibility down the road. More than likely there is a third approach that I have not considered.
My second question:
How do I deal with collections and one-to-many relationships in an object oriented way?
Let's say I have a Products class and a Categories class. Each instance of Categories would contain one or more products, but the products themselves should have no knowledge of categories. If I want to implement this in a database, then each product would need a category ID which maps to the categories table. But this introduces more coupling than I would prefer from an OO point of view. The products shouldn't even know that the categories exist, much less have a data field containing a category ID! Is there a better way?
Linq to SQL using a table per class solution:
Other solutions (such as my favorite, LLBLGen) allow other models. Personally, I like the single table solution with a discriminator column, but that is probably because we often query across the inheritance hierarchy and thus see it as the normal query, whereas querying a specific type only requires a "where" change.
All said and done, I personally feel that mapping OO into tables is putting the cart before the horse. There have been continual claims that the impedance mismatch between OO and relations has been solved... and there have been plenty of OO specific databases. None of them have unseated the powerful simplicity of the relation.
Instead, I tend to design the database with the application in mind, map those tables to entities and build from there. Some find this as a loss of OO in the design process, but in my mind the data layer shouldn't be talking high enough into your application to be affecting the design of the higher order systems, just because you used a relational model for storage.
I had the opposite problem: how to get my head around OO after years of database design. Come to that, a decade earlier I had the problem of getting my head around SQL after years of "structured" flat-file programming. There are jsut enough similarities betwwen class and data entity decomposition to mislead you into thinking that they're equivalent. They aren't.
I tend to agree with the view that once you're committed to a relational database for storage then you should design a normalised model and compromise your object model where unavoidable. This is because you're more constrained by the DBMS than you are with your own code - building a compromised data model is more likley to cause you pain.
That said, in the examples given, you have choices: if ShiftEvent and StaffEvent are mostly similar in terms of attributes and are often processed together as Events, then I'd be inclined to implement a single Events table with a type column. Single-table views can be an effective way to separate out the sub-classes and on most db platforms are updatable. If the classes are more different in terms of attributes, then a table for each might be more appropriate. I don't think I like the three-table idea:"has one or none" relationships are seldom necessary in relational design. Anyway, you can always create an Event view as the union of the two tables.
As to Product and Category, if one Category can have many Products, but not vice versa, then the normal relational way to represent this is for the product to contain a category id. Yes, it's coupling, but it's only data coupling, and it's not a mortal sin. The column should probably be indexed, so that it's efficient to retrieve all products for a category. If you're really horrified by the notion then pretend it's a many-to-many relationship and use a separate ProductCategorisation table. It's not that big a deal, although it implies a potential relationship that doesn't really exist and might mislead somone coming to the app in future.
In my opinion, these paradigms (the Relational Model and OOP) apply to different domains, making it difficult (and pointless) to try to create a mapping between them.
The Relational Model is about representing facts (such as "A is a person"), i.e. intangible things that have the property of being "unique". It doesn't make sense to talk about several "instances" of the same fact - there is just the fact.
Object Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm detailing a way to construct computer programs to fulfill certain criteria (re-use, polymorphism, information hiding...). An object is typically a metaphor for some tangible thing - a car, an engine, a manager or a person etc. Tangible things are not facts - there may be two distinct objects with identical state without them being the same object (hence the difference between equals and == in Java, for example).
Spring and similar tools provide access to relational data programmatically, so that the facts can be represented by objects in the program. This does not mean that OOP and the Relational Model are the same, or should be confused with eachother. Use the Realational Model to design databases (collections of facts) and OOP to design computer programs.
TL;DR version (Object-Relational impedance mismatch distilled):
Facts = the recipe on your fridge.
Objects = the content of your fridge.
Frameworks such as
can help you to smoothly solve this problem of inheritance. e.g.
I also got to understand database design, SQL, and particularly the data centered world view before tackling the object oriented approach. The object-relational-impedance-mismatch still baffles me.
The closest thing I've found to getting a handle on it is this: looking at objects not from an object oriented progamming perspective, or even from an object oriented design perspective but from an object oriented analysis perspective. The best book on OOA that I got was written in the early 90s by Peter Coad.
On the database side, the best model to compare with OOA is not the relational model of data, but the Entity-Relationship (ER) model. An ER model is not really relational, and it doesn't specify the logical design. Many relational apologists think that is ER's weakness, but it is actually its strength. ER is best used not for database design but for requirements analysis of a database, otherwise known as data analysis.
