Changing default settings for Cmake configuration in CLion - cmake

In the settings for CLion, CMake only appears in Build, Execution, Deployment under project specific settings. It does not exist under Default Settings. Is there a way I can specify a universal CMake configuration such that it is available to all projects by default for current and all future projects unless specified otherwise?
For example let's say I want to set the Generation path of all projects to a default location of build. Instead of manually editing the project settings for each project to include that, is there a workaround to set that as the default?
Please try to provide a solution that will only affect a local environment

Only starting from CLion 2019.3 there is ability to configure CMake defaults.
It will affect all new projects (without .idea config directory).
You can specify default build types/toolchains, CMake options, generation path etc.
Also there is pretty nice macro $PROJECT_NAME$.


MsBuild: Forcing a rebuild when changing build configuration

I have a #if in a project that depends on which build configuration is selected (eg: Debug, QA, and other test environments). When a user changes the build configuration in VS2015/Xamarin Studio, I need the IDE to force a rebuild on this project when the user builds the solution. How do I do this? At the moment, rebuilding the solution will reuse the compiled dll's.
In other words, how do I set a project dirty after a user changes the build configuration to force a rebuild.
Make sure the Output path of the project is unique to the build configuration. Otherwise MsBuild will just compare the timestamp of the input files and the existing output files and will conclude that a rebuild is not required.
It is assumed that when two projects build a different configuration, that they also write to a different folder for this reason.
Normally the output location is set to .\bin\$(configuration) to ensure this is the default behavior.

Using IntelliJ IDEA for project using Makefiles

An existing Java project uses makefiles (which in turn uses ANT).
I want to work on this project using IntelliJ IDEA. However, no IntelliJ specific files, e.g. project files, should be checked in to version control.
How can I configure the project so that:
Makefiles can be run from inside IntelliJ IDEA.
Change Build > Make Project so that it either does nothing or runs some make target (in a makefile). I do not want to the standard behavior of compiling into ./bin since this potentially can conflict with the makefiles.
For Windows users
So far, the guidance provided by Dannil Maslov ( see intelliJ IDEA thread here ) worked for me.
Install GnuWin32 (Make for Windows).
Install the IDEA Makefile plugin.
Go to settings and specify the path to make executable under: File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Make | Path to Make executable (by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\make.exe). Check "Use Cygwin" if necessary.
If you have used chocolatey ( choco install make ) , change the path in step 3 accordingly.
You should be up and running.
A compilation database feature became available in 2018.
The help page says:
Make-based projects:
The compiledb-generator tool creates compilation databases for make-based build systems.
Bear and intercept-build tools:
Bear and intercept-build from scan-build are the tools to help you get a compilation database by intercepting compiler calls during the build.
(Bear and intercept-build work on Linux, by injecting themselves into LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

How can I configure CMake generated Eclipse project's Build Command and Project Paths?

Our project uses CMake to configure our code. We use Ninja along with a distributed build system. A number of people on our team use Eclipse CDT. We run CMake with the "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja" generator and the result is generally pretty good.
The issues is that any time a CMake file is changed and you ask Eclipse to build the code it regenerate the eclipse project file overwriting any manual changes you've made to the project.
For example the default build command that it provides the eclipse project is /usr/bin/ninja when in fact I want to take advantage of our distributed build system and set the build command to /usr/bin/ninja -j16. It would be nice if I could have the project file that CMake generates automatically include this setting change.
The other setting I am most interested in preserving is the C/C++ Project Paths->Source. As a general rule we place our CMake build directory as a sibling to the main project directory i.e. ./project ./build. We want to include some files in the build directory in the Eclipse index to make code completion and other tools work better. The default project doesn't include the build directory in source path and thus it does not get indexed.
Is there some way to remedy these issues?
I found a solution to build command issue.
When you run cmake to generate the eclipse project include the additional argument:-DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_NINJA_ARGUMENTS=-j100. I haven't confirmed but I believe a similar command is required for eclipse make projects -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j100.
Unfortunately this feature is poorly documented and I have not found a solution to my other issue.

Clion CMakeLists.txt not found when switching PC

I'm having issues with Clion (1.0.1) and CMakeLists.txt.
I use GitHub for my projects, and I commit them from directly within the IDE. If I then checkout the project on a different computer, the IDE looks for CMakeLists.txt in the original PC's directory.
The specific error message reported by Clion is this:
Error: CmakeLists.txt not found in C:\Users\Chris\ClionProjects\SDLTestClion
However, this is a Linux machine, so there's obviously no C drive.
Here's what I've tried:
File > Invalidate Caches/Restart
Change Project Root (from the CMake Window; the obvious solution)
File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake
There are no settings or variables here that indicate the directory above.
I can't find anything else, so either I'm missing something or this is bugged in version 1.0.1 and I need to sift through project files to change the path that Clion looks for the CMakeLists.txt file.
Well, I found the issue. As far as I can tell, in version 1.0.1 there is no way to remedy the problem through the IDE.
Go to projectDir/.idea
Open misc.xml
Edit the field PROJECT_DIR to point to the directory with the project's CMakeLists.txt.
I think this is a bug and this field should probably be updated when choosing a new project root. A temporary solution may be to add misc.xml to .gitignore but I haven't tested this and don't know if this will cause other problems or if the IDE will automatically regenerate the file.

Target build settings in Project build settings in Xcode

Can we set the build settings for different targets in the project build settings in xcode?
Yes, just select the target, get info, and change your build settings. You can get-info on the project to set global settings, get-info on individual targets to make things more specific, and change configurations (debug/release/etc.) in both areas for build specific behaviors.