Google Custom Search and Canonical Tags - google-custom-search

If I implement canonical tags on a set of URLs, will those UR:s still show up in Google Custom Search?


Get thumbnail from website with Bing Web Search API

Currently I am working on a website that uses google search for searching pages in the domain, google returns a thumbnail from a specific page (Most of the time a random image it finds on the page) together with the search result.
Wanting to move to Bing Web Search API, because google will start adding adds to the result, I was wondering if there was any possibility to get a site's thumbnail together with the search on a specific website? Bing Web Search API Docs says that thumbnails are not supported for all webpages, however there is no clear explanation about how to add one. Is there a workaround for this?
If you are looking for search for your site only, you should use the Bing Custom Search: You can create your search instance from I see custom search returns thumbnails for (al)most (all) results.

noscript text is appearing in Google

I have added in the bottom of my html like this (just like how stackoverflow has it implemented):
<noscript>This site works best with Javascript is enabled</noscript>
but in one of my pages that has very little text, the text "Javascript is disabled" appears in Google search.
Is there a way to tell Google to avoid indexing this part? Or is there a better alternative instead of using <noscript> tag?
The issue is that Google often won't render Javascript. It can - but it often won't.
You either need to present a pre-rendered page or provide it with a meta description that accurately describes the content. Look up tags and how Google uses them to embellish it's search listings.
Other options like or can encourage Google from deviating from the provided description. However, a pre-rendered page for it to scrape is always more reliable.

Import list of urls for Google custom search "Sites to search"

I want to import my bookmark urls from my google account in an automated way . Afterwards I can use google custom search through my bookmarks contents.
I looked for some api for google custom search to manipulate the "Sites to search" list but the only api I could find is :
which is only for the actual search and not for manipulating the search sites.
Is there any existing solution to this?

How to index Dynamic url page

I have a site that look like this:
Main page (index.php)
where a user can research a business.
To display result at page (search/index.php), the page url will look something like this:
The page will generate dynamic link to access the business profile found. When you click on one of those links, you get here:
How can I get the previous link to be indexed on Google?
This appears to be a good situation for the canonical URL tag. You'll want to specify a single URL for the page in question, and then other variations of that url getting to the same page (i.e. searches, tags, etc.) will refer to the stated canonical url as the actual url for SEO purposes.
Google has a detailed description of the tag here:

Google search results displaying links to subpages instead of complete url

When I do a google search on my site, google lists all search results of my webpages with links to subpages instead of the full url. (which appears in green). Is this ok? Is it possible to force google to display the full url instead of several links to subpages.
You are talking about sitelinks which can be managed by Google Webmaster Tools. In Google webmaster tool, under your site property go to Search Appearance > Sitelinks. Here you can modify and edit these sitelinks.