Can negamax use an asymmetric evaluation function? - chess

TLDR: I have an asymmetric evaluation function for an implementation of negamax - is that acceptable? Or do I need to make it symmetric?
I'm writing a game AI (for the chess-like board game "Hive") that was using minimax with alpha-beta pruning and an asymmetric evaluation function.
But I was having trouble adding transposition tables correctly, and was losing confidence in my minimax implementation, so I decided to switch to negamax using the pseudo-code here:
I've got everything "working" and AFAIK accurately following the pseudo-code, but my AI is now making some wildly different moves than before and games that usually ended after 10-15 turns now take 30+, and I'm not convinced the AI is actually playing better than it was before. I'm worried that having an asymmetric evaluation function means I'm scoring nodes differently than before (because of the negamax flip-flopping).
I don't want to change to a symmetric function unless I really have to - I've been trying to produce an optimal function experimentally (AI vs AI battles) and have put in hundreds if not thousands of compute hours into producing a strong evaluation function.

Negamax support asymmetric evaluation functions but it does not lead to optimal play (assuming you have no knowlege about your opponent).
I don't know enough about Hive, but in computer chess it is, in general, a bug to have an asymmetric evaluation function. The reasons behind it should be the same for chess and Hive.
For instance, take the starting position (in chess). White is next to move and let us assume your evaluation function gives the position a score of +0.08.
Now change the position, so black is first to move. Everything is the same, only that the roles of white and black has been changed. Under the assumption, that +0.08 was the optimal score for the white position, why should the position for black not also be evaluated as +0.08?
The same argument goes for any position. If you reverse everything, there is no good reason for playing the position differently.
There is only one exception to this rule. If one opponent is clearly stronger than the other, there are arguments for an asymmetric evaluation. For instance, take a completely drawn position like this:
FEN: 4k3/8/8/p1p1p1p1/PpPpPpPp/1P1P1P1P/8/4K3 b - - 0 1
This position could safely be evaluated as 0. Now imaging the starting position but white starts without one knight. This should be a strong advantage for black.
Let us assume you are Magnus Carlsen and you are playing against on opponent who does not even know the chess rules. Which position would you prefer? Here, I would argue that an asymmetric evaluation could make sense (e.g., evaluate a likely draw similar to a loss). Carlsen should avoid the drawn position, while the beginner should prefer it.
The chances that the beginner can hold its own against the world champion, even at one knight odds, are practically zero. On the other hand, in the drawn position, the skill advantage does not matter, as no order of moves can result in a win or loss.
In computer chess, Rebel had a function to prefer tactical positions when playing against humans (see ANTI GRANDMASTER PLAY). There is also the common concept of "contempt", which is the score that engines give for a remis.
But note that in both my examples, this is not optimal play. Magnus Carlsen would not choose the position without the knight when playing a strong (or unknown) opponent. Also Rebel would not use the anti-human strategy against other machines, which also excel in tactical battles. (Even though, depending on the position, Rebel 10 did use ANTI GRANDMASTER PLAY against computers.)


Simulating a series of rotating vertices with various masses and coupling functions

I continue to run into this problem: wanting to run a complex simulation of interconnected nodes, and aside from some time looking into Rigs of Rods, I don't have any experience in this area.
In this case I'm trying to simulate a series of rotating devices. If I were trying to do CFD or using more vertices, I assume I would need to try and arrive at something for use with an ODE Solver. ...but in this case I have 7 vertices with 6 edges, all in-line; I think brute force is an option. There are various functions that are used to define how force is transmitted along this line of vertices, and at any point in the chain energy/force can applied arbitrarily based on the result of 1 or more functions for a given edge.
I'm guessing that this can't be done in a single iteration without an equation that accounted for everything.
I suppose, I'll take any input. I don't know what I don't know and I wouldn't be shocked to learn that there are some great write-ups if I knew what to search for.

Iterative deepening in minimax - sorting all legal moves, or just finding the PV-move then using MVV-LVA?

