Is there no precise implementation of batch normalization in tensorflow and why? - tensorflow

What is precisely done by batch normalization at inference phase is to normalize each layer with a population mean and an estimated population variance
But it seems every tensorflow implementation (including this one and the official tensorflow implementation) uses (exponential) moving average and variance.
Please forgive me, but I don't understand why. Is it because using moving average is just better for performance? Or for a pure computational speed sake?
Refercence: the original paper

Exact update rule for sample mean is just an exponential averaging with a step equal to inverse sample size. So, if you know sample size, you could just set the decay factor to be 1/n, where n is sample size. However, decay factor usually does not matter if chosen to be very close to one, as exponetital averaging with such decay rate still provides very close approximation of mean and variance, especially on large datasets.


Understanding tensorboard plots for PPO in RLLIB

I am beginner in Deep RL and would like to train my own gym environment in RLLIB with the PPO algorithm. However, I am having some difficulties seeing if my hyperparameter settings are being successful. Apart from the obvious episode_reward_mean metric which should rise we have many other plots.
I am especially interested in how entropy should evolve during a successful training. In my case it looks like this:
It is usually dropping below 0 and then converging. I understand that entropy as part of the loss function is enforcing exploration and can therefore speedup learning. But why is it getting negative? Shouldn't it be always greater or equal to 0?
What are other characteristics of a successful training (vf_explained_var, vf_loss, kl,...)?
If your action space is continuous, entropy can be negative, because differential entropy can be negative.
Ideally, you want the entropy to be decreasing slowly and smoothly over the course of training, as the agent trades exploration in favor of exploitation.
With regards to the vf_* metrics, it's helpful to know what they mean.
In policy gradient methods, it can be helpful to reduce the variance of rollout estimates by using a value function--parameterized by a neural network--to estimate rewards that are farther in the future (check the PPO paper for some math on page 5).
vf_explained_var is the explained variation of those future rewards through the use of the value function. You want this to be higher if possible, and it tops out at 1; however, if there is randomness in your environment it's unlikely for this to actually hit 1. vf_loss is the error that your value function is incurring; ideally this would decrease to 0, though this isn't always possible (due to randomness). kl is the difference between your old strategy and your new strategy at each time step: you want this to smoothly decrease as you train to indicate convergence.

Cost function convergence in Tensorflow using softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and "soft" labels/targets

I've found what is probably a rare case in Tensorflow, but I'm trying to train a classifier (linear or nonlinear) using KL divergence (cross entropy) as the cost function in Tensorflow, with soft targets/labels (labels that form a valid probability distribution but are not "hard" 1 or 0).
However it is clear (tell-tail signs) that something is definitely wrong. I've tried both linear and nonlinear (dense neural network) forms, but no matter what I always get the same final value for my loss function regardless of network architecture (even if I train only a bias). Also, the cost function converges extremely quickly (within like 20-30 iterations) using L-BFGS (a very reliable optimizer!). Another sign something is amiss is that I can't overfit the data, and the validation set appears to have exactly the same loss value as the training set. However, strangely I do see some improvements when I increase network architecture size and/or change regularization loss. The accuracy improves with this as well (although not to the point that I'm happy with it or it's as I expect).
It DOES work as expected when I use the exact same code but send in one-hot encoded labels (not soft targets). An example of the cost function from training taken from Tensorboard is shown below. Can someone pitch me some ideas?
Ahh my friend, you're problem is that with soft targets, especially ones that aren't close to 1 or zero, cross entropy loss doesn't change significantly as the algorithm improves. One thing that will help you understand this problem is to take an example from your training data and compute the entropy....then you will know what the lowest value your cost function can be. This may shed some light on your problem. So for one of your examples, let's say the targets are [0.39019628, 0.44301641, 0.16678731]. Well, using the formula for cross entropy
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y), reduction_indices=[1]))
but then using the targets "y_" in place of the predicted probabilities "y" we arrive at the true entropy value of 1.0266190072458234. If you're predictions are just slightly off of target....lets say they are [0.39511779, 0.44509024, 0.15979198], then the cross entropy is 1.026805558049737.
Now, as with most difficult problems, it's not just one thing but a combination of things. The loss function is being implemented correctly, but you made the "mistake" of doing what you should do in 99.9% of cases when training deep learning used 32-bit floats. In this particular case though, you will run out of significant digits that a 32-bit float can represent well before you training algorithm converges to a nice result. If I use your exact same data and code but only change the data types to 64-bit floats though, you can see below that the results are much better -- your algorithm continues to train well out past 2000 iterations and you will see it reflected in your accuracy as well. In fact, you can see from the slope if 128 bit floating point was supported, you could continue training and probably see advantages from it. You wouldn't probably need that precision in your final weights and biases...just during training to support continuing optimization of the cost function.

