How do I apply the spacemacs command (setq-default...) - spacemacs

So I'm new to spacemacs, and am having a problem with my python tabs. I found this stackoverflow solution to the issue. The scenario he explained is exactly the problem Im having with my python layer, but I don't know how to apply the solution he gave, namely:
If that is the case, you can fix the problem by running
(setq-default python-indent-offset 4)
Where/how exactly do I run the command "(setq-default python-indent-offset 4)"? Do I put it in my spacemacs config? Or some where else?

I found the answer to this question as I was typing it up by way of the related questions (here).
Commands such as these go inside of your init.el config, which is accessed by typing SPC-f e i
Hope this helps all the spacemacs newbies out there. (Feel free anyone to correct me if i'm wrong or don't fully understand)
Edit 1
Just some background info for my answer for those who are curious. The command
(setq-default python-indent-offset 4)
is actually from the lisp family of programming languages. So spacemacs basically uses source code controlled configuration. It could probably have similarly went inside your spacemacs config as well (SPC f e d), although I believe init.el is the proper place for this type of setting


Comments that control uncrustify behaviour

In this question ( i learned that i can use *INDENT-OFF* to exclude uncrustify action on certain parts of code.
Unfortunately i was not able to find this information anywhere else.
Does anybody know where i can look this up? Are there other comments which control uncrustifiy behaviour?
The *INDENT-ON* and *INDENT-OFF* are defined in the uncrustify_types.h file in the source code
See also Ben Gardner's comment:

Reference not found after switching from Debug to Release mode

I have a problem with several references in my VB.NET project.
For example I have this line of code:
Dim m As New Chilkat.Email
It comes from the library "ChilkatDotNet45.dll".
When I click on "References" and locate this dll, I can see that it has the settings "Use local copy" and "Do not include interop types".
When I switch to Release mode, the compiler tells me that "Chilkat.EMail" is not defined.
I have this problem with several DLLs, so it is not specific to Chilkat.
Can somebody tell me what I did wrong?
Thank you.
One of the standard approaches to solving any programming-related issue is trying to reduce the scope of the investigation. If you have a big project, in which something doesn't work, try to create a smaller project, and try to replicate desired functionality in it. Reduce as much as possible, down to a brand new project with maybe 5-10 lines of code in it.
If you were unable to solve your problem after making a reduced test case, now it's good time to post it on StackOverflow. I am usually reducing problems while writing a question on SO (not before, as one might think), constantly thinking "ok, is it minimized enough"; and this is how 90% of the questions never get posted - I often find a solution along the way of reducing my question to bare bones. :)
In your case, can you build a simplified project which has this problem and post a link here? We could then try switching Debug to Release on our machines and see if the we can reproduce. There are too many options to do the guesswork.

How to add Modules to WeScheme

I am currently working on a program, that uses images and need to add the module mentioned in this question
(require 2htdp/image)
I come up the the error
I see a require of the module 2htdp/image,
but I don't yet know what this module is.
How do I solve this? I have no idea how to make WeScheme know what a module is. Thanks in advance.
2htdp/image is part of the How to Design Programs teachpacks that come with Racket, if you need it you should use Racket as your Scheme interpreter.
From the error message, it looks like you meant to write 2htdp/image, but you wrote htdp2/image instead. Note the different location of the 2.

Getting Cocoa method completions in Sublime Text 2

I've been playing with Sublime Text 2 the last few days and was wondering if anyone out there has had any success getting Cocoa method completions working yet? Is there a plugin (or in-progress project to create one) out there?
Any general comments on using Objective-C in Chocolat or Sublime Text 2 would also be welcome.
There is an in-progress Sublime Text package that connects to clang to get autocomplete data called SublimeClang I've not managed to successfully get it to work totally with Cocoa/UIKit Dev, but here's a screenshot
and my options, that are a start
In MacVim I use a plugin called Cocoa.vim which haves useful python scripts that generates a classes and methods files for autocompletion. I didn't try so much with ST2, but may be is posible to create a sublime-package or sublime-completions file with all this data.
For the moment, I only create a sublime-completions file with some snippets. If I find a way to make this work, I will tell you.
I let my SublimeClang configuration options if helps anybody. I've already some of the autocompletions working:
"-isystem", "/Applications/",
"-isystem", "/Applications/",
"-I", "/Applications/",
"-isysroot", "/Applications/",
Answering my own question here. A quick visit to the Sublime forums didn't turn up any leads nor did Google. It looks as though method completions for Objective-C aren't currently part of the default install nor available via 3rd-party quite yet.
This user claims to have gotten SublimeClang working. I may report back myself once I try it...

What is everything involved from typing in code to executing a program?

I realized, when just asking a question, I don't understand all the components that are part of the coding process.
This seems a silly question, but I can't find a definitive answer on Google, Wiki, nothing.
What exactly are all the parts called, and how do they work and intertwine? I'm talking whatever you type code into, whatever checks that for errors, compiles it, and runs it.
I'd appreciate any links, repeats, etc. I apologize for such a bland, stupid question.
EDIT: Well, I'm trying to start Perl, so anything about Perl would help. Like, how to use Notepad++ and eventually compile Perl.
Write code
Run code in one of two ways[*]
Compiled languages (C, C++, D, Java, C#)
Compile the code into an executable file with the compiler tool.
Run the executable
Interpreted languages (Perl Python Ruby Lua Haskell Lisp & more)
Run the code in an interpreter, e.g., perl
Debug code.
edit: Since the question was refined to be the Perl development cycle...
You will need an editor and a 'shell', which is used to command the system with. In particular, you want a 'command-line interface'. On Windows, you start this with running cmd.exe on the Run dialog (Windows + R is the shortcut).
You see a strange black and white box with a blinking cursor, reminding you of ancient systems redolent of gurus and wizards. You panic and refer to Google, getting a web page. Finding the command to change directory and list files is recommended...
Upon arriving at the directory where you stored your Perl file, you issue the command perl, where is the file you saved. As is common for programming, you find some errors that appear to be incomprehensible, and you refer to once again...
* I have elided, glossed, and moved past many of the details, as this is an introductory question. A full discussion is known as "senior-level course on compilers".