Variable does not save event.response from network.request -Lua - variables

I am trying to create a Lua program using Sublime and Corona. I want to fetch a webpage, use a pattern to extract certain text from the page, and then save the extracted text into a table. I am using the network.request method provided by Corona
The problem: The extracted text is not saving into the global variable I created. Whenever I try to reference it or print it outside of the function it returns nil. Any ideas why this is happening?
I have attached a screen shot of my event.response output. This is what I want to be saved into my Lua table
Event.response Output
Here is my code:
local restaurants = {}
yelpString = ""
--this method tells the program what to do once the website is retrieved
local function networkListener( event )
if ( event.isError ) then
print( "Network error: ", event.response )
yelpString = event.response
--loops through the website to find the pattern that extracts
restaurant names and prints it out
for i in string.gmatch(yelpString, "<span >(.-)<") do
table.insert(restaurants, i)
-- retrieves the website
network.request( "
cflt=restaurants&find_loc=Cleveland%2C+OH%2C+US", "GET", networkListener )

This sounds like a scoping problem. From the output you give, it looks like networkListener is being called, and you are successfully adding the text into the restaurants table. Moreover, since you define restaurants as a table, it should be a table when you reference it, not nil. So by deduction, the issue must be that you are trying to access the restaurants table from somewhere where it is not in scope.
If you declare restaurants as "local" in the top level of a file (i.e. not within a function or a block), it will be accessible to the whole file, but it won't be accessible to anything outside the file. So the table.insert(restaurants, i) in your code will work, but if you try to reference restaurants from somewhere outside the file, it will be nil. I'm guessing this is the cause of the problems that you are running into.
For more details on scope, have a look at the Programming in Lua book. The book is for Lua 5.0, but the scoping rules for local variables have not changed in later versions of Lua (as of this writing, the latest is Lua 5.3).


How does the Global Image ID work ? - Linking Dual-EELS datasets

Is there a way to script a pair of dual-EELS SIs so that DM recognises them as siblings (say, for use in the "SI->Align SI by Peak" menu option)?
I have a script which performs a transformation on a pair of dualEELS SIs where the results are given in new images with all the tags copied from the original. The new SIs do not seem to be acknowledged by the SI options as a pair, however. A MWE of how this occurs is below:
image a, b
GetTwoLabeledImagesWithPrompt("Get SI", \
"Get DualEELS SIs", \
"Low-Loss", a, \
"High-Loss", b)
image LL, HL
LL := a.ImageClone()
HL := b.ImageClone()
Assuming that the two inputs are real dualEELS SIs. Attempting afterward to run a method like "SI->Align SI by Peak" on the outputs does not recognise the second SI as a sibling.
I suspect that my issue is in properly assigning the four EELS:Dual acquire sibling:UID tags highlighted in the image provided, however I have no idea how (or if) these are accessible from the scripting language.
Thanks in advance for any help you are able to render.
Yes, "siblings" in DigitalMicrograph are recognized by tag-checks and tagging of the Unique Image Id (UID).
Depending on the exact application/plugin, there might be additional tag-checks before a sibling can be accepted (i.e. "is it EELS data?", "is it spatially compatible?", etc.) but he prime-mechanism is using the UID.
A bit of background info
The UID is a set of four long-numbers generated at random whenever a new image data is created, and then subsequently stored with the data. It is "unique" by the assumption that a set of four randomly generated 8-byte longs are "unique".
If you create an image, save it to disc, and open it, the UID will be the same. (It is stored with the data.)
If you ImageClone() an image, it gets a new UID.
If you copy a image file on the hard drive and rename it, it will retain the UID.
Creating and using UIDs
The commands to get an image's UID are described in the F1 help documentation here:
And the example section even has a script showing how one uses UID to "link" data together:

Netsuite Advanced PDF BOM

I am creating a print out for BOM using advanced pdf. I am trying to get get the value of the Start Date from the work order but in the print out, it is empty. I set this using ${record.startdate}. Is this correct? Is there another internal id for start date and end date in the work order?
If the object passed to the pdf generator name is "record" offcourse you can reference is as it is. It depends on the passed parameter name. If you are modifying existing html check the rest of the script and you will see if its 'record' or not.
You can reference with ${record.startDate} and ${record.endDate}
All the available fields for the object can be found here.