Batch normalization and small mini-batch

I am not completely familiar with batch normalization layers,. As I understand it, it is going to compute normalization at training time using mini-batch statistics.
Do any of you have experience using thesen layers when the minibatch size is very small (for example using 2 or 4 images per iteration for the minibatch size) ? Is there any reason for it not to work efficiently ?
My feeling would be that the statistics is computed on a very small sample at training time, and could negativaly affect the training, what do you think ?
You are right in your intuition that the samples might be different from the population (mini-batch vs all samples), but this problem was addressed in the batch normalization paper. Specifically, during train time, you find the variance of your samples by dividing with the batch size (N), but during test time you account for this by using the unbiased variance estimate (multiplication by N/(N-1)):
Have a look here for a more detailed and easy to understand explanation:
Batch Normalization

Multi GPU architecture, gradient averaging - less accurate model?

When I execute the cifar10 model as described at I achieve 86% accuracy after approx 4 hours using a single GPU , when I utilize 2 GPU's the accuracy drops to 84% but reaching 84% accuracy is faster on 2 GPU's than 1.
My intuition is
that average_gradients function as defined at returns a less accurate gradient value as an average of gradients will be less accurate than the actual gradient value.
If the gradients are less accurate then the parameters than control the function that is learned as part of training is less accurate. Looking at the code ( why is averaging the gradients over multiple GPU's less accurate than computing the gradient on a single GPU ?
Is my intuition of averaging the gradients producing a less accurate value correct ?
Randomness in the model is described as :
The images are processed as follows:
They are cropped to 24 x 24 pixels, centrally for evaluation or randomly for training.
They are approximately whitened to make the model insensitive to dynamic range.
For training, we additionally apply a series of random distortions to artificially increase the data set size:
Randomly flip the image from left to right.
Randomly distort the image brightness.
Randomly distort the image contrast.
src :
Does this have an effect on training accuracy ?
Update :
Attempting to investigate this further, the loss function value training with different number of GPU's.
Training with 1 GPU : loss value : .7 , Accuracy : 86%
Training with 2 GPU's : loss value : .5 , Accuracy : 84%
Shouldn't the loss value be lower for higher for higher accuracy, not vice versa ?
In the code you linked, using the function average_gradient with 2 GPUs is exactly equivalent (1) to simply using 1 GPU with twice the batch size.
You can see it in the definition:
grad = tf.concat(axis=0, values=grads)
grad = tf.reduce_mean(grad, 0)
Using a larger batch size (given the same number of epochs) can have any kind of effect on your results.
Therefore, if you want to do exactly equivalent (1) calculations in 1-GPU or 2-GPU cases, you may want to halve the batch size in the latter case. (People sometimes avoid doing it, because smaller batch sizes may also make the computation on each GPU slower, in some cases)
Additionally, one needs to be careful with learning rate decay here. If you use it, you want to make sure the learning rate is the same in the nth epoch in both 1-GPU and 2-GPU cases -- I'm not entirely sure this code is doing the right thing here. I tend to print the learning rate in the logs, something like
should work here.
(1) Ignoring issues related to pseudo-random numbers, finite precision or data set sizes not divisible by the batch size.
There is a decent discussion of this here (not my content). Basically when you distribute SGD, you have to communicate gradients back and forth somehow between workers. This is inherently imperfect, and so your distributed SGD typically diverges from a sequential, single-worker SGD at least to some degree. It is also typically faster, so there is a trade off.
[Zhang et. al., 2015] proposes one method for distributed SGD called elastic-averaged SGD. The paper goes through a stability analysis characterizing the behavior of the gradients under different communication constraints. It gets a little heavy, but it might shed some light on why you see this behavior.
Edit: regarding whether the loss should be lower for the higher accuracy, it is going to depend on a couple of things. First, I am assuming that you are using softmax cross-entropy for your loss (as stated in the deep_cnn tutorial you linked), and assuming accuracy is the total number of correct predictions divided by the total number of samples. In this case, a lower loss on the same dataset should correlate to a higher accuracy. The emphasis is important.
If you are reporting loss during training but then report accuracy on your validation (or testing) dataset, it is possible for these two to be only loosely correlated. This is because the model is fitting (minimizing loss) to a certain subset of your total samples throughout the training process, and then tests against new samples that it has never seen before to verify that it generalizes well. The loss against this testing/validation set could be (and probably is) higher than the loss against the training set, so if the two numbers are being reported from different sets, you may not be able to draw comparisons like "loss for 1 GPU case should be lower since its accuracy is lower".
Second, if you are distributing the training then you are calculating losses across multiple workers (I believe), but only one accuracy at the end, again against a testing or validation set. Maybe the loss being reported is the best loss seen by any one worker, but overall the average losses were higher.
Basically I do not think we have enough information to decisively say why the loss and accuracy do not seem to correlate the way you expect, but there are a number of ways this could be happening, so I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.
I've also encountered this issue.
See Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour from Facebook which addresses the same issue. The suggested solution is simply to scale up the learning rate by k (after some reasonable warm-up epochs) for k GPUs.
In practice I've found out that simply summing up the gradients from the GPUs (rather than averaging them) and using the original learning rate sometimes does the job as well.

