How does performing processing server-side affect the overall performance of a site? - sql

I'm working on an application that will process data submitted by the user, and compare with past logged data. I don't need to return or respond to the post straight away, just need to process it. This "processing" involves logging the response (in this case a score from 1 to 10) that's submitted by the user every day, then comparing it against the previous scores they submitted. Then if something found, do something (not sure yet, maybe email).
Though I'm worried about the effectiveness of doing this and how it could affect the site's performance. I'd like to keep it server side so the script for calculating isn't exposed. The site is only dealing with 500-1500 responses (users) per day, so it isn't a massive amount, but just interested to know if this route of processing will work. The server the site will be hosted on won't be anything special, probably a small(/est) AWS instance.
Also, will be using Node.js and SQL/PSQL database.

It depends on how do you implement this processing algorithm and how heavy on resources this algorithm is.
If your task is completely syncronous its obviously going to block any incoming requests for your application until its finished.
You can make this "processing-application" as a seperate node process and communicate with it only what you need.
If this is a heavy task and you worry about performance its a good idea to make it a seperate node process so it does not impact the serving of the users.
I recoment to google for "node js asynchronous" to better understand the subject.


Need suggestions: Send multiple images to backend, perform upload operation in backend, send response

I need some best practice guidelines for a backend service in a scenario like this one:
UI sends multiple images for uploading to the backend service
Backend service receives all of the images and processes upload to storage one by one
There can be failure in 1 or multiple image upload
My question is how do I send the response towards UI if my backend service is unable to upload 1 or more file(s).
One way can be to send failed and successful image link together in a JSON response body. So the UI knows about the failure and handles it in its own way.
Another way can be to send only the successfully uploaded images' link which is the best case scenario.
Any suggestions will be welcomed with some reference links.
Use an Orchestrator - something specific that can coordinate multiple actions and provide a meaningful result back to the caller.
This might be as simple as a component sitting in the UI that orchestrates calls to the backend. The UI component and the backend service might be designed as parts of a cohesive solution, or the UI component might simply act as a type of client/proxy/facade to some random backend service.
UI calls the orchestrator with references to all the images it needs uploading.
The orchestrator works through the items, uploading each as you prefer (sequentially or in parallel, etc). For each file, handle errors however you prefer - e.g. try once and die gracefully on failure; put errors into a queue or some other mechanism for retry (how many times is up to you); etc.
Based on rules internal to the orchestrator, return status to the caller.
For potentially long-running processes (like file uploads) make sure the call to the orchestrator is asynchronous.
Rather than only returning "complete" result at the end, the orchestrator might provide a simple status back, allowing callers to get some idea of where processing is at. For example, you might have a call-back (from the orchestrator to it's caller) that simply emits very simple statuses like: processing, failed and complete. A more complex solution would be for the orchestrator to return more specific info like %complete and detailed error info.
Have a look at how the big cloud providers do complex file uploads by reading their documentation and studying their API's.
I need some best practice guidelines for a backend service
In no particular order:
Keep it as simple as possible - generally, the fewer moving parts the better. E.g. pay attention to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).
Clean up after yourself. If the upload service generates any data - make sure you have a clean-up process so you don't end up with mountains of un-needed data lying around, especially stuff like image files. If you design an upload solution that maintains state (which is independent of what happens to the images once they are uploaded) then you'll be storing data which probably won't be needed once the images are all processed.
Think about support - not just developer debugging but also operational support. Getting your solution into production is not the end result, it's just the beginning.
If designing this solution across teams (e.g. frontend and backend teams) make sure both teams are involved in the design. If the backend team can't provide a solution that works for the frontend team then it's not going to end well.
Think about the likely error scenarios and how can you handle them.
This isn't really just a question of best practice, as there are multiple ways you could implement it, more than one of which could be valid. This is actually an architecture and design question, with more than one valid answer, hence I don't think it fits as a Stack Overflow question and you will not get references to any one correct approach.
That said, by way of an answer I will outline what I think you need. At a very high level, and not necessarily in this order but taking these factors into account, I would:
Design the UI process flow. For example, you may decide that the user process will have several stages:
User selects first image for upload;
User selects each subsequent image for upload;
User presses some kind of "Go" button after selecting all images;
System now uploads the batch, and user receives a response confirming success or otherwise;
User has option to click through to detailed success/error details.
Design the required success/error reports
Design the data needed to support the overall functionality
Provide one or more APIs giving the upload function and the report function(s) the CRUD access they need to this data
If you hit any specific technical issues at any stage, then please post a new questions accordingly as you go.
As to the point you mentioned, how to send the UI response, there is more than one valid way but I would return a basic success/falure response initially, containing only minimal details such as number of successes, and return more details in further messages in response to user actions (such as clicking through to detailed success/error details), at which point I would retrieve the requested error details from the database.
As I said at the start of my answer, I don't think your question can be answered just in terms of best practices, as it's a whole architecture and design question, but I hope my answer helps you along this path.

