Clickable views inside scrollview - scrollview

I have a few views inside scrollview. When I set clickable true for them, the scrollview does not scroll, when I set clickable false for them, scrollview can be scrollable. How to make the scrollview scrollable even when the views have clickable set to true? Thank you

It is best to use them inside nestedscrollview. It will handle them all.


React Native: How to make ScrollView scroll for just one item in it?

I have an image rendered inside a scrollview component and the dimensions of the image are fixed as (height: 200, and width from device dimension).
Also the style of the scrollview is set as (flex: 1 not contentContainerStyle).
But the image doesn't scroll properly and snaps back when I scroll.
I understand that this is because there is only one item in the scrollView.
How to force scroll the content inside the scrollView even if there is only one item in it?
Try wrapping your ScrollView within a an enclosing

Drag elements from ScrollView to View

It is already a few days i am working an a case but can't manage. I have View and ScrollView in it, in ScrollView I can drag my elements but when trying to drag element from ScrollView to my view can't get it out from the ScrollView. My question is it possible to drag element from ScrollView to View, if yes, please help me how can I do it.

Curved scrollbar in ScrollView on Android Wear 2.0

Is it possible to have a curved scrollbar like on WearableRecyclerView on ScrollView? How is it done?
Here is a reference to get you started.
To create a curved layout for scrollable items in your wearable app:
Use WearableRecyclerView as your main container in the relevant XML layout.
Set the setEdgeItemsCenteringEnabled(boolean) method to true. This will align the first and last items on the list vertically
centered on the screen.
Use the WearableRecyclerView.setLayoutManager() method to set layout of the items on the screen.
If you explore the document, you will be able to get in touch with the code snippet for customization of the scrolling.
For Circular Scrolling Gesture:
By default, circular scrolling is disabled in the
WearableRecyclerView. If you want to enable a circular
scrolling gesture in your child view, use the WearableRecyclerView’s
setCircularScrollingGestureEnabled() method.

Ignore touch on absolute positioned view to allow scroll on underlying ScrollView

I have a View that is absolute positioned above a ScrollView:
I want to be able to scroll even though I start my touch inside the top view. I have tried setting onStartShouldSetResponder and onMoveShouldSetResponder on the View to false but it still doesnt allow me to scroll the underlying ScrollView. Any help is appreciated :)
If anyone is having this issue it is now possible to add pointerEvents="none" to the View you don't want to respond to touch. See the documentation here.

UIScrollView clickable but not scrollable

I have a ScrollView which behaves like a Slide Show. It automatically slides to the next image and in the end it goes back. But while this happens i don't want the user to slide in the scrollview him self. What i do want is to make each image that slides clickable so that the user can open a specific image for example for more details.
The default setting for the scrollview is userinteractionEnabled = FALSE. No user interaction allowed so the user cant scroll. But this also disables the click on image action. When i set it to true i can click on the image but i am also able to scroll again. So what's the best way for this?
I have considered adding a transparant UIView over the scrollview and make this clickable and check which item was shown in the scrollview. But is there another way for this?
userInteractionEnabled should be set to YES, however, you can set the scrollEnabled property to NO.
With scrolling disabled, you can still adjust the scroll position programmatically, but the user can not scroll. This should work just fine for you.