GOS attachments download

Basically I have some attachments listed in the Generic Object Services (GOS) and I need to download all of them to my computer.
I need to know how do download these attachments programatically from my program/report.
I've never actually had to do this myself, but I think this is how it's done:
Get the list of attachments by calling cl_binary_relation=>read_links passing in the ID of the object that the attachments are attached to. The it_relation_options table should be filled with a relation like so:
la_relat-sign = 'I'.
la_relat-option = 'EQ'.
la_relat-low = 'ATTA'. "Attachements
APPEND la_relat TO lt_relat.
This tells read_links to get the related objects classed as attachments.
Once you've successfully got the attachment details, you should be able to loop over the results table and pass each to the SO_OBJECT_READ function module (if that doesn't work try SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1). This expects a folder id and a document id; in the results of read_links these may be concatenated together into one string (with the object type, e.g. SOFM at the front).
SO_OBJECT_READ will give you the binary content. You can then call SO_OBJECT_DOWNLOAD with (I think) filetype = 'BIN'.
Hope that helps!

Keeping track of user ID with custom authentication

I am currently making an app on, and I've been trying to solve this for a couple hours now, but I have no idea how to.
Alright, so basically my application has custom authentication based on a user table I created inside of my application. Therefore, it seems to render useless most APEX_UTIL functions to retrieve info on the current user. The issue is, I am trying to find a way to store the user's numeric ID from my table in the session, so I could retrieve it directly in the queries throughout my application, in order to do something like WHERE id = :MEMBER_ID instead of WHERE UPPER(username) = UPPER(:APP_USER).
Now, the way I attempted to do this is by creating a Post Authentication procedure that retrieves the user ID based on the username, and stores that value in the session using APEX_UTIL.SET_SESSION_STATE( p_name => 'MEMBER_ID', p_value => member_id ). However, it seems that SET_SESSION_STATE is unable to create custom session values or something, returning an ERR-1002 every time I use a value name that isn't specifically mentioned in the documentation.
I am a total newbie to APEX so I am probably unaware of something, however I have done many searches, but I could not find anything specifically related to my issue.
Thanks a lot if you can help.
You're trying to store a value into an item, whether page or application level. This requires that the item with that name exists in one of those scopes. So, do you have an item somewhere that is called MEMBER_ID?
I'd suggest you create one in the application scope. Go through Shared Components > Application items. Once created, you should be able to assign a value either through apex_util.set_session_state or with bind variable syntax eg :MEMBER_ID := somevariable;
There are a number of ways you can do this. Some have already been suggested in other answers.
Application Item (as per Tom's answer)
PL/SQL package global (as per hol's answer) - although you'd have to reset it for each call (e.g. by adding code to the application's Security Attribute Initialization PL/SQL Code and clearing it by adding code to Cleanup PL/SQL Code).
Globally Accessible Context - this method, while a little more complex, has some benefits especially for security and debugging. I've described it here:, but basically:
Create a globally accessible context:
In the post-authentication procedure (in the database package MY_PACKAGE), you can store the data you wish to keep track of, e.g.
(namespace => 'MY_CONTEXT'
,attribute => 'MEMBER_ID'
,value => '12345whatever'
,client_id => v('APP_USER') || ':' || v('APP_SESSION'));
(note the caveats in my blog article and the subsequent comments from others about CLIENT_IDENTIFIER not being reliably set at the post-auth stage)
In your views, code, etc. you can access the MEMBER_ID by simply referring to SYS_CONTEXT('MY_CONTEXT','MEMBER_ID').

How do you move a SharePoint 2010 DocumentSet from one list to another?

I've tried many variations.
Send To Library - That creates a Zipped file in the Drop Off Library, then it doesn't route via the rules in Content Organizer
API - I've tried to do an Export, Import, but always receive the same error. This is per this MSDN documentation:
Sample snippet:
byte[] exportedFile = set.Export();
DocumentSet.Import(exportedFile, DocSetNameToCreate, targetFolder, dsCt.Id, properties, web.CurrentUser);
Error Received:
DocID: Site prefix not set.
Finally got it to run. This is related to the Document ID Feature. Make sure it is activated in each site. Let is run over night (timer jobs need to run). Then the content organizer will successfully move and unpackage your document sets.
You don't have to activate the document id feature, just ensure that in the property bag of the root web of the destination site collection (where the document set will be imported again) exists a property named "docid_msft_hier_siteprefix" with an value of "" (empty string).
Use this powershell-script:
$site = Get-SPSite http://host/sites/yoursite
$properties = $site.RootWeb.Properties
if ($properties["docid_msft_hier_siteprefix"] -eq $null)
$properties["docid_msft_hier_siteprefix"] = ""
Note that i use the old property bag RootWeb.Properties instead of the new hashtable RootWeb.AllProperties, thats because the class Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Internal.OobProvider still uses that.
So why is it failing when a document set is imported? The function DocumentSet.ImportProperties() catches an ArgumentException while trying to set the document id of the document set list item (so there's no problem if the document id column doesn't exist yet).
But they missed that the function OobProvider.GetSitePrefix() which is called through the function OobProvider.GenerateDocumentId() throws an InvalidOperationException if the property bag doesn't contain the prefix property.