I want to used theano with GPU ,but it seemed that GPU is not worked? - gpu

I want to use theano with GPU ,and I use the following script to test if GPU is working:
import os
os.environ['THEANO_FLAGS'] = "device=gpu0"
import theano
from theano import function, config, shared, tensor
import numpy
import time
vlen = 10 * 30 * 768 # 10 x #cores x # threads per core
iters = 1000
rng = numpy.random.RandomState(22)
x = shared(numpy.asarray(rng.rand(vlen), config.floatX))
f = function([], tensor.exp(x))
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(iters):
r = f()
t1 = time.time()
print("Looping %d times took %f seconds" % (iters, t1 - t0))
print("Result is %s" % (r,))
if numpy.any([isinstance(x.op, tensor.Elemwise) and
('Gpu' not in type(x.op).__name__)
for x in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()]):
print('Used the cpu')
print('Used the gpu')
but I get the following result:
WARNING (theano.sandbox.cuda): The cuda backend is deprecated and will be removed in the next release (v0.10). Please switch to the gpuarray backend. You can get more information about how to switch at this URL:
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/sandbox/cuda/__init__.py:556: UserWarning: Theano flag device=gpu* (old gpu back-end) only support floatX=float32. You have floatX=float64. Use the new gpu back-end with device=cuda* for that value of floatX.
Using gpu device 0: GeForce GT 720 (CNMeM is enabled with initial size: 50.0% of memory, cuDNN 6021)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/sandbox/cuda/__init__.py:631: UserWarning: Your cuDNN version is more recent than the one Theano officially supports. If you see any problems, try updating Theano or downgrading cuDNN to version 5.1.
[Elemwise{exp,no_inplace}(<TensorType(float64, vector)>)]
Looping 1000 times took 3.424644 seconds
Result is [ 1.23178032 1.61879341 1.52278065 ..., 2.20771815 2.29967753
Used the cpu
My Question
What does the result mean? and How do I make it work to use the GPU?

I had similar issue with new version of theano. You can try with
THEANO_FLAGS="floatX=float32,device=gpu,nvcc.flags=-D_FORCE_INLINES" python test_gpu.py


how to run TF2.0 code on a particular GPU

Hi, I have two GPUs and sometimes I want to run one script on GPU:0 and the other one on GPU:1. the question is how can I execute a python script on a specific GPU, or how to bind script execution to a particular GPU. Looking ahead I'll say what I know about with tf.device('/device:GPU:1'):
I thought I can solve my issue using tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices but I was wrong. The plan was simple: at the top of the code, I planned to set up the required GPU. And then, as I thought, the script will run on that GPU which I made visible. But I was wrong - see the code below. In my case when I run the script I got an error:
TensorFlow device (GPU:0) is being mapped to multiple CUDA devices (1 now, and 0 previously),
which is not supported. This may be the result of providing different GPU configurations
(ConfigProto.gpu_options, for example different visible_device_list) when creating multiple
Sessions in the same process. This is not currently supported, see https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/19083
import tensorflow as tf
def work():
a = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
b = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]])
for i in range(100000):
c = tf.matmul(a, b)
def main():
gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
if gpus:
print(f'set visible GPU device as {gpus[1]}')
tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(gpus[1], 'GPU')
except RuntimeError as e:
device_name = tf.test.gpu_device_name()
with tf.device('/device:GPU:1'):
if __name__ == "__main__":
I believe I'm not the first person who meets with this issue - could somebody share the solution?
as turn it out the casket opened simple - here is what I find out. When you have 2 GPU and call tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(gpus[1], 'GPU') they're only one GPU will be available for your script Device:1 (In my example) . BUT... IT IS IMPORTANT - the name(number) of this device will be Device:0 instead of Device:1 as it can be expected. And here is the reason: the system re-enumerates all available for your script GPUs beginning from the scratch - it means the first name of your device will be started from 0 again, despite your real device that has the name Device:1 - thus the available in your script device will have name Device:0, not Device:1.
I hope this can help someone like me.

