Different reasoning results between Stardog and Protege - semantic-web

I'm trying to understand why I'm obtaining different results between Stardog and Protege reasoning.
I have the following ontology in both tools:
Class: Number
Number DisjointUnionOf OddNumber,EvenNumber
OddNumber subClassOf Number
EvenNumber subClassOf Number
EvenNumber EquivalentTo hasValue {"2", "4", "6" }
DataProperty: hasValue
hasValue Range xsd:string
hasValue SubPropertyOf: owl:topDataProperty
hasValue Domain Number
Functional: hasValue
Then I create two instances called num1 and num2 which are defined as follows:
num1 hasValue "1"^^xsd:string
individual: num1
num1 Type Number
num2 hasValue "2"^^xsd:string
individual: num2
num2 Type Number
When applying reasoning in Protege and Stardog, both reasoners show that num2 is an instance of EvenNumber and Number.
When applying the reasoners with num1, Protege says num1 is an instance of OddNumber and Number, while Stardog says num1 is just an instance of Number.
I need Stardog to classify num1 as an OddNumber too. Am I missing some restriction in order to achieve this behavior? Is it possible to configure Stardog to behave like this?
Note: I'm using a default installation of Stardog (version 4.2.3) and Protege (version 5.1.0) by default with reasoner Hermit 1.3.8.

The reason Stardog is returning no results is that there is an unsupported axiom in your ontology (EvenNumber EquivalentTo hasValue {"2", "4", "6" }), which is being ignored. There should be a line in your stardog.log file saying as much.
There are two possible solutions to this:
Configure your Stardog server to approximate axioms that ARE supported instead of just ignoring the unsupported ones (via reasoning.approximate=true). This is not guaranteed, but in this case it could work.
Replace this axiom with a supported one; a stardog rule would work nicely.
For further help with either of these, feel free to make a post in the support forums over at Stardog community.


IsNumeric() allowing minus at last of the values

I am using IsNumeric() function in my code to validate numbers.
IsNumeric(100) - true,
IsNumeric(-100) - true,
IsNumeric(+100) - true,
IsNumeric(100-) - true - I have doubt in this. (100-) Is this a valid number? IsNumeric () returns true to this value.
Dim latitude As String = "12.56346-"
If IsNumeric(latitude) Then
If (Convert.ToDouble(latitude) >= -90 And Convert.ToDouble(latitude) <= 90) Then
isValidLatitude.Text = "true"
isValidLatitude.Text = "false"
End If
isValidLatitude.Text = "false"
End If
Error while converting latitude to double
Input string was not in a correct format.
IsNumeric is from the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace/dll, a bunch of helper stuff intended to help VB6 programmers get their arcane VB6 code /knowledge working on VB.NET
You'll note if you use other functions from the same dll such as Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Int(), or you use dedicated VB.NET converters such as CInt or CDbl these will also cope with a trailing minus sign and return a negative value
If you want to dispense with the old ways of VB6, use a numeric type's TryParse.. but all in, be consistent / if you use a function from Microsoft.VisualBasic to determine if a conversion can be made, use the vb conversion because within itself the package will be consistent but between Microsoft.VB and normal .net System there are some differences in behavior
A couple of people have been wondering about the source code and how it uses TryParse, so why doesn't it work like using TryParse directly?
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric() uses Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DoubleType.TryParse() to determine whether an expression is numeric. This DoubleType.TryParse is not the same as Double.TryParse - it is a helper method again in the VB namespace that specifically sets the NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign flag among many other flags. When parsing the number (first as non currency related, using Double.Parse, then if it fails a second attempt is made using adjusted values for currency related tests) this AllowTrailingSign flag will be considered in conjunction with other regional number formatting rules in determining if the passed in value is numeric
You'll note that on a machine obeying a USA number formatting culture, a string of "(100$)" is also declared to be numeric but calling Double.TryParse("(100$)", x) will also return false. The VB helper methods here are being a lot more liberal in what they accept than the System methods, because they're telling the System methods to be more liberal than they are by default
As noted, I've always regarded the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace as a bunch of helper methods intended to allow terrible old VB6 code to be pasted into VB.NET and work with minimal fiddling. I wouldn't advocate using it for new projects and I remove the reference when I work on VB.NET - using it to support the VB6 notions of "just sling anything in, of any type, and it'll probably figure it out and work.. and if it doesn't we can always on error resume next" should be discarded in favour of precise and accurate about the operations executed and their intent
Note: my previous answers were wrong about assuming it was a bug. As the answer of #Damien_The_Unbeliever states, this function tries to validate the string as a lot of data types. And actually, the value "100-" is a valid Decimal number. That's why it returns true (as it's a "valid" Decimal) but gives a exception when converting to Double (as it's not a valid Double). #Damien_The_Unbeliever really deserves your +1 for pointing that.
From the documentation (showing all the data types that IsNumeric tries to validate):
IsNumeric returns True if the data type of Expression is Boolean, Byte, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long, SByte, Short, Single, UInteger, ULong, or UShort. It also returns True if Expression is a Char, String, or Object that can be successfully converted to a number. Expression can contain non-numeric characters. IsNumeric returns True if Expression is a string that contains a valid hexadecimal or octal number. IsNumeric also returns True if Expression contains a valid numeric expression that begins with a + or - character or contains commas.
Also, #CaiusJard did a nice search and pointed out that inner methods use a NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign option, which allows this behavior.
Ok, now to the solution:
Just use a TryParse method, from your desired data type (int, long, etc...). The cool thing is that it'll behaves exactly as you expect, and if the parsing is successful, we have the parsed value already available to use!
if (Int32.TryParse(value, out int number))
// String is a valid number, and is already parsed in the 'number' variable!
// String is not a valid number!
Solution's VB.Net version:
Dim value As String = "12.56346-"
Dim number As Double = 0
If Double.TryParse(value, number) Then
' String is a valid number, and is already parsed in the "number" variable!
isValidLatitude.Text = "true"
' String is not a valid number!
isValidLatitude.Text = "false"
End If
IsNumeric answers a question no sane person wants to ask. As quoted by Vitox's answer:
IsNumeric returns True if the data type of Expression is Boolean, Byte, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long, SByte, Short, Single, UInteger, ULong, or UShort. It also returns True if Expression is a Char, String, or Object that can be successfully converted to a number.
Note, it doesn't tell you that the given string can be converted to all numeric types. It tells you that the string can be converted to at least one numeric type. And for bonus bad style points, of course, it doesn't tell you which types the string can be converted to.
Decimal.Parse("100-") will execute perfectly well and give you a Decimal containing a value of -100.
So, it's not a bug, it's a bad function that has been retained for backwards compatibility reasons. Nowadays, we know better, and that we want to test whether a string can be converted to a specific data type, for which the TryParse family of functions have been designed.

