Angular Material 2 dialog appears darker - angular2-directives

I'm a new user to Angular 2 and Angular Material 2, I try to generate a dialog following some tutorials but when show dialog this appear darker.
Any help me is really helpful.

Hoisted from the comments: the problem was that there wasn't a core theme for angular material components as descripted here.


Changes are not getting affected in Hubspot cms child theme?

I am using child theme in Hubspot CMS, However Iam making change in child theme but it doesn't get reflect in front end. Any Idea? Any steps? Please do let me know, I am using starter package. Thanks

Telerik Kendo UI for ASP.NET Core Add/Edit Popup window title and button text change

I am working project that use Kendo UI and I am new to it.
I have been searching whole day for this simple implementation- I need to change the popup window title and button text based on edit mode or add mode.
Here is the latest answer I found: forum
Above link has exact same question I have. But the solution is not working for me.
I tried to use e.Edit() on Events. But it throws an error:
"DataSourceEvenBuilder" does not contain a definition for Edit and no accessible extension method "Edit"
And the e.model is undefined as well
From official page, I don't see Edit method.
Can anyone help? Please don't provide the solution that build grid from javascript.
Telerik version: ASP.NET Core 2022.1.301

Odoo - how to hide conversations icon in menu bar

I'm customizing odoo community v14 
We don't use the discuss module but it was installed by other modules we use, so I've removed the 'Discuss' menu item, but I can't find how to remove the conversions icon just at the left of were the the activity  icon  and  user name is shown.
I found a response for a similar question in odoo forum but I couldn't find the code of this icon in addons/mail/static/src/xml/systray.xml only the code of activity icon is present
I searched for some parts of the html code in entire odoo source code but with no result
Any help please?
I did it using css by adding li.o_MessagingMenu{display: none !important;} to addons/web/static/src/scss/navbar.scss

Prestashop template extends in child theme

I'm beginning to use PrestaShop so I've installed a with the classic theme.
I have created a child theme which uses the classic theme as parent and selected it through the admin page. The website shows normally.
When creating a child theme, I'm trying to modify a small part of the product page by creating a product.tpl page in the child theme. I then try to extends the parent product page but this doesn't work, the product page just stays blank.
Here is the line in my child-theme/template/catalog/product.tpl file:
{extends file='parent:catalog/product.tpl'}
Doing so, I should see the product page as it is with the classic theme.
I've watched some tutorials and I've done the exacts same steps and it is not working properly for me. I can't figure out what I did wrong.
Thanks for the help !
Ok, that was easy, I solved my problem by deactivating the cache and choosing "Recompile templates if the files have been updated" in the advanced parameters.

How to use the Featured Item slider 2.0 in Orchard CMS

I am very new to orchard CMS... i am trying to make a site in orchard CMS as this is my first site in orchard... i am facing a fair bit of problem and hindrances to over come... my background of the CMS for creating websites is wordpress/PHP....
but now there in this project i have a problem for the slider in the home page! how could i implement a slider in the home page... after searching a bit i have found to use the featured image slider.. i have tried to implement it... i have installed the module and made the featured group... now MY PROBLEM IS WHERE I CAN ADD THE IMAGES IN THE SLIDER... AS THE FEATURE ITEM FROM THE MENU ONLY SHOW THREE FIELDS HEADLINE,SUB-HEADLINE, AND LINKURL...
kindly let me know where do i can add the images in this slider and show them on the home page of my site....
Thanks alot in advance....
After hell of the search i have got the solution for that purpose... i am elaborating my answer step wise so that the new guys like me should understand that without an inconvenience...
normally orchard CMS uses nivo slider bydefault... if you want to use other sliders follow the same path as pasted below...
1: if you have download the Orchard CMS there will be a Jquery function in the layout.cshtml and the jquery file will also be linked in the script tag, pointing to the package of Jquery in Js or anyother folder...
2: Get the name of the div for which the Jquery is pointing to... normally the name will be "slider".... Copy that name and paste it in your home from CMS... but make sure to keep the name of the div same as the Jquery function narrates which is ("slider").
3:Link your images in the Div...
and browse the site in the browser and enjoy the slider...
I have a fantastic tutorial on for this issue. I have a complete tutorial where I show you all the steps to successfully install the 'Featured Item Slider' with screenshots.
I also have a video on YouTube where you can see the Image slider working successfully.
Sumesh M.S