How to create side menu with react-native? - react-native

I'm new in React Native, I want to create a side menu like this, any reference for this?

I would like to say use reactnavigation. that is providing drawer
To open and close drawer, navigate to 'DrawerOpen' and 'DrawerClose' respectively.
this.props.navigation.navigate('DrawerOpen'); // open drawer
this.props.navigation.navigate('DrawerClose'); // close drawer
or here is one example That also is good . refer this

This is one of my simple project that may show you the idea how to implement a side menu by yourself.

Here you can find a complete template ready to use.


How to change the bottom tab icon dinamically in React Navigation

I would like to know if it's possible to change the bottom tab icon dynamically, I mean, I'm interested to change one of the tab icons when an event occurs...
I have read the documentation but couldn't find any related info about it...
The only solution that I can think of is using a global store variable to control it when it's defined in the bottom tab navigation, using a solution similar to what react-navigation docs proposes here.
I would also think of using a global state management API such as Context API (, redux (, recoil (, etc.
and then set the global state variable on event handler, as well as in the ternary operator in the react-navigation example you provided (in the place
of "focused")

react-native-collapsible close collapsible from any press

I am using react-native-collapsible for a project. Everything working well but I would like the user to be able to close the collapsible by clicking anywhere on the screen when it is opened. On a desktop it would be easy with a ! match but since I am new to React Native (expo) I am a bit out of solution.
Thanks a lot, I pasted no code because I am currently using the Lorem example from the lib so won't be much useful.
You can Make one useState variable and pass it into the property of
collapsed={Your useState Veriable} react-native-collapsible .
also make all the Design wrap into TouchableOpacity and it's onPress event to make it true.

Quora-like expandable component in React Native

I'm trying to build a React Native app and would like to implement a component just like in Quora where upon clicking the question, the component expands and shows the remaining details (text/images of the question).
I tried using react-native-panel from, but it can only handle text in the panel before expanding. I'd like to implement a panel that has an image in it even before I press on the panel to expand. Would love it if anyone could refer me to any npm packages that use components to achieve this. Thank you!
Use this tutorial Stick the desired image somewhere there in the code.

'Global' modal in React Native

I'm building an app in React native, and basically, I need a modal(which will have the same content every time) to be available globally (in all components of app), so that I can be able to open it from anywhere in my app.
Obviously copy/pasting the same modal in all the components is not a good solution
Right now I'm having tons of trouble implementing it, so I would like to know what would be the best way to accomplish something like that
Use a Navigator and place your modal below it. Make it visible only when the state changes. The state can be changed from each component inside the Navigator via props.navigator.
You can see the full code with explanation here

How to create a side menu in titanium?

I'm starting to program the Titanium Studio and I'm having trouble creating a laterial menu. I wonder how I create this menu and also how I can call every menu option in my app.js
the most known way is to use the side drawer navigation component from
As csg already mentioned about the NappDrawer module for side drawer navigation.
If you are working with Alloy framework(which you should be working now), You can use these widgets