Copying to a Macro if there is a "-" in a certain cell (VBA) - vba

I am trying to copy some cells in the same sheet if there's a "-" or a "/" in a certain cell.
According to the number of "-" or "/" is the number of times it is going to copy.
This is my code but it's not working, can anyone help?
Sub TWB_Copy_columns()
'TWB_Copy_columns Macro
Dim celltxt As String
celltxt = Selection.Text
If InStr(1, celltxt, "-") Or InStr(1, celltxt, "/") Then
End If
End Sub

It seems that you are looking at the displayed format of a cell's contents to determine if it is a date or not. There is a native VBA function, IsDate that does this determination quite well on true dates. If your data does noot contain dates as true dates, well.. they should be true dates so that is another problem to be fixed.
with worksheets("sheet1")
if isdate(.cells(14, "B").end(xltoright)) then
.range("BA5:BB36").copy destination:=.range("BD5")
end if
end with
It seems to me that this code is only reusable if BA5:BB36 is not static but you've provided no indication on what determines the location. It's probably the last two columns of data in your data block but that is only a guess.

Here's the refactored and fixed version:
Sub TWB_Copy_columns()
'TWB_Copy_columns Macro
'celltxt = Selection.Text
' Use explicit references and avoid select. In this case, you will need to
' qualify the workbook and sheetname of the range you are using. We can then
' directly access the value of that range.
' Also, no need to declare a string just to hold onto the value. Directly use the value instead
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheetname")
If InStr(1, .Range("B14").End(xlToRight).value, "-") > 0 Or InStr(1, .Range("B14").End(xlToRight).value, "/") > 0 Then
.Range("BD5:BB36").value = .Range("BA5:BB36").value
End If
End With
End Sub
First, always avoid Select and Activate. In this case, I directly assign the values instead of trying to copy, paste, or select. Any time you see Range("A5").Select; Selection.Value you really need Range("A5").Value. Likewise, never have an unqualified range. Range("A5") is the same as saying ActiveSheet.Range("A5") which can complicate things if the wrong sheet is active.
Finally, if you are literally using a variable for one comparison, use the direct value. There's no need to create a variable for just one task (at least in my opinion).
As Ralph suggests, consider reading this thread: How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros. Once you learn to avoid Select your abilities will skyrocket.

This does what I think you're looking for (for every "-" or "/", copy Range("BA5:BB36") and paste it to Range("BD5"), Range("BG5") - leaving a space in your columns):
Sub TWB_Copy_columns()
'TWB_Copy_columns Macro
Dim celltxt As String
Dim vWords As Variant
Dim rFind As Range
Dim i As Long
celltxt = Range("B14").Value
celltxt = Replace(celltxt, "-", "/")
vWords = Split(celltxt, "/")
For i = 1 To UBound(vWords)
ActiveCell.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Activate
End Sub


How to loop through rows, save these as variables and use them as variables VBA

I'm trying to store values in sheets as a variable, and then go on to reference a sheet using that variable as well as use it to filter by.
This will be looped through until the program reaches the first empty cell.
The relevant code I have so far is:
Sub Program()
Dim i As Integer
i = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1))
Debug.Print i
Dim First As String
First = Cells(i, 1).Value
Debug.Print First
Dim Second As String
Second = Cells(i, 2).Value
Debug.Print Second
'Filters my Data sheet and copies the data
Sheets("DATA").Range("A1").AutoFilter _
Field:=2, _
Criteria1:=First 'Filters for relevant organisation
Sheets("DATA").Range("A1").AutoFilter _
Field:=6, _
Criteria1:="=" 'Filters for No Response
'This should loop through for each separate group
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
i = i + 1
Worksheets("DATA").AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub
I have changed the program significantly trying to add notation such as 'CStr' as there was an error at this line:
Sheets(CStr(Second)).Select when it used to say Sheets(Second)).Select
and the debug.print's to see if it is actually working but it isn't logging to the Immediate Window.
Additionally, when I actually run it, no error comes up but nothing seems to happen.
Not sure what else to add, or what else to try. Cheers!
As a first remark, using (at least the first) sheet activation within the loop seems unnecessary, because the start of the loop is what determines which sheet is being used to control the flow of the loop.
Furthermore, I would argue that it is better to remove the sheet activation altogether, re: the discussion about .Select (the cases aren't the same, but the solution discussed herein works better for both .Select and .Activate in almost all instances): How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros.
Let's also see if we can refer to the table in the "DATA" sheet in a more direct manner, as well as do some errorchecking.
My suggestion:
Sub Program()
Dim i As Integer
Dim First, Second As String
Dim secondWs As Worksheet
Dim dataTbl As ListObject
i = 2
Set dataTbl = Worksheets("DATA").Range("A1").ListObject.Name
' The above can be done more elegantly if you supply the name of the table
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1))
Debug.Print i
First = Sheets("Button").Cells(i, 1).Value
Debug.Print First
Second = Sheets("Button").Cells(i, 2).Value
Debug.Print Second
'Filters my Data sheet and copies the data
dataTbl.AutoFilter _
Field:=2, _
Criteria1:=First 'Filters for relevant organisation
dataTbl.AutoFilter _
Field:=6, _
Criteria1:="=" 'Filters for No Response
'This should loop through for each separate group
On Error Resume Next
Set secondWs = Worksheets(Second)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not secondWs Is Nothing Then
secondWs.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Debug.Print "Sheet name SECOND was not found"
End If
i = i + 1
Worksheets("DATA").AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub
If you get any errors, please state which line it appears on and what the error message actually is.

