How to create a side menu in titanium? - titanium

I'm starting to program the Titanium Studio and I'm having trouble creating a laterial menu. I wonder how I create this menu and also how I can call every menu option in my app.js

the most known way is to use the side drawer navigation component from

As csg already mentioned about the NappDrawer module for side drawer navigation.
If you are working with Alloy framework(which you should be working now), You can use these widgets


Components for only tabs in React-Native

I want to achieve this in react-native,
Is there a component that have this tab switching animation with also capability off adding an icon next to tabName if possible.
P.S: I found a component react-native-material-tabs but without the ability to an icon. Also found components that requires container component, where I just need one for tabs for my use case.

React Native: Popup menu like dev menu

in my app I wanna have a pop up menu that looks like the dev menu, and I wonder if there is a component / module that I can use to get a similar menu in react native or do I have to build it from scratch?
Thanks :)
you can use NativeBase ActionSheet component
check it doc for more info

How to create side menu with react-native?

I'm new in React Native, I want to create a side menu like this, any reference for this?
I would like to say use reactnavigation. that is providing drawer
To open and close drawer, navigate to 'DrawerOpen' and 'DrawerClose' respectively.
this.props.navigation.navigate('DrawerOpen'); // open drawer
this.props.navigation.navigate('DrawerClose'); // close drawer
or here is one example That also is good . refer this
This is one of my simple project that may show you the idea how to implement a side menu by yourself.
Here you can find a complete template ready to use.

'Global' modal in React Native

I'm building an app in React native, and basically, I need a modal(which will have the same content every time) to be available globally (in all components of app), so that I can be able to open it from anywhere in my app.
Obviously copy/pasting the same modal in all the components is not a good solution
Right now I'm having tons of trouble implementing it, so I would like to know what would be the best way to accomplish something like that
Use a Navigator and place your modal below it. Make it visible only when the state changes. The state can be changed from each component inside the Navigator via props.navigator.
You can see the full code with explanation here

Add CSS to individual tab in tab panel Sencha Touch

I'm trying to change the color of a tab in a tabpanel I have when my app goes online or offline. I have the online and offline events already setup but now I need to be able to change the color of the tab from these events.
How do I go about accessing an individual tab and setting it's CSS?
you could use ext component query to get the handle of the component and then add/remove class
You can get the individual tab from tabpanel by referring it as following inside the controller class (inside the refs):
myDesiredTab: '#myTabPanelId container[title=myDesiredTabTitle]'
and afterward you can try:
This idea hasn't been tested but might just work as the tabbar does have cls config and we have a way to access the individual tab.