Select from inherited table - sql

I have this inheritance in my database and I need to use a SELECT query and INSERT query to it.
I can't seem to pull this off.
It's about the Item and it's inheritances.

This could be helpful?
FROM table1
WHERE condition;
I don't know if i've understood your question but, you want to insert some values into a table selecting from an another table.


Generate insert column based on select columns

I have a scenario, where 100's of select statements sql's are in one metadata table or some text file.
Need to insert all sql results into one specific table. (master table has col1, col2,col3 .... 200columns )
problem im facing(ORA-00947) is every select statement has different number of columns.
.. i need to generate INSERT PART.
CASE 1 : INSERT INTO (COL1,COL2,COL3) <<this select part comes from file/variable>>
CASE 2 : INSERT INTO (COL1) <<this select part comes from file/variable>>
CASE 3 : INSERT INTO (COL1) <<this select part comes from file/variable>>
have to figure out how many columns are in select part then generate INSERT part.
Thought of create as select but problem is some select statement has max(col) without alias so it will fail.
This is too long for a comment.
If you are storing SQL in a table, then you are constructing your query dynamically. So, update the table and list the columns that you want.
You could then construct the inserts as :
insert into master_table (<column list here>)
<select here>;
Both the select and column list would come from the table.
By far the easiest is to create a view for each SELECT statement. Then you can query the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view on the view name and get the column names.
Best regards,
Stew Ashton

SQL Insert from other table with Same Schema

Table1 and Table2 have same schema, same columns and same types, and Table2 is empty while Table1 has some data
Insert into Table2 values(Select * from Table1)
how to transfer the data with sql statement? i think syntax is valid in oracle, but how to do with sql-server
You can leave out the values statement:
insert into table2
select * from table1
That said, you should really be in the habit of listing column names, both for the insert and select in this case. The columns could have the same name and type -- but be in different order.
You might possibly want to drop table 2 and then do a select * into table2 from table1. This way you are guaranteed to have the same structure. Because when somebody changes the structure of either table, but not the other, insert into will bomb.

Insert result set from UNPIVOT into table

I am trying to find the syntax for inserting the results from an UNPIVOT statement into an existing table in the database?
simplest answer which works for any SELECT including UNPIVOT would be...
SELECT statement
However, this does require that your destination tables columns match your SELECT statement columns.
Although you can get around this limitation with...
INSERT INTO MyTable (column1, column2....)
SELECT statement

"select * into table" Will it work for inserting data into existing table

I am trying to insert data from one of my existing table into another existing table.
Is it possible to insert data into any existing table using select * into query.
I think it can be done using union but in that case i need to record all data of my existing table into temporary table, then drop that table and finally than apply union to insert all records into same table
select * into #tblExisting from tblExisting
drop table tblExisting
select * into tblExisting from #tblExisting union tblActualData
Here tblExisting is the table where I actually want to store all data
tblActualData is the table from where data is to be appended to tblExisting.
Is it right method.
Do we have some other alternative ?
You should try
INSERT INTO ExistingTable (Columns,..)
SELECT Columns,...
FROM OtherTable
Have a look at INSERT
and SQL SERVER – Insert Data From One Table to Another Table – INSERT INTO SELECT – SELECT INTO TABLE
No, you cannot use SELECT INTO to insert data into an existing table.
The documentation makes this very clear:
SELECT…INTO creates a new table in the default filegroup and inserts the resulting rows from the query into it.
You generally want to avoid using SELECT INTO in production because it gives you very little control over how the table is created, and can lead to all sorts of nasty locking and other performance problems. You should create schemas explicitly and use INSERT - even for temporary tables.
#Ryan Chase
Can you do this by selecting all columns using *?
INSERT INTO yourtable2
SELECT * FROM yourtable1
Update from CTE?

INSERT to a table with a sub query

Can I do this in SQL 2005?
SELECT 'C'+inserted.exhid AS ExhId,inserted.exhname AS ExhName,inserted.exhid AS RefID INTO mytable FROM inserted
WHERE inserted.altname IS NOT NULL
It won't work if the table exists, but will create the table if it is non-existent. How do I get it to insert into an existing table?
like this
SELECT 'C'+inserted.exhid AS ExhId,inserted.exhname AS ExhName,
inserted.exhid AS RefID FROM inserted
WHERE inserted.altname IS NOT NULL
you also don't need the aliases in this case
SQLMenace's answer is correct. But to add to it, I would suggest that it is a good practice to explicitly list your columns that you are inserting into in the event the table structure/column order ever changes, that way your proc stands a better change of working consistently.
INSERT INTO mytable (
SELECT 'C'+inserted.exhid,
FROM inserted
WHERE inserted.altname IS NOT NULL
To insert into an existing table, use INSERT INTO instead of `SELECT INTO