Speed up generation of USE(universal sentence encoder) embeddings

I am working on a semantic similarity problem using universal sentence encoder. The dataset contains abstracts of scholarly articles. The mean length is around 1500. There are ~300k records in data and it will take quite long to generate USE embedding for all of them. I am looking for ways to optimize this. Currently, generating embedding for 10k rows of data took ~15 mins.
from tqdm import tqdm
use_module_url = "https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder/4"
model = hub.load(use_module_url)
print ("module %s loaded" % use_module_url)
def embed(input):
return model(input)
def get_features(texts):
if type(texts) is str:
texts = [texts]
return embed(texts)
def data_iterator(data):
chunk_list = []
for x in tqdm(range(0, len(data), 1000)):
if x+1000 > len(data):
return chunk_list
data = df['text'][:10000].values
data_processed = list(map(process_text, data))
Here, I want to speed up the generation of USE embeddings for my data. I am experimenting in kaggle kernel and have turned on the GPU. The GPU utilization doesn`t go beyond 2-3% & CPU utilization was ~120%
chunk_list = data_iterator(data_processed)
for i in tqdm(chunk_list):
BASE_VECTORS_tmp = get_features(i)
Time taken
CPU times: user 16min 48s, sys: 2min 59s, total: 19min 47s
Wall time: 15min 13s
Probably you had not installed GPU version of tensorflow, or had some CUDNN version mismatch. Normally USE uses GPU a lot.

fastai ulmfit model trained on cuda machin for cpu

I have an export.pkl model which has been trained on a cuda machine. I want to use it on a macbook:
from fastai.text import load_learner
from utils import get_corpus
learner = load_learner('./models')
corpus = get_corpus()
res = [ str(learner.predict(c)[0]) for c in corpus ]
I get the following error:
File "/Users/gautiergilabert/Envs/cc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/data_parallel.py", line 146, in forward
"them on device: {}".format(self.src_device_obj, t.device))
RuntimeError: module must have its parameters and buffers on device cuda:0 (device_ids[0]) but found one of them on device: cpu
I have two questions:
I found the raise in my export.pkl:
for t in chain(self.module.parameters(), self.module.buffers()):
if t.device != self.src_device_obj:
raise RuntimeError("module must have its parameters and buffers "
"on device {} (device_ids[0]) but found one of "
"them on device: {}".format(self.src_device_obj, t.device))
It is said about the module in the docstring: module to be parallelized. I don't really understand what it is. My macbook ?
Apart my macbook, I would like to run the model on a cpu
Is there a way to make this export.pkl model works on a cpu ?
Is there a way to make another export.pkl on cuda and make it available on a cpu ?
One way is to load the learner by specifying the model with empty dataset and loading the model weights afterwards. For resnet image classifier something like this should work:
from fastai.vision import *
# path where the model is saved under path/models/model-name
path = "model_path"
tfms = get_transforms()
data = ImageDataBunch.single_from_classes(".", classes=["class1", "class2"], ds_tfms=tfms)
learner = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=accuracy)
# loads model from model_path/models/model_name.pth
image = open_image("test.jpg")
pred_class, pred_idx, outputs = learner.predict(image)

Why a single process can achieve multiple CPU usage of 100% on Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL), but it can't on Ubuntu on server?

