Order of Joins SQL Server - sql

I ran across a curious issue earlier today while writing a multiple JOIN query in MS SQL Server and I am hoping somebody may be able to help me to understand better. Typically I like to join tables in the order I pull from them in the SELECT statement (just seems easier and cleaner to me). The below statement works only because it is not in order of the SELECT statement and I don't know why. If I re-wrote it to join VW_ORDER_HEADER --> VW_ORDER_ITEM --> VW_PO_ITEM in that order it returns no results. I only discovered this works after designing it in Access and looking at the resulting SQL. I am not new to SQL Server but at first and second glance I can't see why the order of the join would make a difference... Thanks in advance


MS Access 2016 Error: "Multi-level group by not allowed"

i'm stuck at another point in my little Access 2016 Database. My code looks like the following and i know it probably isn't the cleanest solution but i'm kinda new to this and i tried to educate myself and get some help here already.
I'm trying to play around with the reports now a little bit and i am using this test query which returns all entries of two tables joined together.
As far as i could find out I have this one subquery included that returns the prvious day inventory for each record and that is most likely the cause of my error. I found a possible solution with adding SELECT * FROM at the beginning of my code but i get a Syntax error when i do that and i'm not sure how to solve this problem.
here's my code
SELECT Stations.StationName, Product.ProductName, GasInventoryTransactions.TransactionDate, (SELECT TOP 1 Dupe.ActualInventory FROM GasInventory AS Dupe WHERE Dupe.StationID = Stations.StationID AND Dupe.ProductID = Product.ProductID AND Dupe.InventoryDate < GasInventory.InventoryDate ORDER BY Dupe.InventoryDate DESC) AS PreviousDayInventory, GasInventory.ActualInventory, GasInventoryTransactions.GasSales, GasInventoryTransactions.GasDelivery, [PreviousDayInventory]+[GasDelivery]-[GasSales] AS BookBalance, GasInventory.ActualInventory, [ActualInventory]-[BookBalance] AS OverShort
FROM (Stations INNER JOIN (Product INNER JOIN GasInventory ON Product.[ProductID] = GasInventory.[ProductID]) ON Stations.[StationID] = GasInventory.[StationID]) INNER JOIN GasInventoryTransactions ON GasInventory.[InventoryDate] = GasInventoryTransactions.[TransactionDate];
thanks for your help!

Query SQL Microsoft Access bug?

I've been working on an Access database with SQL. I was trying to perform the following query:
SELECT Produtos.produto,
[aux].[total]/[Produtos].[existencias] AS [peso consumos nas existencias]
FROM (SELECT Produtos.produto, SUM(Consumos.quantidade) AS total
FROM Consumos, Produtos, Fornecedores
WHERE Consumos.codproduto=Produtos.produto
AND Produtos.codfornecedor=9
GROUP BY Produtos.produto
ORDER BY Produtos.produto) AS aux
ON aux.produto = Produtos.produto
WHERE (((aux.produto)=[Produtos].[produto]));
A closer look at the results showed me that the column [peso consumos nas existencias] was multiplied by 10. After trying to fix this, I noticed that I was not using the table Fornecedores although I was calling it after FROM keyword, so I removed it:
SELECT Produtos.produto,
[aux].[total]/[Produtos].[existencias] AS [peso consumos nas existencias]
FROM (SELECT Produtos.produto, SUM(Consumos.quantidade) AS total
FROM Consumos, Produtos
WHERE Consumos.codproduto=Produtos.produto
AND Produtos.codfornecedor=9
GROUP BY Produtos.produto
ORDER BY Produtos.produto) AS aux
ON aux.produto = Produtos.produto
WHERE (((aux.produto)=[Produtos].[produto]));
After running, the results were right. Was this suppose to happen? if so, why?
Your Fornecedores table probably has 10 records.
FROM Consumos, Produtos, Fornecedores
WHERE Consumos.codproduto=Produtos.produto
was doing a cartesian product of the Consumos-Produtos join with those 10 records, so the SUM() used each number 10 times.
Note 1:
It is considered better style to use the explicit INNER JOIN syntax:
FROM Consumos INNER JOIN Produtos
ON Consumos.codproduto=Produtos.produto
WHERE Produtos.codfornecedor=9
instead of FROM Consumos, Produtos
Note 2:
If you think you have found a bug in the Access (or any database) query engine, chances are almost 100% that the bug is in your query. ;-)

