Connected Mode on SonarLint v2.0 on IntelliJ not working? - intellij-idea

SonarLint v2.0 for IntelliJ is out now, and has this "connect to sonar server" feature, but even so, it seems it isn't in sync with my server rules.
Is it working for someone?
I'm I missing a step?
Or could it be a bug?
IntelliJ Idea Version: 2016.1
SonarLint Version: 2.0.1
SonarQube Version: 5.4

SonarLint, as of now, won't work with third party analyzers like PMD or FindBug, if you are using those, they will simple be ignored.
You can update your rules in SonarQube Server to only use rules defined in the SonarQube repository, most of them have an equivalent version.

Please check SonarLint console for details and open a thread on SonarLint Google group so that we can investigate.


How to configure SonarLint in IntelliJ?

I was using SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA by using the url of our project. However, I want to configura it independently for my custom projects, but I am confused how should I do that. Could you pls clarify me about the following issues?
1. What is the SonarCloud and SonarCube options for configuring the SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA?
2. If I have not a specific url or server for SonarQube, how should I configure the plugin? Which section should I select (SonarCloud and SonarCube)?
I think you'll find the documentation here.
I don't think the plugin will work if you don't have any installed SonarQube instance, or a SonarCloud account. The plugin needs to interact with a server to retrieve coding rules.

Debugging Camel in IntelliJ community edition

I am using Apache Camel with IntelliJ Community Edition.
I've seen on the official site some kind of debugger for XML DSL, but is not very clear how to use it...
Does it works for the Community edition also? It asks to create a Camel SpringBoot Application run configuration, how I do it?
In fact, when I check for this application, I can't find nothing. I have installed the recommended plugin.
Apache Camel plugin is not compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1. Try using 2021.3 instead.
First, make sure the plugin is installed and enabled. Check your Preferences -> Plugins -> Installed and make sure the Apache Camel plugin is installed, enabled and its version is 0.8.5.
As previously suggested, if you are running version later than 2021.3.2, the plugin may not be supported, try downgrading to 2021.3.2.
Also, check Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Apache Camel -> Miscellaneous and make sure the checkbox "Enable Camel Debugger" is selected.

SonarLint (IntelliJ Idea) failing to update binding: Minimum required version error

I haven't been able to update SonarLint's rules from the organization's SonarQube Server for a while now.
It was working perfectly, but suddenly I started to get the following message:
I'm guessing that maybe the SonarQube server was updated to a newer version (currently it is Version 5.6), but how do I upgrade my local plugin version to match it? (if that was what this error means).
I waited for the plugin to release another update (v2.9) and hoped that would do the trick, but it didn't, same result.
I found this page, where it says that for SonarQube 5.6+, I should be using the most recent SonarJava 4.7.1 plugin, but don't know how to say my SonarLint plugin (version to use that.
I would appreciate any help, thanks!
Current environment:
SonarQube Server: 5.6
IntelliJ Idea: 2017.1
IntelliJ SonarLint:
You're using the SonarLint Connected Mode, so the code analyzers (SonarQube Plugins) used are the ones installed on the SonarQube server. The error message here means that, on the SonarQube server, you must upgrade SonarJava to at least v4.0, and a better choice would actually be the latest version altogether.

JBoss Forge IDEA Plugin - No Spring Boot Option?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 with the JBoss Forge IDEA Plugin.
I saw a video of using it, at 3:17 you can see the menu with Spring Boot included. When they select "Project:New", it shows the "Project Type" drop down menu, including a "Spring Boot" option. I don't see that option in my menu. Here is a video of the behavior on my machine -
I do have the Spring Boot plugin v1.0 installed as well, and it works from the IntelliJ new project menu. Any ideas on getting this option?
I 've had the some problem but with eclipse.
I've installed the fabric8 forge plugin
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:camel,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:camel-commands,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:devops,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:kubernetes,2.3.80
and now works
I'm doing this now and it looks like it's been renamed to "microservice"

How to integrate SonarLint with Intellij

I am trying to run Solar Lint with Intellij, when I configure the SonarQube server in the plug-in and "Test Connection"
I keep getting the following error message:
The following plugins do not meet the required minimum versions,
please upgrade them: java (installed: 3.7, minimum: 3.8)
I do not fully understand what this means and I would really appreciate any help on this.
P.S. I cannot upgrade the Java Plugin on the sonar server if that is the only solution to this problem because I have no access to the server administration capabilities.
The message is clear enough and you understood it well: when you want to connect SonarLint to a SonarQube server, there are some constraints on the language plugins that are installed on this server.
In your case, the version of the SonarQube Java plugin is 3.7 whereas only versions above 3.8 are supported in the connected mode.
If you don't have administration permissions, there's nothing you can do about it. You have to stay in the default mode - i.e. no connection to the server, until the SonarQube instance gets updated.