VueRouter - Fetching Before Navigation - Multiple AJAX - vuejs2

I would like to use the beforeRouteEnter guard so I can be sure my data is loaded before going to a page. I read the example you can find here in the vue-router documentation.
Current situation
I'm more or executing two AJAX calls to get some data in the created lifecycle event.
export default {
created() {
const _this = this;
axios.get('/getCompanyDetails').then((response) => {
_this.private.company_details =
axios.get('/getusers').then((response) => {
_this.private.company_users =;
What I try
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
function getCompanyDetails() {
return axios.get('/getCompanyDetails')
function getUsers() {
return axios.get('/getusers');
axios.all([getCompanyDetails(), getUsers()])
.then(axios.spread(function (company_details, company_users) {
next(vm => vm.setData(err, company_details, company_users))
Am I on the right track ? The only thing I see here is I fell I'm required to call only one function setData in the next with all the parameters received from the different AJAX calls.
Is there a way to call several functions like setUsers(), setDetails() in the next ?
Is there a better way than what I'm doing ?

As #thanksd stated :
next((vm) => { vm.setUser(err, company_users); vm.setDetails(err, company_details); })
The final answer is then
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
function getCompanyDetails() {
return axios.get('/getCompanyDetails')
function getUsers() {
return axios.get('/getusers');
axios.all([getCompanyDetails(), getUsers()])
.then(axios.spread(function (company_details, company_users) {
next((vm) => { vm.setUser(err, company_users); vm.setDetails(err, company_details); })


Calling methods inside beforeRouteEnter NProgress

I am trying to call an API before navigating to the route. The problem is that if I try to call axios call inside beforeRouteEnter it is working fine for example:
beforeRouteEnter(routeTo, routeFrom, next) {
axios.get('').then((res) => {
next((vm) => { =
But when I try to call an API from methods it's navigating to the route before resolving an API and also NProgress bar is also completing before resolving a call.
beforeRouteEnter(routeTo, routeFrom, next) {
next((vm) => {
methods: {
index() {
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
Can anyone guide me what may be wrong?
In your first example, you set the progress bar, then you call the API with Axios and with .then you chain a function after the call. This means the function will wait until the promise is resolved or rejected, before continuing. Only when the axios call is finished successfully, the next function is executed in which you set the data and stop the progress bar. You also should use .catch for if the promises rejects.
Now in your second example, you do not use promises in beforeRouteEnter. Which basically means that all lines are executed immediately. So you call vm.index() and without waiting for the axios call to finish the next line, NProgress.done() will be executed. Although there are several ways to solve this my preference is use async/await, which is just a cleaner way to use promisses and chaining.
In your case I think this would work:
beforeRouteEnter(routeTo, routeFrom, next) {
await vm.index();
And the method:
methods: {
async index () {
try {
const response = await axios.get('');
} catch (error) {
Since this is only a part of your component I cannot test it, but I think you get the idea.

Vuejs created and mounted doesn't work properly even if at the same level than methods

I'm experiencing a strange behaviour with created() and mounted() in Vue.js. I need to set 2 lists in created() - so it means those 2 lists will help me to create a third list which is a merge.
Here is the code :
// return data
created () {
mounted () {
methods: {
retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
.then((response) => {
this.sellOffers =;
.catch((e) => {
getAllProducts() {
.then((response) => {
this.products =;
.catch((e) => {
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
console.log(this.products) // print empty array
console.log(this.sellOffers) // print empty array
for (var i = 0; i < this.sellOffers.length; i++) {
if (this.sellOffers[i].productId === this.products[i]._id) {
this.arr3.push({id: this.sellOffers[i]._id, price: this.sellOffers[i].price, description: this.products[i].description});
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
//end of code
So my problem is when I enter in mergeSellOffersProducts(), my 2 lists are empty arrays :/
This way worked for me :
async mounted() {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
methods: {
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('link/api/selloffer/seller/', { params: { sellerId: this.sellerId } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('link/api/product')).data;
I think the reason is: Vue does not wait for the promises to resolve before continuing with the component lifecycle.
Your functions retrieveSellOffers() and getAllProducts() contain Promise so maybe you have to await them in the created() hook:
async created: {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
So I tried to async my 2 methods :
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/selloffer/', { params: { sellerId: '615b1575fde0190ad80c3410' } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/product')).data;
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
My data are well retrieved, but yet when I enter in created, the two lists are empty...
You are calling a bunch of asynchronous methods and don't properly wait for them to finish, that's why your data is not set in mounted. Since Vue does not await its lifecycle hooks, you have to deal with the synchronization yourself.
One Vue-ish way to fix it be to replace your method mergeSellOffersProducts with a computed prop (eg mergedSellOffersProducts). Instead of generating arr3 it would simply return the merged array. It will be automatically updated when products or sellOffers is changed. You would simply use mergedSellOffersProducts in your template, instead of your current arr3.
If you only want to update the merged list when both API calls have completed, you can either manually sync them with Promise.all, or you could handle this case in the computed prop and return [] if either of the arrays is not set yet.
When you're trying to merge the 2 lists, they aren't filled up yet. You need to await the calls.
async created () {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
async mounted () {
await this.mergeSellOffersProducts();