Performance of SQL code

I have SQL queries like the one below, I have many others also and at the moment we are experiencing a long time delay to run these queries as part of reports.
Does anyone know how to performance tune these to run much better and quicker this could be some program you could put the code in to and it does performance tune them, or specific things I should look to avoid doing.
I have done these in SQL developer before placing them in the reporting software. however I can not see any additional add on with on SQL developer
SELECT o.wh_id,
WHEN d.pick_area LIKE 'GPS%'
ELSE d.pick_area
END) AS pick_area,
COUNT(*) AS Amount_of_picks
FROM t_order o
INNER JOIN t_pick_detail d
ON o.order_number = d.order_number
WHERE o.wh_id = '~wh_id~'
AND TRUNC(d.create_date) BETWEEN dbo.usf_format_date_to_glb_locale('~WW_USERLCID~','~DateFrom~') AND dbo.usf_format_date_to_glb_locale('~WW_USERLCID~','~DateTo~')
GROUP BY o.wh_id,
WHEN d.pick_area LIKE 'GPS%'
ELSE d.pick_area
ORDER BY o.bill_to_code
Many thanks

SQL joins vs nested query

This two SQL statements return equal results but first one is much slower than the second:
SELECT leading.email, kstatus.name, contacts.status
FROM clients
JOIN clients_leading ON clients.id_client = clients_leading.id_client
JOIN leading ON clients_leading.id_leading = leading.id_leading
JOIN contacts ON contacts.id_k_p = clients_leading.id_group
JOIN kstatus on contacts.status = kstatus.id_kstatus
WHERE (clients.email = 'some_email' OR clients.email1 = 'some_email')
ORDER BY contacts.date DESC;
SELECT leading.email, kstatus.name, contacts.status
FROM clients
WHERE (clients.email = 'some_email' OR clients.email1 = 'some_email')
AS clients
JOIN clients_leading ON clients.id_client = clients_leading.id_client
JOIN leading ON clients_leading.id_leading = leading.id_leading
JOIN contacts ON contacts.id_k_p = clients_leading.id_group
JOIN kstatus on contacts.status = kstatus.id_kstatus
ORDER BY contacts.date DESC;
But I'm wondering why is it so? It looks like in the firt statement joins are done first and then WHERE clause is applied and in second is just the opposite. But will it behave the same way on all DB engines (I tested it on MySQL)?
I was expecting DB engine can optimize queries like the fors one and firs apply WHERE clause and then make joins.
There are a lot of different reasons this could be (keying etc), but you can look at the explain mysql command to see how the statements are being executed. If you can run that and if it still is a mystery post it.
You always can replace join with nested query... It's always faster but lot messy...

