Copy Name File and Rename Another File with that Name - batch-rename

I don't know anything about code or even to use CMD, but I would like to know how to rename a file with another's file name. Example:
I have a movie:
and a have a subtitle with the correct name
MOVIE 720p (2017).srt
what I want to do is copy the name from the .srt to the .mkv, without copying the extension.
but, I have a lot of movies with a lot of .srt, the command needs to know a rule to know which movies are which.

you can use TOTALCMD, very easy. Select the file and press Ctr+R (this task is make without copying the extension)
Just configure in TotalCmd this combination of task Ctr+R. Menu -> Configuration -> Misc -> Ctr + Win + R (from combobox) + Command (Select RenameOnly). Press APPLY


is there a way to use the full file path in the command line without typing it?

For example, I want to open a PDF file in the browser from the command line (just because it's much faster and I need to open many files at once) and when I use the command start [file name] from its directory it try to open it as a executable, so I need to open the browser and type the full path of the file as an attribute, is there a way to call the full path without typing it?
what I exactly need is I need the full path of a file to convert it to string (for example in the browser)
Using tab completions may help. For example, if your target file is named thisPDFisTotallyBananas.pdf and you have another file in the same folder named thisOtherPDFisNot.pdf, you could type thisP then TAB to complete the file name in the command prompt without needing to type the whole filename.

How to create keymap (shortcut) for opening/navigating certain file in PhpStorm/IntelliJ?

Is there any way how to open/navigate certain file in current project just by hitting one key? How to map the shortcut to do this?
For example I have three files "file-one.php", "file-two.php" and "file-three.php" and when I press F12, editor would open file "file-three.php" and focus main editor window.
You can do this -- using Bookmarks with mnemonics.
You can bookmark actual file instead of particular line (yes, you can do it -- just do it while focus is in Project View panel) -- you will see assigned mnemonic symbol next to the file name.
In general:
Shortcuts are rather predefined and limited to 10 only ("Bookmark 0" ... "Bookmark 9").
By default it will be Ctrl + 1 on Windows (depends on keymap used) .. but you may replace them by another one (look for Other | Bookmarks | Go to Bookmark 0 and so on in Settings/Preferences | Keymap).
Obviously ... bookmarks are project specific while shortcuts are IDE-wide setting.
Useful links:
Creating bookmarks with mnemonics
Navigating across the project
NOTE: if you delete such bookmarked file (e.g. a log file that gets deleted on daily basis etc) .. then such association/bookmark will be lost once IDE will not be able to locate that file/target.
So either always keep that file present (make empty instead of deleting it) .. or re-bookmark it again.
Maybe you should try Recent Files function! Press ⌘E or ^E and you will get a list of recent files, then just type file name and it will filter redundant files.

How to restrict quick file search

I want to restrict the scope of the file search function (CMD + Shift + O on mac) to only search in a certain directory rather than the whole project.
Refer to help. You can specify the directory name when navigating:

How can I create a new file with a simple way in spacemacs?

Currently, I know that I can create a new file with the following ways:
c key in Neotree
SPC ' in shell layer, and use the touch xxx command
I am wondering whether there is a simple way (something like SPC f xxx) or not.
Yes, you can use SPC f f, enter the name of the new file and then select the line starting with [?] (which is the default if no other file matches).
Note you can also use this to create files in non-existing subfolders, like SPC f f my/sub/folder/file.txt RET.
If you are using the standard vim like keybindings,
:e /path/to/file
works opens a file ( which doesn't have to exist before )
saves the file and closes the buffer and
saves without closing.

How can I find particular file in IntelliJ IDEA?

I need to find test.xml in IntelliJ IDEA. How can I do that? Keyboard shortcut if any?
cmd+shift+o (cmd+shift+n in older versions) leads to the file open dialog (on mac).
You can use * chars as wildcards. If there is more than 1 file with the name, you will see the directory of the file for each entry to help you make the choice.
In Windows:
Ctrl + Shift + N
Navigate > File...
My IntelliJ version is,
IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.4
For me, cmd+shift+n doesn't work.
command + shift + o
works perfectly for me.
The above shortcut will give you the dialog box to search a file.
For more help,
On the main menu, point to Navigate, and then choose Class, File, or Symbol respectively, or use the following shortcuts:
Class: ⌘O
File (directory): ⇧⌘O
Symbol: ⌥⌘O
Source :
Just hit quickly Shift Shift in a row to reveal a pop-up window to search for everything. You can then start typing to search for files. It's a fuzzy finder, so to match e.g. you can just type: sclwlna (or other letters combination, which has the same order of occurance in the target file name).
Well, this is very frequently asked a question by users who switch OS. I recently switched from Windows to MAC.
To open file shortcuts go as follows
Windows : ctrl+shift+n
MAC : command + shift + o
command + E
It Will Open Recent Files