Can I send an API response before successful persistence of data?

I am currently developing a Microservice that is interacting with other microservices.
The problem now is that those interactions are really time-consuming. I already implemented concurrent calls via Uni and uses caching where useful. Now I still have some calls that still need some seconds in order to respond and now I thought of another thing, which I could do, in order to improve the performance:
Is it possible to send a response before the sucessfull persistence of data? I send requests to the other microservices where they have to persist the results of my methods. Can I already send the user the result in a first response and make a second response if the persistence process was sucessfull?
With that, the front-end could already begin working even though my API is not 100% finished.
I saw that there is a possible status-code 207 but it's rather used with streams where someone wants to split large files. Is there another possibility? Thanks in advance.
"Is it possible to send a response before the sucessfull persistence of data? Can I already send the user the result in a first response and make a second response if the persistence process was sucessfull? With that, the front-end could already begin working even though my API is not 100% finished."
You can and should, but it is a philosophy change in your API and possibly you have to consider some edge cases and techniques to deal with them.
In case of a long running API call, you can issue an "ack" response, a traditional 200 one, only the answer would just mean the operation is asynchronous and will complete in the future, something like { id:49584958, apicall:"create", status:"queued", result:true }
Then you can
poll your API with the returned ID to see if the operation that is still ongoing, has succeeded or failed.
have a SSE channel (realtime server side events) where your server can issue status messages as pending operations finish
maybe using persistent connections and keepalives, or flushing the response in the middle, you can achieve what you point out, ie. like a segmented response. I am not familiar with that approach as I normally go for the suggesions above.
But in any case, edge cases apply exactly the same: For example, what happens if then through your API a user issues calls dependent on the success of an ongoing or not even started previous command? like for example, get information about something still being persisted?
You will have to deal with these situations with mechanisms like:
Reject related operations until pending call is resolved "server side": Api could return ie. a BUSY error informing that operations are still ongoing when you want to, for example, delete something that still is being created.
Queue all operations so the server executes all them sequentially.
Allow some simulatenous operations if you find they will not collide (ie. create 2 unrelated items)

ISO-8583 message processing(defining priority of messages)