Gradient Descent vs Adagrad vs Momentum in TensorFlow

I'm studying TensorFlow and how to use it, even if I'm not an expert of neural networks and deep learning (just the basics).
Following tutorials, I don't understand the real and practical differences between the three optimizers for loss. I look at the API and I understand the principles, but my questions are:
1. When is it preferable to use one instead of the others ?
2. Are there important differences to know ?
Here is a brief explanation based on my understanding:
momentum helps SGD to navigate along the relevant directions and softens the oscillations in the irrelevant. It simply adds a fraction of the direction of the previous step to a current step. This achieves amplification of speed in the correct direction and softens oscillation in wrong directions. This fraction is usually in the (0, 1) range. It also makes sense to use adaptive momentum. In the beginning of learning a big momentum will only hinder your progress, so it makes sense to use something like 0.01 and once all the high gradients disappeared you can use a bigger momentum. There is one problem with momentum: when we are very close to the goal, our momentum in most of the cases is very high and it does not know that it should slow down. This can cause it to miss or oscillate around the minima
nesterov accelerated gradient overcomes this problem by starting to slow down early. In momentum we first compute gradient and then make a jump in that direction amplified by whatever momentum we had previously. NAG does the same thing but in another order: at first we make a big jump based on our stored information, and then we calculate the gradient and make a small correction. This seemingly irrelevant change gives significant practical speedups.
AdaGrad or adaptive gradient allows the learning rate to adapt based on parameters. It performs larger updates for infrequent parameters and smaller updates for frequent one. Because of this it is well suited for sparse data (NLP or image recognition). Another advantage is that it basically eliminates the need to tune the learning rate. Each parameter has its own learning rate and due to the peculiarities of the algorithm the learning rate is monotonically decreasing. This causes the biggest problem: at some point of time the learning rate is so small that the system stops learning.
AdaDelta resolves the problem of monotonically decreasing learning rate in AdaGrad. In AdaGrad the learning rate was calculated approximately as one divided by the sum of square roots. At each stage you add another square root to the sum, which causes denominator to constantly increase. In AdaDelta instead of summing all past square roots it uses sliding window which allows the sum to decrease. RMSprop is very similar to AdaDelta
Adam or adaptive momentum is an algorithm similar to AdaDelta. But in addition to storing learning rates for each of the parameters it also stores momentum changes for each of them separately.
A few visualizations:
I would say that SGD, Momentum and Nesterov are inferior than the last 3.
Salvador Dali's answer already explains about the differences between some popular methods (i.e. optimizers), but I would try to elaborate on them some more.
(Note that our answers disagree about some points, especially regarding ADAGRAD.)
Classical Momentum (CM) vs Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient (NAG)
(Mostly based on section 2 in the paper On the importance of initialization and momentum in deep learning.)
Each step in both CM and NAG is actually composed of two sub-steps:
A momentum sub-step - This is simply a fraction (typically in the range [0.9,1)) of the last step.
A gradient dependent sub-step - This is like the usual step in SGD - it is the product of the learning rate and the vector opposite to the gradient, while the gradient is computed where this sub-step starts from.
CM takes the gradient sub-step first, while NAG takes the momentum sub-step first.
Here is a demonstration from an answer about intuition for CM and NAG:
So NAG seems to be better (at least in the image), but why?
The important thing to note is that it doesn't matter when the momentum sub-step comes - it would be the same either way. Therefore, we might as well behave is if the momentum sub-step has already been taken.
Thus, the question actually is: Assuming that the gradient sub-step is taken after the momentum sub-step, should we calculate the gradient sub-step as if it started in the position before or after taking the momentum sub-step?
"After it" seems like the right answer, as generally, the gradient at some point θ roughly points you in the direction from θ to a minimum (with the relatively right magnitude), while the gradient at some other point is less likely to point you in the direction from θ to a minimum (with the relatively right magnitude).
Here is a demonstration (from the gif below):
The minimum is where the star is, and the curves are contour lines. (For an explanation about contour lines and why they are perpendicular to the gradient, see videos 1 and 2 by the legendary 3Blue1Brown.)
