How to insert nested data to an existing record using bigquery streaming - google-bigquery

I am trying to understand bigQuery and see if it fits our needs.
One of the basic requirements we have is to store a nested structure such that the nested part needs to be stored separately than the main record.
Let's say we have a record of an employee, after storing the main data for the employee, let's say a minute after, another record would arrive with employee previous work place (and then another such record may arrive)
So we need to store te first employee record, and then update the structure to add a detail about the employee, this detail is also inserted as new record and does not overwrite an existing record.
How can this be done in bigQuerY?
Assuming we may have different sources of the data?

The preferred and recommended way to store that in BigQuery is append-only. That means that you are limited to do update/delete, and you constantly instant new rows.
By having a stream of rows from the same user, you need to write your queries in a such way to pick the last row, to obtain the most recent profile. But you have all the 'versioning' of all the stream that came in.
In other words you use Streaming Insert functionality to constantly add new rows. Then you have your SQL queries usually with Window Functions to pick last row.
You cannot update a row, or append to a record as BigQuery limits DML statements to 96 per table.


Advice on changing the partition field for dynamic BigQuery tables

I am dealing with the following issue: I have a number of tables imported into BigQuery from an external source via AirByte with _airbyte_emitted_at as the default setting for partition field.
As this default choice for a partition field is not very lucrative, the need to change the partition field naturally presents itself. I am aware of the method available for changing partitions of existing tables, by means of a CREATE TABLE FROM SELECT * statement, however the new tables thus created - essentially copies of the original ones, with modified partition fields - will be mere static snapshots and no longer dynamically update, as the originals do each time new data is recorded in the external source.
Given such a context, what would the experienced members of this forum suggest as a solution to the problem?
Being that I am a relative beginner in such matters, I apologise in advance for any potential lack of clarity. I look forward to improving the clarity, should there be any suggestions to do so from interested readers & users of this forum.
I can think of 2 approaches to overcome this.
Approach 1 :
You can use Scheduled queries to copy the newly inserted rows to your 2nd table. You have to write the query in such a way that it will always select the latest rows from your main table and once you have that you can use Insert Into statement to append the rows in your 2nd table.
Since Schedule queries run at specific times the only drawback will be the the 2nd table will not get updated immediately whenever there is a new row in the main table, it will get the latest data whenever the Scheduled Query runs.
If you do not wish to have the latest data always in your 2nd table then this approach is the easier one to achieve.
Approach 2 :
You can trigger Cloud Actions for BigQuery events such as Insert, delete, update etc. Whenever a new row gets inserted in your main table ,using Cloud Run Actions you can insert that new data in your 2nd table.
You can follow this article , here a detailed solution has been given.
If you wish to have the latest data always in your 2nd table then this would be a good way to do so.

The best way to Update the database table through a pyspark job

I have a spark job that gets data from multiple sources and aggregates into one table. The job should update the table only if there is new data.
One approach I could think of is to fetch the data from the existing table, and compare with the new data that comes in. The comparison happens in the spark layer.
I was wondering if there is any better way to compare, that can improve the comparison performance.
Please let me know if anyone has a suggestion on this.
Thanks much in advance.
One approach I could think of is to fetch the data from the existing
table, and compare with the new data that comes in
IMHO entire data compare to load new data is not performant.
Option 1:
Instead you can create google-bigquery partition table and create a partition column to load the data and also while loading new data you can check whether the new data has same partition column.
Hitting partition level data in hive or bigquery is more useful/efficient than selecting entire data and comparing in spark.
Same is applicable for hive as well.
see this Creating partitioned tables
Creating and using integer range partitioned tables
Option 2:
Another alternative is with GOOGLE bigquery we have merge statement, if your requirement is to merge the data with out comparision, then you can go ahead with MERGE statement .. see doc link below
A MERGE statement is a DML statement that can combine INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations into a single statement and perform the operations atomically.
Using this, We can get performance improvement because all three operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) are performed in one pass. We do not need to write an individual statement to update changes in the target table.
There are many ways this problem can be solved, one of the less expensive, performant and scalable way is to use a datastore on the file system to determine true new data.
As data comes in for the 1st time write it to 2 places - database and to a file (say in s3). If data is already on the database then you need to initialize the local/s3 file with table data.
As data comes in 2nd time onwards, check if it is new based its presence on local/s3 file.
Mark delta data as new or updated. Export this to database as insert or update.
As time goes by this file will get bigger and bigger. Define a date range beyond which updated data won’t be coming. Regularly truncate this file to keep data within that time range.
You can also bucket and partition this data. You can use deltalake to maintain it too.
One downside is that whenever database is updated this file may need to be updated based on relevant data is being Changed or not. You can maintain a marker on the database table to signify sync date. Index that column too. Read changed records based on this column and update the file/deltalake.
This way your sparl app will be less dependent on a database. The database operations are not very scalable so keeping them away from critical path is better
Shouldnt you have a last update time in you DB? The approach you are using doesnt sound scalable so if you had a way to set update time to each row in the table it will solve the problem.

Google BigQuery There are no primary key or unique constraints, how do you prevent duplicated records being inserted?