I need to get an understanding of ISO-8583 message platform,lets say i want to perform a authorization of a card transaction,so in real time at a particular instance lets say i got 100000 requests from network(VISA/MASTERCARD) all for authorization,how do i define priority of there request and the response,can the connection pool handle it(in my case its HIKARI),how is it done banks/financial institutions for authorizing a request.Please provide me some insights on how to manage all these requests.Should i go for a MQ?
Tech used are:-spring boot,hibernate,spring-tcp-starter
Your question doesn't seem to be very well researched as there are a ton of switch platforms out there that due this today and many of their technology guides can be found on the web including for major vendors like ACI, FIS, AJB,.. etc if you look yard enough.
I have worked with several iso-interface specifications, commercial switches, and home grown platforms and it is actually pretty consistent in how they do the core realtime processing.
This information on prioritization is generally in each ISO-8583 message processing specification and is made explicitly clear in almost every specification I've ever read written by someone who is familar with ISO-8533 and not just making up their own variant or copying someone elses.
That said.. in general at a high level authorizations / financials (0100, 0200) requests always have high priority than force posts (0x20) messages.
Administrative messages in the 05xx and 06xx and 08xx sometimes also get bumped up above other advices.. but these are still advices and almost always auths/financials are always processed first as they A) Impact the customer B) have much tighter timers than any advice by usually more than double or more.
Most switches I have seen do it entirely in memory without going to MQ and or some other disk for core authorization process to manage these.. but not to say there is not some sort of home grown middle ware sometimes involved.. but non-realtime processes regularly use a MQ process to queue or disk queuing these up into processes not in-line of the approval for this Store-and-forward (SAF) processing.. but many of these still use memory only processing for the front of their queue.
It is important to also differentiate between 100000 requests and 100000 transactions.. the various exchanges both internal and external make a big difference in the number of actual requests/responses in flight at even given time.. a basic transaction can be accomplished in like two messages.. but some of the more complex ones can easily exceed 20 messages just for a pre-authorization or a completion component.
If you are dealing with largely batch transaction bursts.. I can see the challenge of queuing but almost every application I have seen has a max in flight for advices and requests separate of each other.. and sometimes even with different timers.. and the apps pumping the transactions almost always wait for the response back before sending more.. and this tends to work fine for just about everyone.. including big posting batches from retailers and card networks. So if your app doesn't have them.. you probably need to add them.
In fact your 100000 requests should be sorted by (Terminal ID and/or Merchant ID) + (timestamp/local timestamp) + (STAN and/or RRN).
Duplicated transaction requests expected to be rejected.
If you simulating multiple requests from single terminal (or host) with same test card details the increasing of STAN/RRN would be a case.
Please refer to previous answers about STAN and RRN ISO 8583 fields.
In ISO message, what's the use of stan and rrn ?

Maintain Consistency in Microservices [duplicate]