The (long) purple arrow is the momentum sub-step.
The transparent red arrow is the gradient sub-step if it starts before the momentum sub-step.
The black arrow is the gradient sub-step if it starts after the momentum sub-step.
CM would end up in the target of the dark red arrow.
NAG would end up in the target of the black arrow.
Note that this argument for why NAG is better is independent of whether the algorithm is close to a minimum.
In general, both NAG and CM often have the problem of accumulating more momentum than is good for them, so whenever they should change direction, they have an embarrassing "response time". The advantage of NAG over CM that we explained doesn't prevent the problem, but only makes the "response time" of NAG less embarrassing (but embarrassing still).
This "response time" problem is beautifully demonstrated in the gif by Alec Radford (which appeared in Salvador Dali's answer):
(Mostly based on section 2.2.2 in ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method (the original ADADELTA paper), as I find it much more accessible than Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization (the original ADAGRAD paper).)
In SGD, the step is given by - learning_rate * gradient, while learning_rate is a hyperparameter.
ADAGRAD also has a learning_rate hyperparameter, but the actual learning rate for each component of the gradient is calculated individually.
The i-th component of the t-th step is given by:
- --------------------------------------- * gradient_i_t
norm((gradient_i_1, ..., gradient_i_t))
gradient_i_k is the i-th component of the gradient in the k-th step
(gradient_i_1, ..., gradient_i_t) is a vector with t components. This isn't intuitive (at least to me) that constructing such a vector makes sense, but that's what the algorithm does (conceptually).
norm(vector) is the Eucldiean norm (aka l2 norm) of vector, which is our intuitive notion of length of vector.
Confusingly, in ADAGRAD (as well as in some other methods) the expression that is multiplied by gradient_i_t (in this case, learning_rate / norm(...)) is often called "the learning rate" (in fact, I called it "the actual learning rate" in the previous paragraph). I guess this is because in SGD the learning_rate hyperparameter and this expression are one and the same.
In a real implementation, some constant would be added to the denominator, to prevent a division by zero.
E.g. if:
The i-th component of the gradient in the first step is 1.15
The i-th component of the gradient in the second step is 1.35
The i-th component of the gradient in the third step is 0.9
Then the norm of (1.15, 1.35, 0.9) is the length of the yellow line, which is:
sqrt(1.15^2 + 1.35^2 + 0.9^2) = 1.989.
And so the i-th component of the third step is: - learning_rate / 1.989 * 0.9
Note two things about the i-th component of the step:
It is proportional to learning_rate.
In the calculations of it, the norm is increasing, and so the learning rate is decreasing.
This means that ADAGRAD is sensitive to the choice of the hyperparameter learning_rate.
In addition, it might be that after some time the steps become so small, that ADAGRAD virtually gets stuck.
From the ADADELTA paper:
The idea presented in this paper was derived from ADAGRAD in order to improve upon the two main drawbacks
of the method: 1) the continual decay of learning rates
throughout training, and 2) the need for a manually selected
global learning rate.
The paper then explains an improvement that is meant to tackle the first drawback:
Instead of accumulating the sum of squared gradients over all
time, we restricted the window of past gradients that are accumulated
to be some fixed size w [...]. This ensures that learning continues
to make progress even after many iterations of updates have
been done.
Since storing w previous squared gradients is inefficient,
our methods implements this accumulation as an exponentially
decaying average of the squared gradients.
By "exponentially decaying average of the squared gradients" the paper means that for each i we compute a weighted average of all of the squared i-th components of all of the gradients that were calculated.
The weight of each squared i-th component is bigger than the weight of the squared i-th component in the previous step.
This is an approximation of a window of size w because the weights in earlier steps are very small.
(When I think about an exponentially decaying average, I like to visualize a comet's trail, which becomes dimmer and dimmer as it gets further from the comet:
If you make only this change to ADAGRAD, then you will get RMSProp, which is a method that was proposed by Geoff Hinton in Lecture 6e of his Coursera Class.
So in RMSProp, the i-th component of the t-th step is given by:
- ------------------------------------------------ * gradient_i_t
sqrt(exp_decay_avg_of_squared_grads_i + epsilon)
epsilon is a hyperparameter that prevents a division by zero.
exp_decay_avg_of_squared_grads_i is an exponentially decaying average of the squared i-th components of all of the gradients calculated (including gradient_i_t).
