Why Qt5 QtWebView just for QML Application on Android and IOS - qml

Qt5 QtWebView use the native webview apis to show web pages, and it's a good idea. But why does QtWebView just support QML application?
I designed my mobile apps for Android and IOS. I chose Qt5, because it took only one day to design 10 pages of my apps. I love Qt very much. But when I want webview to show a web page, there is no better solution.
Two ways I can think of are:
QML WebView
Qt call Android and IOS code.
But it will affect the user experience. So what should I do?
Why does QtWebView not support C++ code? I just add it to UI files , and code my apps very fast. I know QML is very good , but we can't ignore C++.
The offical document: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebview-index.html
QML Types
The module provides a single QML component for displaying web content in the application: WebView.


Video Call in Ionic and Overlay Screen In Ionic Application

How can I integrate Mesibo Video APIs in Ionic? Gone through the docs but couldn't see anything IONIC specific.
Is there any IONIC Demo Application ?
Is there any other way to use Mesibo Android sdk in Ionic application?
I want to implement video call overlay screen concept where 'while one to one video call in place and user can work on all the application pages in parallel'. Please let know if this feature can be implemented in Ionic application using Mesibo APIs.
mesibo provides native APIs for Android (Java & Kotlin), iOS (obj-c, Swift), C++, Javascript, and Python. You need to write a plugin if you like to using mesibo (or any native android library) from ionic

Why do react-native packages use native SDKs and not JS/web versions?

Purely informational question, not really a problem but:
I remember following the instructions and seeing that there were some steps to get the react-native-fbsdk working. These steps involved messing with my android build.gradle and adding the iOS SDK and the info.plist and whatnot. That aside, why doesn't Facebook utilize the javascript SDK? Is it not possible? If so, why is it not possible for Facebook to do this? If it is possible, why did they opt to utilize the both the android and iOS SDK?
One value prop of React Native is that it's not just an HTML 5 website embedded in a native wrapper. It literally uses the native APIs/components, and the same goes for SDKs. Technically, a pure JS SDK could be optimized for a browser experience, rely on window or document, and while the functionality might be able to be executed natively, the polyfills provided in RN might not be enough to cover the implementation. The way it makes API calls are probably different too. The views are different too (no DOM in RN), so that would apply for any SDK views (button?).
I just finished converting an iOS SDK to a React Native package and I feel that the implementation will be more inline with how the original iOS SDK was designed, since it's using those methods under the covers instead of pure JS. JS is just invoking the native methods, not taking over the methods.
Just my $0.02...

Main differences between Appcelerator Titanium and React native

Both frameworks are (hybrid) mobile app frameworks which try to access the native UI components with the JavaScript API provided by the different platforms like iOS and Android. They don't use any HTML and CSS for the UI design like e.g. Ionic do and they are not wrapper frameworks but actually a kind of cross-compiler frameworks. That's what i found out. BUT I didn't get the actual differences between these two frameworks. Why should i prefer one of these? Are they doing exactly the same job?
best regards, Tom
I know this is quite old, but I'll give my answer for the benefit of anyone else arriving here.
Full disclosure, I worked for Appcelerator from 2012-2019.
In short, they're both quite similar.
You write a specific flavor of JavaScript that includes custom objects
Your JavaScript code gets compressed, minified, etc. so it becomes the input to an interpreter that gets shipped with your app
When your app runs, it launches the interpreter which starts executing your code
At this point, JavaScript is being run in "native land", so the interpreter can act as a bridge between your JavaScript code and the native SDK
The result is a native app with access to features of the underlying platform
A "native app" shouldn't simply be defined as an app that runs natively, because that would make a PhoneGap app a native app.
A "native app" should be defined as an app that runs and behaves natively. That means, an app that abides by the native OS' ui/ux guidelines.
I'd have to say that the main difference is its internal design. Appcelerator started in 2007, when "mobile" was very young.
React Native was launched in 2015.
In 2015 mobile was already in full swing, and mobile OS' were pretty mature, so I infer that React Native's design benefits from all lessons learned by Appcelerator (and others).
As for which one is better, I'd say React, because Titanium is now dead.

Getting sproutcore application files to use them in a native app via Appcelerator Titanium

I would like build a app using sproucore framework, but i also want to integrate it with Titanium to have some desktop capability like file system, packaging, offline working etc...
I know that with sproutcore 2 this would be pretty easy since it allows to use the framework like a normal javascript library. But the project is still in beta and the docs are patchy at most (I consider patchy even the 1.x docs, actually).
So, I want to ask, which would be the best way to go to integrate sproutcore and Titanium API?
Titanium's main mission is to use JavaScript to build native apps, not to provide a OS-access layer for web apps. It would be hard to mix native and SproutCore UI elements.
That being said, here's some information that might help you:
Titanium has reversed it's application model starting with version 1.0:
The main app doesn't run in a web view anymore, instead it runs directly in JavaScriptCore and creates only native UI elements. One of the native UI elements is a web view
and it's possible to make that full screen and run your SproutCore app inside of the web view. From there, you can call out to Titanium to call Titanium methods for file system access and the like.
Also, if you only target the desktop, you could even access the JavaScript context object of a webview and use it directly in JavaScriptCore.

I'm confused about the tools/frameworks for mobile web app development

I'm confused. What are the differences between Sencha, Titanium, and Cappuccino?
(I'm assuming you're talking about Appcelerator Titanium.)
Probably the biggest difference is the language used. Cappuccino uses a language called Objective-J, which is VERY similar to the Objective-C language used for native Mac and iPhone/iPad apps, but then gets compiled into Javascript for a web app. The other two use HTML/JS like a native web app.
Also, there's the big question of what the application actually looks like on a mobile platform, and what features it can access. Cappuccino and Sencha, AFAIK, allow you to design web apps that are optimized for mobile. But, since they're just glorified web pages, they won't be able to get things like accelerometer or GPS data; they aren't native iPhone or Android apps. Titanium, however, compiles to a native iPhone or Android app and allows you to do those things. Titanium can also compile to a native desktop application.
Hope this helps!
Sencha is the web-based javascript framework to develop webapp. You must use Sencha with other platform such as PhoneGap in order to run this webapp in iPhone / Android. There are many web-based javascript framework like Sencha such as jQuery Mobile, Magic Framework, xUI...
Titanium is different. It also use Javascript for develop app. But Titanium will compile these javascript to objective-C code. It mean when using Titanium, you develop native app, not webapp as PhoneGap.