What is the best way to achieve DB consistency in microservice-based systems?
At the GOTO in Berlin, Martin Fowler was talking about microservices and one "rule" he mentioned was to keep "per-service" databases, which means that services cannot directly connect to a DB "owned" by another service.
This is super-nice and elegant but in practice it becomes a bit tricky. Suppose that you have a few services:
a frontend
an order-management service
a loyalty-program service
Now, a customer make a purchase on your frontend, which will call the order management service, which will save everything in the DB -- no problem. At this point, there will also be a call to the loyalty-program service so that it credits / debits points from your account.
Now, when everything is on the same DB / DB server it all becomes easy since you can run everything in one transaction: if the loyalty program service fails to write to the DB we can roll the whole thing back.
When we do DB operations throughout multiple services this isn't possible, as we don't rely on one connection / take advantage of running a single transaction.
What are the best patterns to keep things consistent and live a happy life?
I'm quite eager to hear your suggestions!..and thanks in advance!
This is super-nice and elegant but in practice it becomes a bit tricky
What it means "in practice" is that you need to design your microservices in such a way that the necessary business consistency is fulfilled when following the rule:
that services cannot directly connect to a DB "owned" by another service.
In other words - don't make any assumptions about their responsibilities and change the boundaries as needed until you can find a way to make that work.
Now, to your question:
What are the best patterns to keep things consistent and live a happy life?
For things that don't require immediate consistency, and updating loyalty points seems to fall in that category, you could use a reliable pub/sub pattern to dispatch events from one microservice to be processed by others. The reliable bit is that you'd want good retries, rollback, and idempotence (or transactionality) for the event processing stuff.
If you're running on .NET some examples of infrastructure that support this kind of reliability include NServiceBus and MassTransit. Full disclosure - I'm the founder of NServiceBus.
Update: Following comments regarding concerns about the loyalty points: "if balance updates are processed with delay, a customer may actually be able to order more items than they have points for".
Many people struggle with these kinds of requirements for strong consistency. The thing is that these kinds of scenarios can usually be dealt with by introducing additional rules, like if a user ends up with negative loyalty points notify them. If T goes by without the loyalty points being sorted out, notify the user that they will be charged M based on some conversion rate. This policy should be visible to customers when they use points to purchase stuff.
I don’t usually deal with microservices, and this might not be a good way of doing things, but here’s an idea:
To restate the problem, the system consists of three independent-but-communicating parts: the frontend, the order-management backend, and the loyalty-program backend. The frontend wants to make sure some state is saved in both the order-management backend and the loyalty-program backend.
One possible solution would be to implement some type of two-phase commit:
First, the frontend places a record in its own database with all the data. Call this the frontend record.
The frontend asks the order-management backend for a transaction ID, and passes it whatever data it would need to complete the action. The order-management backend stores this data in a staging area, associating with it a fresh transaction ID and returning that to the frontend.
The order-management transaction ID is stored as part of the frontend record.
The frontend asks the loyalty-program backend for a transaction ID, and passes it whatever data it would need to complete the action. The loyalty-program backend stores this data in a staging area, associating with it a fresh transaction ID and returning that to the frontend.
The loyalty-program transaction ID is stored as part of the frontend record.
The frontend tells the order-management backend to finalize the transaction associated with the transaction ID the frontend stored.
The frontend tells the loyalty-program backend to finalize the transaction associated with the transaction ID the frontend stored.
The frontend deletes its frontend record.
If this is implemented, the changes will not necessarily be atomic, but it will be eventually consistent. Let’s think of the places it could fail:
If it fails in the first step, no data will change.
If it fails in the second, third, fourth, or fifth, when the system comes back online it can scan through all frontend records, looking for records without an associated transaction ID (of either type). If it comes across any such record, it can replay beginning at step 2. (If there is a failure in step 3 or 5, there will be some abandoned records left in the backends, but it is never moved out of the staging area so it is OK.)
If it fails in the sixth, seventh, or eighth step, when the system comes back online it can look for all frontend records with both transaction IDs filled in. It can then query the backends to see the state of these transactions—committed or uncommitted. Depending on which have been committed, it can resume from the appropriate step.
I agree with what #Udi Dahan said. Just want to add to his answer.
I think you need to persist the request to the loyalty program so that if it fails it can be done at some other point. There are various ways to word/do this.
1) Make the loyalty program API failure recoverable. That is to say it can persist requests so that they do not get lost and can be recovered (re-executed) at some later point.
2) Execute the loyalty program requests asynchronously. That is to say, persist the request somewhere first then allow the service to read it from this persisted store. Only remove from the persisted store when successfully executed.
3) Do what Udi said, and place it on a good queue (pub/sub pattern to be exact). This usually requires that the subscriber do one of two things... either persist the request before removing from the queue (goto 1) --OR-- first borrow the request from the queue, then after successfully processing the request, have the request removed from the queue (this is my preference).
All three accomplish the same thing. They move the request to a persisted place where it can be worked on till successful completion. The request is never lost, and retried if necessary till a satisfactory state is reached.
I like to use the example of a relay race. Each service or piece of code must take hold and ownership of the request before allowing the previous piece of code to let go of it. Once it's handed off, the current owner must not lose the request till it gets processed or handed off to some other piece of code.
Even for distributed transactions you can get into "transaction in doubt status" if one of the participants crashes in the midst of the transaction. If you design the services as idempotent operation then life becomes a bit easier. One can write programs to fulfill business conditions without XA. Pat Helland has written excellent paper on this called "Life Beyond XA". Basically the approach is to make as minimum assumptions about remote entities as possible. He also illustrated an approach called Open Nested Transactions ( to model business processes. In this specific case, Purchase transaction would be top level flow and loyalty and order management will be next level flows. The trick is to crate granular services as idempotent services with compensation logic. So if any thing fails anywhere in the flow, individual services can compensate for it. So e.g. if order fails for some reason, loyalty can deduct the accrued point for that purchase.
Other approach is to model using eventual consistency using CALM or CRDTs. I've written a blog to highlight using CALM in real life - May be it will help you.