What is the benefit of defining datatypes for literals in an RDF graph?

I am using rdflib in Python to build my first rdf graph. However, I do not understand the explicit purpose of defining Literal datatypes. I have scraped over the documentation and did my due diligence with google and the stackoverflow search, but I cannot seem to find an actual explanation for this. Why not just leave everything as a plain old Literal?
From what I have experimented with, is this so that you can search for explicit terms in your Sparql query with BIND? Does this also help with FILTERing? i.e. FILTER (?var1 > ?var2), where var1 and var2 should represent integers/floats/etc? Does it help with querying speed? Or am I just way off altogether?
Specifically, why add the following triple to mygraph
mygraph.add((amazingrdf, ns['hasValue'], Literal('42.0', datatype=XSD.float)))
instead of just this?
mygraph.add((amazingrdf, ns['hasValue'], Literal("42.0")))
I suspect that there must be some purpose I am overlooking. I appreciate your help and explanations - I want to learn this right the first time! Thanks!
Comparing two xsd:integer values in SPARQL:
ASK { FILTER (9 < 15) }
Result: true. Now with xsd:string:
ASK { FILTER ("9" < "15") }
Result: false, because when sorting strings, 9 comes after 1.
Some equality checks with xsd:decimal:
ASK { FILTER (+1.000 = 01.0) }
Result is true, it’s the same number. Now with xsd:string:
ASK { FILTER ("+1.000" = "01.0") }
False, because they are clearly different strings.
Doing some maths with xsd:integer:
SELECT (1+1 AS ?result) {}
It returns 2 (as an xsd:integer). Now for strings:
SELECT ("1"+"1" AS ?result) {}
It returns "11" as an xsd:string, because adding strings is interpreted as string concatenation (at least in Jena where I tried this; in other SPARQL engines, adding two strings might be an error, returning nothing).
As you can see, using the right datatype is important to communicate your intent to code that works with the data. The SPARQL examples make this very clear, but when working directly with an RDF API, the same kind of issues crop up around object identity, ordering, and so on.
As shown in the examples above, SPARQL offers convenient syntax for xsd:string, xsd:integer and xsd:decimal (and, not shown, for xsd:boolean and for language-tagged strings). That elevates those datatypes above the rest.

OWL: what is the difference between non-negative integer and positive integer?

I am trying to use Protégé to build my OWL ontology
Whilst building some data properties, I found that OWL has two types: non negative integer and positive integer: what is the difference between them?
They come from XML Schema:
Positive Integer
positiveInteger is ·derived· from nonNegativeInteger by setting the value of ·minInclusive· to be 1. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the positive integer numbers. The ·value space· of positiveInteger is the infinite set {1,2,...}. The ·base type· of positiveInteger is nonNegativeInteger.
Non-Negative Integer
nonNegativeInteger is ·derived· from integer by setting the value of ·minInclusive· to be 0. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the non-negative integers. The ·value space· of nonNegativeInteger is the infinite set {0,1,2,...}. The ·base type· of nonNegativeInteger is integer.

OWL What's the difference between int and integer type

I have a data type property which is the number of parking inside the building. that is a data type property. i set the domain to building, but when i tried to set the range of that property, i found that i have two options, which are int and integer.
i couldn't find the difference between then. could you help please
OWL uses the XSD datatypes in its specification, so this question has the same answer as XSD: What is the difference between xs:integer and xs:int?, which says:
"The difference is the following: xs:int is a signed 32-bit integer. xs:integer is an integer unbounded value."

Is it possible to create custom byte in .net

I am creating a WCF in vb.net inside VS 2010. I have a handful of properties that are currently bytes (0 - 255) and represent different test scores. Is it possible for me to create my own type based on this that will only allow values between 0 and 110? For example, if I have
Dim a as Byte
a = 256
I will get "Constant expression not representable in type 'Byte'." before the code is compiled. I want to have something like this for my own type so the below code would give me "Constant expression not representable in type 'myByte'."
Dim a as myByte
a = 110
You can only use predefined (native) types, as Byte, and implement some features, like overloading operators to check minimum and maximum values. However, not every operator can be overloaded, what, in this case, includes the assignement operator '='.
Check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8edha89s%28v=vs.71%29.aspx and the tutorials if it helps somewhat.
To assign a value tp your type you can make use of properties or methods that set the value checking for boudaries and other conditions, perfectly doable.
But to define it as a native... negative, sir.
Nope, I don't think that's possible. You'll have to use a constructor to initialize your myByte instance and do the range check at runtime (not sure how useful that would be).