After reading the chessprogramming wiki and other sources, I've been confused about what the exact purpose of iterative deepening. My original understanding was the following:
It consisted of minimax search performed at depth=1, depth=2, etc. until reaching the desired depth. After a minimax search of each depth, sort the root-node moves according to the results from that search, to make for optimal move ordering in the next search with depth+1, so in the next deeper search,the PV-move is searched, then the next best move, then the next best move after that, and so on.
Is this correct? Doubts emerged when I read about MVV-LVA ordering, specifically about ordering captures, and additionally, using hash tables and such. For example, this page recommends a move ordering of:
PV-move of the principal variation from the previous iteration of an iterative deepening framework for the leftmost path, often implicitly done by 2.
Hash move from hash tables
Winning captures/promotions
Equal captures/promotions
Killer moves (non capture), often with mate killers first
Non-captures sorted by history heuristic and that like
Losing captures
If so, then what's the point of sorting the minimax from each depth, if only the PV-move is needed? On the other hand, if the whole point of ID is the PV-move, won't it be a waste to search from every single minimax depth up till desired depth just to calculate the PV-move of each depth?
What is the concrete purpose of ID, and how much computation does it save?
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you are mixing 2 different concepts here.
Iterative deepening is mainly used to set a maximum search time for each move. The AI will go deeper and deeper, and then when the decided time is up it returns the move from the latest depth it finished searching. Since each increase in depth leads to exponentially longer search times, searching each depth from e.g. 1 to 12 take almost the same time as only searching with depth 12.
Sorting the moves is done to maximize the effect of alpha-beta pruning. If you want an optimal alpha-beta pruning you look at the best move first. Which is of course impossible to know beforehand, but the points you stated above is a good guess. Just make sure that the sorting algorithm doens't slow down your recursive function, and by that removing the effect from the alhpa-beta.
Hope this helps and that I understood your question correctly.

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - Particle Density Estimation Issue

I'm currently writing an SPH Solver using CUDA on
I have pretty good results and performances but in my mind they still seem pretty weird for some reason :
In some implementations, i saw that a particle does not contribute to its own internal forces (which would be 0 anyways due to the formulas), but it does contribute to its own density.
My simulations work "pretty fine" (i don't like "pretty fine", i want it perfect) and in my implementation a particle does not contribute to its own density.
Besides when i change the code so it does contribute to its own density, the resulting simulation becomes way too unstable (particles explode).
I asked this to a lecturer in physics based animation, he told me a particle should not contribute to its density, but did not give me specific details about this assertion.
Any idea of how it should be ?
As long as you calculate the density with the summation formula instead of the continuity equation, yes you need to do it with self-contribution.
Here is why:
SPH is an interpolation scheme, which allows you to interpolate a specific value in any position in space over a particle cloud. Any position means you are not restricted to evaluate it on a particle, but anywhere in space. If you do so, obviously you need to consider all particles within the influence radius. From this point of view, it is easy to see that interpolating a quantity at a particle's position does not influence its contribution.
For other quantities like forces, where the derivative of some quantity is approximated, you don't need to apply self-contribution (that would lead to the evaluation of 0/0).
To discover the source of the instability:
check if the kernel is normalised
are the stiffness of the liquid and the time step size compatible (for the weakly compressible case)?

Using Pathfinding, such as A*, for NPC's & character without Tiles

I've been reading a book called "iOS Games by Tutorials" (recommend it to anyone interested in making iPhone games) & I'm learning how to make Tiled Maps with Sprite Kit with an overhead view (like the legend of zelda link's awakening). So far, I have made a tiled map using tiles that are 32x32, placed the player character & several NPC's into the world. Even made the NPC's randomly move around the map, though the way it teaches in the book is having them move from tile to tile (any of the 8 tiles surrounding the NPC at any time - if a tile has some property such as categoryBitMask then it won't move to that tile).
I am going to change NPC movement to physics-based (which is its own problem) just like the player character has right now (which means NPC's will collide with objects that have a physicsBody like the player character does). It's more fluid & dynamic.
But here is where the question begins. I want to implement Pathfinding (such as the A* algorithm) into the NPC & player character movement due to the map containing buildings, water, trees, etc. with their own physicsBodies. It's one thing to limit NPC's random movement or to force them to walk a predetermined path (which will kill the point of this game), but it's another to have to tap the screen very often to have the player character avoid all the buildings/trees he has to walk past. I don't want to use a grid system. Is it possible to implement some pathfinding algorithm into x,y coordinates? Is this more resource intensive? Could you share your thoughts about this?
Thank you.
This is a very interesting topic.
There are algorithms for finding paths in continuous spaces. For example, you can use a potential based method with the objective having a very low potential and obstacles being "hills" (perhaps infinitely high, although this requires a bit of care). The downside of potential methods is that you have to take special precautions to keep them from getting stuck at a local minimum. Situations like this
| M|
| |
+ ---+
Where M is a monster trying to get to the player, P can occur. In the example, the monster is at a local minimum, and it would have to go to a higher potential in order to get out the door at the lower left of the building. A variant of potential algorithms (in fact, it's often useful to reduce it to one), is to assign anti-gravity to obstacles and gravity to objectives. This is also somewhat non-deterministic and requires special precautions to avoid getting "stuck".
As #rickster points out, SpriteKit provides an SKFieldNode class that can help you implement a potential based solution.
Other approaches include "wall following" (for example, Pledge's algorithm) and are useful for finding your way around in a maze like environment.
One drawback to continuous methods is that NPC movement will often seem a bit unnatural -- for example, even if our monster in the example above is able to decide that it's at a local minimum and increase the "temperature" of it's search (that is, make larger moves, perhaps at random, against the potential gradient), it will bounce around instead of going straight for the door.
An alternative to searching in continuous spaces is to quantize the space. A simple method is to tile it, cover it with polygons, or represent it as a quadtree. Essentially, you want to have a way of mapping every point in the continuous space to a vertex on a graph representing the quantized space. At this point, graph search algorithms like A* and friends are applicable.
Graph search is somewhat resource intensive, but for a 2d zelda like game, it should be doable on a mobile device, especially with various optimizations like only "waking up" NPCs that are within a certain distance of the player (think aggro).
This page is a bit thin on implementation details, but it'll give you the right terms to google.
As always, start simple and iterate. Tiling is incredibly easy, and will let you experiment with the graph search method before optimizing.

Modeling human running on a soccer field

In a soccer game, I am computing a steering force using steering behaviors. This part is ok.
However, I am looking for the best way to implement simple 2d human locomotion.
For instance, the players should not "steer" (or simply add acceleration computed from steering force) to its current velocity when the cos(angle) between the steering force and the current velocity or heading vectors is lower than 0.5 because it looks as if the player is a vehicule. A human, when there is an important change of direction, slows down and when it has slowed enough, it starts accelerating in the new direction.
Does anyone have any advice, ideas on how to achieve this behavior? Thanks in advance.
Make it change direction very quickly but without perfect friction. EG super mario
Edit: but feet should not slide - use procedural animation for feet
This is already researched and developed in an initiative called "Robocup". They have a simulation 2D league that should be really similar to what you are trying to accomplish.
Here's a link that should point you to the right direction:
Maybe you could compute the curvature. If the curvature value is to big, the speed slows down.
At low speed a human can turn on a dime. At high speed only very slight turns require no slowing. The speed and radius of the turn are thus strongly correlated.
How much a human slows down when aiming toward a target is actually a judgment call, not an automatic computation. One human might come to almost a complete stop, turn sharply, and run directly toward the target. Another human might slow only a little and make a wide curving arc—even if this increases the total length to the target. The only caveat is that if the desired target is inside the radius of the curve at the current speed, the only reasonable path is to slow since it would take a wide loop far from the target in order to reach it (rather than circling it endlessly).
Here's how I would go about doing it. I apologize for the Imperial units if you prefer metric.
The fastest human ever recorded traveled just under 28 mph. Each of your human units should be given a personal top speed between 1 and 28 mph.
Create a 29-element table of the maximum acceleration and deceleration rates of a human traveling at each whole mph in a straight line. It doesn't have to be exact--just approximate accel and decel values for each value. Create fast, medium, slow versions of the 29-element table and assign each human to one of these tables. The table chosen may be mapped to the unit's top speed, so a unit with a max of 10mph would be a slow accelerator.
Create a 29-element table of the sharpest radius a human can turn at that mph (0-28).
Now, when animating each human unit, if you have target information and must choose an acceleration from that, the task is harder. If instead you just have a force vector, it is easier. Let's start with the force vector.
If the force vector's net acceleration and resultant angle would exceed the limit of the unit's ability, restrict the unit's new vector to the maximum angle allowed, and also decelerate the unit at its maximum rate for its current linear speed.
During the next clock tick, being slower, it will be able to turn more sharply.
If the force vector can be entirely accommodated, but the unit is traveling slower than its maximum speed for that curvature, apply the maximum acceleration the unit has at that speed.
I know the details are going to be quite difficult, but I think this is a good start.
For the pathing version where you have a target and need to choose a force to apply, the problem is a bit different, and even harder. I'm out of ideas for now--but suffice it to say that, given the example condition of the human already running away from the target at top stpeed, there will be a best-time path that is between on the one hand, slowing enough while turning to complete a perfect arc to the target, and on the other hand stopping completely, rotating completely and running straight to the target.