I'm a little lost with sql. I'm trying to get values of referenced tables, and i have to go throught 6 tables but i'm not getting any result. This is my code:
p.ID = b.PERSON;
I want to get all the records in ITV where PEPE works.
Someone can help or orient me please?
Thank you.

Use explicit joins for your tables instead of implicit, like this:
INNER JOIN CENTER c --Need join condition here
It's a lot easier to read, and the implicit style you have in your question is depreciated.
Now you can see you are missing your join condition for INNER JOIN CENTER C. You may have further issues but start here and if it still isn't right, provide us with your current results and your expected results.


SQL - Consecutive "ON" Statements

As I was cleaning up some issues in an old view in our database I came across this "strange" join condition:
tblEmails [e]
join tblPersonEmails [pe]
on (e.EmailID = pe.EmailID)
right outer join tblUserAccounts [ua]
join People [p]
on (ua.PersonID = p.Id)
join tblChainEmployees [ce]
on (ua.PersonID = ce.PersonID)
on (pe.PersonID = p.Id)
Table tblUserAccounts is referenced as a right outer join, but the on condition for it is not declared until after tblChainEmployees is referenced; then there are two consecutive on statements in a row.
I couldn't find a relevant answer anywhere on the Internet, because I didn't know what this kind of join is called.
So the questions:
Does this kind of "deferred conditional" join have a name?
How can this be rewritten to produce the same result set where the on statements are not consecutive?
Maybe this is a "clever" solution when there has always been a simpler/clearer way?
(1) This is just syntax and I've never heard of some special name. If you read carefully this MSDN article you'll see that (LEFT|RIGHT) JOIN has to be paired with ON statement. If it's not, expression inside is parsed as <table_source>. You can put parentheses to make it more readable:
tblEmails [e]
join tblPersonEmails [pe]
on (e.EmailID = pe.EmailID)
right outer join
tblUserAccounts [ua]
join People [p]
on (ua.PersonID = p.Id)
join tblChainEmployees [ce]
on (ua.PersonID = ce.PersonID)
) on (pe.PersonID = p.Id)
(2) I would prefer LEFT syntax, with explicit parentheses (I know, it's a matter of taste). This produces the same execution plan:
FROM tblUserAccounts ua
JOIN People p ON ua.PersonID = p.Id
JOIN tblChainEmployees ce ON ua.PersonID = ce.PersonID
tblEmails e
JOIN tblPersonEmails pe ON e.EmailID = pe.EmailID
) ON pe.PersonID = p.Id
(3) Yes, it's clever, just like some C++ expressions (i.e. (i++)*(*t)[0]<<p->a) on interviews. Language is flexible. Expressions and queries can be tricky, but some 'arrangements' lead to readability degradation and errors.
Looks to me like you have tblEmail and tblPerson with their own independent IDs, emailID and ID (person), a linking table tblPersonEmail with the valid pairs of emailID/IDs, and then the person table may have a 1-1 relationship with UserAccount, which may then have a 1-1 relationship with chainEmployee, so to get rid of the RIGHT OUTER JOIN in favor of LEFT, I'd use:
((tblPerson AS p INNER JOIN
(tblEmail AS e INNER JOIN
tblPersonEmail AS pe ON
e.emailID = pe.emailID) ON
p.ID = pe.personID) LEFT JOIN
tblUserAccount AS ua ON
p.ID = ua.personID) LEFT JOIN
tblChainEmployee AS ce ON
ua.personID = ce.personID
I can't think of a great practical example of this off the top of my head so I'll give you a generic example that hopefully makes sense. Unfortunately I'm not aware of a generic name for this either.
Many people will start off with a query like this:
select ...
A a left outer join
B b on b.id = a.id left outer join
C c on c.id2 = b.id2;
The look at the results and realize that they really need to eliminate the rows in B that don't have a corresponding C but if you tried to say where b.id2 is not null and c.id2 is not null you've defeated the whole purpose of the left join from A.
So next you try to do this but it doesn't take long to figure out it's not going to work. The inner join at the tail end of the chain has basically converted both the joins to inner joins.
select ...
A a left outer join
B b on b.id = a.id inner join
C c on c.id2 = b.id2;
The problem seems simple yet it doesn't work right. Essentially after you ponder for a while you discover that you need to control the join order and do the inner join first. So the three queries below are equivalent ways to accomplish that. The first one is probably the one you're more familiar with:
select ...
A a left outer join
(select * from B b inner join C c on c.id2 = b.id2) bc
on bc.id = a.id
select ...
A a left outer join
B b inner join
C c on c.id2 = b.id2
on b.id = a.id
select ...
B b inner join
C c on c.id2 = b.id2 right outer join -- now they can be done in order
A a on a.id = b.id
You query is a little more complicated but ultimately the same issues came into play which is where the odd stuff came from. SQL has evolved and you have to remember that platforms didn't always have the fancy things like derived tables, scalar subqueries, CTEs so sometimes people had to write things this way. And then there were graphical query builders with a lot of limitations in older versions of tools like Crystal Report that didn't allow for complex join conditions...