Efficiency through functions, I am lost

I struggle with VBA - I tend to write as though I am the Macro Recorder and as a result write really ugly macros and end up making things far more complicated than needs be.
Can you possibly have a look and help identify some efficiencies? I want to learn to write good code, but need to compare and contrast and its hard from looking at other peoples examples.
Sub ColumnSearch()
'Filepath variables - the filename changes daily but always contains the name notifications, this seemed to be the easiest method
Dim filepath As String
filepath = ActiveWorkbook.Path + "\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim file As String
Dim fullfilepath As String
file = Dir$(filepath & "*Notifications*" & ".*")
fullfilepath = filepath & file
Application.EnableEvents = False
Workbooks.Open (fullfilepath)
Application.EnableEvents = True
'variables set as string and range respetively
Dim strDoN As String, strOffice As String, strARN As String, strPIN As String, strAN As String, strAT As String, strSoS As String
Dim rngDoN As Range, rngOffice As Range, rngARN As Range, rngPIN As Range, rngAN As Range, rngAT As Range, rngSoS As Range
Dim rng2DoN As Range, rng2Office As Range, rng2ARN As Range, rng2PIN As Range, rng2AN As Range, rng2AT As Range, rng2SoS As Range
Dim myRange As Range
Dim NumCols, i As Integer
'str variables set as the text in row 1 (title cells)
strDoN = "Date of Notification"
strOffice = "Office Centre"
strARN = "Appeal Reference Number"
strPIN = "PIN"
strAN = "Appellant Name"
strAT = "Appeal Type"
strSoS = "SoS Decision Date"
Sheets("New Appeals").Activate
'For loop to find the address of the strings above
For i = 1 To 11
Select Case Cells(1, i).Value
Case strDoN
Set rngDoN = Cells(1, i) '
Case strOffice
Set rngOffice = Cells(1, i)
Case strARN
Set rngARN = Cells(1, i)
Case strPIN
Set rngPIN = Cells(1, i)
Case strAN
Set rngAN = Cells(1, i)
Case strAT
Set rngAT = Cells(1, i)
Case strSoS
Set rngSoS = Cells(1, i)
Case Else
'no match - do nothing
End Select
Next i
'Identify the count of cells to be copied from one sheet to the other
RowLast = Cells(Rows.Count, rngOffice.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Cells(RowLast - 1, rngOffice.Column).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlUp)).Offset(1, 0).Copy
'activate the other workbook, run the same search for loop but with rng2 being set (rng and rng2 can be different as there are sometimes extra columns that are not required
Sheets("New Appeals").Select
For i = 1 To 11
Select Case Cells(1, i).Value
Case strDoN
Set rng2DoN = Cells(1, i) '<~~ set the range object to this cell
Case strOffice
Set rng2Office = Cells(1, i)
Case strARN
Set rng2ARN = Cells(1, i)
Case strPIN
Set rng2PIN = Cells(1, i)
Case strAN
Set rng2AN = Cells(1, i)
Case strAT
Set rng2AT = Cells(1, i)
Case strSoS
Set rng2SoS = Cells(1, i)
Case Else
'no match - do nothing
End Select
Next i
Dim RowLast2 As Long
'find the last cell that was updated (every day the list will grow, it has to be pasted at the bottom of the last update)
RowLast2 = Cells(Rows.Count, rng2Office.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Cells(RowLast2, rng2Office.Column).Offset(1, 0).Select
Sheets("New Appeals").Select
'start from scratch again but with the next variable etc
RowLast = Cells(Rows.Count, rngARN.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Cells(RowLast - 1, rngARN.Column).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlUp)).Offset(1, 0).Copy
Sheets("New Appeals").Select
RowLast2 = Cells(Rows.Count, rng2ARN.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Cells(RowLast2, rng2ARN.Column).Offset(1, 0).Select
Sheets("New Appeals").Select
End Sub
If this is inapropriate let me know and I'll delete it if needed!
I would consider the following:
Macro description: The comments below the subroutine header should be concise and explain what the macro does, if it is not clear from its name. Your subroutine searches columns. You might want to include what is searched, i.e., "searches a predefined set of strings, selects [...] and copies from [...] to [...]. I would avoid details such as "this seemed to be the easiest method".
Notation / Variable names: It is good practice to give consistent names to your variables. In VBA CamelCase is commonplace. Also, prepending the object type in the variable name is very common, i.e., strDoN as String. If you do so though, make sure you do it everywhere (so filepath should be strFilePath). See here for the naming conventions.
Type declaration: Place all Dim statements at the beginning of the subroutine.
Events: Be careful with enabling and disabling events. If you disable events they won't be re-enabled automatically, so in case of an error (exception) there should be additional actions that re-enable the events. See this post for details on error handling.
As Chris Neilsen mentioned in the comments, avoid using Select and Activate.
Proper Dim-ing: When you do Dim NumCols, i as Integer you actually do Dim NumCols as Variant, i as Integer. If you want both of them to be integers, use Dim Numcols as Integer, i as Integer. Also, prefer Long to Integer.
Explicit Declarations: Put Option Explicit on top of your modules/worksheets. This means that every variable that is used should have been declared first (with a Dim statement). This is useful to avoid bugs from typos, and to have all your variables defined in a single place. Some of your variables, such as RowLast are not defined explicitly now, and they are of Variant type, while their type could had been more specific.
Avoid hardcoding: It is good practice to not refer explicitly to whatever the user can change in a worksheet. Example: Sheets("New Appeals").Activate will work if the sheet name is New Appeals, but if the user changes the name, it will break. Use the sheet's ID instead. Similarly, in your code you assign string variables to hardcoded strings ("Date of Notification", etc). It is safer if you design an area in your sheet from where you can pull this data every time.
Dealing with lots of Cases: the best solution is to use a Dictionary object. It is more elegant, and the code is less cluttered. An example is here.
Copying and Pasting: Use the Range.Copy and Range.PasteSpecial Methods instead of the Selection ones. also, it is not always necessary to Activate a sheet in order to copy/paste there. The Range object can do useful stuff (searching, specialcells, etc.). Check it out.
Fully qualify Ranges: When you copy-paste data from different sheets/files, always use the full name of your Range/Cells objects, to avoid bugs. Relevant SO post here.
Dealing with Large Ranges: Passing data between Excel and VBA can be time-consuming when the numbers get bigger. A good practice is to pass the excel data to a Variant Array, do whatever processing and then dump them back to excel. This is a good read.
Use of With blocks: When you refer to an object's properties/methods multiple times, it enhances readability. Example here.
I hope this helps. This is by not means an exhaustive list, but it might be useful to start with. Happy coding!