ER data analysis and OOA are surprisingly compatible with each other. ER, in turn is fairly compatible with relational data modeling and hence to SQL database design. OOA is, of course, compatible with OOD and hence to OOP.
This may seem like the long way around. But if you keep things abstract enough, you won't waste too much time on the analysis models, and you'll find it surprisingly easy to overcome the impedance mismatch.
The biggest thing to get over in terms of learning database design is this: data linkages like the foreign key to primary key linkage you objected to in your question are not horrible at all. They are the essence of tying related data together.
There is a phenomenon in pre database and pre object oriented systems called the ripple effect. The ripple effect is where a seemingly trivial change to a large system ends up causing consequent required changes all over the entire system.
OOP contains the ripple effect primarily through encapsulation and information hiding.
Relational data modeling overcomes the ripple effect primarily through physical data independence and logical data independence.
On the surface, these two seem like fundamentally contradictory modes of thinking. Eventually, you'll learn how to use both of them to good advantage.
My guess off the top of my head:
On the topic of inheritance I would suggest having 3 tables: Event, ShiftEvent and StaffEvent. Event has the common data elements kind of like how it was originally defined.
The last one can go the other way, I think. You could have a table with category ID and product ID with no other columns where for a given category ID this returns the products but the product may not need to get the category as part of how it describes itself.
The big question: how can you get your head around it? It just takes practice. You try implementing a database design, run into problems with your design, you refactor and remember for next time what worked and what didn't.
To answer your specific questions... this is a little bit of opinion thrown in, as in "how I would do it", not taking into account performance needs and such. I always start fully normalized and go from there based on real-world testing:
Table Event
Table ShiftEvent
Table Product
Table Category
Table CategoryProduct
Also reiterating what Pierre said - an ORM tool like Hibernate makes dealing with the friction between relational structures and OO structures much nicer.
There are several possibilities in order to map an inheritance tree to a relational model.
NHibernate for instance supports the 'table per class hierarchy', table per subclass and table per concrete class strategies:
For your second question:
You can create a 1:n relation in your DB, where the Products table has offcourse a foreign key to the Categories table.
However, this does not mean that your Product Class needs to have a reference to the Category instance to which it belongs to.
You can create a Category class, which contains a set or list of products, and you can create a product class, which has no notion of the Category to which it belongs.
Again, you can easy do this using (N)Hibernate;
Sounds like you are discovering the Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch.
The products shouldn't even know that
the categories exist, much less have a
data field containing a category ID!
I disagree here, I would think that instead of supplying a category id you let your orm do it for you. Then in code you would have something like (borrowing from NHib's and Castle's ActiveRecord):
class Category
IList<Product> Products {get;set;}
class Product
Category ParentCategory {get;set;}
Then if you wanted to see what category the product you are in you'd just do something simple like:
I think you can setup the orm's differently, but either way for the inheritence question, I ask...why do you care? Either go about it with objects and forget about the database or do it a different way. Might seem silly, but unless you really really can't have a bunch of tables, or don't want a single table for some reason, why would you care about the database? For instance, I have the same setup with a few inheriting objects, and I just go about my business. I haven't looked at the actual database yet as it doesn't concern me. The underlying SQL is what is concerning me, and the correct data coming back.
If you have to care about the database then you're going to need to either modify your objects or come up with a custom way of doing things.
I guess a bit of pragmatism would be good here. Mappings between objects and tables always have a bit of strangeness here and there. Here's what I do:
I use Ibatis to talk to my database (Java to Oracle). Whenever I have an inheretance structure where I want a subclass to be stored in the database, I use a "discriminator". This is a trick where you have one table for all the Classes (Types), and have all fields which you could possibly want to store. There is one extra column in the table, containing a string which is used by Ibatis to see which type of object it needs to return.
It looks funny in the database, and sometimes can get you into trouble with relations to fields which are not in all Classes, but 80% of the time this is a good solution.
Regarding your relation between category and product, I would add a categoryId column to the product, because that would make life really easy, both SQL wise and Mapping wise. If you're really stuck on doing the "theoretically correct thing", you can consider an extra table which has only 2 colums, connecting the Categories and their products. It will work, but generally this construction is only used when you need many-to-many relations.
Try to keep it as simple as possible. Having a "academic solution" is nice, but generally means a bit of overkill and is harder to refactor because it is too abstract (like hiding the relations between Category and Product).
I hope this helps.