I need help formatting inner join command in SQL query

Here is my ERD for SQL Server:
I need to find out which books are associated with each publisher.
USE BookStoreDB
FROM Books
INNER JOIN [Publishers] PublisherID ON PublishersID = ProductID
I'm assuming I just didn't create the INNER JOIN command correctly?
SELECT p.PublisherID, b.ProductID
FROM Books b
INNER JOIN Publishers p ON p.PublisherID = b.PublisherID
The ON part of a join defines how the two tables are related to each other. In your case, it would be:
INNER JOIN Publishers ON (Books.PublisherID = Publishers.PublisherID)
If you put something between the name of the table, and the ON, it's treated as an alias. You can (and should) also use these aliases in your SELECT
FROM Books B
INNER JOIN Publishers P ON (B.PublisherID = P.PublisherID)
Finally, you probably want to select information that will actually tell you who the publisher is:
SELECT B.ISBN, P.CompanyName
FROM Books B
INNER JOIN Publishers P ON (B.PublisherID = P.PublisherID)

SQL JOIN ON issue with aliases or not using aliases

I have three tables called Hours, Projects and Clients. I'm somewhat experienced with SQL statements and can't seem to get my head around why this isn't working.
Projects and Hours tables both share a foreign key called projectid
and Projects and Clients both share a foreign key called clientid.
Here's my query so far:
SELECT hoursworked.h, projectname.p, description.p, archive.p, clientname.c
FROM hours AS h, projects AS p, clients AS c
ON projectid.h = projectid.p
ON clientid.p = clientid.c
WHERE archive.p = 0;
I seem to be getting an error called "#1066 - Not unique table/alias: 'h' "
Not sure where I am going wrong here. Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance!
You are mixing implicit joins and explicit joins. A simple rule: don't use commas in from clauses.
SELECT h.hoursworked, p.projectname, p.description, p.archive, c.clientname
FROM hours h join
projects p
on h.projectid = p.projectid join
clients c
ON p.clientid = c.clientid
WHERE p.archive = 0;
In addition, the syntax for using aliases is <table alias>.<column alias>, not the other way around.
You are using your aliases backwards. You need to use H.HoursWorked, rather than HoursWorked.H, etc. Your JOIN is also incorrect.
Try the following:
SELECT h.hoursworked, p.projectname, p.description, p.archive, c.clientname
FROM hours AS h
JOIN projects AS p ON h.projectid = p.projectid
JOIN clients AS c ON p.clientid = c.clientid
WHERE p.archive = 0;
You need to prepend the table name to the field/column, not put it at the end, and usually you would use AS for field/column aliases, not for table aliases. Also, I would name the tables in the JOINs, not separated by commas in the FROM statement. This is how it should look:
FROM hours h
JOIN projects p
ON h.projectid = p.projectid
JOIN clients c
ON p.clientid = c.clientid
WHERE p.archive = 0;