Vue3 - Using beforeRouteEnter to prevent flashing content

I am using Vue with axios like
import VueAxios from "vue-axios";
import axios from "#/axios";
.use(VueAxios, axios)
which works really great globally like this.axios... everywhere. I am also using Passport for authentification and in my protected route I would like to call my Express-endpoint .../api/is-authenticated to check if the user is logged in or not.
To make this work I would like to use the beforeRouteEnter-navigation guard, but unfortunately I can't call this in there.
Right now I am having in in the mounted-hook, which feels wrong. Is there any solution with keeping my code straight and clean?
I'd appreciate a hint. Thanks.
Edit: This worked for me.
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
next((vm) => {
var self = vm;
.axios({ method: "get", url: "authenticate" })
.then() //nothing needed here to continue?
.catch((error) => {
switch (error.response.status) {
case 401: {
return { name: "Authentification" }; //redirect
default: {
return false; //abort navigation
With beforeRouteEnter there is access to the component instance by passing a callback to next. So instead of this.axios, use the following:
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
next(vm => {
console.log(vm.axios); // `vm` is the instance
Here's a pseudo-example with an async request. I prefer async/await syntax but this will make it clearer what's happening:
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
const url = '';
// ✅ Routing has not changed at all yet, still looking at last view
axios.get(url).then(res => {
// ✅ async request complete, still haven't changed views
// Now test the result in some way
if ( > 10) {
// Passed the test. Carry on with routing
next(vm => {
vm.myData =; // Setting a property before the component loads
} else {
// Didn't like the result, redirect

Can't use Vue.js Data in Created ()

I'm wondering if is it possible, how can I use Vue.js data in my Created() function.
I'll show some code so you can see why I say.
data (){
return {
model: {},
foo: 'boo'
created (){
const getModel = () => {
const modelId = this.$
axios.get('/api/model', { params: {modelId: modelId}})
.then(res => {
this.model = = 'hello'
.catch(err => console.log(err))
const init = () =>{
The first console.log(foo) returns 'hello'.
The second one (init) returns 'boo'.
Also the first console.log(this.model) is what I expect to get but once is out of the axios method it's like empty again all over the mounted function.
I've tried a lot of things but none of them worked, hope I get a solution... Thanks in advance!
As soon as JS functions are non-blocking - your axios call isn't done (model is still empty) when you call for init
Define init as components method
Call this.init() in axios.get callback
It might have to do with the fact that in your created hook you're creating a function using the function keyword, which means your init function will have its own context(its own this).
A solution to this problem would be to use an arrow function.
data () { return { foo: 'bar' } }
created () {
const init = () => {
init(); // bar
More about arrow functions
Actually, the issue stems from not awaiting for getModel. Because you are making a request, you first need to wait for the promise to resolve, and then use its resolved data in the code that depends on it.
The async/await version would be:
async created () {
const getModel = async () => {
const modelId = this.$
try {
const res = await axios.get('/api/model', { params: {modelId: modelId}})
this.model = = 'hello'
} catch (err) {
const init = () =>{
// An async function always returns a promise
await getModel();

Vue Router beforeRouteEnter API call response not 'working'

I cannot see why the function is not returning its call back correctly.
I have a list of vehicle on one route and then another route to display that vehicles resource.
This is what I have in my Single file component for the single vehicle resource:
export default {
data() {
return {
vehicle: null,
error: null
created() {
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
function getVehicle(id) {
return axios.get(`/api/v1/vehicles/${id}`);
getVehicle(, (err, vehicle) => {
next(vm => vm.setData(err, vehicle))
methods: {
setData (err, vehicle) {
if (err) {
this.error = err.toString();
} else {
this.vehicle = vehicle;
This issue is that when clicking a vehicle link, the API call is correctly made and returning a valid response but yet the next() method isn't called and the console log for 'response' isn't shown neither but the 'called' one is.
Not sure on the logic behind it, but had to use .then() for my getVehicle response before it would work. So changed to:
getVehicle( response => {
next( vm =>
I'm not sure it will work with a function inside the beforeRouteEnter guard. Instead try call the axios get method like
let data = axios.get('/api/v1/vehicles/${})
next(vm.setData(err, data))
This should work