Import list of urls for Google custom search "Sites to search" - api

I want to import my bookmark urls from my google account in an automated way . Afterwards I can use google custom search through my bookmarks contents.
I looked for some api for google custom search to manipulate the "Sites to search" list but the only api I could find is :
which is only for the actual search and not for manipulating the search sites.
Is there any existing solution to this?


Get thumbnail from website with Bing Web Search API

Currently I am working on a website that uses google search for searching pages in the domain, google returns a thumbnail from a specific page (Most of the time a random image it finds on the page) together with the search result.
Wanting to move to Bing Web Search API, because google will start adding adds to the result, I was wondering if there was any possibility to get a site's thumbnail together with the search on a specific website? Bing Web Search API Docs says that thumbnails are not supported for all webpages, however there is no clear explanation about how to add one. Is there a workaround for this?
If you are looking for search for your site only, you should use the Bing Custom Search: You can create your search instance from I see custom search returns thumbnails for (al)most (all) results.

Google Custom Search and Canonical Tags

If I implement canonical tags on a set of URLs, will those UR:s still show up in Google Custom Search?

Google search results displaying links to subpages instead of complete url

When I do a google search on my site, google lists all search results of my webpages with links to subpages instead of the full url. (which appears in green). Is this ok? Is it possible to force google to display the full url instead of several links to subpages.
You are talking about sitelinks which can be managed by Google Webmaster Tools. In Google webmaster tool, under your site property go to Search Appearance > Sitelinks. Here you can modify and edit these sitelinks.

Add extra link to google custom search engine result

I need to build a search results page, hopefully using a Google Custom Search Engine. My problem though is that I need to add an extra link or icon to each item in the search result.
It would be an icon to generate a custom short-link for that particular result.
What would be the best way to go about doing that?
If you want to add html and stuff to google result,
you couldn't use the simple google custom search engine.
You should use google search api,
and than process the results and display them by yourself to the screen.

Google SEO, how to hide links, text, images from google

i have some text and links that gets generated and i want to hide it from google. Any ideas?
i don't want to convert them to images. Maybe use some kind of javascript....???
Use robots.txt to tell the Google Crawler not to index the content.
login Google webmaster tools and copy that link to you will delete that and in Google webmaster tools open menu and select delete crawler option and after paste your link that remove your link successfully in Google search enginee