SonarLint (IntelliJ Idea) failing to update binding: Minimum required version error - intellij-idea

I haven't been able to update SonarLint's rules from the organization's SonarQube Server for a while now.
It was working perfectly, but suddenly I started to get the following message:
I'm guessing that maybe the SonarQube server was updated to a newer version (currently it is Version 5.6), but how do I upgrade my local plugin version to match it? (if that was what this error means).
I waited for the plugin to release another update (v2.9) and hoped that would do the trick, but it didn't, same result.
I found this page, where it says that for SonarQube 5.6+, I should be using the most recent SonarJava 4.7.1 plugin, but don't know how to say my SonarLint plugin (version to use that.
I would appreciate any help, thanks!
Current environment:
SonarQube Server: 5.6
IntelliJ Idea: 2017.1
IntelliJ SonarLint:

You're using the SonarLint Connected Mode, so the code analyzers (SonarQube Plugins) used are the ones installed on the SonarQube server. The error message here means that, on the SonarQube server, you must upgrade SonarJava to at least v4.0, and a better choice would actually be the latest version altogether.


How to integrate SonarLint with Intellij

I am trying to run Solar Lint with Intellij, when I configure the SonarQube server in the plug-in and "Test Connection"
I keep getting the following error message:
The following plugins do not meet the required minimum versions,
please upgrade them: java (installed: 3.7, minimum: 3.8)
I do not fully understand what this means and I would really appreciate any help on this.
P.S. I cannot upgrade the Java Plugin on the sonar server if that is the only solution to this problem because I have no access to the server administration capabilities.
The message is clear enough and you understood it well: when you want to connect SonarLint to a SonarQube server, there are some constraints on the language plugins that are installed on this server.
In your case, the version of the SonarQube Java plugin is 3.7 whereas only versions above 3.8 are supported in the connected mode.
If you don't have administration permissions, there's nothing you can do about it. You have to stay in the default mode - i.e. no connection to the server, until the SonarQube instance gets updated.

Connected Mode on SonarLint v2.0 on IntelliJ not working?

SonarLint v2.0 for IntelliJ is out now, and has this "connect to sonar server" feature, but even so, it seems it isn't in sync with my server rules.
Is it working for someone?
I'm I missing a step?
Or could it be a bug?
IntelliJ Idea Version: 2016.1
SonarLint Version: 2.0.1
SonarQube Version: 5.4
SonarLint, as of now, won't work with third party analyzers like PMD or FindBug, if you are using those, they will simple be ignored.
You can update your rules in SonarQube Server to only use rules defined in the SonarQube repository, most of them have an equivalent version.
Please check SonarLint console for details and open a thread on SonarLint Google group so that we can investigate.

Nightly Glassfish on Intellij

I'm having trouble with changing GlassFish version to Nigthtly. My Intellij says that it doesn't recognize it as a valid GlassFish home. Could somebody tell me step by step how to get through this?
go to glassfish4/glassfish/lib/install/applications/__admingui/WEB-INF/lib/
change jar name to console-4.1
Although this works I cannot get it to work with the newest version of nightly build.
My mistake was to assume that it was Intellij specific problem, so I installed Netbeans and tried changing GlassFish there and the same problem occured, but this time I knew there's like million more questions on the internet about Netbeans than Intellij and of course I found a solution.

Unable to to load Tomcat plugin in IntelliJ

I am running IntelliJ 15 Ultimate and trying to enable the Tomcat plugin (which for some reason was disabled). However, IntelliJ does not seem to let me re-enable it.
What I have tried is
Re-install IntelliJ 15, and I chose to replace the old version, but the problems with the plugin seem to be persistent
Deleting /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA between the re-installs to ensure it was not being re-used, but with no avail
Verifying that I have a licensed/paid version of IntelliJ 15 Ultimate edition
At this point I'm not sure what to do, as a re-install clearly did not work. Are there any directories or files I could manually change/remove?
I am using OS X version 10.11.2 is that matters.
You need to enable the "Java EE: EJB, JPA, Servlets" plugin as well. The message is displayed because that plugin is not enabled, and the Tomcat plugin depends on it.
The only solution I could come up with was to entirely wipe IntelliJ and any config files it created as described in this answer.
Upon installing IntelliJ once again, the Tomcat plugin was enabled and was able to create a run configuration for that! Maybe not a fix per se, but it works as expected again.

go lang plugin for Intellij IDEA 14.0.x

Is it possible to setup go language pluing for Intellij IDEA 14.0.3 version?
I tried to download the binary plugin (jar) from but the version listed here is old and does not recognize GOROOT and GOPATH.
I tried to build the latest plugin using sources from using Intellij but failed to setup the SDK.
Is there a latest binary version of the go lang plugin available?
Update to IDEA 14.1+ or use the IntelliJ Community.
Original answer:
You can use the free version of IntelliJ Community with the latest version of the plugin and everything should work fine. Also, Android Studio for example is compatible with the plugin as well.
Unfortunately the plugin has some internal dependencies which makes it hard to port back and maintain for multiple IDEA versions. Hope this helps
It might be not the exact answer your are looking for but their is a separate IDE for go developer . it has some unique features you must try GOLAND First month is free.
I also faced up this problem couple days ago. You can download nightly version of go plugin from this link.
You must install this plugin via browse your download folder not repository