SQL query hangs on join

I've written an SQL query that produces a report of some stats for each Year-Week-Mine-Product.
It works exactly as desired except for one thing - trn.wid-date isn't the correct date to be using.
I should be using td.datetime-act-comp-dump. When I replace trn.wid-date with td.datetime-act-comp-dump, it doesn't give me any errors but seems to just hang indefinitely. I let it go for a while yesterday and it came back with ORA-01652 unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP, though I haven't seen that error since.
I don't understand what might be causing that considering that I'm able to successfully return MAX(td.datetime-act-comp-dump) in the query below
select to_char(trn.wid_date, 'IYYY') as dump_year,
to_char(trn.wid_date-7/24, 'IW') as dump_week,
SUBSTR(trn.train_control_id,1,2) as Mine,
vcon.product_type_code as Product,
COUNT(DISTINCT trn.train_control_id) as Trains,
COUNT(1) as Wagons,
MIN(trn.wid_date) as Min_WID_Hrs,
MAX(trn.wid_date) as Max_WID_Hrs,
MIN(td.datetime_act_comp_dump) as Min_Fin_Dump,
MAX(td.datetime_act_comp_dump) as Max_Fin_Dump,
ROUND(SUM(con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total),0) as Tot_Tonnes,
ROUND(AVG(con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total),2) as Avg_Tonnes,
ROUND(MIN(con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total),2) as Minimum,
ROUND(PERCENTILE_DISC(0.99) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY (con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total) DESC),2) as "1st",
from widsys.consist con
INNER JOIN widsys.train trn
USING (train_record_id)
INNER JOIN tpps.train_details td
ON trn.train_tpps_id||trn.mine_code = td.train_id||td.mine_code
INNER JOIN widsys.v_consist_ore_detail vcon
USING (consist_id)
where trn.direction = 'N'
and to_char(trn.wid_date, 'IYYY') = 2009
and to_char(trn.wid_date-7/24, 'IW') = 25
group by to_char(trn.wid_date, 'IYYY'),
to_char(trn.wid_date-7/24, 'IW'),
order by to_char(trn.wid_date-7/24, 'IW') DESC
Just in order to troubleshoot, from the query above, I've tried removing everything to do with vcon and replacing trn.wid_date with td.datetime-act-comp-dump. The effect is that it only reports on Year-Week-Mine rather than Year-Week-Mine-Product. (see query below)
This new query actually executes rather than just hanging, but returns a few odd results and doesn't isn't sufficient since it doesn't break things down on Product.
select to_char(td.datetime_act_comp_dump, 'IYYY') as dump_year,
to_char(td.datetime_act_comp_dump-7/24, 'IW') as dump_week,
SUBSTR(trn.train_control_id,1,2) as Mine,
--vcon.product_type_code as Product,
COUNT(DISTINCT trn.train_control_id) as Trains,
COUNT(1) as Wagons,
MIN(trn.wid_date) as Min_WID_Hrs,
MAX(trn.wid_date) as Max_WID_Hrs,
MIN(td.datetime_act_comp_dump) as Min_Fin_Dump,
MAX(td.datetime_act_comp_dump) as Max_Fin_Dump,
ROUND(SUM(con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total),0) as Tot_Tonnes,
ROUND(AVG(con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total),2) as Avg_Tonnes,
ROUND(MIN(con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total),2) as Minimum,
ROUND(PERCENTILE_DISC(0.99) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY (con.weight_total-con.empty_weight_total) DESC),2) as "1st"
from widsys.consist con
INNER JOIN widsys.train trn
USING (train_record_id)
INNER JOIN tpps.train_details td
ON trn.train_tpps_id||trn.mine_code = td.train_id||td.mine_code
--INNER JOIN widsys.v_consist_ore_detail vcon
--USING (consist_id)
where trn.direction = 'N'
and to_char(td.datetime_act_comp_dump, 'IYYY') = 2009
and to_char(td.datetime_act_comp_dump-7/24, 'IW') = 25
group by to_char(td.datetime_act_comp_dump, 'IYYY'),
to_char(td.datetime_act_comp_dump-7/24, 'IW'),
order by to_char(td.datetime_act_comp_dump-7/24, 'IW') DESC
Any advice on what might be going wrong?
The only thing that I can think of without more information is that the datetime_act_comp_dump column of train_details isn't indexed and wid_date is. This sounds like a pretty normal performance issue where something is not indexed or the train and train_details tables are dramatically different sizes and your join is blowing up.
I'm not sure which DB you are using, but you might want to figure out how to run the query execution plan profiler and see what the difference between the two execution plans are. I suspect that the answer is going to be something structural or maybe that the concatenation in the join statement is causing some DB-specific problems.
I managed to get it to run muuuuuuuch faster by creating a subquery for widsys tables and one for tpps tables. Then doing an implicit inner join on two columns instead of concatenating.
SELECT blah FROM (widsys subquery) w, (tpps subquery) t WHERE w.mine_code = t.mine_code and w.train_id = t.train_tpps_id