VBA Right-Function returning wrong data type

I have written a very simple code which returns the last 6 characters of every active cell within a range.
The code works pretty good until it finds a particular cell in which the characters to be returned should be: "MARC01". Unfortunately it returns a date type character (01.Mrz).
By using the normal excel formula it works fine, that is why I would expect it to work with a Macro as well.
Here you can see my code which takes the strings from column "A" and enters it in column "B":
ActiveCell.Value = Right((ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value), 6)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Loop Until ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = 0
Excel likes to change anything that looks like a possible date to a date. To force this not to happen put a "'" in front of the formula.
ActiveCell.Value = "'" & Right((ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).value), 6)
This will force it to stay text. The down side to this is, if it is a number it will be saved as text.
Excel likes to try to interpret certain data, rather than just leaving it as is. It especially does that with strings that look like dates, and with numeric entries.
Two ways to workaround are
Put the text prefix character in front of your string. This is usually a single quote. (see Scott's answer for code)
Format the cell as Text before you place the value there.
Sub foo()
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "#"
ActiveCell.Value = Right((ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Formula), 6)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Loop Until ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = 0
End Sub
With this simple goal, I don't know why you need VBA looping.
You can just mass set the formular1c1 to =RIGHT(RC[-1],6).
Option Explicit
Sub Right6()
Const R6LeftCol = "=RIGHT(RC[-1],6)"
Dim oRng As Range, lRow As Long
lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set oRng = Range("B12")
Range(oRng, Cells(lRow, "B")).FormulaR1C1 = R6LeftCol
Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub

VBA | How to Copy value from Cell to Cell in Excel

I want to copy a cell value to another cell, but I want to retain the value in a variable so I can use it as per requirement.
Following is the code i tried-
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
NumRows = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
For x = 1 To NumRows
a= Cells(x, 1).Value.Copy
Cells(x, 2).Value= a.PasteSpecial
End Sub
No need to use the Range.Copy method. Try this:
Dim a As Variant
a = Cells(x, 1).Value
Cells(x, 2).Value = a
If you want to retain ALL of the values, you will need to use an array:
Dim x As Long
Dim NumRows As Long
NumRows = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
ReDim a(1 to NumRows)
For x = 1 To NumRows
a(x) = Cells(x,1).Value
Cells(X,2).Value = a(x)
Next x
I also recommend explicit variable declaration. It can be found in your options or by typing Option Explicitat the VERY top, above any subs or functions. This will force you to declare your variables. I know it feels like a burden as a newbee, but it only takes one typo getting declared as a new variable to change your mind.
If you just want to pass Range value to array, no need to loop.
Try something like this:
Dim a
With Sheets("YourSheetName")
a = Application.Transpose(.Range("A1", .Range("A" & _
End With
'~~> check your array
For i = Lbound(a) To Ubound(a)
Debug.Print a(i)
'~~> rest of your code here to do what you like.
Now, if you want to use your variable a after code execution, just declare it outside the sub like this:
Dim a As Variant '~~> you can also use Public a As Variant
Sub Something()
'~~> put similar code above here and the rest of your code
End Sub
Now, you need to put a test if the variable a is empty or not, else you'll just overwrite it and defeat your purpose.
A simple check like this should work:
If IsEmpty(a) Then '~~> or IsArray if you're sure you'll always have a as array
'~~> populate a
'~~> proceed with what you want to do with a
'~~> proceed with what you want to do with a
End If
Hope it helps.
First, I suggest that you use the Record Macro facility on the Developer ribbon. Be sure to set "Use Relative References" on, and record the mouse clicks and keystrokes of one iteration of what you want to do (copy A1 to B1). Then open the macro in VB and modify it.
This is what I got when I used this approach, and it seems to work for me. I hope it works for you too.
Sub Macro1()
Dim NumRows As Integer
NumRows = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
For i = 1 To NumRows
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
ActiveCell.Offset(1, -1).Activate
End Sub

VBA loop and variables - find blank row and put row number in variable

I'm writing a Macro which loops though the Excel data, which is sorted by column A and inserts a blank row if the the values for coulmn are different from the one above. This separates my data in groups by column A.
I then want to sum the value of column d of the separated groups. I have most of my code working underneath, however its the startCell variable I am having trouble with. I know what I want to do, but cant get the logic right, can someone please help sum up those individual groups.
Many thanks
Sub PutARowInWithFormula()
Dim startCell As Integer
Dim endCell As Integer
startCell = 3
endCell = 0
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
If ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
' I need the bottom code to execute only once in the loop
' startCell = ActiveCell.Row
' move to column d
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Select
endCell = ActiveCell.Row - 1
ActiveCell.Formula = "=Sum(d" & startCell & ":d" & endCell & ")"
' move back to column a
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3).Select
'move 2 rows down
ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Select
End If
End Sub
I am too wondering, why you don't use a PivotTable or just create this using worksheet functions, which is possible too. Also I do not really like this attempt with selections, but its your way, and I respect that. It even seems to be a quite good example of a situation, when it might be a good idea to use them. Because right now, any other way I could think of, to do this in VBA, seems to be more complicated.
So here is a fix up of your code:
Sub PutARowInWithFormula()
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
If ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
'you can use the offset directly
'by using an improved formula, you do not need to know start and end row.
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Formula = _
' move back to column a and move 2 rows down
ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Select
End If
End Sub
Ok, found a way easier way to do nearly the same thing:
Public Sub demo()
UsedRange.Subtotal GroupBy:=1, Function:=xlSum, TotalList:=4
End Sub
This function is also available through the ribbon-menu -> data -> sumsum
To avoid the error-message, you just need to have a title-row for your data, like: