SignalR WCF service to MVC5 Client. Is it possible? - wcf

So I am familiar with SignalR in respect to Client/Server communication from a hub within an MVC Site project pushing to a javascript Client. Its a very simplistic approach to Server to Client communication.
My issue is, I have a more complex architecture. MVC5 UI that makes calls to WCF services where all the computing and business logic is occurring.
My question is, I have an MVC view that is a table of information. One column contains the # items within a box. I want to update the view every time something is removed or added from the box. However, adding and removing items are not done via the UI, they are done from an outside process calling into our WCF service. We do some computation within the service and then update the count of items in the box and save it to the DB. We would like, at the time of saving to the DB to also be able to Call the SignalR hub and have it notify all the clients that the count has increased which in turn will update the table on the view. Can this be done? Can you make a call to a hub within a MVC application from a WCF service?

Can you make a call to a hub within a MVC application from a WCF
Yes you can create a Duplex Service. In the callback operation (Duplex Service), the service can also call some function in the client. This function on the client is where you will make a call to your SignalR Hub method to notify your clients.
Have a look at the following samples:

You can,
when you have some change, call for hub, the hub broach to client and then client callback to refresh:
$(function () {
var notifications = $.connection.pubsHub;
notifications.client.alertms = function () {
//if (ms === "pubs")
// Start the connection.
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
//alert("connection started")
}).fail(function (e) {
function getAllMessages() {
$.post('#(Url.Action("GetMessages", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme))')
.done(function (response) {


ASP.NET Core 2.1 Handling ServiceScope usage with dependencies on WebSocket middleware's every incoming messages

I have some performance issue on using websockets on ASP.NET Core 2.1
At first, I have an implementation of websockets similar to this example:
On every incoming websocket message, I have it to parse, call some services, send a message back to websocket.
if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Text)
using (var scope = service.CreateScope())
var communicationService = scope.ServiceProvider.GetSomeService();
await communicationService.HandleConnection(webSocket, result, buffer);
So as you see on every incoming message I am creating a new Scope, getting Service provider and then calling services on this service's method communicationService.HandleConnection. But if there is a lot of messages, my Azure WebService CPU goes up to 100%.
Can someone tell me if I am using these scope creations correct on every socket message?
It's hard to know for certain with the limited code snippet you provided (i.e. the lifetime and type of communicationService. Having said that, I would look at to capture a snapshot of your app service when the CPU spike to 100%. You may discover the issue might be unrelated to your using (scope).

Calling WCF in async manner from client makes the WCF service also act in async manner?

When a WCF service is called in an async manner from a client, then we know that the client app is NOT blocked.
But is the thread on the WCF side blocked while executing the async method call OR the WCF releases the thread it uses to initiate the method call ?
For example, if I call the 'Add' method in an async manner from an ASP.Net app, as in code below, will the service instance in back-end wait till method completes? The WCF uses an InstanceContext of PerCall.
CalculatorClient client = new CalculatorClient();
// AddAsync
double value1 = 100.00D;
double value2 = 15.99D;
client.AddCompleted += new EventHandler<AddCompletedEventArgs>(AddCallback);
client.AddAsync(value1, value2);
WCF support for asynchronous calls are strictly a client-side feature only.
In-fact the service has no way (and should not have) of telling the difference between two clients, one making a synchronous call and the other making an asynchronous call.
This is true regardless of whether the client is making a call via an async proxy, or directly via async invocation.
It is easy to show this is true with a thought experiment; ANY wcf service can be called asynchronously, and additionally this is REGARDLESS of the binding selected - therefore this must be solely a client-side facility.

