How to restrict quick file search - intellij-idea

I want to restrict the scope of the file search function (CMD + Shift + O on mac) to only search in a certain directory rather than the whole project.

Refer to help. You can specify the directory name when navigating:


Youtube-dl 'outtmpl' dynamic output

I'm trying to create a python program that allows you to dynamically choose the folder to save the download.
'outtmpl' lets you choose an output as a simple path such that
is a valid path and will let you save to the downloadedsongs folder
But With the function that defines the choose folder button
def openLocation():
global Folder_Name
Folder_Name = filedialog.askdirectory()
why does
not return a valid path, the program outright ignores the variable. I thought at first i was having a fstring issue because %s was pythons old format for f'strings but I have also tried these variances with no success
'outtmpl': Folder_Name + '/' + '%(title)s.%(ext)s', (no errors but cannot find output)
'outtmpl': '%(Folder_Name)s%(title)s.%(ext)s',
%()s is the old version of fstrings I was conflating the two.
answer ended up looking like 'outtmpl': Folder + '/%(title)s.%(ext)s'

Copy Name File and Rename Another File with that Name

I don't know anything about code or even to use CMD, but I would like to know how to rename a file with another's file name. Example:
I have a movie:
and a have a subtitle with the correct name
MOVIE 720p (2017).srt
what I want to do is copy the name from the .srt to the .mkv, without copying the extension.
but, I have a lot of movies with a lot of .srt, the command needs to know a rule to know which movies are which.
you can use TOTALCMD, very easy. Select the file and press Ctr+R (this task is make without copying the extension)
Just configure in TotalCmd this combination of task Ctr+R. Menu -> Configuration -> Misc -> Ctr + Win + R (from combobox) + Command (Select RenameOnly). Press APPLY

Spacemacs: Search for file in multiple projects

I know I can use "SPC p f" to search for a file in the current project, which means git repository for me. Now, in my current project we have multiple git repos, and I'd like to search for files in all of them. Luckily, they all reside in the same directory (e.g. ~/projects/x/).
Is there a command in Spacemacs that lets me search for files in all the git repos under ~/projects/x?
I believe you can do it with SPC s f. When you activate it:
Prompts you to select a directory to search
Allow you to enter a search string, showing results in the HELM window
In general, SPC s shows all keybindings for general search, where f is for files.
I dug through the available helm commands again and found helm-projects-find-files, which does exactly what I want.
I put this in ~/.spacemacs into the function dotspacemacs/user-config:
(setq-default helm-locate-project-list (list "~/projects"))
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "fm" 'helm-projects-find-files))
For searching in those files, you can use spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search-in-dir:
Put this somewhere in ~/.spacemacs:
(defun mine/search-in-projects ()
"Search in all my projects (i.e. what is checked out in ~/projects)"
(spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search-in-dir "~/projects"))
And this in ~/.spacemacs into the function dotspacemacs/user-config:
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "sm" 'mine/search-in-projects)
(I used SPC-sm as key combination because the project name starts with an "m").
Oh, I just realized I can just put a marker that projectile respects (like a .projectile file) into my ~/projects/x directory. Now I can switch to the ~/projects/x project, and still am able to also narrow it to specific sub-projects by selecting e.g. ~/projects/x/p1/.
So all I needed to do was:
touch ~/projects/.projectile
Update: I realized that when doing this, I can't narrow down to a sub-project. So it's not really the best answer.
You can put this in your .spacemacs to bind SPC p f to search all projects.
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "pf" 'helm-projectile-find-file-in-known-projects)

Automatically locating a file

By default AutoCAD installs a text based file called acad2010.lsp at the set location below
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support\acad2010.lsp"
However it my be that the user/ administrator/ or third party has changed the location of this file. Is it possible to then locate it using the following
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\*\acad2010.lsp"
In other words search the entire c:\ drive for file acad2010.lsp?
If this doesn't work can you please let me know what would?
You could search for it with an FSO. It's not going to be fast however you do it but this is the fastest way I can think of. should give you a rough idea of how it's done.
Your solution will not work. Is not possible to locate it using *. (BTW is possible in ms-builds scripts). The only way of doing it is:
1- Create a FindFile function (check for example
2- Use it to locate the exact path of the file. (It could be really time
3- From this point your code is the same...
Unfortunately, you can't use wildcards in a filepath. You have two options:
Prompt the user for the file location using the "Open File" dialog. The code to do this varies based on which Office product you are using. In Excel, you would use the Application.FindFile method (more info here).
Write your own function to search the filesystem for the file. Microsoft provides an example here.
If that file is used by internal functions of the application, the installer will have recorded a registry key for the file's location.
Open regedit.exe and search for the file name and path.
You can read a registry entry using this VBA one-liner:
You may need a terminating backslash on the key address, but that's a safe and simple registry access method. More details on the MSDN site:

How to find any "txt" file at particular location in system?

I have a robot to find a file of the given name at a particular location in a system but now I want to find all the text files at that particular location. I have tried to use "*.txt", but it didn't worked out. Is there a way to do that?
file.exists ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Documents\t.txt errormessage ‴Sorry, I could not find a file‴
dialog ‴File exists‴
You can use the directory command. The pattern arguments allows you to filter out files of a particular extension.
directory path ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Desktop pattern *.txt result ♥files
dialog ♥files⟦count⟧
The above code should let you know how many files of the given extension exist in the given directory.
You could take values from the returned list and use it with file.exists command.