Get correct result from mysql query

I have the following tables:
**products** which has these fields: id,product,price,added_date
**products_to_categories** which has these fields: id,product_id,category_id
**adverts_to_categories** -> id,advert_id,category_id
**adverts** which has these fields: id,advert_name,added_date,location
I can not execute sql that will return to me all products that are from category 14 and that are owned by advert located in London. So I have 4 tables and 2 conditions - to be from category 14 and the owner of the product to be from London. I tried many variants to execute sql but none of the results were correct.. Do I need to use Join and which Join - left, right, full? How the correct sql will look like? thank you in advance for your help and sorry for boring you :)
This is what I have tried so far:
SELECT p.id, product, price, category_id,
p.added_date, adverts.location, adverts.id
FROM products p,
products_to_categories ptc,
adverts_to_categories ac
WHERE ptc.category_id = "14"
AND ptc.product_id=p.id
AND ac.advert_id=adverts.id
AND adverts.location= "London"
pretty basic logic
Select * from Products P
INNER JOIN Products_To_Categories PTC ON P.ID = PTC.Product_ID
INNER JOIN Adverts_to_Categories ATC ON ATC.Category_Id = PTC.Category_ID
INNER JOIN Adverts AD on AD.ID = ATC.Advert_ID
WHERE PTC.Category_ID = 14 and AD.Location = 'LONDON'
you would only need a LEFT or right join IF you wanted records from a table which didn't exist in other tables.
so for example, if you wanted all products even if a records even those without a category, then you would use a LEFT Join instead of inner.
The following statement should return all columns from the product table in category with id 14 and all adverts located in London:
select p.* from products p
inner join products_to_categories pc on p.id = pc.product_id
inner join adverts_to_categories ac on pc.category_id = ac.category_id
inner join adverts a on a.id = ac.advert_id
where pc.category_id = 14
and ac.location = 'London';
You should remember to add an index to the column location if you are doing these string-based queries very often.

SQL joining three tables, join precedence

I have three tables: R, S and P.
Table R Joins with S through a foreign key; there should be at least one record in S, so I can JOIN:
JOIN S ON (S.id = R.fks)
If there's no record in S then I get no rows, that's fine.
Then table S joins with P, where records is P may or may not be present and joined with S.
So I do
JOIN S ON (S.id = R.fks)
LEFT JOIN P ON (P.id = S.fkp)
What if I wanted the second JOIN to be tied to S not to R, like if I could use parentheses:
JOIN (S ON (S.id = R.fks) JOIN P ON (P.id = S.fkp))
Or is that already a natural behaviour of the cartesian product between R, S and P?
All kinds of outer and normal joins are in the same precedence class and operators take effect left-to-right at a given nesting level of the query. You can put the join expression on the right side in parentheses to cause it to take effect first. Remember that you will have to move the ON clauses around so that they stay with their joins—the join in parentheses takes its ON clause with it into the parentheses, so it now comes textually before the other ON clause which will be after the parentheses in the outer join statement.
(PostgreSQL example)
SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (a.id = b.id) JOIN c ON (b.ref = c.id);
the a-b join takes effect first, but we can force the b-c join to take effect first by putting it in parentheses, which looks like:
SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN (b JOIN c ON (b.ref = c.id)) ON (a.id = b.id);
Often you can express the same thing without extra parentheses by moving the joins around and changing the direction of the outer joins, e.g.
SELECT * FROM b JOIN c ON (b.ref = c.id) RIGHT JOIN a ON (a.id = b.id);
When you join the third table, your first query
JOIN S ON (S.id = R.fks)
is like a derived table to which you're joining the third table. So if R JOIN S produces no rows, then joining P will never yield any rows (because you're trying to join to an empty table).
So, if you're looking for precedence rules then in this case it's just set by using LEFT JOIN as opposed to JOIN.
However, I may be misunderstanding your question, because if I were writing the query, I would swap S and R around. eg.
JOIN R ON (S.id = R.fks)
The second join is tied to S as you explicity state JOIN P ON (P.id = S.fkp) - no column from R is referenced in the join.
with a as (select 1 as test union select 2)
select * from a left join
a as b on a.test=b.test and b.test=1 inner join
a as c on b.test=c.test
with a as (select 1 as test union select 2)
select * from a inner join
a as b on a.test=b.test right join
a as c on b.test=c.test and b.test=1
Ideally, we would hope that the above two queries are the same. However, they are not - so anybody that says a right join can be replaced with a left join in all cases is wrong. Only by using the right join can we get the required result.