XAML: MouseLeftButtonUp only fires when clicking text, not whitespace - xaml

I have a list box (in Silverlight) that uses a DataTemplate for the ItemTemplate. The DataTemplate is defined like this:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
<TextBlock Name="roleItem"
Text="{Binding Path=DisplayValue, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
I have found that my event RoleStackPanel_MouseLeftButtonUp only fires if any text displayed in the TextBlock is clicked. If the user clicks any whitespace in the item to the right of the text, the event does not fire. So lets say the control is 300px wide but only has the word "Admin" in the item, you MUST click "Admin" and not to the empty whitespace to the right.
How can I make it so the events fires wherever I click in the item, on text or whitespace?

So a couple quick considerations to get you sorted.
a.) The area of your panel does not have HitTestVisibility by default. This is by design and intentional. To get your event to fire for the parent simply add the property of IsHitTestVisible="True" or provide a Brush for the panel via Background="Transparent" to it to invoke HitTestVisibility.
b.) A StackPanel will only consume the space required by its children. If you wish to provide a large area for a user to hit like you describe than swap the StackPanel for Grid which should consume whatever space is made available by its parent. Same rules of HitTestVisibility apply.
<Grid IsHitTestVisible="True"
<TextBlock Name="roleItem"
Text="{Binding Path=DisplayValue, Mode=TwoWay}" />
Hope this helps, cheers!


Listbox selected item text to another textbox

When I select a listbox item I would like to have that data passed to another textblock.
Way I have it setup:
Inside my listbox.itemtemplate I have two textblocks inside a stackpanel.
The text inside the listbox is bounded from a class .
Since the textblock is inside a listbox.item, I am unable to call the textblock in the mainpage.cs, while I can call the data in a textblock that is in a grid.
How can I get the text from the textblock from inside the listbox item to pass to another textblock or label.
The way I do it usually is I do a TwoWay binding of the SelectedItem property on the list control with a similarly named property on the view model and once I have that - my selected item view can bind to the view model. Of course you can bind directly from the selected item view to the list control's SelectedItem and further on to the properties of the item properties using ElementName binding, but that misses the point of separation of concerns.
Example for the dirty approach:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Property1}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Property2}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding SelectedItem.Property1, ElementName='lv'}" />

Empty collection bound to LongListSelector cause incorrect view of page

I have Windows Phone 8 page which has a number of controls on it, some of them are LongListSelector controls. If all collections have content everything is displayed correctly.
But if any of the collections bound to the lists are empty all controls below them on the page disappear, i.e. the page looks to be truncated as lots of things are missing.
If I add code to make sure to add at least on item to each collection the page display correctly.
The databinding is done using C#, as shown below.
<phone:LongListSelector Grid.Row="3" x:Name="PicturesGrid">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<Image Source="{Binding Filename}" />
PicturesGrid.ItemsSource = App.ViewModel.SelectedBird.Pictures;
Update: I have noticed that there is a scrollbar present, but however much I scroll I never get down to the bottom.

Xaml, How to bind a list of buttons over an image in different coordination

For a windows 8 Apps, i need to put a list of buttons over an image. Each button has CoordinateX and CoordinateY properties. I use a gridView to bind to the list of buttons.
I need to have the result as below:
Here is my code:
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" >
<Image Source="ms-appx:///Assets/red.png" Stretch="None" ></Image>
<GridView ItemsSource="{Binding Buttons}"
SelectionMode="None" IsSwipeEnabled="false" IsItemClickEnabled="True" ItemClick="Button" Padding="0">
<Button Width="194" Height="51" Background="Gray" Canvas.Left="{Binding CoordinateX}" Canvas.Top="{Binding CoordinateY}"></Button>
But this is what i get after running the app:
Ites Likely that at runtime before the X and Y co-ordinates can be set for the items within the GridView, the GridView itself has its properties applied.
1) the GridView is intended to be used for oganization control
2) you havent forced the Grid to fill the view space
what you're left with is a GridView that acts as it wishes and limits the ability of its items to conform to your style, should the style attempt to force the items collection to live outside the bounds of the control.
You could try to set the GridView's Horizontal Alignment property but even if it happens to work, its probably a better bet to use a less organized content control like the more basic ItemsPresenter.
Which ever control you end up using... make sure to check for /set the HorizontalContentAlignment & VerticalContentAlignment properties if they exist.

Button with image and stackpanel with text misses the mouse click event in Windows Store App?

In my Windows Store App I use a button which has a star shape with some text. I use the following XAML code for the button:
<Button Name="goButton" BorderThickness="0" FontWeight="Bold" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0,-91,33,0" FontSize="25" IsEnabled="True" Click="goButton_Click" >
<Grid Width="227" Height="222">
<Image Source="Assets/redstar.png" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="77">
<TextBlock TextAlignment="Center" Text="Tag"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock TextAlignment="Center" Text="ist um!"></TextBlock>
This is what is the button looks like:
Unfortunately it often happens that clicks in the area of the star are not recognized, e.g. the event handler is not startet. I suppose that it has something to do with the image, for it works fine if I remove the image from the grid. But this doesn't solve my problem.
Any suggestions?
Don't see anything wrong off the top. You could try a couple of things:
Instead of click, try the Tapped event for the button.
Try tapped on the container Grid.
Get rid of the Grid & put all button content in a StackPanel & then try tapped/clicked on it.
Go with patterns like MVVM & associate your button with a Command.
Hope these help!

Scrolling Text Block/Area/Div in Loose XAML

Is there any way to display scrollabletext in loose xaml? The equivalent in HTML would be
<div style="overflow:scroll">some long bit of text here</div>
Can you do this in loose xaml?
From my experiments so far it seems that in loose xaml:
You cannot use TextBox -- it must be TextBlock.
TextBlock doesn't seem to have any styling settings which would make it scrollable.
ScrollViewer doesn't seem to be allowed in loose xaml.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
You can use a textbox for scrolling text e.g.:
<TextBox Text="{Binding YourText}" VerticalContentAlignment="Top"
TextWrapping="Wrap" AcceptsReturn="True" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
MaxHeight="200" MaxWidth="300"/>
This will show scrollbars if your text doesn't fit in the displayed area.
<ScrollViewer Height="239" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<toolkit:PhoneTextBox x:Name="newcTextBox" AcceptsReturn="True" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>