But as aforementioned, ADADELTA also aims to get rid of the learning_rate hyperparameter, so there must be more stuff going on in it.
In ADADELTA, the i-th component of the t-th step is given by:
sqrt(exp_decay_avg_of_squared_steps_i + epsilon)
- ------------------------------------------------ * gradient_i_t
sqrt(exp_decay_avg_of_squared_grads_i + epsilon)
while exp_decay_avg_of_squared_steps_i is an exponentially decaying average of the squared i-th components of all of the steps calculated (until the t-1-th step).
sqrt(exp_decay_avg_of_squared_steps_i + epsilon) is somewhat similar to momentum, and according to the paper, it "acts as an acceleration term". (The paper also gives another reason for why it was added, but my answer is already too long, so if you are curious, check out section 3.2.)
(Mostly based on Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization, the original Adam paper.)
Adam is short for Adaptive Moment Estimation (see this answer for an explanation about the name).
The i-th component of the t-th step is given by:
- ------------------------------------------------ * exp_decay_avg_of_grads_i
sqrt(exp_decay_avg_of_squared_grads_i) + epsilon
exp_decay_avg_of_grads_i is an exponentially decaying average of the i-th components of all of the gradients calculated (including gradient_i_t).
Actually, both exp_decay_avg_of_grads_i and exp_decay_avg_of_squared_grads_i are also corrected to account for a bias toward 0 (for more about that, see section 3 in the paper, and also an answer in stats.stackexchange).
Note that Adam uses an exponentially decaying average of the i-th components of the gradients where most SGD methods use the i-th component of the current gradient. This causes Adam to behave like "a heavy ball with friction", as explained in the paper GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium.
See this answer for more about how Adam's momentum-like behavior is different from the usual momentum-like behavior.
Let's boil it down to a couple of simple question:
Which optimizer would give me the best result/accuracy?
There is no silver bullet. Some optimizers for your task would probably work better than the others. There is no way to tell beforehand, you have to try a few to find the best one. Good news is that the results of different optimizers would probably be close to each other. You have to find the best hyperparameters for any single optimizer you choose, though.
Which optimizer should I use right now?
Maybe, take AdamOptimizer and run it for learning_rate 0.001 and 0.0001. If you want better results, try running for other learning rates. Or try other optimizers and tune their hyperparameters.
Long story
There are a few aspects to consider when choosing your optimizer:
Easy of use (i.e. how fast you can find parameters that work for you);
Convergence speed (basic as SGD or faster as any other);
Memory footprint (typically between 0 and x2 sizes of your model);
Relation to other parts of the training process.
Plain SGD is the bare minimum that can be done: it simply multiplies the gradients by the learning rate and adds the result to the weights. SGD has a number of beautiful qualities: it has only 1 hyperparameter; it does not need any additional memory; it has minimal effect on the other parts of training. It also has 2 drawbacks: it might be too sensitive to learning rate choice and training can take longer than with other methods.
From these drawbacks of plain SGD we can see what are the more complicated update rules (optimizers) are for: we sacrifice a part of our memory to achieve faster training and, possibly, simplify the choice of hyperparameters.
Memory overhead is typically non-significant and can be ignored. Unless the model is extremely large, or you are training on GTX760, or fighting for ImageNet leadership. Simpler methods like momentum or Nesterov accelerated gradient need 1.0 or less of model size (size of the model hyperparameters). Second order methods (Adam, might need twice as much memory and computation.
Convergence speed-wise pretty much anything is better than SGD and anything else is hard to compare. One note might be that AdamOptimizer is good at starting training almost immediately, without a warm-up.
I consider easy-of-use to be the most important in the choice of an optimizer. Different optimizers have a different number of hyperparameters and have a different sensibility to them. I consider Adam the most simple of all readily-available ones. You typically need to check 2-4 learning_rates between 0.001 and 0.0001 to figure out if the model converges nicely. For comparison for SGD (and momentum) I typically try [0.1, 0.01, ... 10e-5]. Adam has 2 more hyperparameters that rarely have to be changed.
Relation between optimizer and other parts of training. Hyperparameter tuning typically involves selecting {learning_rate, weight_decay, batch_size, droupout_rate} simultaneously. All of them are interrelated and each can be viewed as a form of model regularization. One, for example, has to pay close attention if, exactly, weight_decay or L2-norm is used and possibly choose AdamWOptimizer instead of AdamOptimizer.