SSRS Report subscription scheduling with flexible dates - sql

I have a set of reports that are being updated 4 times a month on set dates; on 1,9,16 and 24th. When any of these dates occur on weekends the updating will be done the next monday.
Now I'm working on a schedule that will send emails to persons once the report has been updated, and the problem is those weekends.
Can I somehow script the schedule to skip dates on weekends and do it on the next monday instead?

You can do this using a data-driven subscription. You'll need to write a SQL query that checks the current day and determines if it's one of these cases or not. Have the query return the email addresses you want to send to if it's a valid day.
Then in the "To" field for the subscription you can reference the field from the query. Set it to run every day. The subscription will run that query every day and deliver the email only when the conditions are true.


SSRS data driven query?

I've got a question and it may sound dumb but am figuring it out as I go...
In SSRS there is an option to have a data driven query and in that you can edit the dataset to read parameters of the report who to send to ect., ect.,
Is there a way to have the query read an output of a subquery and if it doesn't equal the output it doesn't send but if it does, it does trigger the report sending?
In this particular example, the report needs to be triggered to send on the 3rd business day of the month. I have a query that reads the third business day written up but I am not sure how to get it into the query and read as if the date = 2023/01/04 then trigger report and send it off, otherwise do nothing, checking daily if it is that date.
In my business day query it has the columns, Date - which is the date, DayOfWeek - which is the numeral day of the week 2-6(for weekdays), Year, Month, Day, and Working day of the month(which is all 3s being the third business day.)
Should I have the query set to reading if workingdayofmonth = 3 then trigger the report? Would that be the easiest? I am not entirely sure how to code it as such into the SSRS data driven query.
Thank you for your time and help!
If you are using Enterprise edition, you can setup a data driven subscription.
I don't use Enterprise so I can't give a working exmaple but essentially, you create a dataset for the subscription that will only return data if your conditions are met.
As you previous question (linked here for other users reference) got you a calendar view that gives you the days the report needs to run, you can use that view, something like
SELECT * FROM myCalendarView WHERE TheDate = CAST(GetDate() AS Date)
The subscription will attempt to run everyday (or whatever the schedule is) but it will not produce anything unless the query above returns a resultset.
Take a look at this post which is similar to what you are attempting.

How to schedule biweekly SSRS subscription on 2017 report server

I would like my report to be sent biweekly on a Monday. Right now, I created two different subscriptions that sends the report on every 2nd and 4th week. I am not sure it would be accurate considering, I would like the send the report Monday after Pay period ends. What's a best way to approach to this?
A subscription can be created by Week and scheduled to repeat after 2 weeks. Monday can be selected as the day.
The schedule will show Every Monday of every two weeks.

Reoccurring SQL job to run on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month

I need a job to run on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month. I know I can set up a job to run every two weeks but that logic doesn't work when a month eventually hits a five week span. Is it possible to set this up using the SQL Server Agent Schedule? If not, does anyone recommend another method?
Create two schedules on the job, one that runs on the second Thursday, and one that runs on the fourth.
Under the Frequency heading on the Scheduler, change the Occurs drop down to Monthly to get to the options you need.

Running APScheduler job the day before the 1st and 3rd Monday each month

I have an APScheduler job that creates a report our client has requested for the first and third Mondays of the month.
To deliver that in time, I want to run the job the day before the first and third Monday, which can't be specified directly in APScheduler.
I noticed another user had this question as well, describing the request as impossible, in the comments of Running APScheduler Job Every nth Day of Month
Here's how I solved it:
scheduler.add_job(func, 'cron', 'day_of_week'='sun', 'day'='last,1-6,14-20')
By specifying the day of the week, and then specifying the days in the month that could apply, it will fire the day before the first and third Mondays. It only fires when all the conditions are met, so the other dates (which won't be Sunday) don't fire.

How to Extend the End Date in a SQL Calendar Table?

I have a report that, according to users, started miscalculating dates in one field in November 2015. After some digging around, I found that one of the tables the field referenced seemed to have an end date on 2015-10-31.
The "D" field seems to represent the day of the week, with Sunday being day 1 and Saturday being 7.
Is there a way to extend the calendar so that it ends further into the future, for example 2049-12-31?
Our calendar table, for a variety of reasons, goes the the end of the current year. We have written a query that adds a new year to this table. This query takes care of most of the fields in that table. It does not touch the holiday field. That is updated manually through a web page.
We send ourselves reminders. Starting in March, we send monthly reminders that we should think about adding another year. After ensuring that the database segment has space, and that none of the definitions, such as fiscal periods, have changed, we run the query that adds a year.
Later in the year we start mailing ourselves reminders about the holidays. Then we check to see if HR has declared them, and if so, update the records accordingly.
This meets our business requirements. Yours will be different of course.