How to Consume MVC 4 WebApi Service

I am new to Web Api world and I see a lot of potential for in the new MVC 4 Web Api. I have generated a WCF Web Service but was planning to get to know Web-APIs and their web service capabilities. Now, is MVC 4 Web-Api Service more as front end? I wrote a sample Service by following some examples online in MVC 4 Web Api but how do I consume the Service in just a basic console app? I have figured out the only way to consume it is by using HttpClient are there other ways? I am used to ASP.NET Web Service and WCF Web Service as where you reference it as a service in your references and then you are able to see all of its objects, properties to make appropriate calls.
What happens if web-api is requesting a object "Task" for post method as an example how am I able to fill an object "Task" and post it back to the web-api? As in WCF I am able to see that "Task" object and its properties because of WSDL so I am able to fill them and send it back to the service how is that done in web-api service?
The webservice would be used internally is it worth it to have an web-api service?
Thank you so much for helping clearing some question of what I have about web-api services.
---Edit as per Comment---
This screenshot shows a possible structure which you can approach. Of course, you can take a design that best suit your application.
So ControllerLib is a separate Class Library project which is brought into the main project as a Service Reference (which is not shown in the screenshot but should be inside the References folder of the SecondMVCApplication project). The two controller file (HomeController.cs and LocationController.cs is a controller file that implemented the Controller class, which is the same thing as a Controller file when you create a new MVC4 application using the template)
So for your question regarding if there is a SVC file. NO. In MVC 4, there is no such thing as a SVC file whether the application is one project or a combination of multiple project (unless I am mistaken). Inside the SecondMVCApplication, there is a file called RouteConfig.cs which holds the routing URL and as long as you add the Service Reference and there controller function exists. The code will run. Also the sample screenshot I showed also includes a WebApiConfig.cs file. You can use that file to do API stuff for mobile if you need. So, the regular RouteConfig.cs handles website request and the WebApiConfig.cs handles API request.
Good to Note: If you are using a Model project as a separate project (which I know you will as it is a M-V-C project...DUH!!). Make sure you put your connection string inside the web.config main project (in this case, the SecondMVCApplication). I remember I was stuck in this problem for 3 days (8 hours each) trying to fix this problem. Hope you don't run into it.
---End Edit---
The following answer to your question is mostly based on my knowledge and may or may not be true to all users.
Is MVC 4 Web-Api Service more as front end?
This depends on how you look at it. Typically, a Web-API service is more suited for creating back-end service to provide a data payload to different platforms, like mobile, desktop apps and so on. However, a MVC4 Internet Application will have front-end aspects in them, namely the Views, which end-users sees.
How do I consume the Service in just a basic console app?
AFAIK, there is two way to do this. One if to consume the APIs as a Service Reference. Another is to use HTTP operation (which I will mention in your question regarding the HTTP client and reserve this answer using the Service Reference method).
This depends on how your application is done. Like I said, if it is a website, your MVC pattern will not need to do anything, but the Models, Views and Controllers all are designed to work together without using any service.
Although, as I mentioned in the comments to the questions, if it is a big application then you will need to break them into different projects that will make the app modular and nimble. So you will end up creating different Service Library. If you go down the Service Library road, then you just make use of the Add Reference option to bring in your API/Projects/Whatever-you-call-it into the project. (For this, I normally put all project inside a single solution and let Visual Studio manage the build order as I am lazy to write up a build script).
Similarly, the same logic could be applied when consuming your web service in a console app.
I have figured out the only way to consume it is by using HttpClient are there other ways?
One way to consume web APIs is using HTTP. Are you aware of how to write http request headers and handle http response. If so, this is the second way I mentioned. You call the web service through it's URL and then get the data and do whatever work. If your answer to use http in console app is NO, then look at this post: Create HTTP post request and receive response using C# console application
What happens if web-api is requesting a object "Task" for post method as an example how am I able to fill an object "Task" and post it back to the web-api?
I think I indirectly answered this in your previous answer (assuming you are going to take the HTTP road). If not, then comment and I'll see if I can find some resource for you.
The webservice would be used internally is it worth it to have an web-api service?
I sort of answered this in the comment to the question. Ask if you need clarification.
Hope all this helps.
you can create your own Client Service class that will serve for every request.
public class ClientService
#region async helper methods
private static string m_mediaTypeHeaderValue= "application/json";
static HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
static HttpClient createHttpClientInstance()
return client ?? new HttpClient();
internal static async Task<T> Get<T>(string endpoint)
client= createHttpClientInstance();
var response = await client.GetAsync(endpoint);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));
static async Task<T> Post<T>(string endpoint, object data)
client = createHttpClientInstance();
var httpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data));
httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(m_mediaTypeHeaderValue);
var response = await client.PostAsync(endpoint, httpContent);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));
static async Task<T> Put<T>(string endpoint, object data)
client = createHttpClientInstance();
var httpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data));
httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(m_mediaTypeHeaderValue);
var response = await client.PutAsync(endpoint, httpContent);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));
static async Task<T> Delete<T>(string endpoint)
client = createHttpClientInstance();
var response = await client.DeleteAsync(endpoint);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));

WCF Async Service Proxy. Does 'EndXXX' close the connection?

I'm currently segregating the interface definition of a WCF web service and sorting out the client to depend on these interfaces rather than the generated service client class.
The pattern that's currently being used reads like this -
var client = new ServiceClient();
client.DoSomethingCompleted += (o,args) =>
//Do Something
Nice and simple. As soon as the client returns, close the connection.
By depending on the interface of the proxy you lose out on the generated events and have to use the Async Begin/End pattern. Now it would read -
//client is now an IDoSomethingable
client.BeginDoSomething(new AsyncCallback((result) =>
var somethingDone = client.EndDoSomething(result);
So my question is does the client get closed when 'EndDoSomething' is called or am I missing something since there doesn't appear to be an explicit way to close it.
Much thanks in advance.

Slow MSMQ within a WCF service

this is a weird thing.
I created a simple SOAP based web service with WCF. When the 'SubmitTransaction' method is called, the transaction is being passed on to an application service. But if the application service is not available, it is being written to a MSMQ.
Like this:
public void SubmitTransaction(someTransaction)
// pass transaction data to application
// write to MSMQ
So when an error occures the transaction is written to the queue. Now, when using the MSMQ API directly in my WCF service, everything is fine. Each call takes a few milliseconds.
// write to MSMQ
var messageQueue = new MessageQueue(queuePath);
messageQueue.Send(accountingTransaction, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);
But since I want to use the message queue functionality at some other points of the system as well, I created a new assembly that takes care of the message queue writing.
// write to MSMQ
var messageQueueService = new MessageQueueService();
Now when using this setup, the web service is suddenly very slow. From the above-mentioned milliseconds, each call now takes up to 4 seconds. Only because the message queue stuff is encapsulated in a new assembly. The logic is exactly the same. Anyone knows what the problem could be...?
Ok, now I know. It has something to do with my logging setup (log4net). I'll have to check that first. Sorry for stealing your time..
You have two new lines of code here:
var messageQueueService = new MessageQueueService();
Do you know which of the two is causing the problem? Perhaps add some logging, or profiling, or step through in a debugger to see which one seems slow.