I want to achieve parallel computing by Python multiprocessing module, so I implement a simulated calculation to test whether I can use multiple CPU cores. I found a very strange thing that a single process can achieve 8 CPU usage of 100% on Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) on my desktop rather than only one CPU usage of 100% on Ubuntu on Lab's server.
Like this:
And this is the contrast:
Furthermore, I found that using multiple processes does not reduce the time cost on WSL on my desktop, but which indeed largely reduce the time cost on Ubuntu on Lab's server.
Like this:
(Here I run 6 processes and running a single process on Lab's server needs about 440s.)
And this is the contrast:
(Here I run 3 processes and running a single process on my desktop needs about 29s.)
Here is my Python source codes:
import numpy as np
import time
import os
import multiprocessing as mp
process_list = []
def simulated_calculation():
x = np.random.rand(100, 100)
y = np.random.rand(100, 100)
z = np.outer(x, y)
determinant = np.linalg.det(z)
def child_process(name):
for i in range(LOOPS):
print("The child process[%s] starts at %s and its PID is %s" % (str(name), time.ctime(), os.getpid()))
print("The child process[%s] stops at %s and its PID is %s" %(str(name), time.ctime(), os.getpid()))
def main():
print("All start at %s" % time.ctime())
print("The parent process stars at %s and its PID is %s" % (time.ctime(), os.getpid()))
start_wall_time = time.time()
for i in range(PROCESS_MAX):
p = mp.Process(target = child_process, args = (i + 1, ))
p.daemon = True
for i in process_list:
stop_wall_time = time.time()
print("All stop at %s" % time.ctime())
print("The whole runtime is %ss" % str(stop_wall_time - start_wall_time))
if __name__ == "__main__":
I hope someone can help me. Thanks!
WSL1 has a virtual layer through which the Windows device drivers are being passed. WSL2 on the other hand, has more access due to a Linux kernel in place. However direct access to the hardware is inaccessible to WSL1 except USB. Hardware such as USB and GPU are currently not available to WSL2 but is being worked.

Tensorflow on shared GPUs: how to automatically select the one that is unused

I have access through ssh to a cluster of n GPUs. Tensorflow automatically gave them names gpu:0,...,gpu:(n-1).
Others have access too and sometimes they take random gpus.
I did not place any tf.device() explicitely because that is cumbersome and even if I selected gpu number j and that someone is already on gpu number j that would be problematic.
I would like to go throuh the gpus usage and find the first that is unused and use only this one.
I guess someone could parse the output of nvidia-smi with bash and get a variable i and feed that variable i to the tensorflow script as the number of the gpu to use.
I have never seen any example of this. I imagine it is a pretty common problem. What would be the simplest way to do that ? Is a pure tensorflow one available ?
I'm not aware of pure-TensorFlow solution. The problem is that existing place for TensorFlow configurations is a Session config. However, for GPU memory, a GPU memory pool is shared for all TensorFlow sessions within a process, so Session config would be the wrong place to add it, and there's no mechanism for process-global config (but there should be, to also be able to configure process-global Eigen threadpool). So you need to do on on a process level by using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.
Something like this:
import subprocess, re
# Nvidia-smi GPU memory parsing.
# Tested on nvidia-smi 370.23
def run_command(cmd):
"""Run command, return output as string."""
output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0]
return output.decode("ascii")
def list_available_gpus():
"""Returns list of available GPU ids."""
output = run_command("nvidia-smi -L")
# lines of the form GPU 0: TITAN X
gpu_regex = re.compile(r"GPU (?P<gpu_id>\d+):")
result = []
for line in output.strip().split("\n"):
m = gpu_regex.match(line)
assert m, "Couldnt parse "+line
return result
def gpu_memory_map():
"""Returns map of GPU id to memory allocated on that GPU."""
output = run_command("nvidia-smi")
gpu_output = output[output.find("GPU Memory"):]
# lines of the form
# | 0 8734 C python 11705MiB |
memory_regex = re.compile(r"[|]\s+?(?P<gpu_id>\d+)\D+?(?P<pid>\d+).+[ ](?P<gpu_memory>\d+)MiB")
rows = gpu_output.split("\n")
result = {gpu_id: 0 for gpu_id in list_available_gpus()}
for row in gpu_output.split("\n"):
m = memory_regex.search(row)
if not m:
gpu_id = int(m.group("gpu_id"))
gpu_memory = int(m.group("gpu_memory"))
result[gpu_id] += gpu_memory
return result
def pick_gpu_lowest_memory():
"""Returns GPU with the least allocated memory"""
memory_gpu_map = [(memory, gpu_id) for (gpu_id, memory) in gpu_memory_map().items()]
best_memory, best_gpu = sorted(memory_gpu_map)[0]
return best_gpu
You can then put it in utils.py and set GPU in your TensorFlow script before first tensorflow import. IE
import utils
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(utils.pick_gpu_lowest_memory())
import tensorflow
An implementation along the lines of Yaroslav Bulatov's solution is available on https://github.com/bamos/setGPU.