Google BigQuery has no primary key or unique constraints.
We cannot use traditional SQL options such as insert ignore or insert on duplicate key update so how do you prevent duplicate records being inserted into Google BigQuery?
If I have to call delete first (based on unique key in my own system) and then insert to prevent duplicate records being inserted into bigquery, wouldn't that that be too inefficient? I would assume that insert is the cheapest operation, no query, just append data. For each insert if I have to call delete, it will be too inefficient and cost us extra money.
What is your advice and suggestions based on your experience?
It would be nice that bigquery has primary key, but it might be conflict with the algorithms/data structure that bigquery is based on?
So let's clear some facts up in the first place.
Bigquery is a managed data warehouse suitable for large datasets, and it's complementary to a traditional database, rather than a replacement.
Up until early 2020 there was only a maximum of 96 DML (update,delete) operations on a table per day. That low limited forced you to think of BQ as a data lake. That limit has been removed but it demonstrates that the early design of the system was oriented around "append-only".
So, on BigQuery, you actually let all data in, and favor an append-only design. That means that by design you have a database that holds a new row for every update. Hence if you want to use the latest data, you need to pick the last row and use that.
We actually leverage insights from every new update we add to the same row. For example, we can detect how long it took for the end-user to choose his/her country at signup flow. Because we have a dropdown of countries, it took some time until he/she scrolled to the right country, and metrics show this, because we ended up in BQ with two rows, one prior country selected, and one after country selected and based on time selection we were able to optimize the process. Now on our country drop-down we have first 5 most recent/frequent countries listed, so those users no longer need to scroll and pick a country; it's faster.
"Bulk Delete and Insert" is the approach I am using to avoid the duplicated records. And Google's own "Youtube BigQuery Transfer Services" is using "Bulk Delete and Insert" too.
"Youtube BigQuery Transfer Services" push daily reports to the same set of report tables every day. Each record has a column "date".
When we run Youtube Bigquery Transfer backfill (ask youtube bigquery transfer to push the reports for certain dates again.) Youtube BigQury Transfer services will first, delete the full dataset for that date in the report tables and then insert the full dataset of that date back to the report tables again.
Another approach is drop the results table (if it already exists) first, and then re-create the results table and re-input the results into the tables again. I used this approach a lot. Everyday, I have my process data results saved in some results tables in the daily dataset. If I rerun the process for that day, my script will check if the results tables for that day exist or not. If table exists for that day, delete it and then re-create a fresh new table, and then reinput the process results to the new created table.
BigQuery now doesn't have DML limits.

Is it viable to have a SQL table with only one row and one column?

I'm currently working on my first application that uses a database so I'm very new to this. The database has multiple tables that are what you would expect to normally see.
However, I created one table which only has one row and one column used to keep a count of the total items processed by the program so it's available to access elsewhere. I can't just use
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name
because these items that I am processing I do not want to actually keep in a table.
It seems like a waste to use a table to store one value so I am wondering if there a better way to keep track of this value.
What is your table storing? it's storing some kind of processing audit. So make it a little more useful - add a column storing the last datetime that the data was processed. Add a column for the time it took to process. Add another column which stores the username (or some identifier) of whoever ran the process. Now add a row for every table that is processed (there's only one now but there might be more in future). Try and envisage how your processing is going to grow in future

Database history for client usage

I'm trying to figure out what would be the best way to have a history on a database, to track any Insert/Delete/Update that is done. The history data will need to be coded into the front-end since it will be used by the users. Creating "history tables" (a copy of each table used to store history) is not a good way to do this, since the data is spread across multiple tables.
At this point in time, my best idea is to create a few History tables, which the tables would reflect the output I want to show to the users. Whenever a change is made to specific tables, I would update this history table with the data as well.
I'm trying to figure out what the best way to go about would be. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
I am using Oracle + VB.NET
I have used very successfully a model where every table has an audit copy - the same table with a few additional fields (time stamp, user id, operation type), and 3 triggers on the first table for insert/update/delete.
I think this is a very good way of handling this, because tables and triggers can be generated from a model and there is little overhead from a management perspective.
The application can use the tables to show an audit history to the user (read-only).
We've got that requirement in our systems. We added two tables, one header, one detail called AuditRow and AuditField. The AuditRow contains one row per row changed in any other table, and the AuditField contains one row per column changed with old value and new value.
We have a trigger on every table that writes a header row (AuditRow) and the needed detail rows (one per changed colum) on each insert/update/delete. This system does rely on the fact that we have a guid on every table that can uniquely represent the row. Doesn't have to be the "business" or "primary" key, but it's a unique identifier for that row so we can identify it in the audit tables. Works like a champ. Overkill? Perhaps, but we've never had a problem with auditors. :-)
And yes, the Audit tables are by far the largest tables in the system.
If you are lucky enough to be on Oracle 11g, you could also use the Flashback Data Archive
Personally, I would stay away from triggers. They can be a nightmare when it comes to debugging and not necessarily the best if you are looking to scale out.
If you are using an PL/SQL API to do the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETEs you could manage this in a simple shift in design without the need (up front) for history tables.
All you need are 2 extra columns, DATE_FROM and DATE_THRU. When a record is INSERTed, the DATE_THRU is left NULL. If that record is UPDATEd or DELETEd, just "end date" the record by making DATE_THRU the current date/time (SYSDATE). Showing the history is as simple as selecting from the table, the one record where DATE_THRU is NULL will be your current or active record.
Now if you expect a high volume of changes, writing off the old record to a history table would be preferable, but I still wouldn't manage it with triggers, I'd do it with the API.
Hope that helps.