How to keep an API idempotent while receiving multiple requests with the same id at the same time?

From a lot of articles and commercial API I saw, most people make their APIs idempotent by asking the client to provide a requestId or idempotent-key (e.g. and basically store the requestId <-> response map in the storage. So if there's a request coming in which already is in this map, the application would just return the stored response.
This is all good to me but my problem is how do I handle the case where the second call coming in while the first call is still in progress?
So here is my questions
I guess the ideal behaviour would be the second call keep waiting until the first call finishes and returns the first call's response? Is this how people doing it?
if yes, how long should the second call wait for the first call to be finished?
if the second call has a wait time limit and the first call still hasn't finished, what should it tell the client? Should it just not return any responses so the client will timeout and retry again?
For wunderlist we use database constraints to make sure that no request id (which is a column in every one of our tables) is ever used twice. Since our database technology (postgres) guarantees that it would be impossible for two records to be inserted that violate this constraint, we only need to react to the potential insertion error properly. Basically, we outsource this detail to our datastore.
I would recommend, no matter how you go about this, to try not to need to coordinate in your application. If you try to know if two things are happening at once then there is a high likelihood that there would be bugs. Instead, there might be a system you already use which can make the guarantees you need.
Now, to specifically address your three questions:
For us, since we use database constraints, the database handles making things queue up and wait. This is why I personally prefer the old SQL databases - not for the SQL or relations, but because they are really good at locking and queuing. We use SQL databases as dumb disconnected tables.
This depends a lot on your system. We try to tune all of our timeouts to around 1s in each system and subsystem. We'd rather fail fast than queue up. You can measure and then look at your 99th percentile for timings and just set that as your timeout if you don't know ahead of time.
We would return a 504 http status (and appropriate response body) to the client. The reason for having a idempotent-key is so the client can retry a request - so we are never worried about timing out and letting them do just that. Again, we'd rather timeout fast and fix the problems than to let things queue up. If things queue up then even after something is fixed one has to wait a while for things to get better.
It's a bit hard to understand if the second call is from the same client with the same request token, or a different client.
Normally in the case of concurrent requests from different clients operating on the same resource, you would also want to implementing a versioning strategy alongside a request token for idempotency.
A typical version strategy in a relational database might be a version column with a trigger that auto increments the number each time a record is updated.
With this in place, all clients must specify their request token as well as the version they are updating (typical the IfMatch header is used for this and the version number is used as the value of the ETag).
On the server side, when it comes time to update the state of the resource, you first check that the version number in the database matches the supplied version in the ETag. If they do, you write the changes and the version increments. Assuming the second request was operating on the same version number as the first, it would then fail with a 412 (or 409 depending on how you interpret HTTP specifications) and the client should not retry.
If you really want to stop the second request immediately while the first request is in progress, you are going down the route of pessimistic locking, which doesn't suit REST API's that well.
In the case where you are actually talking about the client retrying with the same request token because it received a transient network error, it's almost the same case.
Both requests will be running at the same time, the second request will start because the first request still has not finished and has not recorded the request token to the database yet, but whichever one ends up finishing first will succeed and record the request token.
For the other request, it will receive a version conflict (since the first request has incremented the version) at which point it should recheck the request token database table, find it's own token in there and assume that it was a concurrent request that finished before it did and return 200.
It's seems like a lot, but if you want to cover all the weird and wonderful failure modes when your dealing with REST, idempotency and concurrency this is way to deal with it.